Commit 8e80d9f7 by liuliang


parent 867cd8d2
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
import Api from '~/service/Api'
export function queryByPage(data) {
return'/manager/oit/queryByPage', data)
export function queryById(data) {
return'/manager/oit/queryById', data)
export function add(data) {
return'/manager/oit/add', data)
export function edit(data) {
return'/manager/oit/edit', data)
export function deleteById(data) {
return'/manager/oit/deleteById', data)
import Cptadv from "./Cptadv"
import Botrad from "./Botrad"
import Gitatt from "./Gitatt"
import Cptopn from "./Cptopn"
import Cptati from "./Cptati"
import Cptato from "./Cptato"
import Diasel from "./Diasel"
import Bopsel from "./Bopsel"
import Boprcv from "./Boprcv"
import Bopsnd from "./Bopsnd"
import Dbainf from "./Dbainf"
import Dbaadd from "./Dbaadd"
import Dbaame from "./Dbaame"
import Dbadel from "./Dbadel"
import Ditame from "./Ditame"
import Ditcan from "./Ditcan"
import Ditsel from "./Ditsel"
import Infdid from "./Infdid"
import Ditopn from "./Ditopn"
import Office from "./Office"
import Sptsel from "./Sptsel"
import Sptbrk from "./Sptsel/Sptbrk"
import Trnrel from "./Trnrel"
import Trnfnd from "./Trnrel/Trnfnd"
import Tstopn from "./Tstopn"
import Bdtudp from "./Bdtudp"
import Bdtdcr from "./Bdtdcr"
import Bdtdck from "./Bdtdck"
import Bdteus from "./Bdteus"
import Trndtl from "./Trnrel/Trndtl"
import Infpta from "./Infpta"
import Ditdck from "./Ditdck"
import Brtset from "./Brtset"
import Letdrv from "./Letdrv"
import Letsel from "./Letsel"
import Letopn from "./Letopn"
import Letamc from "./Letamc"
import Letame from "./Letame"
import Letdrw from "./Letdrw"
import Letdav from "./Letdav"
import Cptadv from './Cptadv'
import Botrad from './Botrad'
import Gitatt from './Gitatt'
import Cptopn from './Cptopn'
import Cptati from './Cptati'
import Cptato from './Cptato'
import Diasel from './Diasel'
import Bopsel from './Bopsel'
import Boprcv from './Boprcv'
import Bopsnd from './Bopsnd'
import Dbainf from './Dbainf'
import Dbaadd from './Dbaadd'
import Dbaame from './Dbaame'
import Dbadel from './Dbadel'
import Ditame from './Ditame'
import Ditcan from './Ditcan'
import Ditsel from './Ditsel'
import Infdid from './Infdid'
import Ditopn from './Ditopn'
import Office from './Office'
import Sptsel from './Sptsel'
import Sptbrk from './Sptsel/Sptbrk'
import Trnrel from './Trnrel'
import Trnfnd from './Trnrel/Trnfnd'
import Tstopn from './Tstopn'
import Bdtudp from './Bdtudp'
import Bdtdcr from './Bdtdcr'
import Bdtdck from './Bdtdck'
import Bdteus from './Bdteus'
import Trndtl from './Trnrel/Trndtl'
import Infpta from './Infpta'
import Ditdck from './Ditdck'
import Brtset from './Brtset'
import Letdrv from './Letdrv'
import Letsel from './Letsel'
import Letopn from './Letopn'
import Letamc from './Letamc'
import Letame from './Letame'
import Letdrw from './Letdrw'
import Letdav from './Letdav'
import Letrsv from './Letrsv'
import Infled from './Infled'
// import Bptsel from './Bptsel'
......@@ -51,638 +51,2310 @@ import Bptopn from './Bptopn'
import Bptame from './Bptame'
//import Bptcrf from "./Bptcrf"
import Bptcan from './Bptcan'
import Bptset from "./Bptset"
import Sptrel from "./Sptrel"
import Sptneg from "./Sptneg"
import Sptrou from "./Sptrou"
import Bddsel from "./Bddsel"
import Infbdd from "./Infbdd"
import Infbrd from "./Infbrd"
import Mgrtsk from "./Mgrtsk"
import Switsk from "./Switsk"
import Bptset from './Bptset'
import Sptrel from './Sptrel'
import Sptneg from './Sptneg'
import Sptrou from './Sptrou'
import Bddsel from './Bddsel'
import Infbdd from './Infbdd'
import Infbrd from './Infbrd'
import Mgrtsk from './Mgrtsk'
import Switsk from './Switsk'
// import Infusr from "./Infusr"
import Infcpd from "./Infcpd"
import Bctacc from "./Bctacc"
import Bctrad from "./Bctrad"
import Bctdor from "./Bctdor"
import Bctset from "./Bctset"
import Bctame from "./Bctame"
import Infcpd from './Infcpd'
import Bctacc from './Bctacc'
import Bctrad from './Bctrad'
import Bctdor from './Bctdor'
import Bctset from './Bctset'
import Bctame from './Bctame'
// import Infcur from "./Infcur"
import Infbed from "./Infbed"
import Letcan from "./Letcan"
import Ordrel from "./Ordrel"
import Infbed from './Infbed'
import Letcan from './Letcan'
import Ordrel from './Ordrel'
import Brtlat from "./Brtlat"
import Litopn from "./Litopn"
import Litcan from "./Litcan"
import Litdav from "./Litdav"
import Litdck from "./Litdck"
import Inflid from "./Inflid"
import Inftrd from "./Inftrd"
import Trtopn from "./Trtopn"
import Trtame from "./Trtame"
import Trtsel from "./Trtsel"
import Lttcan from "./Lttcan"
import Brtlat from './Brtlat'
import Litopn from './Litopn'
import Litcan from './Litcan'
import Litdav from './Litdav'
import Litdck from './Litdck'
import Inflid from './Inflid'
import Inftrd from './Inftrd'
import Trtopn from './Trtopn'
import Trtame from './Trtame'
import Trtsel from './Trtsel'
import Lttcan from './Lttcan'
// import Infdet from "./Infdet"
import Botsel from "./Botsel"
import Infbod from "./Infbod"
import Botacc from "./Botacc"
import Botpay from "./Botpay"
import Botdav from "./Botdav"
import Botame from "./Botame"
import Botdcr from "./Botdcr"
import Botset from "./Botset"
import Botcan from "./Botcan"
import Infbpd from "./Infbpd"
import Inftxm from "./Inftxm"
import Bctdav from "./Bctdav"
import Bctcan from "./Bctcan"
import Inffee from "./Inffee"
import Infbcd from "./Infbcd"
import Bdtcan from "./Bdtcan"
import Fctcan from "./Fctcan"
import Fctopn from "./Fctopn"
import Bttcan from "./Bttcan"
import Bttacc from "./Bttacc"
import Cltdav from "./Cltdav"
import Cltset from "./Cltset"
import Clttra from "./Clttra"
import Ditdla from "./Ditdla"
import Bdtset from "./Bdtset"
import Lttdav from "./Lttdav"
import Lttdck from "./Lttdck"
import Bttdck from "./Bttdck"
import Ccttra from "./Ccttra"
import Cctdcr from "./Cctdcr"
import Cctset from "./Cctset"
import Infccd from "./Infccd"
import Infcld from "./Infcld"
import Cctdav from "./Cctdav"
import Cctsel from "./Cctsel"
import Lttopn from "./Lttopn"
import Lttame from "./Lttame"
import Infbtd from "./Infbtd"
import Infltd from "./Infltd"
import Bttsnd from "./Bttsnd"
import Bttdrv from "./Bttdrv"
import Bttdcr from "./Bttdcr"
import Bttset from "./Bttset"
import Bttrcl from "./Bttrcl"
import Betacc from "./Betacc"
import Betamc from "./Betamc"
import Betrcl from "./Betrcl"
import InftrnpsDetail from "./Trnrel/InftrnpsDetail"
import TrnfndsDetail from "./Trnrel/Trnfnd/TrnfndsDetail"
import Sptpopup from "./Sptsel/Sptpopup"
import Infdet from "./Infdet"
import Infbfd from "./Infbfd"
import Detopn from "./Detopn"
import Detame from "./Detame"
import Detsel from "./Detsel"
import Bftsnd from "./Bftsnd"
import Bftset from "./Bftset"
import Bftcan from "./Bftcan"
import Detdrv from "./Detdrv"
import Bftacc from "./Bftacc"
import Bftdcr from "./Bftdcr"
import Bftdrv from "./Bftdrv"
import ExamRule from "./ExamRule";
import Gitcom from "./Gitcom"
import Giteng from "./Giteng"
import Gitopn from "./Gitopn"
import Gitpop from "./Gitpop"
import Gitame from "./Gitame"
import Gitsel from "./Gitsel"
import Infgid from "./Infgid"
import Gitset from "./Gitset"
import Gitcrq from "./Gitcrq"
import Gitadd from "./Gitadd"
import Infgcd from "./Infgcd"
import Getsel from "./Getsel"
import Getopn from "./Getopn"
import Getame from "./Getame"
import Getset from "./Getset"
import Getcrq from "./Getcrq"
import Getamc from "./Getamc"
import Betdcr from "./Betdcr"
import Betdrv from "./Betdrv"
import Betsnd from "./Betsnd"
import Betcan from "./Betcan"
import Betset from "./Betset"
import Letnot from "./Letnot"
import Ditdav from "./Ditdav"
import Botsel from './Botsel'
import Infbod from './Infbod'
import Botacc from './Botacc'
import Botpay from './Botpay'
import Botdav from './Botdav'
import Botame from './Botame'
import Botdcr from './Botdcr'
import Botset from './Botset'
import Botcan from './Botcan'
import Infbpd from './Infbpd'
import Inftxm from './Inftxm'
import Bctdav from './Bctdav'
import Bctcan from './Bctcan'
import Inffee from './Inffee'
import Infbcd from './Infbcd'
import Bdtcan from './Bdtcan'
import Fctcan from './Fctcan'
import Fctopn from './Fctopn'
import Bttcan from './Bttcan'
import Bttacc from './Bttacc'
import Cltdav from './Cltdav'
import Cltset from './Cltset'
import Clttra from './Clttra'
import Ditdla from './Ditdla'
import Bdtset from './Bdtset'
import Lttdav from './Lttdav'
import Lttdck from './Lttdck'
import Bttdck from './Bttdck'
import Ccttra from './Ccttra'
import Cctdcr from './Cctdcr'
import Cctset from './Cctset'
import Infccd from './Infccd'
import Infcld from './Infcld'
import Cctdav from './Cctdav'
import Cctsel from './Cctsel'
import Lttopn from './Lttopn'
import Lttame from './Lttame'
import Infbtd from './Infbtd'
import Infltd from './Infltd'
import Bttsnd from './Bttsnd'
import Bttdrv from './Bttdrv'
import Bttdcr from './Bttdcr'
import Bttset from './Bttset'
import Bttrcl from './Bttrcl'
import Betacc from './Betacc'
import Betamc from './Betamc'
import Betrcl from './Betrcl'
import InftrnpsDetail from './Trnrel/InftrnpsDetail'
import TrnfndsDetail from './Trnrel/Trnfnd/TrnfndsDetail'
import Sptpopup from './Sptsel/Sptpopup'
import Infdet from './Infdet'
import Infbfd from './Infbfd'
import Detopn from './Detopn'
import Detame from './Detame'
import Detsel from './Detsel'
import Bftsnd from './Bftsnd'
import Bftset from './Bftset'
import Bftcan from './Bftcan'
import Detdrv from './Detdrv'
import Bftacc from './Bftacc'
import Bftdcr from './Bftdcr'
import Bftdrv from './Bftdrv'
import ExamRule from './ExamRule'
import Gitcom from './Gitcom'
import Giteng from './Giteng'
import Gitopn from './Gitopn'
import Gitpop from './Gitpop'
import Gitame from './Gitame'
import Gitsel from './Gitsel'
import Infgid from './Infgid'
import Gitset from './Gitset'
import Gitcrq from './Gitcrq'
import Gitadd from './Gitadd'
import Infgcd from './Infgcd'
import Getsel from './Getsel'
import Getopn from './Getopn'
import Getame from './Getame'
import Getset from './Getset'
import Getcrq from './Getcrq'
import Getamc from './Getamc'
import Betdcr from './Betdcr'
import Betdrv from './Betdrv'
import Betsnd from './Betsnd'
import Betcan from './Betcan'
import Betset from './Betset'
import Letnot from './Letnot'
import Ditdav from './Ditdav'
// import Infpty from "./Infpty"
// import Dbipty from "./Dbipty"
import Notice from "./Notice"
import Iaefts from "./Iaefts"
import Expben from "./Expben"
import Busvol from "./Busvol"
import AssetInfo from "./AssetInfo"
import AssetPub from "./AssetPub"
import Fund from "./Fund"
import Brtdck from "./Brtdck"
import Brtcsg from "./Brtcsg"
import Brteus from "./Brteus"
import Brtudp from "./Brtudp"
import Brtcan from "./Brtcan"
import Brtsnd from "./Brtsnd"
import Litsel from "./Litsel"
import Litame from "./Litame"
import Brtdcr from "./Brtdcr"
import Brtacp from "./Brtacp"
import Brtame from "./Brtame"
import Litrog from "./Litrog"
import Litacp from "./Litacp"
import Litdla from "./Litdla"
import Bctsel from "./Bctsel"
import Cnysel from "./Cnysel"
import Cptrel from "./Cptrel"
import Cptcan from "./Cptcan"
import Cptrep from "./Cptrep"
import Cptbat from "./Cptbat"
import Sptcpt from "./Sptcpt"
import Getcan from "./Getcan"
import Gitcan from "./Gitcan"
import Gitcrj from "./Gitcrj"
import Gctcan from "./Gctcan"
import Gitfre from "./Gitfre"
import Trtrcl from "./Trtrcl"
import Trtset from "./Trtset"
import Trtcan from "./Trtcan"
import Notice from './Notice'
import Iaefts from './Iaefts'
import Expben from './Expben'
import Busvol from './Busvol'
import AssetInfo from './AssetInfo'
import AssetPub from './AssetPub'
import Fund from './Fund'
import Brtdck from './Brtdck'
import Brtcsg from './Brtcsg'
import Brteus from './Brteus'
import Brtudp from './Brtudp'
import Brtcan from './Brtcan'
import Brtsnd from './Brtsnd'
import Litsel from './Litsel'
import Litame from './Litame'
import Brtdcr from './Brtdcr'
import Brtacp from './Brtacp'
import Brtame from './Brtame'
import Litrog from './Litrog'
import Litacp from './Litacp'
import Litdla from './Litdla'
import Bctsel from './Bctsel'
import Cnysel from './Cnysel'
import Cptrel from './Cptrel'
import Cptcan from './Cptcan'
import Cptrep from './Cptrep'
import Cptbat from './Cptbat'
import Sptcpt from './Sptcpt'
import Getcan from './Getcan'
import Gitcan from './Gitcan'
import Gitcrj from './Gitcrj'
import Gctcan from './Gctcan'
import Gitfre from './Gitfre'
import Trtrcl from './Trtrcl'
import Trtset from './Trtset'
import Trtcan from './Trtcan'
// import Dbiusr from "./Dbiusr"
// import Dbibch from "./Dbibch"
// import Infact from "./Infact"
import Dbbinf from "./Dbbinf"
import Dbbadd from "./Dbbadd"
import Dbbame from "./Dbbame"
import Dbbdel from "./Dbbdel"
import Dbcinf from "./Dbcinf"
import Dbcadd from "./Dbcadd"
import Dbcame from "./Dbcame"
import Dbcdel from "./Dbcdel"
import Dbdinf from "./Dbdinf"
import Dbdadd from "./Dbdadd"
import Dbdame from "./Dbdame"
import Dbddel from "./Dbddel"
import Cfasel from "./Cfasel"
import Dbjadd from "./Dbjadd"
import Dbjdel from "./Dbjdel"
import Dbjame from "./Dbjame"
import Dbjinf from "./Dbjinf"
import Dbwadd from "./Dbwadd"
import Dbwdel from "./Dbwdel"
import Dbwame from "./Dbwame"
import Dbwinf from "./Dbwinf"
import Eadadd from "./Eadadd"
import Eadinf from "./Eadinf"
import Eadame from "./Eadame"
import Eaddel from "./Eaddel"
import Eafadd from "./Eafadd"
import Eafinf from "./Eafinf"
import Eafame from "./Eafame"
import Eafdel from "./Eafdel"
import Ebaadd from "./Ebaadd"
import Ebaame from "./Ebaame"
import Ebadel from "./Ebadel"
import Ebainf from "./Ebainf"
import Ecaadd from "./Ecaadd"
import Ecaame from "./Ecaame"
import Ecadel from "./Ecadel"
import Ecainf from "./Ecainf"
import Dbeadd from "./Dbeadd"
import Dbeame from "./Dbeame"
import Dbedel from "./Dbedel"
import Dbeinf from "./Dbeinf"
import Dbfadd from "./Dbfadd"
import Dbfame from "./Dbfame"
import Dbfdel from "./Dbfdel"
import Dbfinf from "./Dbfinf"
import Gitdla from "./Gitdla"
import Getfee from "./Getfee"
import Dbbinf from './Dbbinf'
import Dbbadd from './Dbbadd'
import Dbbame from './Dbbame'
import Dbbdel from './Dbbdel'
import Dbcinf from './Dbcinf'
import Dbcadd from './Dbcadd'
import Dbcame from './Dbcame'
import Dbcdel from './Dbcdel'
import Dbdinf from './Dbdinf'
import Dbdadd from './Dbdadd'
import Dbdame from './Dbdame'
import Dbddel from './Dbddel'
import Cfasel from './Cfasel'
import Dbjadd from './Dbjadd'
import Dbjdel from './Dbjdel'
import Dbjame from './Dbjame'
import Dbjinf from './Dbjinf'
import Dbwadd from './Dbwadd'
import Dbwdel from './Dbwdel'
import Dbwame from './Dbwame'
import Dbwinf from './Dbwinf'
import Eadadd from './Eadadd'
import Eadinf from './Eadinf'
import Eadame from './Eadame'
import Eaddel from './Eaddel'
import Eafadd from './Eafadd'
import Eafinf from './Eafinf'
import Eafame from './Eafame'
import Eafdel from './Eafdel'
import Ebaadd from './Ebaadd'
import Ebaame from './Ebaame'
import Ebadel from './Ebadel'
import Ebainf from './Ebainf'
import Ecaadd from './Ecaadd'
import Ecaame from './Ecaame'
import Ecadel from './Ecadel'
import Ecainf from './Ecainf'
import Dbeadd from './Dbeadd'
import Dbeame from './Dbeame'
import Dbedel from './Dbedel'
import Dbeinf from './Dbeinf'
import Dbfadd from './Dbfadd'
import Dbfame from './Dbfame'
import Dbfdel from './Dbfdel'
import Dbfinf from './Dbfinf'
import Gitdla from './Gitdla'
import Getfee from './Getfee'
import Infact from "~/views/Statics/Infact";
import Dbiact from "~/views/Statics/Dbiact";
import Dbaact from "~/views/Statics/Dbaact";
import Dbeact from "~/views/Statics/Dbeact";
import Dbdact from "~/views/Statics/Dbdact";
import Infatp from "~/views/Statics/Infatp";
import Dbiatp from "~/views/Statics/Dbiatp";
import Dbaatp from "~/views/Statics/Dbaatp";
import Dbeatp from "~/views/Statics/Dbeatp";
import Dbdatp from "~/views/Statics/Dbdatp";
import Infbch from "~/views/Statics/Infbch";
import Dbibch from "~/views/Statics/Dbibch";
import Dbabch from "~/views/Statics/Dbabch";
import Dbebch from "~/views/Statics/Dbebch";
import Dbdbch from "~/views/Statics/Dbdbch";
import Infcty from "~/views/Statics/Infcty";
import Dbicty from "~/views/Statics/Dbicty";
import Dbacty from "~/views/Statics/Dbacty";
import Dbecty from "~/views/Statics/Dbecty";
import Dbdcty from "~/views/Statics/Dbdcty";
import Infcur from "~/views/Statics/Infcur";
import Dbacur from "~/views/Statics/Dbacur";
import Dbicur from "~/views/Statics/Dbicur";
import Dbecur from "~/views/Statics/Dbecur";
import Dbdcur from "~/views/Statics/Dbdcur";
import Inffec from "~/views/Statics/Inffec";
import Dbifec from "~/views/Statics/Dbifec";
import Dbafec from "~/views/Statics/Dbafec";
import Dbefec from "~/views/Statics/Dbefec";
import Dbdfec from "~/views/Statics/Dbdfec";
import Infgtx from "~/views/Statics/Infgtx";
import Dbigtx from "~/views/Statics/Dbigtx";
import Dbagtx from "~/views/Statics/Dbagtx";
import Dbegtx from "~/views/Statics/Dbegtx";
import Dbdgtx from "~/views/Statics/Dbdgtx";
import Infpty from "~/views/Statics/Infpty";
import Dbipty from "~/views/Statics/Dbipty";
import Dbapty from "~/views/Statics/Dbapty";
import Dbepty from "~/views/Statics/Dbepty";
import Dbdpty from "~/views/Statics/Dbdpty";
import Inftrl from "~/views/Statics/Inftrl";
import Dbitrl from "~/views/Statics/Dbitrl";
import Dbatrl from "~/views/Statics/Dbatrl";
import Dbetrl from "~/views/Statics/Dbetrl";
import Dbdtrl from "~/views/Statics/Dbdtrl";
import Infusr from "~/views/Statics/Infusr";
import Dbausr from "~/views/Statics/Dbausr";
import Dbiusr from "~/views/Statics/Dbiusr";
import Dbeusr from "~/views/Statics/Dbeusr";
import Dbdusr from "~/views/Statics/Dbdusr";
import Infact from '~/views/Statics/Infact'
import Dbiact from '~/views/Statics/Dbiact'
import Dbaact from '~/views/Statics/Dbaact'
import Dbeact from '~/views/Statics/Dbeact'
import Dbdact from '~/views/Statics/Dbdact'
import Infatp from '~/views/Statics/Infatp'
import Dbiatp from '~/views/Statics/Dbiatp'
import Dbaatp from '~/views/Statics/Dbaatp'
import Dbeatp from '~/views/Statics/Dbeatp'
import Dbdatp from '~/views/Statics/Dbdatp'
import Infbch from '~/views/Statics/Infbch'
import Dbibch from '~/views/Statics/Dbibch'
import Dbabch from '~/views/Statics/Dbabch'
import Dbebch from '~/views/Statics/Dbebch'
import Dbdbch from '~/views/Statics/Dbdbch'
import Infoit from '~/views/Statics/Infoit'
import Dbioit from '~/views/Statics/Dbioit'
import Dbaoit from '~/views/Statics/Dbaoit'
import Dbeoit from '~/views/Statics/Dbeoit'
import Dbdoit from '~/views/Statics/Dbdoit'
import Infcty from '~/views/Statics/Infcty'
import Dbicty from '~/views/Statics/Dbicty'
import Dbacty from '~/views/Statics/Dbacty'
import Dbecty from '~/views/Statics/Dbecty'
import Dbdcty from '~/views/Statics/Dbdcty'
import Infcur from '~/views/Statics/Infcur'
import Dbacur from '~/views/Statics/Dbacur'
import Dbicur from '~/views/Statics/Dbicur'
import Dbecur from '~/views/Statics/Dbecur'
import Dbdcur from '~/views/Statics/Dbdcur'
import Inffec from '~/views/Statics/Inffec'
import Dbifec from '~/views/Statics/Dbifec'
import Dbafec from '~/views/Statics/Dbafec'
import Dbefec from '~/views/Statics/Dbefec'
import Dbdfec from '~/views/Statics/Dbdfec'
import Infgtx from '~/views/Statics/Infgtx'
import Dbigtx from '~/views/Statics/Dbigtx'
import Dbagtx from '~/views/Statics/Dbagtx'
import Dbegtx from '~/views/Statics/Dbegtx'
import Dbdgtx from '~/views/Statics/Dbdgtx'
import Infpty from '~/views/Statics/Infpty'
import Dbipty from '~/views/Statics/Dbipty'
import Dbapty from '~/views/Statics/Dbapty'
import Dbepty from '~/views/Statics/Dbepty'
import Dbdpty from '~/views/Statics/Dbdpty'
import Inftrl from '~/views/Statics/Inftrl'
import Dbitrl from '~/views/Statics/Dbitrl'
import Dbatrl from '~/views/Statics/Dbatrl'
import Dbetrl from '~/views/Statics/Dbetrl'
import Dbdtrl from '~/views/Statics/Dbdtrl'
import Infusr from '~/views/Statics/Infusr'
import Dbausr from '~/views/Statics/Dbausr'
import Dbiusr from '~/views/Statics/Dbiusr'
import Dbeusr from '~/views/Statics/Dbeusr'
import Dbdusr from '~/views/Statics/Dbdusr'
* 带有name的才会被添加进顶部的标签页里
const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'gitatt', component: Gitatt, name: 'Gitatt', meta: { title: '绑定电子凭证' } },
{ path: 'botrad', component: Botrad, name: 'Botrad', meta: { title: '出口托收二次寄单' } },
{ path: 'sptpopup', component: Sptpopup, name: 'Sptpopup', meta: { title: '待经办详情' } },
{ path: 'trnfndsDetail', component: TrnfndsDetail, name: 'TrnfndsDetail', meta: { title: '已完成详情' } },
{ path: 'inftrnpsDetail', component: InftrnpsDetail, name: 'InftrnpsDetail', meta: { title: '待复核详情' } },
{ path: 'infcld', component: Infcld, name: 'Infcld', meta: { title: '打包托收查询' } },
{ path: 'cltdav', component: Cltdav, name: 'Cltdav', meta: { title: '打包托收开立' } },
{ path: 'clttra', component: Clttra, name: 'Clttra', meta: { title: '打包托收催收' } },
{ path: 'cltset', component: Cltset, name: 'Cltset', meta: { title: '打包托收解包' } },
{ path: 'infccd', component: Infccd, name: 'Infccd', meta: { title: '光票托收查询' } },
{ path: 'ccttra', component: Ccttra, name: 'Ccttra', meta: { title: '光票托收催收' } },
{ path: 'cctdav', component: Cctdav, name: 'Cctdav', meta: { title: '光票托收建立' } },
{ path: 'cctset', component: Cctset, name: 'Cctset', meta: { title: '光票托收收汇' } },
{ path: 'cctsel', component: Cctsel, name: 'Cctsel', meta: { title: '光票托收入口交易' } },
{ path: 'cctdcr', component: Cctdcr, name: 'Cctdcr', meta: { title: '光票托收退票' } },
{ path: 'lttopn', component: Lttopn, name: 'Lttopn', meta: { title: '转让信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'lttame', component: Lttame, name: 'Lttame', meta: { title: '转让信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'lttcan', component: Lttcan, name: 'Lttcan', meta: { title: '转让信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'infbtd', component: Infbtd, name: 'Infbtd', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'infltd', component: Infltd, name: 'Infltd', meta: { title: '转让信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'bttdck', component: Bttdck, name: 'Bttdck', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据第一受益人换单' } },
{ path: 'bttsnd', component: Bttsnd, name: 'Bttsnd', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据寄单' } },
{ path: 'bttdcr', component: Bttdcr, name: 'Bttdcr', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据拒单' } },
{ path: 'bttdrv', component: Bttdrv, name: 'Bttdrv', meta: { title: '转让信用证修改单据金额' } },
{ path: 'bttcan', component: Bttcan, name: 'Bttcan', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据注销' } },
{ path: 'bttacc', component: Bttacc, name: 'Bttacc', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据承兑' } },
{ path: 'bttset', component: Bttset, name: 'Bttset', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据收汇' } },
{ path: 'bttrcl', component: Bttrcl, name: 'Bttrcl', meta: { title: '转让信用证单据索汇' } },
{ path: 'lttdav', component: Lttdav, name: 'Lttdav', meta: { title: '转让信用证通知到单' } },
{ path: 'lttdck', component: Lttdck, name: 'Lttdck', meta: { title: '转让信用第二受益人交单' } },
{ path: 'brtset', component: Brtset, name: 'Brtset', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据进口付汇' } },
{ path: 'bdtudp', component: Bdtudp, name: 'Bdtudp', meta: { title: '国内证承兑' } },
{ path: 'bdtdcr', component: Bdtdcr, name: 'Bdtdcr', meta: { title: '国内证不符点/拒付' } },
{ path: 'bdtdck', component: Bdtdck, name: 'Bdtdck', meta: { title: '买方信用证单据二次到单/修改单据' } },
{ path: 'bdteus', component: Bdteus, name: 'Bdteus', meta: { title: '买方信用证单据展期' } },
{ path: 'cptadv', component: Cptadv, name: 'Cptadv', meta: { title: '汇入汇款' } },
{ path: 'cptopn', component: Cptopn, name: 'Cptopn', meta: { title: '汇出汇款' } },
{ path: 'cptati', component: Cptati, name: 'Cptati', meta: { title: '境内外币汇入汇款' } },
{ path: 'cptato', component: Cptato, name: 'Cptato', meta: { title: '境内外币汇出汇款' } },
{ path: 'diasel', component: Diasel, name: 'Diasel', meta: { title: '备忘录选择交易' } },
{ path: 'bopsel', component: Bopsel, name: 'Bopsel', meta: { title: '待申报列表' } },
{ path: 'cfasel', component: Cfasel, name: 'Cfasel', meta: { title: '资本项目申报' } },
{ path: 'boprcv', component: Boprcv, name: 'Boprcv', meta: { title: '申报回执查询' } },
{ path: 'bopsnd', component: Bopsnd, name: 'Bopsnd', meta: { title: '申报发送查询' } },
{ path: 'dbainf', component: Dbainf, name: 'Dbainf', meta: { title: '涉外收入申报单详情' } },
{ path: 'dbaadd', component: Dbaadd, name: 'Dbaadd', meta: { title: '新增涉外收入申报单' } },
{ path: 'dbaame', component: Dbaame, name: 'Dbaame', meta: { title: '修改涉外收入申报单' } },
{ path: 'dbadel', component: Dbadel, name: 'Dbadel', meta: { title: '删除涉外收入申报单' } },
{ path: 'ditame', component: Ditame, name: 'Ditame', meta: { title: '信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'ditcan', component: Ditcan, name: 'Ditcan', meta: { title: '信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'ditsel', component: Ditsel, name: 'Ditsel', meta: { title: '信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'ditopn', component: Ditopn, name: 'Ditopn', meta: { title: '买方信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'infdid', component: Infdid, name: 'Infdid', meta: { title: '买方信用证交易查询' } },
{ path: 'ditdck', component: Ditdck, name: 'Ditdck', meta: { title: '信用证到单' } },
// 例
{ path: 'ditopn/:inr', component: Ditopn, name: 'DitopnInr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '买方信用证开立-' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'office', component: Office, name: 'Office', meta: { title: 'Office' } },
{ path: 'sptsel', component: Sptsel, name: 'Sptsel', meta: { title: '待办任务' } },
{ path: 'sptbrk', component: Sptbrk, name: 'Sptbrk', meta: { title: '草稿箱' } },
{ path: 'trnrel', component: Trnrel, name: 'Trnrel', meta: { title: '复核任务' } },
{ path: 'trnfnd', component: Trnfnd, name: 'Trnfnd', meta: { title: '已完成任务' } },
{ path: 'trndtl', query: 'inr', component: Trndtl, name: 'Trndtl', meta: { title: 'Trndtl' } },
{ path: 'tstopn', component: Tstopn, name: 'Tstopn', meta: { title: 'Tstopn' } },
{ path: 'infpta', component: Infpta, name: 'Infpta', meta: { title: '客户地址查询' } },
{ path: 'letsel', component: Letsel, name: 'Letsel', meta: { title: '出口信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'letopn', component: Letopn, name: 'Letopn', meta: { title: '出口信用证通知' } },
{ path: 'letamc', component: Letamc, name: 'Letamc', meta: { title: '出口信用证保兑' } },
{ path: 'letame', component: Letame, name: 'Letame', meta: { title: '出口信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'letdrw', component: Letdrw, name: 'Letdrw', meta: { title: '出口信用证非我行通知及收单行登记' } },
{ path: 'letdav', component: Letdav, name: 'Letdav', meta: { title: '出口信用证预通知到单' } },
{ path: 'letrsv', component: Letrsv, name: 'Letrsv', meta: { title: '出口信用证补通知' } },
{ path: 'letdrv', component: Letdrv, name: 'Letdrv', meta: { title: '出口信用证出口收单' } },
{ path: 'infled', component: Infled, name: 'Infled', meta: { title: '出口信用证交易查询' } },
//{ path: 'bptsel', component: Bptsel, name: 'Bptsel', meta: { title: '出口融资入口交易' } },
{ path: 'bptopn', component: Bptopn, name: 'Bptopn', meta: { title: '出口融资放款' } },
{ path: 'bptame', component: Bptame, name: 'Bptame', meta: { title: '出口融资修改' } },
{ path: 'bptset', component: Bptset, name: 'Bptset', meta: { title: '出口融资还款' } },
//{ path: 'bptcrf', component: Bptcrf, name: 'Bptcrf', meta: { title: '出口融资返还' } },
{ path: 'bptcan', component: Bptcan, name: 'Bptcan', meta: { title: '出口融资注销' } },
{ path: 'betacc', component: Betacc, name: 'Betacc', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据承兑' } },
{ path: 'betamc', component: Betamc, name: 'Betamc', meta: { title: '出口信用证保兑额度释放' } },
{ path: 'betrcl', component: Betrcl, name: 'Betrcl', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据索汇' } },
{ path: 'betrcl', component: Betrcl, name: 'Betrcl', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据出口单据索汇' } },
{ path: 'betset', component: Betset, name: 'Betset', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据出口收汇' } },
{ path: 'sptrel', component: Sptrel, name: 'Sptrel', meta: { title: '待审批列表' } },
{ path: 'sptneg', component: Sptneg, name: 'Sptneg', meta: { title: '订单分配列表' } },
{ path: 'sptrou', component: Sptrou, name: 'Sptrou', meta: { title: '待经办任务分配' } },
{ path: 'bddsel', component: Bddsel, name: 'Bddsel', meta: { title: 'Bddsel' } },
{ path: 'infbdd', component: Infbdd, name: 'Infbdd', meta: { title: '买方信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'infbrd', component: Infbrd, name: 'Infbrd', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'mgrtsk', component: Mgrtsk, name: 'Mgrtsk', meta: { title: 'Mgrtsk' } },
{ path: 'switsk', component: Switsk, name: 'Switsk', meta: { title: 'Switsk' } },
// { path: 'infusr', component: Infusr, name: 'Infusr', meta: { title: '用户信息' } },
{ path: 'infcpd', component: Infcpd, name: 'Infcpd', meta: { title: '汇款查询' } },
{ path: 'bctdav', component: Bctdav, name: 'Bctdav', meta: { title: '进口代收到单通知' } },
{ path: 'bctacc', component: Bctacc, name: 'Bctacc', meta: { title: '进口代收承兑' } },
{ path: 'bctrad', component: Bctrad, name: 'Bctrad', meta: { title: '进口代收二次收单' } },
{ path: 'bctdor', component: Bctdor, name: 'Bctdor', meta: { title: '进口代收拒付' } },
{ path: 'bctset', component: Bctset, name: 'Bctset', meta: { title: '进口代收付款' } },
{ path: 'bctcan', component: Bctcan, name: 'Bctcan', meta: { title: '进口代收闭卷' } },
{ path: 'bctame', component: Bctame, name: 'Bctame', meta: { title: '进口代收修改' } },
// { path: 'infcur', component: Infcur, name: 'Infcur', meta: { title: '货币查询' } },
{ path: 'infbed', component: Infbed, name: 'Infbed', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'letcan', component: Letcan, name: 'Letcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'brtlat', component: Brtlat, name: 'Brtlat', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据偿还垫款' } },
{ path: 'litopn', component: Litopn, name: 'Litopn', meta: { title: '进口信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'litcan', component: Litcan, name: 'Litcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'litdav', component: Litdav, name: 'Litdav', meta: { title: '进口信用证通知到单 ' } },
{ path: 'litdck', component: Litdck, name: 'Litdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证到单' } },
{ path: 'inflid', component: Inflid, name: 'Inflid', meta: { title: '进口信用证交易查询' } },
{ path: 'inftrd', component: Inftrd, name: 'Inftrd', meta: { title: '进口融资查询' } },
{ path: 'trtopn', component: Trtopn, name: 'Trtopn', meta: { title: '进口融资开立' } },
{ path: 'trtame', component: Trtame, name: 'Trtame', meta: { title: '进口融资修改' } },
{ path: 'trtsel', component: Trtsel, name: 'Trtsel', meta: { title: '进口融资入口交易' } },
{ path: 'brtdck', component: Brtdck, name: 'Brtdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据改单/二次到单' } },
{ path: 'brteus', component: Brteus, name: 'Brteus', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据展期' } }, //brteus路由
{ path: 'brtudp', component: Brtudp, name: 'Brtudp', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据承兑' } },
{ path: 'brtcsg', component: Brtcsg, name: 'Brtcsg', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保注销' } },
{ path: 'brtcan', component: Brtcan, name: 'Brtcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据注销' } },
{ path: 'brtsnd', component: Brtsnd, name: 'Brtsnd', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据寄单' } },
{ path: 'inftxm', component: Inftxm, name: 'Inftxm', meta: { title: '条式语句查询' } },
// { path: 'infdet', component: Infdet, name: 'Infdet', meta: { title: 'Infdet' } },
{ path: 'infbod', component: Infbod, name: 'Infbod', meta: { title: '出口托收查询' } },
{ path: 'botsel', component: Botsel, name: 'Botsel', meta: { title: '出口托收入口交易Botsel' } },
{ path: 'botacc', component: Botacc, name: 'Botacc', meta: { title: '出口托收承兑' }},
{ path: 'botpay', component: Botpay, name: 'Botpay', meta: { title: '出口托收结算' }},
{ path: 'botdav', component: Botdav, name: 'Botdav', meta: { title: '出口托收寄单' } },
{ path: 'botame', component: Botame, name: 'Botame', meta: { title: '出口托收修改' } },
{ path: 'botdcr', component: Botdcr, name: 'Botdcr', meta: { title: '出口托收拒付/不符点' } },
{ path: 'botset', component: Botset, name: 'Botset', meta: { title: '出口托收收汇' } },
{ path: 'botcan', component: Botcan, name: 'Botcan', meta: { title: '出口托收闭卷' } },
{ path: 'inffec', component: Botset, name: 'Inffec', meta: { title: '费用条件查询' } },
{ path: 'inffee', component: Inffee, name: 'Inffee', meta: { title: '费用管理' } },
{ path: 'infptm', component: Botset, name: 'Infptm', meta: { title: '客户BIC查询' } },
{ path: 'infbcd', component: Infbcd, name: 'Infbcd', meta: { title: '进口代收查询' } },
{ path: 'bdtcan', component: Bdtcan, name: 'Bdtcan', meta: { title: '买方信用证单据注销' } },
{ path: 'ditdla', component: Ditdla, name: 'Ditdla', meta: { title: '买方信用证减额接受' } },
{ path: 'bdtset', component: Bdtset, name: 'Bdtset', meta: { title: '信用证付款' } },
{ path: 'infdet', component: Infdet, name: 'Infdet', meta: { title: '卖方信用证交易查询' } },
{ path: 'infbfd', component: Infbfd, name: 'Infbfd', meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'detopn', component: Detopn, name: 'Detopn', meta: { title: '卖方信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'detame', component: Detame, name: 'Detame', meta: { title: '卖方信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'detsel', component: Detsel, name: 'Detsel', meta: { title: '卖方信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'fctcan', component: Fctcan, name: 'Fctcan', meta: { title: '保证金注销' } },
{ path: 'fctopn', component: Fctopn, name: 'Fctopn', meta: { title: '保证金收取' } },
{ path: 'bftcan', component: Bftcan, name: 'Bftcan', meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据注销' } },
{ path: 'bftsnd', component: Bftsnd, name: 'Bftsnd', meta: { title: '卖方信用证寄单' } },
{ path: 'bftset', component: Bftset, name: 'Bftset', meta: { title: '卖方信用证收款' } },
{ path: 'bftdrv', component: Bftdrv, name: 'Bftdrv', meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据修改单据金额' } },
{ path: 'detdrv', component: Detdrv, name: 'Detdrv', meta: { title: '卖方信用证收单' } },
{ path: 'bftacc', component: Bftacc, name: 'Bftacc', meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据承兑' } },
{ path: 'bftdcr', component: Bftdcr, name: 'Bftdcr', meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据电提不符点/开证行拒付' } },
{ path: 'examRule', component: ExamRule, name: 'ExamRule', meta: { title: '智能审单规则设置' } },
{ path: 'gitcom', component: Gitcom, name: 'Gitcom', meta: { title: '进口保函定期收费' } },
{ path: 'giteng', component: Giteng, name: 'Giteng', meta: { title: '保函保证金调整' } },
{ path: 'gitpop', component: Gitpop, name: 'Gitpop', meta: { title: '进口保函预开立' } },
{ path: 'gitopn', component: Gitopn, name: 'Gitopn', meta: { title: '进口保函开立' } },
{ path: 'gitame', component: Gitame, name: 'Gitame', meta: { title: '进口保函修改' } },
{ path: 'gitsel', component: Gitsel, name: 'Gitsel', meta: { title: '进口保函查询' } },
{ path: 'gitadd', component: Gitadd, name: 'Gitadd', meta: { title: '保函编辑参考号' } },
{ path: 'infgid', component: Infgid, name: 'Infgid', meta: { title: '保函入口交易' } },
{ path: 'gitset', component: Gitset, name: 'Gitset', meta: { title: '进口保函赔付' } },
{ path: 'gitcrq', component: Gitcrq, name: 'Gitcrq', meta: { title: '进口保函索赔登记' } },
{ path: 'infgcd', component: Infgcd, name: 'Infgcd', meta: { title: '保函赔付查询' } },
{ path: 'getcan', component: Getcan, name: 'Getcan', meta: { title: '出口保函注销' } },
{ path: 'gitcan', component: Gitcan, name: 'Gitcan', meta: { title: '进口保函注销' } },
{ path: 'gitcrj', component: Gitcrj, name: 'Gitcrj', meta: { title: '进口保函拒付' } },
{ path: 'gctcan', component: Gctcan, name: 'Gctcan', meta: { title: '保函赔付注销' } },
{ path: 'gitdla', component: Gitdla, name: 'Gitdla', meta: { title: '减额后处理' } },
{ path: 'getfee', component: Getfee, name: 'Getfee', meta: { title: '费用结算' } },
{ path: 'gitfre', component: Gitfre, name: 'Gitfre', meta: { title: '自由格式报文' } },
{ path: 'ditdav', component: Ditdav, name: 'Ditdav', meta: { title: '信用证收单' } },
// { path: 'Infpty', component: Infpty, name: 'Infpty', meta: { title: '客户查询' } },
// { path: 'Dbipty', component: Dbipty, name: 'Dbipty', meta: { title: '客户静态信息管理' } },
{ path: 'betdcr', component: Betdcr, name: 'Betdcr', meta: { title: '出口信用证电提不符点/拒付' } },
{ path: 'betdrv', component: Betdrv, name: 'Betdrv', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据修改' } },
{ path: 'betsnd', component: Betsnd, name: 'Betsnd', meta: { title: '出口信用证寄单' } },
{ path: 'betcan', component: Betcan, name: 'Betcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据闭卷' } },
{ path: 'letnot', component: Letnot, name: 'Letnot', meta: { title: '出口信用证预开立' } },
{ path: 'infbpd', component: Infbpd, name: 'Infbpd', meta: { title: '出口押汇查询' } },
{ path: 'getset', component: Getset, name: 'Getset', meta: { title: '出口保函收汇' } },
{ path: 'getsel', component: Getsel, name: 'Getsel', meta: { title: 'Getsel' } },
{ path: 'getopn', component: Getopn, name: 'Getopn', meta: { title: '出口保函通知' } },
{ path: 'getame', component: Getame, name: 'Getame', meta: { title: '出口保函修改' } },
{ path: 'getcrq', component: Getcrq, name: 'Getcrq', meta: { title: '出口保函索偿' } },
{ path: 'getamc', component: Getamc, name: 'Getamc', meta: { title: '出口保函保兑' } },
{ path: 'notice', component: Notice, name: 'Notice', meta: { title: '通知公告设置' } },
{ path: 'Iaefts', component: Iaefts, name: 'Iaefts', meta: { title: '融资量交易' } },
{ path: 'Expben', component: Expben, name: 'Expben', meta: { title: '费用收益' } },
{ path: 'Busvol', component: Busvol, name: 'Busvol', meta: { title: '业务量交易' } },
{ path: 'assetinfo', component: AssetInfo, name: 'AssetInfo', meta: { title: '资产信息管理' } },
{ path: 'assetpub', component: AssetPub, name: 'AssetPub', meta: { title: '资产发布信息管理' } },
{ path: 'fund', component: Fund, name: 'Fund', meta: { title: '资金信息管理' } },
{ path: 'Litsel', component: Litsel, name: 'Litsel', meta: { title: '进口信用证入口' } },
{ path: 'Litame', component: Litame, name: 'Litame', meta: { title: '进口信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'Brtdcr', component: Brtdcr, name: 'Brtdcr', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据拒付/不符点处理' } },
{ path: 'Brtacp', component: Brtacp, name: 'Brtacp', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据接受不符点' } },
{ path: 'Brtame', component: Brtame, name: 'Brtame', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保修改' } },
{ path: 'Litrog', component: Litrog, name: 'Litrog', meta: { title: '进口信用证提货担保' } },
{ path: 'Litacp', component: Litacp, name: 'Litacp', meta: { title: '进口信用证减额修改接受' } },
{ path: 'Litdla', component: Litdla, name: 'Litdla', meta: { title: '进口信用证减额修改接受' } },
{ path: 'Bctsel', component: Bctsel, name: 'Bctsel', meta: { title: '进口代收' } },
{ path: 'Cnysel', component: Cnysel, name: 'Cnysel', meta: { title: '跨境人民币查询' } },
{ path: 'Cptrel', component: Cptrel, name: 'Cptrel', meta: { title: '汇款复核与查询' } },
{ path: 'Cptsel', component: Cptrel, name: 'Cptrel', meta: { title: '汇款交易入口' } },
{ path: 'Cptcan', component: Cptcan, name: 'Cptcan', meta: { title: '汇款注销' } },
{ path: 'Cptrep', component: Cptrep, name: 'Cptrep', meta: { title: '挂帐解付' } },
{ path: 'Cptbat', component: Cptbat, name: 'Cptbat', meta: { title: '批量汇款' } },
{ path: 'Sptcpt', component: Sptcpt, name: 'Sptcpt', meta: { title: '批量汇款' } },
{ path: 'trtrcl', component: Trtrcl, name: 'Trtrcl', meta: { title: '进口融资索汇' }},
{ path: 'trtset', component: Trtset, name: 'Trtset', meta: { title: '进口融资还款' } },
{ path: 'trtcan', component: Trtcan, name: 'Trtcan', meta: { title: '进口融资注销' } },
// { path: 'Dbiusr', component: Dbiusr, name: 'Dbiusr', meta: { title: 'Dbiusr' } },
// { path: 'Dbibch', component: Dbibch, name: 'Dbibch', meta: { title: 'Dbibch' } },
{ path: 'Ordrel', component: Ordrel, name: 'Ordrel', meta: { title: 'Ordrel' } },
// { path: 'Infact', component: Infact, name: 'Infact', meta: { title: '账户' } },
{ path: 'Dbbinf', component: Dbbinf, name: 'Dbbinf', meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(查询)' } },
{ path: 'Dbbadd', component: Dbbadd, name: 'Dbbadd', meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbbame', component: Dbbame, name: 'Dbbame', meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbbdel', component: Dbbdel, name: 'Dbbdel', meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Dbcinf', component: Dbcinf, name: 'Dbcinf', meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(查询)' } },
{ path: 'Dbcadd', component: Dbcadd, name: 'Dbcadd', meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbcame', component: Dbcame, name: 'Dbcame', meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbcdel', component: Dbcdel, name: 'Dbcdel', meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Dbdinf', component: Dbdinf, name: 'Dbdinf', meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(查询)' } },
{ path: 'Dbdadd', component: Dbdadd, name: 'Dbdadd', meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbdame', component: Dbdame, name: 'Dbdame', meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbddel', component: Dbddel, name: 'Dbddel', meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Cfasel', component: Cfasel, name: 'Cfasel', meta: { title: '申报查询入口' } },
{ path: 'Dbjadd', component: Dbjadd, name: 'Dbjadd', meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbjdel', component: Dbjdel, name: 'Dbjdel', meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Dbjame', component: Dbjame, name: 'Dbjame', meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbjinf', component: Dbjinf, name: 'Dbjinf', meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(查询)' } },
{ path: 'Dbwadd', component: Dbwadd, name: 'Dbwadd', meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbwdel', component: Dbwdel, name: 'Dbwdel', meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Dbwame', component: Dbwame, name: 'Dbwame', meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbwinf', component: Dbwinf, name: 'Dbwinf', meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(查询)' } },
{ path: 'Eadadd', component: Eadadd, name: 'Eadadd', meta: { title: '增 -- 外债海外代付' } },
{ path: 'Eadinf', component: Eadinf, name: 'Eadinf', meta: { title: '查 -- 外债海外代付' } },
{ path: 'Eadame', component: Eadame, name: 'Eadame', meta: { title: '改 -- 外债海外代付' } },
{ path: 'Eaddel', component: Eaddel, name: 'Eaddel', meta: { title: '删 -- 外债海外代付' } },
{ path: 'Eafadd', component: Eafadd, name: 'Eafadd', meta: { title: '增 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' } },
{ path: 'Eafinf', component: Eafinf, name: 'Eafinf', meta: { title: '查 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' } },
{ path: 'Eafame', component: Eafame, name: 'Eafame', meta: { title: '改 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' } },
{ path: 'Eafdel', component: Eafdel, name: 'Eafdel', meta: { title: '删 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' } },
{ path: 'Ebaadd', component: Ebaadd, name: 'Ebaadd', meta: { title: '增 -- 对外担保' } },
{ path: 'Ebaame', component: Ebaame, name: 'Ebaame', meta: { title: '改 -- 对外担保' } },
{ path: 'Ebadel', component: Ebadel, name: 'Ebadel', meta: { title: '删 -- 对外担保' } },
{ path: 'Ebainf', component: Ebainf, name: 'Ebainf', meta: { title: '查 -- 对外担保' } },
{ path: 'Ecaadd', component: Ecaadd, name: 'Ecaadd', meta: { title: '增 -- 国内外汇贷款' } },
{ path: 'Ecaame', component: Ecaame, name: 'Ecaame', meta: { title: '改 -- 国内外汇贷款' } },
{ path: 'Ecadel', component: Ecadel, name: 'Ecadel', meta: { title: '删 -- 国内外汇贷款' } },
{ path: 'Ecainf', component: Ecainf, name: 'Ecainf', meta: { title: '查 -- 国内外汇贷款' } },
{ path: 'Dbeadd', component: Dbeadd, name: 'Dbeadd', meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbeame', component: Dbeame, name: 'Dbeame', meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbedel', component: Dbedel, name: 'Dbedel', meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Dbeinf', component: Dbeinf, name: 'Dbeinf', meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(查询)' } },
{ path: 'Dbfadd', component: Dbfadd, name: 'Dbfadd', meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(新建)' } },
{ path: 'Dbfame', component: Dbfame, name: 'Dbfame', meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(修改)' } },
{ path: 'Dbfdel', component: Dbfdel, name: 'Dbfdel', meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(删除)' } },
{ path: 'Dbfinf', component: Dbfinf, name: 'Dbfinf', meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(查询)' } },
{ path: 'dzsys/:path', name: 'DzSys', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '电证 - ' + tag.params.title } } },
{ path: 'infact', component: Infact, name: 'StaticsInfact', meta: { title: '资金账户查询' } },
{ path: 'dbaact', component: Dbaact, name: 'StaticsDbaact', meta: { title: '资金账户新增' } },
{ path: 'dbiact/:inr', component: Dbiact, name: 'StaticsDbiact', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '资金账户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeact/:inr', component: Dbeact, name: 'StaticsDbeact', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '资金账户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdact/:inr', component: Dbdact, name: 'StaticsDbdact', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '资金账户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infatp', component: Infatp, name: 'StaticsInfatp', meta: { title: '交易配置信息查询' } },
{ path: 'dbaatp', component: Dbaatp, name: 'StaticsDbaatp', meta: { title: '交易配置信息新增' } },
{ path: 'dbeatp/:inr', component: Dbeatp, name: 'StaticsDbeatp', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdatp/:inr', component: Dbdatp, name: 'StaticsDbdatp', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbiatp/:inr', component: Dbiatp, name: 'StaticsDbiatp', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '交易配置信息详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infbch', component: Infbch, name: 'StaticsInfbch', meta: { title: '客户查询' } },
{ path: 'dbabch', component: Dbabch, name: 'StaticsDbabch', meta: { title: '客户新增' } },
{ path: 'dbibch/:inr', component: Dbibch, name: 'StaticsDbibch', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbebch/:inr', component: Dbebch, name: 'StaticsDbebch', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdbch/:inr', component: Dbdbch, name: 'StaticsDbdbch', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infcty', component: Infcty, name: 'StaticsInfcty', meta: { title: '国家代码查询' } },
{ path: 'dbacty', component: Dbacty, name: 'StaticsDbacty', meta: { title: '国家代码新增' } },
{ path: 'dbicty/:inr', component: Dbicty, name: 'StaticsDbicty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '国家代码详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbecty/:inr', component: Dbecty, name: 'StaticsDbecty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '国家代码修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdcty/:inr', component: Dbdcty, name: 'StaticsDbdcty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '国家代码删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infcur', component: Infcur, name: 'StaticsInfcur', meta: { title: '币种查询' } },
{ path: 'dbacur', component: Dbacur, name: 'StaticsDbacur', meta: { title: '币种新增' } },
{ path: 'dbicur/:inr', component: Dbicur, name: 'StaticsDbicur', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '币种详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbecur/:inr', component: Dbecur, name: 'StaticsDbecur', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '币种修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdcur/:inr', component: Dbdcur, name: 'StaticsDbdcur', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '币种删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'inffec', component: Inffec, name: 'StaticsInffec', meta: { title: '费率查询' } },
{ path: 'dbafec', component: Dbafec, name: 'StaticsDbafec', meta: { title: '费率新增' } },
{ path: 'dbifec/:inr', component: Dbifec, name: 'StaticsDbifec', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '费率详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbefec/:inr', component: Dbefec, name: 'StaticsDbefec', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '费率修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdfec/:inr', component: Dbdfec, name: 'StaticsDbdfec', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '费率删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infgtx', component: Infgtx, name: 'StaticsInfgtx', meta: { title: '保函文本查询' } },
{ path: 'dbagtx', component: Dbagtx, name: 'StaticsDbagtx', meta: { title: '保函文本新增' } },
{ path: 'dbigtx/:inr', component: Dbigtx, name: 'StaticsDbigtx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbegtx/:inr', component: Dbegtx, name: 'StaticsDbegtx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdgtx/:inr', component: Dbdgtx, name: 'StaticsDbdgtx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infpty', component: Infpty, name: 'StaticsInfpty', meta: { title: '客户查询' } },
{ path: 'dbapty', component: Dbapty, name: 'StaticsDbapty', meta: { title: '客户新增' } },
{ path: 'dbipty/:inr', component: Dbipty, name: 'StaticsDbipty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbepty/:inr', component: Dbepty, name: 'StaticsDbepty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdpty/:inr', component: Dbdpty, name: 'StaticsDbdpty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'inftrl', component: Inftrl, name: 'StaticsInftrl', meta: { title: '复核级别查询' } },
{ path: 'dbatrl', component: Dbatrl, name: 'StaticsDbatrl', meta: { title: '复核级别新增' } },
{ path: 'dbitrl/:inr', component: Dbitrl, name: 'StaticsDbitrl', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '复核级别详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbetrl/:inr', component: Dbetrl, name: 'StaticsDbetrl', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '复核级别修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdtrl/:inr', component: Dbdtrl, name: 'StaticsDbdtrl', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '复核级别删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infusr', component: Infusr, name: 'StaticsInfusr', meta: { title: '柜员查询' } },
{ path: 'dbausr', component: Dbausr, name: 'StaticsDbausr', meta: { title: '柜员新增' } },
{ path: 'dbiusr/:inr', component: Dbiusr, name: 'StaticsDbiusr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '柜员详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeusr/:inr', component: Dbeusr, name: 'StaticsDbeusr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '柜员修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdusr/:inr', component: Dbdusr, name: 'StaticsDbdusr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '柜员删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
path: 'gitatt',
component: Gitatt,
name: 'Gitatt',
meta: { title: '绑定电子凭证' },
path: 'botrad',
component: Botrad,
name: 'Botrad',
meta: { title: '出口托收二次寄单' },
path: 'sptpopup',
component: Sptpopup,
name: 'Sptpopup',
meta: { title: '待经办详情' },
path: 'trnfndsDetail',
component: TrnfndsDetail,
name: 'TrnfndsDetail',
meta: { title: '已完成详情' },
path: 'inftrnpsDetail',
component: InftrnpsDetail,
name: 'InftrnpsDetail',
meta: { title: '待复核详情' },
path: 'infcld',
component: Infcld,
name: 'Infcld',
meta: { title: '打包托收查询' },
path: 'cltdav',
component: Cltdav,
name: 'Cltdav',
meta: { title: '打包托收开立' },
path: 'clttra',
component: Clttra,
name: 'Clttra',
meta: { title: '打包托收催收' },
path: 'cltset',
component: Cltset,
name: 'Cltset',
meta: { title: '打包托收解包' },
path: 'infccd',
component: Infccd,
name: 'Infccd',
meta: { title: '光票托收查询' },
path: 'ccttra',
component: Ccttra,
name: 'Ccttra',
meta: { title: '光票托收催收' },
path: 'cctdav',
component: Cctdav,
name: 'Cctdav',
meta: { title: '光票托收建立' },
path: 'cctset',
component: Cctset,
name: 'Cctset',
meta: { title: '光票托收收汇' },
path: 'cctsel',
component: Cctsel,
name: 'Cctsel',
meta: { title: '光票托收入口交易' },
path: 'cctdcr',
component: Cctdcr,
name: 'Cctdcr',
meta: { title: '光票托收退票' },
path: 'lttopn',
component: Lttopn,
name: 'Lttopn',
meta: { title: '转让信用证开立' },
path: 'lttame',
component: Lttame,
name: 'Lttame',
meta: { title: '转让信用证修改' },
path: 'lttcan',
component: Lttcan,
name: 'Lttcan',
meta: { title: '转让信用证注销' },
path: 'infbtd',
component: Infbtd,
name: 'Infbtd',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据查询' },
path: 'infltd',
component: Infltd,
name: 'Infltd',
meta: { title: '转让信用证查询' },
path: 'bttdck',
component: Bttdck,
name: 'Bttdck',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据第一受益人换单' },
path: 'bttsnd',
component: Bttsnd,
name: 'Bttsnd',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据寄单' },
path: 'bttdcr',
component: Bttdcr,
name: 'Bttdcr',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据拒单' },
path: 'bttdrv',
component: Bttdrv,
name: 'Bttdrv',
meta: { title: '转让信用证修改单据金额' },
path: 'bttcan',
component: Bttcan,
name: 'Bttcan',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据注销' },
path: 'bttacc',
component: Bttacc,
name: 'Bttacc',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据承兑' },
path: 'bttset',
component: Bttset,
name: 'Bttset',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据收汇' },
path: 'bttrcl',
component: Bttrcl,
name: 'Bttrcl',
meta: { title: '转让信用证单据索汇' },
path: 'lttdav',
component: Lttdav,
name: 'Lttdav',
meta: { title: '转让信用证通知到单' },
path: 'lttdck',
component: Lttdck,
name: 'Lttdck',
meta: { title: '转让信用第二受益人交单' },
path: 'brtset',
component: Brtset,
name: 'Brtset',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据进口付汇' },
path: 'bdtudp',
component: Bdtudp,
name: 'Bdtudp',
meta: { title: '国内证承兑' },
path: 'bdtdcr',
component: Bdtdcr,
name: 'Bdtdcr',
meta: { title: '国内证不符点/拒付' },
path: 'bdtdck',
component: Bdtdck,
name: 'Bdtdck',
meta: { title: '买方信用证单据二次到单/修改单据' },
path: 'bdteus',
component: Bdteus,
name: 'Bdteus',
meta: { title: '买方信用证单据展期' },
path: 'cptadv',
component: Cptadv,
name: 'Cptadv',
meta: { title: '汇入汇款' },
path: 'cptopn',
component: Cptopn,
name: 'Cptopn',
meta: { title: '汇出汇款' },
path: 'cptati',
component: Cptati,
name: 'Cptati',
meta: { title: '境内外币汇入汇款' },
path: 'cptato',
component: Cptato,
name: 'Cptato',
meta: { title: '境内外币汇出汇款' },
path: 'diasel',
component: Diasel,
name: 'Diasel',
meta: { title: '备忘录选择交易' },
path: 'bopsel',
component: Bopsel,
name: 'Bopsel',
meta: { title: '待申报列表' },
path: 'cfasel',
component: Cfasel,
name: 'Cfasel',
meta: { title: '资本项目申报' },
path: 'boprcv',
component: Boprcv,
name: 'Boprcv',
meta: { title: '申报回执查询' },
path: 'bopsnd',
component: Bopsnd,
name: 'Bopsnd',
meta: { title: '申报发送查询' },
path: 'dbainf',
component: Dbainf,
name: 'Dbainf',
meta: { title: '涉外收入申报单详情' },
path: 'dbaadd',
component: Dbaadd,
name: 'Dbaadd',
meta: { title: '新增涉外收入申报单' },
path: 'dbaame',
component: Dbaame,
name: 'Dbaame',
meta: { title: '修改涉外收入申报单' },
path: 'dbadel',
component: Dbadel,
name: 'Dbadel',
meta: { title: '删除涉外收入申报单' },
path: 'ditame',
component: Ditame,
name: 'Ditame',
meta: { title: '信用证修改' },
path: 'ditcan',
component: Ditcan,
name: 'Ditcan',
meta: { title: '信用证注销' },
path: 'ditsel',
component: Ditsel,
name: 'Ditsel',
meta: { title: '信用证查询' },
path: 'ditopn',
component: Ditopn,
name: 'Ditopn',
meta: { title: '买方信用证开立' },
path: 'infdid',
component: Infdid,
name: 'Infdid',
meta: { title: '买方信用证交易查询' },
path: 'ditdck',
component: Ditdck,
name: 'Ditdck',
meta: { title: '信用证到单' },
// 例
path: 'ditopn/:inr',
component: Ditopn,
name: 'DitopnInr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '买方信用证开立-' + tag.params.inr
path: 'office',
component: Office,
name: 'Office',
meta: { title: 'Office' },
path: 'sptsel',
component: Sptsel,
name: 'Sptsel',
meta: { title: '待办任务' },
path: 'sptbrk',
component: Sptbrk,
name: 'Sptbrk',
meta: { title: '草稿箱' },
path: 'trnrel',
component: Trnrel,
name: 'Trnrel',
meta: { title: '复核任务' },
path: 'trnfnd',
component: Trnfnd,
name: 'Trnfnd',
meta: { title: '已完成任务' },
path: 'trndtl',
query: 'inr',
component: Trndtl,
name: 'Trndtl',
meta: { title: 'Trndtl' },
path: 'tstopn',
component: Tstopn,
name: 'Tstopn',
meta: { title: 'Tstopn' },
path: 'infpta',
component: Infpta,
name: 'Infpta',
meta: { title: '客户地址查询' },
path: 'letsel',
component: Letsel,
name: 'Letsel',
meta: { title: '出口信用证查询' },
path: 'letopn',
component: Letopn,
name: 'Letopn',
meta: { title: '出口信用证通知' },
path: 'letamc',
component: Letamc,
name: 'Letamc',
meta: { title: '出口信用证保兑' },
path: 'letame',
component: Letame,
name: 'Letame',
meta: { title: '出口信用证修改' },
path: 'letdrw',
component: Letdrw,
name: 'Letdrw',
meta: { title: '出口信用证非我行通知及收单行登记' },
path: 'letdav',
component: Letdav,
name: 'Letdav',
meta: { title: '出口信用证预通知到单' },
path: 'letrsv',
component: Letrsv,
name: 'Letrsv',
meta: { title: '出口信用证补通知' },
path: 'letdrv',
component: Letdrv,
name: 'Letdrv',
meta: { title: '出口信用证出口收单' },
path: 'infled',
component: Infled,
name: 'Infled',
meta: { title: '出口信用证交易查询' },
//{ path: 'bptsel', component: Bptsel, name: 'Bptsel', meta: { title: '出口融资入口交易' } },
path: 'bptopn',
component: Bptopn,
name: 'Bptopn',
meta: { title: '出口融资放款' },
path: 'bptame',
component: Bptame,
name: 'Bptame',
meta: { title: '出口融资修改' },
path: 'bptset',
component: Bptset,
name: 'Bptset',
meta: { title: '出口融资还款' },
//{ path: 'bptcrf', component: Bptcrf, name: 'Bptcrf', meta: { title: '出口融资返还' } },
path: 'bptcan',
component: Bptcan,
name: 'Bptcan',
meta: { title: '出口融资注销' },
path: 'betacc',
component: Betacc,
name: 'Betacc',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据承兑' },
path: 'betamc',
component: Betamc,
name: 'Betamc',
meta: { title: '出口信用证保兑额度释放' },
path: 'betrcl',
component: Betrcl,
name: 'Betrcl',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据索汇' },
path: 'betrcl',
component: Betrcl,
name: 'Betrcl',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据出口单据索汇' },
path: 'betset',
component: Betset,
name: 'Betset',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据出口收汇' },
path: 'sptrel',
component: Sptrel,
name: 'Sptrel',
meta: { title: '待审批列表' },
path: 'sptneg',
component: Sptneg,
name: 'Sptneg',
meta: { title: '订单分配列表' },
path: 'sptrou',
component: Sptrou,
name: 'Sptrou',
meta: { title: '待经办任务分配' },
path: 'bddsel',
component: Bddsel,
name: 'Bddsel',
meta: { title: 'Bddsel' },
path: 'infbdd',
component: Infbdd,
name: 'Infbdd',
meta: { title: '买方信用证单据查询' },
path: 'infbrd',
component: Infbrd,
name: 'Infbrd',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据查询' },
path: 'mgrtsk',
component: Mgrtsk,
name: 'Mgrtsk',
meta: { title: 'Mgrtsk' },
path: 'switsk',
component: Switsk,
name: 'Switsk',
meta: { title: 'Switsk' },
// { path: 'infusr', component: Infusr, name: 'Infusr', meta: { title: '用户信息' } },
path: 'infcpd',
component: Infcpd,
name: 'Infcpd',
meta: { title: '汇款查询' },
path: 'bctdav',
component: Bctdav,
name: 'Bctdav',
meta: { title: '进口代收到单通知' },
path: 'bctacc',
component: Bctacc,
name: 'Bctacc',
meta: { title: '进口代收承兑' },
path: 'bctrad',
component: Bctrad,
name: 'Bctrad',
meta: { title: '进口代收二次收单' },
path: 'bctdor',
component: Bctdor,
name: 'Bctdor',
meta: { title: '进口代收拒付' },
path: 'bctset',
component: Bctset,
name: 'Bctset',
meta: { title: '进口代收付款' },
path: 'bctcan',
component: Bctcan,
name: 'Bctcan',
meta: { title: '进口代收闭卷' },
path: 'bctame',
component: Bctame,
name: 'Bctame',
meta: { title: '进口代收修改' },
// { path: 'infcur', component: Infcur, name: 'Infcur', meta: { title: '货币查询' } },
path: 'infbed',
component: Infbed,
name: 'Infbed',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据查询' },
path: 'letcan',
component: Letcan,
name: 'Letcan',
meta: { title: '出口信用证注销' },
path: 'brtlat',
component: Brtlat,
name: 'Brtlat',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据偿还垫款' },
path: 'litopn',
component: Litopn,
name: 'Litopn',
meta: { title: '进口信用证开立' },
path: 'litcan',
component: Litcan,
name: 'Litcan',
meta: { title: '进口信用证注销' },
path: 'litdav',
component: Litdav,
name: 'Litdav',
meta: { title: '进口信用证通知到单 ' },
path: 'litdck',
component: Litdck,
name: 'Litdck',
meta: { title: '进口信用证到单' },
path: 'inflid',
component: Inflid,
name: 'Inflid',
meta: { title: '进口信用证交易查询' },
path: 'inftrd',
component: Inftrd,
name: 'Inftrd',
meta: { title: '进口融资查询' },
path: 'trtopn',
component: Trtopn,
name: 'Trtopn',
meta: { title: '进口融资开立' },
path: 'trtame',
component: Trtame,
name: 'Trtame',
meta: { title: '进口融资修改' },
path: 'trtsel',
component: Trtsel,
name: 'Trtsel',
meta: { title: '进口融资入口交易' },
path: 'brtdck',
component: Brtdck,
name: 'Brtdck',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据改单/二次到单' },
path: 'brteus',
component: Brteus,
name: 'Brteus',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据展期' },
}, //brteus路由
path: 'brtudp',
component: Brtudp,
name: 'Brtudp',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据承兑' },
path: 'brtcsg',
component: Brtcsg,
name: 'Brtcsg',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保注销' },
path: 'brtcan',
component: Brtcan,
name: 'Brtcan',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据注销' },
path: 'brtsnd',
component: Brtsnd,
name: 'Brtsnd',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据寄单' },
path: 'inftxm',
component: Inftxm,
name: 'Inftxm',
meta: { title: '条式语句查询' },
// { path: 'infdet', component: Infdet, name: 'Infdet', meta: { title: 'Infdet' } },
path: 'infbod',
component: Infbod,
name: 'Infbod',
meta: { title: '出口托收查询' },
path: 'botsel',
component: Botsel,
name: 'Botsel',
meta: { title: '出口托收入口交易Botsel' },
path: 'botacc',
component: Botacc,
name: 'Botacc',
meta: { title: '出口托收承兑' },
path: 'botpay',
component: Botpay,
name: 'Botpay',
meta: { title: '出口托收结算' },
path: 'botdav',
component: Botdav,
name: 'Botdav',
meta: { title: '出口托收寄单' },
path: 'botame',
component: Botame,
name: 'Botame',
meta: { title: '出口托收修改' },
path: 'botdcr',
component: Botdcr,
name: 'Botdcr',
meta: { title: '出口托收拒付/不符点' },
path: 'botset',
component: Botset,
name: 'Botset',
meta: { title: '出口托收收汇' },
path: 'botcan',
component: Botcan,
name: 'Botcan',
meta: { title: '出口托收闭卷' },
path: 'inffec',
component: Botset,
name: 'Inffec',
meta: { title: '费用条件查询' },
path: 'inffee',
component: Inffee,
name: 'Inffee',
meta: { title: '费用管理' },
path: 'infbcd',
component: Infbcd,
name: 'Infbcd',
meta: { title: '进口代收查询' },
path: 'bdtcan',
component: Bdtcan,
name: 'Bdtcan',
meta: { title: '买方信用证单据注销' },
path: 'ditdla',
component: Ditdla,
name: 'Ditdla',
meta: { title: '买方信用证减额接受' },
path: 'bdtset',
component: Bdtset,
name: 'Bdtset',
meta: { title: '信用证付款' },
path: 'infdet',
component: Infdet,
name: 'Infdet',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证交易查询' },
path: 'infbfd',
component: Infbfd,
name: 'Infbfd',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据查询' },
path: 'detopn',
component: Detopn,
name: 'Detopn',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证开立' },
path: 'detame',
component: Detame,
name: 'Detame',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证修改' },
path: 'detsel',
component: Detsel,
name: 'Detsel',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证查询' },
path: 'fctcan',
component: Fctcan,
name: 'Fctcan',
meta: { title: '保证金注销' },
path: 'fctopn',
component: Fctopn,
name: 'Fctopn',
meta: { title: '保证金收取' },
path: 'bftcan',
component: Bftcan,
name: 'Bftcan',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据注销' },
path: 'bftsnd',
component: Bftsnd,
name: 'Bftsnd',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证寄单' },
path: 'bftset',
component: Bftset,
name: 'Bftset',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证收款' },
path: 'bftdrv',
component: Bftdrv,
name: 'Bftdrv',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据修改单据金额' },
path: 'detdrv',
component: Detdrv,
name: 'Detdrv',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证收单' },
path: 'bftacc',
component: Bftacc,
name: 'Bftacc',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据承兑' },
path: 'bftdcr',
component: Bftdcr,
name: 'Bftdcr',
meta: { title: '卖方信用证单据电提不符点/开证行拒付' },
path: 'examRule',
component: ExamRule,
name: 'ExamRule',
meta: { title: '智能审单规则设置' },
path: 'gitcom',
component: Gitcom,
name: 'Gitcom',
meta: { title: '进口保函定期收费' },
path: 'giteng',
component: Giteng,
name: 'Giteng',
meta: { title: '保函保证金调整' },
path: 'gitpop',
component: Gitpop,
name: 'Gitpop',
meta: { title: '进口保函预开立' },
path: 'gitopn',
component: Gitopn,
name: 'Gitopn',
meta: { title: '进口保函开立' },
path: 'gitame',
component: Gitame,
name: 'Gitame',
meta: { title: '进口保函修改' },
path: 'gitsel',
component: Gitsel,
name: 'Gitsel',
meta: { title: '进口保函查询' },
path: 'gitadd',
component: Gitadd,
name: 'Gitadd',
meta: { title: '保函编辑参考号' },
path: 'infgid',
component: Infgid,
name: 'Infgid',
meta: { title: '保函入口交易' },
path: 'gitset',
component: Gitset,
name: 'Gitset',
meta: { title: '进口保函赔付' },
path: 'gitcrq',
component: Gitcrq,
name: 'Gitcrq',
meta: { title: '进口保函索赔登记' },
path: 'infgcd',
component: Infgcd,
name: 'Infgcd',
meta: { title: '保函赔付查询' },
path: 'getcan',
component: Getcan,
name: 'Getcan',
meta: { title: '出口保函注销' },
path: 'gitcan',
component: Gitcan,
name: 'Gitcan',
meta: { title: '进口保函注销' },
path: 'gitcrj',
component: Gitcrj,
name: 'Gitcrj',
meta: { title: '进口保函拒付' },
path: 'gctcan',
component: Gctcan,
name: 'Gctcan',
meta: { title: '保函赔付注销' },
path: 'gitdla',
component: Gitdla,
name: 'Gitdla',
meta: { title: '减额后处理' },
path: 'getfee',
component: Getfee,
name: 'Getfee',
meta: { title: '费用结算' },
path: 'gitfre',
component: Gitfre,
name: 'Gitfre',
meta: { title: '自由格式报文' },
path: 'ditdav',
component: Ditdav,
name: 'Ditdav',
meta: { title: '信用证收单' },
// { path: 'Infpty', component: Infpty, name: 'Infpty', meta: { title: '客户查询' } },
// { path: 'Dbipty', component: Dbipty, name: 'Dbipty', meta: { title: '客户静态信息管理' } },
path: 'betdcr',
component: Betdcr,
name: 'Betdcr',
meta: { title: '出口信用证电提不符点/拒付' },
path: 'betdrv',
component: Betdrv,
name: 'Betdrv',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据修改' },
path: 'betsnd',
component: Betsnd,
name: 'Betsnd',
meta: { title: '出口信用证寄单' },
path: 'betcan',
component: Betcan,
name: 'Betcan',
meta: { title: '出口信用证单据闭卷' },
path: 'letnot',
component: Letnot,
name: 'Letnot',
meta: { title: '出口信用证预开立' },
path: 'infbpd',
component: Infbpd,
name: 'Infbpd',
meta: { title: '出口押汇查询' },
path: 'getset',
component: Getset,
name: 'Getset',
meta: { title: '出口保函收汇' },
path: 'getsel',
component: Getsel,
name: 'Getsel',
meta: { title: 'Getsel' },
path: 'getopn',
component: Getopn,
name: 'Getopn',
meta: { title: '出口保函通知' },
path: 'getame',
component: Getame,
name: 'Getame',
meta: { title: '出口保函修改' },
path: 'getcrq',
component: Getcrq,
name: 'Getcrq',
meta: { title: '出口保函索偿' },
path: 'getamc',
component: Getamc,
name: 'Getamc',
meta: { title: '出口保函保兑' },
path: 'notice',
component: Notice,
name: 'Notice',
meta: { title: '通知公告设置' },
path: 'Iaefts',
component: Iaefts,
name: 'Iaefts',
meta: { title: '融资量交易' },
path: 'Expben',
component: Expben,
name: 'Expben',
meta: { title: '费用收益' },
path: 'Busvol',
component: Busvol,
name: 'Busvol',
meta: { title: '业务量交易' },
path: 'assetinfo',
component: AssetInfo,
name: 'AssetInfo',
meta: { title: '资产信息管理' },
path: 'assetpub',
component: AssetPub,
name: 'AssetPub',
meta: { title: '资产发布信息管理' },
path: 'fund',
component: Fund,
name: 'Fund',
meta: { title: '资金信息管理' },
path: 'Litsel',
component: Litsel,
name: 'Litsel',
meta: { title: '进口信用证入口' },
path: 'Litame',
component: Litame,
name: 'Litame',
meta: { title: '进口信用证修改' },
path: 'Brtdcr',
component: Brtdcr,
name: 'Brtdcr',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据拒付/不符点处理' },
path: 'Brtacp',
component: Brtacp,
name: 'Brtacp',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据接受不符点' },
path: 'Brtame',
component: Brtame,
name: 'Brtame',
meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保修改' },
path: 'Litrog',
component: Litrog,
name: 'Litrog',
meta: { title: '进口信用证提货担保' },
path: 'Litacp',
component: Litacp,
name: 'Litacp',
meta: { title: '进口信用证减额修改接受' },
path: 'Litdla',
component: Litdla,
name: 'Litdla',
meta: { title: '进口信用证减额修改接受' },
path: 'Bctsel',
component: Bctsel,
name: 'Bctsel',
meta: { title: '进口代收' },
path: 'Cnysel',
component: Cnysel,
name: 'Cnysel',
meta: { title: '跨境人民币查询' },
path: 'Cptrel',
component: Cptrel,
name: 'Cptrel',
meta: { title: '汇款复核与查询' },
path: 'Cptsel',
component: Cptrel,
name: 'Cptrel',
meta: { title: '汇款交易入口' },
path: 'Cptcan',
component: Cptcan,
name: 'Cptcan',
meta: { title: '汇款注销' },
path: 'Cptrep',
component: Cptrep,
name: 'Cptrep',
meta: { title: '挂帐解付' },
path: 'Cptbat',
component: Cptbat,
name: 'Cptbat',
meta: { title: '批量汇款' },
path: 'Sptcpt',
component: Sptcpt,
name: 'Sptcpt',
meta: { title: '批量汇款' },
path: 'trtrcl',
component: Trtrcl,
name: 'Trtrcl',
meta: { title: '进口融资索汇' },
path: 'trtset',
component: Trtset,
name: 'Trtset',
meta: { title: '进口融资还款' },
path: 'trtcan',
component: Trtcan,
name: 'Trtcan',
meta: { title: '进口融资注销' },
// { path: 'Dbiusr', component: Dbiusr, name: 'Dbiusr', meta: { title: 'Dbiusr' } },
// { path: 'Dbibch', component: Dbibch, name: 'Dbibch', meta: { title: 'Dbibch' } },
path: 'Ordrel',
component: Ordrel,
name: 'Ordrel',
meta: { title: 'Ordrel' },
// { path: 'Infact', component: Infact, name: 'Infact', meta: { title: '账户' } },
path: 'Dbbinf',
component: Dbbinf,
name: 'Dbbinf',
meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(查询)' },
path: 'Dbbadd',
component: Dbbadd,
name: 'Dbbadd',
meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(新建)' },
path: 'Dbbame',
component: Dbbame,
name: 'Dbbame',
meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(修改)' },
path: 'Dbbdel',
component: Dbbdel,
name: 'Dbbdel',
meta: { title: '境外汇款申请书(删除)' },
path: 'Dbcinf',
component: Dbcinf,
name: 'Dbcinf',
meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(查询)' },
path: 'Dbcadd',
component: Dbcadd,
name: 'Dbcadd',
meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(新建)' },
path: 'Dbcame',
component: Dbcame,
name: 'Dbcame',
meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(修改)' },
path: 'Dbcdel',
component: Dbcdel,
name: 'Dbcdel',
meta: { title: '对外付款/承兑通知书(删除)' },
path: 'Dbdinf',
component: Dbdinf,
name: 'Dbdinf',
meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(查询)' },
path: 'Dbdadd',
component: Dbdadd,
name: 'Dbdadd',
meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(新建)' },
path: 'Dbdame',
component: Dbdame,
name: 'Dbdame',
meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(修改)' },
path: 'Dbddel',
component: Dbddel,
name: 'Dbddel',
meta: { title: '境内收入申报单(删除)' },
path: 'Cfasel',
component: Cfasel,
name: 'Cfasel',
meta: { title: '申报查询入口' },
path: 'Dbjadd',
component: Dbjadd,
name: 'Dbjadd',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(新建)' },
path: 'Dbjdel',
component: Dbjdel,
name: 'Dbjdel',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(删除)' },
path: 'Dbjame',
component: Dbjame,
name: 'Dbjame',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(修改)' },
path: 'Dbjinf',
component: Dbjinf,
name: 'Dbjinf',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内结汇(查询)' },
path: 'Dbwadd',
component: Dbwadd,
name: 'Dbwadd',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(新建)' },
path: 'Dbwdel',
component: Dbwdel,
name: 'Dbwdel',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(删除)' },
path: 'Dbwame',
component: Dbwame,
name: 'Dbwame',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(修改)' },
path: 'Dbwinf',
component: Dbwinf,
name: 'Dbwinf',
meta: { title: '外汇账户内购汇(查询)' },
path: 'Eadadd',
component: Eadadd,
name: 'Eadadd',
meta: { title: '增 -- 外债海外代付' },
path: 'Eadinf',
component: Eadinf,
name: 'Eadinf',
meta: { title: '查 -- 外债海外代付' },
path: 'Eadame',
component: Eadame,
name: 'Eadame',
meta: { title: '改 -- 外债海外代付' },
path: 'Eaddel',
component: Eaddel,
name: 'Eaddel',
meta: { title: '删 -- 外债海外代付' },
path: 'Eafadd',
component: Eafadd,
name: 'Eafadd',
meta: { title: '增 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' },
path: 'Eafinf',
component: Eafinf,
name: 'Eafinf',
meta: { title: '查 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' },
path: 'Eafame',
component: Eafame,
name: 'Eafame',
meta: { title: '改 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' },
path: 'Eafdel',
component: Eafdel,
name: 'Eafdel',
meta: { title: '删 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)' },
path: 'Ebaadd',
component: Ebaadd,
name: 'Ebaadd',
meta: { title: '增 -- 对外担保' },
path: 'Ebaame',
component: Ebaame,
name: 'Ebaame',
meta: { title: '改 -- 对外担保' },
path: 'Ebadel',
component: Ebadel,
name: 'Ebadel',
meta: { title: '删 -- 对外担保' },
path: 'Ebainf',
component: Ebainf,
name: 'Ebainf',
meta: { title: '查 -- 对外担保' },
path: 'Ecaadd',
component: Ecaadd,
name: 'Ecaadd',
meta: { title: '增 -- 国内外汇贷款' },
path: 'Ecaame',
component: Ecaame,
name: 'Ecaame',
meta: { title: '改 -- 国内外汇贷款' },
path: 'Ecadel',
component: Ecadel,
name: 'Ecadel',
meta: { title: '删 -- 国内外汇贷款' },
path: 'Ecainf',
component: Ecainf,
name: 'Ecainf',
meta: { title: '查 -- 国内外汇贷款' },
path: 'Dbeadd',
component: Dbeadd,
name: 'Dbeadd',
meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(新建)' },
path: 'Dbeame',
component: Dbeame,
name: 'Dbeame',
meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(修改)' },
path: 'Dbedel',
component: Dbedel,
name: 'Dbedel',
meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(删除)' },
path: 'Dbeinf',
component: Dbeinf,
name: 'Dbeinf',
meta: { title: '境内汇款申请书(查询)' },
path: 'Dbfadd',
component: Dbfadd,
name: 'Dbfadd',
meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(新建)' },
path: 'Dbfame',
component: Dbfame,
name: 'Dbfame',
meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(修改)' },
path: 'Dbfdel',
component: Dbfdel,
name: 'Dbfdel',
meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(删除)' },
path: 'Dbfinf',
component: Dbfinf,
name: 'Dbfinf',
meta: { title: '境内付款/承兑通知书(查询)' },
path: 'dzsys/:path',
name: 'DzSys',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '电证 - ' + tag.params.title
path: 'infact',
component: Infact,
name: 'StaticsInfact',
meta: { title: '资金账户查询' },
path: 'dbaact',
component: Dbaact,
name: 'StaticsDbaact',
meta: { title: '资金账户新增' },
path: 'dbiact/:inr',
component: Dbiact,
name: 'StaticsDbiact',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '资金账户详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeact/:inr',
component: Dbeact,
name: 'StaticsDbeact',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '资金账户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdact/:inr',
component: Dbdact,
name: 'StaticsDbdact',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '资金账户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infatp',
component: Infatp,
name: 'StaticsInfatp',
meta: { title: '交易配置信息查询' },
path: 'dbaatp',
component: Dbaatp,
name: 'StaticsDbaatp',
meta: { title: '交易配置信息新增' },
path: 'dbeatp/:inr',
component: Dbeatp,
name: 'StaticsDbeatp',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdatp/:inr',
component: Dbdatp,
name: 'StaticsDbdatp',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbiatp/:inr',
component: Dbiatp,
name: 'StaticsDbiatp',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '交易配置信息详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infbch',
component: Infbch,
name: 'StaticsInfbch',
meta: { title: '客户查询' },
path: 'dbabch',
component: Dbabch,
name: 'StaticsDbabch',
meta: { title: '客户新增' },
path: 'dbibch/:inr',
component: Dbibch,
name: 'StaticsDbibch',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbebch/:inr',
component: Dbebch,
name: 'StaticsDbebch',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdbch/:inr',
component: Dbdbch,
name: 'StaticsDbdbch',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infoit',
component: Infoit,
name: 'StaticsInfoit',
meta: { title: '消息查询' },
path: 'dbaoit',
component: Dbaoit,
name: 'StaticsDbaoit',
meta: { title: '消息新增' },
path: 'dbioit/:inr',
component: Dbioit,
name: 'StaticsDbioit',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '消息详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeoit/:inr',
component: Dbeoit,
name: 'StaticsDbeoit',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '消息修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdoit/:inr',
component: Dbdoit,
name: 'StaticsDbdoit',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '消息删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infcty',
component: Infcty,
name: 'StaticsInfcty',
meta: { title: '国家代码查询' },
path: 'dbacty',
component: Dbacty,
name: 'StaticsDbacty',
meta: { title: '国家代码新增' },
path: 'dbicty/:inr',
component: Dbicty,
name: 'StaticsDbicty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '国家代码详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbecty/:inr',
component: Dbecty,
name: 'StaticsDbecty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '国家代码修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdcty/:inr',
component: Dbdcty,
name: 'StaticsDbdcty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '国家代码删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infcur',
component: Infcur,
name: 'StaticsInfcur',
meta: { title: '币种查询' },
path: 'dbacur',
component: Dbacur,
name: 'StaticsDbacur',
meta: { title: '币种新增' },
path: 'dbicur/:inr',
component: Dbicur,
name: 'StaticsDbicur',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '币种详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbecur/:inr',
component: Dbecur,
name: 'StaticsDbecur',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '币种修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdcur/:inr',
component: Dbdcur,
name: 'StaticsDbdcur',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '币种删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'inffec',
component: Inffec,
name: 'StaticsInffec',
meta: { title: '费率查询' },
path: 'dbafec',
component: Dbafec,
name: 'StaticsDbafec',
meta: { title: '费率新增' },
path: 'dbifec/:inr',
component: Dbifec,
name: 'StaticsDbifec',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '费率详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbefec/:inr',
component: Dbefec,
name: 'StaticsDbefec',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '费率修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdfec/:inr',
component: Dbdfec,
name: 'StaticsDbdfec',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '费率删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infgtx',
component: Infgtx,
name: 'StaticsInfgtx',
meta: { title: '保函文本查询' },
path: 'dbagtx',
component: Dbagtx,
name: 'StaticsDbagtx',
meta: { title: '保函文本新增' },
path: 'dbigtx/:inr',
component: Dbigtx,
name: 'StaticsDbigtx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbegtx/:inr',
component: Dbegtx,
name: 'StaticsDbegtx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdgtx/:inr',
component: Dbdgtx,
name: 'StaticsDbdgtx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infpty',
component: Infpty,
name: 'StaticsInfpty',
meta: { title: '客户查询' },
path: 'dbapty',
component: Dbapty,
name: 'StaticsDbapty',
meta: { title: '客户新增' },
path: 'dbipty/:inr',
component: Dbipty,
name: 'StaticsDbipty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbepty/:inr',
component: Dbepty,
name: 'StaticsDbepty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdpty/:inr',
component: Dbdpty,
name: 'StaticsDbdpty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'inftrl',
component: Inftrl,
name: 'StaticsInftrl',
meta: { title: '复核级别查询' },
path: 'dbatrl',
component: Dbatrl,
name: 'StaticsDbatrl',
meta: { title: '复核级别新增' },
path: 'dbitrl/:inr',
component: Dbitrl,
name: 'StaticsDbitrl',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '复核级别详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbetrl/:inr',
component: Dbetrl,
name: 'StaticsDbetrl',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '复核级别修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdtrl/:inr',
component: Dbdtrl,
name: 'StaticsDbdtrl',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '复核级别删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infusr',
component: Infusr,
name: 'StaticsInfusr',
meta: { title: '柜员查询' },
path: 'dbausr',
component: Dbausr,
name: 'StaticsDbausr',
meta: { title: '柜员新增' },
path: 'dbiusr/:inr',
component: Dbiusr,
name: 'StaticsDbiusr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '柜员详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeusr/:inr',
component: Dbeusr,
name: 'StaticsDbeusr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '柜员修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdusr/:inr',
component: Dbdusr,
name: 'StaticsDbdusr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '柜员删除: ' + tag.params.inr
export default BusRouter
\ No newline at end of file
export default BusRouter
......@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
import Button from "../../components/Button.vue";
import SubMenu from "~/components/SubMenu.vue";
import { getDzSysMenu } from "./dz/menus.js";
import Button from '../../components/Button.vue'
import SubMenu from '~/components/SubMenu.vue'
import { getDzSysMenu } from './dz/menus.js'
export default {
components: { Button, SubMenu },
......@@ -35,38 +35,32 @@ export default {
openFlgArr: [],
menuOpen: true,
menuList: [
// { inifrm: "0", ininam: "公共夹", pntmiu: "" },
// { inifrm: "sptsel", ininam: "待办任务", pntmiu: "0" },
// { inifrm: "trnrel", ininam: "复核任务", pntmiu: "0" },
// { inifrm: "diasel", ininam: "备忘录选择交易", pntmiu: "0" },
{ inifrm: "1", ininam: "汇款业务", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infcpd", ininam: "汇款查询", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: '1', ininam: '汇款业务', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'infcpd', ininam: '汇款查询', pntmiu: '1' },
// { inifrm: "cptopn", ininam: "汇出汇款", pntmiu: "1" },
// { inifrm: "cptadv", ininam: "汇入汇款", pntmiu: "1" },
// { inifrm: "cptato", ininam: "境内外币汇出汇款", pntmiu: "1" },
// { inifrm: "cptati", ininam: "境内外币汇入汇款", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: "cnysel", ininam: "跨境人民币查询", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: 'cnysel', ininam: '跨境人民币查询', pntmiu: '1' },
// { inifrm: "cptrel", ininam: "汇款复核与查询", pntmiu: "1" },
// { inifrm: "cptcan", ininam: "汇款注销", pntmiu: "1" },
// { inifrm: "cptrep", ininam: "汇入汇款挂帐解付", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: "4", ininam: "进口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "inflid", ininam: "进口信用证交易查询", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "infbrd", ininam: "进口信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: '4', ininam: '进口信用证', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'inflid', ininam: '进口信用证交易查询', pntmiu: '4' },
{ inifrm: 'infbrd', ininam: '进口信用证单据查询', pntmiu: '4' },
// { inifrm: "litopn", ininam: "进口信用证开立", pntmiu: "4" },
// { inifrm: "litdav", ininam: "进口信用证通知到单", pntmiu: "4" },
// { inifrm: "litdck", ininam: "进口信用证到单", pntmiu: "4" },
// { inifrm: "brtlat", ininam: "进口信用证单据偿还垫款", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "3", ininam: "出口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infled", ininam: "出口信用证交易查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "infbed", ininam: "出口信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: '3', ininam: '出口信用证', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'infled', ininam: '出口信用证交易查询', pntmiu: '3' },
{ inifrm: 'infbed', ininam: '出口信用证单据查询', pntmiu: '3' },
// { inifrm: "letsel", ininam: "出口信用证查询", pntmiu: "3" },
// { inifrm: "letopn", ininam: "出口信用证通知", pntmiu: "3" },
// { inifrm: "letnot", ininam: "出口信用证预通知", pntmiu: "3" },
......@@ -79,81 +73,67 @@ export default {
// { inifrm: "betdcr", ininam: "出口信用证不符点/拒付", pntmiu: "3" },
// { inifrm: "betdrv", ininam: "出口信用证单据修改", pntmiu: "3" },
// { inifrm: "infbpd", ininam: "出口押汇查询", pntmiu: "3" },
// { inifrm: "litcan", ininam: "进口信用证注销", pntmiu: "4" },
// { inifrm: "inftrd", ininam: "进口押汇查询", pntmiu: "4" },
// { inifrm: "trtame", ininam: "进口融资修改", pntmiu: "4" },
// { inifrm: "inftxm", ininam: "条式语句查询", pntmiu: "4" },
//{ inifrm: "7", ininam: "转让信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: 'infltd', ininam: '转让信用证查询', pntmiu: '3' },
{ inifrm: 'infbtd', ininam: '转让信用证单据查询', pntmiu: '3' },
//{ inifrm: "7", ininam: "转让信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infltd", ininam: "转让信用证查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "infbtd", ininam: "转让信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "2", ininam: "买方信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: '2', ininam: '买方信用证', pntmiu: '' },
// { inifrm: "ditopn", ininam: "信用证开立", pntmiu: "2" },
// { inifrm: "ditame", ininam: "信用证修改", pntmiu: "2" },
// { inifrm: "ditcan", ininam: "信用证注销", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "infdid", ininam: "买方信用证交易查询", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "infbdd", ininam: "买方信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: 'infdid', ininam: '买方信用证交易查询', pntmiu: '2' },
{ inifrm: 'infbdd', ininam: '买方信用证单据查询', pntmiu: '2' },
//{ inifrm: "bdtset", ininam: "买方信用证收款", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "22", ininam: "卖方信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infdet", ininam: "卖方信用证交易查询", pntmiu: "22" },
{ inifrm: "infbfd", ininam: "卖方信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "22" },
{ inifrm: '22', ininam: '卖方信用证', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'infdet', ininam: '卖方信用证交易查询', pntmiu: '22' },
{ inifrm: 'infbfd', ininam: '卖方信用证单据查询', pntmiu: '22' },
//{ inifrm: "bftsnd", ininam: "卖方信用证寄单", pntmiu: "2" },
//{ inifrm: "bftset", ininam: "卖方信用证收款", pntmiu: "2" },
// { inifrm: "bdtudp", ininam: "信用证承兑", pntmiu: "2" },
// { inifrm: "bdtdcr", ininam: "信用证不符点/拒付", pntmiu: "2" },
// { inifrm: "ditdck", ininam: "信用证到单", pntmiu: "2" },
// { inifrm: "bdtset", ininam: "信用证付款", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "17",ininam: "融资业务", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "inftrd", ininam: "进口融资查询", pntmiu: "17" },
//{ inifrm: "16",ininam: "出口融资", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infbpd", ininam: "出口融资查询", pntmiu: "17" },
{ inifrm: '17', ininam: '融资业务', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'inftrd', ininam: '进口融资查询', pntmiu: '17' },
//{ inifrm: "16",ininam: "出口融资", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: 'infbpd', ininam: '出口融资查询', pntmiu: '17' },
{ inifrm: "13", ininam: "保函业务", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infgid", ininam: "保函入口交易", pntmiu: "13" },
{ inifrm: "infgcd", ininam: "保函赔付查询", pntmiu: "13" },
{ inifrm: '13', ininam: '保函业务', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'infgid', ininam: '保函入口交易', pntmiu: '13' },
{ inifrm: 'infgcd', ininam: '保函赔付查询', pntmiu: '13' },
// { inifrm: "gitsel", ininam: "进口保函查询", pntmiu: "13" },
{ inifrm: "6", ininam: "托收业务", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infbod", ininam: "出口托收查询", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: '6', ininam: '托收业务', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'infbod', ininam: '出口托收查询', pntmiu: '6' },
// { inifrm: "botdav", ininam: "出口托收寄单", pntmiu: "6" },
// { inifrm: "botame", ininam: "出口托收修改", pntmiu: "6" },
// { inifrm: "botdcr", ininam: "出口托收拒付/不符点", pntmiu: "6" },
// { inifrm: "botset", ininam: "出口托收收汇", pntmiu: "6" },
// { inifrm: "botcan", ininam: "出口托收闭卷", pntmiu: "6" },
//{ inifrm: "8", ininam: "打包托收", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infcld", ininam: "打包托收查询", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: 'infcld', ininam: '打包托收查询', pntmiu: '6' },
// { inifrm: "cltdav", ininam: "打包托收开立", pntmiu: "8" },
// { inifrm: "clttra", ininam: "打包托收催收", pntmiu: "8" },
// { inifrm: "cltset", ininam: "打包托收解包", pntmiu: "8" },
//{ inifrm: "9", ininam: "光票托收", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "infccd", ininam: "光票托收查询", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: 'infccd', ininam: '光票托收查询', pntmiu: '6' },
// { inifrm: "ccttra", ininam: "光票托收催收", pntmiu: "9" },
// { inifrm: "cctdcr", ininam: "光票托收退票", pntmiu: "9" },
// { inifrm: "cctset", ininam: "光票托收收汇", pntmiu: "9" },
//{ inifrm: "cltdav", ininam: "光票托收开立", pntmiu: "10" },
//{ inifrm: "clttra", ininam: "光票托收", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "5", ininam: "其他业务", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: '5', ininam: '其他业务', pntmiu: '' },
//{ inifrm: "5", ininam: "进口代收", pntmiu: "" },
// { inifrm: "bctdav", ininam: "进口代收到单通知", pntmiu: "5" },
......@@ -163,21 +143,14 @@ export default {
// { inifrm: "bctdor", ininam: "进口代收拒付", pntmiu: "5" },
// { inifrm: "bctset", ininam: "进口代收付款", pntmiu: "5" },
// { inifrm: "bctcan", ininam: "进口代收注销", pntmiu: "5" },
{ inifrm: "infbcd", ininam: "进口代收查询", pntmiu: "5" },
//{ inifrm: "15",ininam: "福费廷管理", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "assetInfo", ininam: "资产信息管理", pntmiu: "5" },
{ inifrm: "assetPub", ininam: "资产发布信息管理", pntmiu: "5" },
{ inifrm: "fund", ininam: "资金信息管理", pntmiu: "5" },
{ inifrm: "10", ininam: "参数管理", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: 'infbcd', ininam: '进口代收查询', pntmiu: '5' },
//{ inifrm: "15",ininam: "福费廷管理", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: 'assetInfo', ininam: '资产信息管理', pntmiu: '5' },
{ inifrm: 'assetPub', ininam: '资产发布信息管理', pntmiu: '5' },
{ inifrm: 'fund', ininam: '资金信息管理', pntmiu: '5' },
{ inifrm: '10', ininam: '参数管理', pntmiu: '' },
//{ inifrm: "dbiusr", ininam: "用户信息详情", pntmiu: "10" },
//{ inifrm: "dbibch", ininam: "机构信息详情", pntmiu: "10" },
// { inifrm: "infusr", ininam: "用户信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
......@@ -190,166 +163,181 @@ export default {
// { inifrm: "infpty", ininam: "客户信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
// { inifrm: "infpta", ininam: "客户地址查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infact", ininam: "账号信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infatp", ininam: "交易模式配置查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infbch", ininam: "机构信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infcty", ininam: "国别信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infcur", ininam: "币种信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "inffec", ininam: "费率信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infgtx", ininam: "保函文本查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infpty", ininam: "客户信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "inftrl", ininam: "交易权限查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: "infusr", ininam: "柜员信息查询", pntmiu: "10" },
{ inifrm: 'infact', ininam: '账号信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infatp', ininam: '交易模式配置查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infbch', ininam: '机构信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infcty', ininam: '国别信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infcur', ininam: '币种信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'inffec', ininam: '费率信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infgtx', ininam: '保函文本查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infpty', ininam: '客户信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'inftrl', ininam: '交易权限查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infusr', ininam: '柜员信息查询', pntmiu: '10' },
{ inifrm: 'infoit', ininam: '消息信息查询OIT', pntmiu: '10' },
// { inifrm: "gitset", ininam: "进口保函赔付", pntmiu: "13" },
// { inifrm: "gitcrq", ininam: "进口保函索赔登记", pntmiu: "13" },
{ inifrm: "14", ininam: "服务管理", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "switsk", ininam: "收报服务", pntmiu: "14" },
{ inifrm: "mgrtsk", ininam: "发报服务", pntmiu: "14" },
{ inifrm: "sptrel", ininam: "订单复核", pntmiu: "14" },
{ inifrm: "sptneg", ininam: "订单分配服务", pntmiu: "14" },
{ inifrm: "ordrel", ininam: "订单服务", pntmiu: "14" },
{ inifrm: "cptbat", ininam: "批量汇款服务", pntmiu: "14" },
{ inifrm: "12", ininam: "智能审单", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "examRule", ininam: "智能审单规则配置", pntmiu: "12" },
{ inifrm: "28", ininam: "资本项目申报", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "cfasel", ininam: "申报查询入口", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eadadd", ininam: "增--外债海外代付", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eadinf", ininam: "查--外债海外代付", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eadame", ininam: "改--外债海外代付", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eaddel", ininam: "删--外债海外代付", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eafadd", ininam: "增 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eafinf", ininam: "查 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eafame", ininam: "改 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: "eafdel", ininam: "删 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)", pntmiu: "28" },
{ inifrm: '14', ininam: '服务管理', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'switsk', ininam: '收报服务', pntmiu: '14' },
{ inifrm: 'mgrtsk', ininam: '发报服务', pntmiu: '14' },
{ inifrm: 'sptrel', ininam: '订单复核', pntmiu: '14' },
{ inifrm: 'sptneg', ininam: '订单分配服务', pntmiu: '14' },
{ inifrm: 'ordrel', ininam: '订单服务', pntmiu: '14' },
{ inifrm: 'cptbat', ininam: '批量汇款服务', pntmiu: '14' },
{ inifrm: '12', ininam: '智能审单', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'examRule', ininam: '智能审单规则配置', pntmiu: '12' },
{ inifrm: '28', ininam: '资本项目申报', pntmiu: '' },
{ inifrm: 'cfasel', ininam: '申报查询入口', pntmiu: '28' },
{ inifrm: 'eadadd', ininam: '增--外债海外代付', pntmiu: '28' },
{ inifrm: 'eadinf', ininam: '查--外债海外代付', pntmiu: '28' },
{ inifrm: 'eadame', ininam: '改--外债海外代付', pntmiu: '28' },
{ inifrm: 'eaddel', ininam: '删--外债海外代付', pntmiu: '28' },
inifrm: 'eafadd',
ininam: '增 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)',
pntmiu: '28',
inifrm: 'eafinf',
ininam: '查 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)',
pntmiu: '28',
inifrm: 'eafame',
ininam: '改 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)',
pntmiu: '28',
inifrm: 'eafdel',
ininam: '删 -- 外债远期信用证(含即期单证相符)',
pntmiu: '28',
// { inifrm: "3", ininam: "出口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
// { inifrm: "infled", ininam: "出口信用证交易查询", pntmiu: "3" },
// { inifrm: "infbed", ininam: "出口信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "3" },
menus: [],
menusHeight: 0,
computed: {
activeMenu() {
return this.$route.path;
return this.$route.path
watch: {
$route: function () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const arr = [];
this.getOpenMenusIndex(this.menus, arr);
this.openFlgArr = [ Set([...this.openFlgArr, ...arr])];
const arr = []
this.getOpenMenusIndex(this.menus, arr)
this.openFlgArr = [ Set([...this.openFlgArr, ...arr])]
created() {
this.menusHeight = 60 + 46 + 8;
this.menusHeight = 60 + 46 + 8
mounted() {
const arr = [];
const arr = []
const dzsysMenus = getDzSysMenu()
this.menus = dzsysMenus ? arr.concat(dzsysMenus) : arr;
this.$store.commit("UserContext/setMenu", arr);
this.menus = dzsysMenus ? arr.concat(dzsysMenus) : arr
this.$store.commit('UserContext/setMenu', arr)
methods: {
generateMenuTree(list, item) {
const cc = [],
c = [];
let n = 0;
c = []
let n = 0
for (let i = 0; i < this.menuList.length; i++) {
const menuItem = this.menuList[i];
const menuItem = this.menuList[i]
if (!item) {
if (menuItem.pntmiu === undefined || menuItem.pntmiu === "") {
const children = [];
menuItem.path = "/business";
this.generateMenuTree(children, menuItem);
if (menuItem.pntmiu === undefined || menuItem.pntmiu === '') {
const children = []
menuItem.path = '/business'
this.generateMenuTree(children, menuItem)
const child = {
name: menuItem.ininam,
path: menuItem.path,
if (children.length > 0) {
child["index"] = child.path + "_" + n++;
child['index'] = child.path + '_' + n++
} else {
} else {
if (menuItem.pntmiu === item.inifrm) {
const children = [];
menuItem.path = item.path + "/" + menuItem.inifrm;
this.generateMenuTree(children, menuItem);
const children = []
menuItem.path = item.path + '/' + menuItem.inifrm
this.generateMenuTree(children, menuItem)
const child = {
name: menuItem.ininam,
path: menuItem.path,
icon: "el-icon-document",
icon: 'el-icon-document',
if (children.length > 0) {
child["index"] = child.path + "_" + n++;
child['index'] = child.path + '_' + n++
} else {
list.push(, ...c);
list.push(, ...c)
handleOpen(index, indexPath) {
// console.log(index, indexPath);
const arr = Object.assign([], this.openFlgArr);
this.openFlgArr = arr;
const arr = Object.assign([], this.openFlgArr)
this.openFlgArr = arr
handleClose(index, indexPath) {
// console.log(index, indexPath);
const arr = Object.assign([], this.openFlgArr);
this.openFlgArr = arr.filter((idx) => idx !== index);
const arr = Object.assign([], this.openFlgArr)
this.openFlgArr = arr.filter((idx) => idx !== index)
openMenu() {
this.menuOpen = true;
const aside = document.querySelector("aside");
aside.className = aside.className.split(" ")[0];
this.menuOpen = true
const aside = document.querySelector('aside')
aside.className = aside.className.split(' ')[0]
initOpenFlgIndex() {
const r = [];
this.getOpenMenusIndex(this.menus, r);
this.openFlgArr = r;
const r = []
this.getOpenMenusIndex(this.menus, r)
this.openFlgArr = r
getOpenMenusIndex(menus, arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
const menu = menus[i];
const menu = menus[i]
if (menu.path === this.activeMenu) {
return true;
return true
if (menu.children.length > 0) {
if (this.getOpenMenusIndex(menu.children, arr)) {
return true;
return true
return false;
return false
closeMenu() {
this.menuOpen = false;
const aside = document.querySelector("aside");
aside.className = aside.className + " fold";
this.openFlgArr = [];
this.menuOpen = false
const aside = document.querySelector('aside')
aside.className = aside.className + ' fold'
this.openFlgArr = []
<style scoped>
.eContainer-menu-search {
......@@ -363,7 +351,7 @@ export default {
font-size: 20px;
.eContainer-menu-search >>> .search-wrapper{
.eContainer-menu-search >>> .search-wrapper {
margin-right: 20px;
......@@ -425,7 +413,7 @@ export default {
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
}{ {
font-weight: bold;
......@@ -435,16 +423,16 @@ export default {
font-size: 12px;
.el-menu-vertical-demo [class^="el-icon-caret-"] {
.el-menu-vertical-demo [class^='el-icon-caret-'] {
color: #606266;
/* 去除右侧箭头 */
.el-scrollbar__view .el-icon-arrow-down:before {
content: "";
content: '';
/* 修改箭头颜色 */
.el-scrollbar__view .el-submenu__title i{
.el-scrollbar__view .el-submenu__title i {
color: var(--themecolor);
\ No newline at end of file
<m-oit ref="oit" title="dbaoit" type="add"></m-oit>
import Dbioit from '~/views/Statics/Dbioit'
export default {
name: 'StaticsDbaoit',
components: {
'm-oit': Dbioit,
data() {
return {}
mounted() {},
<m-oit title="dbdoit" type="delete"></m-oit>
import Dbioit from '~/views/Statics/Dbioit'
export default {
name: 'StaticsDbdoit',
components: {
'm-oit': Dbioit,
data() {
return {}
<m-oit title="dbeoit" type="edit"></m-oit>
import Dbioit from '~/views/Statics/Dbioit'
export default {
name: 'StaticsDbeoit',
components: {
'm-oit': Dbioit,
data() {
return {}
export default class Oit {
constructor() { = {
inr: '',
objtyp: '',
objinr: '',
subtyp: '',
subbus: '',
inflev: '',
inftxt: '',
ver: '',
etgextkey: '',
ownref: '',
nam: '',
cod: '',
extkey: '',
export const Pattern = {
inr: [
{ required: true, message: '必输项', type: 'string', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 8, message: '最大长度8个字符', trigger: 'blur' },
objtyp: [
{ required: true, message: '必输项', type: 'string', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 6, message: '最大长度6个字符', trigger: 'blur' },
objinr: [
{ required: true, message: '必输项', type: 'string', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 8, message: '最大长度8个字符', trigger: 'blur' },
subtyp: [
{ required: true, message: '必输项', type: 'string', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 3, message: '最大长度3个字符', trigger: 'blur' },
subbus: [
{ required: false, message: '必输项', type: 'string', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 2, message: '最大长度2个字符', trigger: 'blur' },
inflev: [
{ required: true, message: '必输项', type: 'string', trigger: 'blur' },
{ max: 1, message: '最大长度1个字符', trigger: 'blur' },
inftxt: [],
<div class="eibs-tab">
<c-col :span="12" class="col-left">
<!-- <c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="inr" prop="inr">
</c-col> -->
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="关联的表名" prop="objtyp">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="Key" prop="ownref">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="Name" prop="nam">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="提示类型" prop="subtyp">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="相关业务品种" prop="subbus">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="提示信息级别" prop="inflev">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="提示信息内容" prop="inftxt">
<c-input v-model="model.inftxt" placeholder="请输入提示信息内容">
<!-- <c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="机构层次" prop="lev">
<c-select style="width: 100%"
</c-col> -->
import codes from '~/config/CodeTable'
export default {
name: '',
props: ['model'],
data() {
return {}
computed: {
isDisabled() {
//return this.type === 'edit'
return false
methods: {
getCodesByKey(key) {
return codes[key] ?? []
<div class="eibs-tab">
<c-table :list="model.oitList" :columnsConfig="columns"></c-table>
export default {
props: ['model'],
data() {
return {
columns: [
{ label: 'client name', prop: 'mannam', width: 'auto' },
{ label: 'OITINR', prop: 'oitinr', width: 'auto' },
{ label: 'Default Client', prop: 'oitref', width: 'auto' },
<div class="eibs-tab">
<c-col :span="24">
<!-- ======================= 左边 ========================= -->
<c-col :span="17" class="col-left" style="padding-right: 20px"> </c-col>
<!-- ======================= 右边 ========================= -->
<c-col :span="7" class="col-right" style="padding-left: 20px"> </c-col>
export default {
props: ['model'],
data() {
return {
columns: [
{ label: '机构编码', prop: 'bchkey', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '交易代码', prop: 'trn', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '授权货币', prop: 'relcur', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '授权金额', prop: 'relamt', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '交易属性', prop: 'relflg', width: 'auto' },
<div class="eContainer">
<c-page :title="title">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card">
<el-tab-pane label="消息信息" name="oit">
<m-oitp0 :model="model" />
<div style="text-align: center">
style="margin-right: 10px"
v-if="type === 'add'"
>提 交</c-button
style="margin-right: 10px"
v-if="type === 'edit'"
>提 交</c-button
style="margin-right: 10px"
v-if="type === 'delete'"
>提 交</c-button
<c-button type="primary" @click="goBack">返 回</c-button>
import Utils from '~/utils'
import Oit, { Pattern } from './Oit.js'
// import Bchp0 from "./Bchp0.vue";
import OitInfo from './OitInfo.vue'
import Oitp1 from './Oitp1.vue'
import Oitp2 from './Oitp2.vue'
import { queryById, add, edit, deleteById } from '~/service/test/oit.js'
export default {
name: 'StaticsDbioit',
components: {
'm-oitp0': OitInfo,
'm-oitp1': Oitp1,
'm-oitp2': Oitp2,
provide() {
return {
root: this,
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'info',
title: {
type: String,
default: 'dbioit',
data() {
return {
model: new Oit().data,
tabVal: 'oit',
rules: Pattern,
computed: {
isDisabled() {
return this.type === 'info' || this.type === 'delete'
created() {
if (this.type !== 'add') {
//const inr = this.$route.params.inr
const params = this.$route.params
queryById(params).then((res) => {
if (res.inr) {
this.model = res
} else {
methods: {
commitAdd() {
this.$refs.modelForm.validate((validated) => {
if (validated) {
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
} else {
commitEdit() {
this.$refs.modelForm.validate((validated) => {
if (validated) {
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
} else {
commitDelete() {
this.$confirm('是否确认删除?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning',
.then(() => {
const params = this.$route.params
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '已取消删除',
* update 是否更新infbch的查询列表
goBack(update) {
this.$store.dispatch('TagsView/delView', this.$route)
this.$router.push({ name: 'StaticsInfoit', params: { update } })
<div class="eContainer">
<c-page title="消息及停用信息查询">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card">
<el-tab-pane label="消息及停用信息查询" name="infsea">
<m-infsea :model="model" ref="infsea" />
import Infsea from './infsea'
export default {
name: 'StaticsInfoit',
components: {
'm-infsea': Infsea,
provide() {
return {
root: this,
data() {
return {
tabVal: 'infsea',
model: {
// oit 查询条件的字段
objtyp: '',
subtyp: '',
subbus: '',
// paging
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 5,
total: 0,
<div class="eibs-tab">
<!-- ----------左 ---------->
<c-col :span="12" class="col-left">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="关联的表名" prop="objtyp">
style="width: 100%"
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="提示类型" prop="subtyp">
style="width: 100%"
<!------------- 右 ---------->
<c-col :span="12" class="col-right">
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="相关业务品种" prop="subbus">
style="width: 100%"
<!-- <c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="XXX" prop="bchtyp">
style="width: 100%"
</c-col> -->
<c-col :span="24">
<c-col :span="12" style="text-align: left">
<el-button type="primary" size="small" @click="oitAdd">新增</el-button>
<c-col :span="12" style="text-align: right">
<el-button size="small" @click="handleReset">重置</el-button>
<c-col :span="24">
<c-table-column fixed="right" prop="op" label="操作" width="240px">
<template slot-scope="{ scope }">
style="margin-left: 0"
@click="oitInfo(scope.$index, scope.row)"
style="margin-left: 5px"
@click="oitEdit(scope.$index, scope.row)"
style="margin-left: 5px"
@click="oitDelete(scope.$index, scope.row)"
<el-popover placement="top-start" width="50" trigger="click">
<ul class="table-button-item-list">
<c-button size="small" style="margin-left: 0">指派</c-button>
<c-button size="small" style="margin-left: 0">删除</c-button>
style="margin-left: 5px"
<i class="el-icon-more"></i>
import codes from '~/config/CodeTable'
import { queryByPage } from '~/service/test/oit.js'
export default {
name: '',
props: ['model'],
inject: ['root'],
data() {
return {
oitData: [],
oitColumns: [
label: '关联的表名',
prop: 'objtypCn',
width: '120',
{ label: 'Key', prop: 'ownref', width: '120' },
{ label: 'Name', prop: 'nam', width: '120' },
{ label: '提示类型', prop: 'subtypCn', width: '120' },
{ label: '相关业务品种', prop: 'subbus', width: '150' },
{ label: '提示信息级别', prop: 'inflevCn', width: '200' },
computed: {},
activated() {
const { update } = this.$route.params
if (update) {
methods: {
handleReset() {
onSearch() {
this.model.pageNum = 1
this.model.pageSize = 5
onInfOitSearch() {
queryByPage(this.model).then((res) => {
* pageNumber: 0
* pageSize: 0
* total: 69
* totalPage: 0
const list = res.list
// Object.keys(list).forEach((item) => {
// let obj = list[item]
// let typArr = codes['objtypcodetable']
// console.log('testabc:' + typArr[0].label)
// obj.objtypCn = typArr[0].label
Object.keys(list).forEach((item) => {
let obj = list[item]
let objtypArr = codes['objtypcodetable'].filter((i) => {
return i.value == obj.objtyp
obj.objtypCn = objtypArr[0].label
let subtypArr = codes['subtypcodetable'].filter((i) => {
return i.value == obj.subtyp
obj.subtypCn = subtypArr[0].label
let inflevArr = codes['inflevcodetable'].filter((i) => {
return i.value == obj.inflev
obj.inflevCn = inflevArr[0].label
this.oitData = list
this.model.pageNum = res.pageNumber
this.model.pageSize = res.pageSize =
queryFunc(pageNumber, pageSize) {
this.model.pageNum = pageNumber
this.model.pageSize = pageSize
getCodesByKey(key) {
return codes[key] ?? []
oitAdd() {
oitInfo(index, row) {
oitEdit(index, row) {
oitDelete(index, row) {
<style scoped>
.table-button-item-list {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.table-button-item-list li {
list-style: none;
padding: 5px 0;
text-align: center;
color: #606266;
cursor: pointer;
import Infpty from "./Infpty";
import Dbipty from "./Dbipty";
import Dbapty from "./Dbapty";
import Dbepty from "./Dbepty";
import Dbdpty from "./Dbdpty";
import Inftrl from "./Inftrl";
import Dbitrl from "./Dbitrl";
import Dbatrl from "./Dbatrl";
import Dbetrl from "./Dbetrl";
import Dbdtrl from "./Dbdtrl";
import Infusr from "./Infusr";
import Dbausr from "./Dbausr";
import Dbiusr from "./Dbiusr";
import Dbeusr from "./Dbeusr";
import Dbdusr from "./Dbdusr";
import Infcty from "./Infcty";
import Dbicty from "./Dbicty";
import Dbacty from "./Dbacty";
import Dbecty from "./Dbecty";
import Dbdcty from "./Dbdcty";
import Inffec from "./Inffec";
import Dbifec from "./Dbifec";
import Dbafec from "./Dbafec";
import Dbefec from "./Dbefec";
import Dbdfec from "./Dbdfec";
import Infgtx from "./Infgtx";
import Dbigtx from "./Dbigtx";
import Dbagtx from "./Dbagtx";
import Dbegtx from "./Dbegtx";
import Dbdgtx from "./Dbdgtx";
import Infcur from "./Infcur";
import Dbacur from "./Dbacur";
import Dbicur from "./Dbicur";
import Dbecur from "./Dbecur";
import Dbdcur from "./Dbdcur";
import Infbch from "./Infbch";
import Dbibch from "./Dbibch";
import Dbabch from "./Dbabch";
import Dbebch from "./Dbebch";
import Dbdbch from "./Dbdbch";
import Infatp from "./Infatp";
import Dbiatp from "./Dbiatp";
import Dbaatp from "./Dbaatp";
import Dbeatp from "./Dbeatp";
import Dbdatp from "./Dbdatp";
import Infpty from './Infpty'
import Dbipty from './Dbipty'
import Dbapty from './Dbapty'
import Dbepty from './Dbepty'
import Dbdpty from './Dbdpty'
import Inftrl from './Inftrl'
import Dbitrl from './Dbitrl'
import Dbatrl from './Dbatrl'
import Dbetrl from './Dbetrl'
import Dbdtrl from './Dbdtrl'
import Infusr from './Infusr'
import Dbausr from './Dbausr'
import Dbiusr from './Dbiusr'
import Dbeusr from './Dbeusr'
import Dbdusr from './Dbdusr'
import Infcty from './Infcty'
import Dbicty from './Dbicty'
import Dbacty from './Dbacty'
import Dbecty from './Dbecty'
import Dbdcty from './Dbdcty'
import Inffec from './Inffec'
import Dbifec from './Dbifec'
import Dbafec from './Dbafec'
import Dbefec from './Dbefec'
import Dbdfec from './Dbdfec'
import Infgtx from './Infgtx'
import Dbigtx from './Dbigtx'
import Dbagtx from './Dbagtx'
import Dbegtx from './Dbegtx'
import Dbdgtx from './Dbdgtx'
import Infcur from './Infcur'
import Dbacur from './Dbacur'
import Dbicur from './Dbicur'
import Dbecur from './Dbecur'
import Dbdcur from './Dbdcur'
import Infbch from './Infbch'
import Dbibch from './Dbibch'
import Dbabch from './Dbabch'
import Dbebch from './Dbebch'
import Dbdbch from './Dbdbch'
import Infoit from './Infoit'
import Dbioit from './Dbioit'
import Dbaoit from './Dbaoit'
import Dbeoit from './Dbeoit'
import Dbdoit from './Dbdoit'
import Infatp from './Infatp'
import Dbiatp from './Dbiatp'
import Dbaatp from './Dbaatp'
import Dbeatp from './Dbeatp'
import Dbdatp from './Dbdatp'
import Infact from "./Infact";
import Dbiact from "./Dbiact";
import Dbaact from "./Dbaact";
import Dbeact from "./Dbeact";
import Dbdact from "./Dbdact";
import Infatx from "./Infatx";
import Dbiatx from "./Dbiatx";
import Dbaatx from "./Dbaatx";
import Dbeatx from "./Dbeatx";
import Dbdatx from "./Dbdatx";
import Infact from './Infact'
import Dbiact from './Dbiact'
import Dbaact from './Dbaact'
import Dbeact from './Dbeact'
import Dbdact from './Dbdact'
import Infatx from './Infatx'
import Dbiatx from './Dbiatx'
import Dbaatx from './Dbaatx'
import Dbeatx from './Dbeatx'
import Dbdatx from './Dbdatx'
const StaticsRouter = [
{ path: 'infpty', component: Infpty, name: 'StaticsInfpty', meta: { title: '客户查询' } },
{ path: 'dbapty', component: Dbapty, name: 'StaticsDbapty', meta: { title: '客户新增' } },
{ path: 'dbipty/:inr', component: Dbipty, name: 'StaticsDbipty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbepty/:inr', component: Dbepty, name: 'StaticsDbepty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdpty/:inr', component: Dbdpty, name: 'StaticsDbdpty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'inftrl', component: Inftrl, name: 'StaticsInftrl', meta: { title: '复核级别查询' } },
{ path: 'dbatrl', component: Dbatrl, name: 'StaticsDbatrl', meta: { title: '复核级别新增' } },
{ path: 'dbitrl/:inr', component: Dbitrl, name: 'StaticsDbitrl', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '复核级别详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbetrl/:inr', component: Dbetrl, name: 'StaticsDbetrl', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '复核级别修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdtrl/:inr', component: Dbdtrl, name: 'StaticsDbdtrl', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '复核级别删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infusr', component: Infusr, name: 'StaticsInfusr', meta: { title: '柜员查询' } },
{ path: 'dbausr', component: Dbausr, name: 'StaticsDbausr', meta: { title: '柜员新增' } },
{ path: 'dbiusr/:inr', component: Dbiusr, name: 'StaticsDbiusr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '柜员详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeusr/:inr', component: Dbeusr, name: 'StaticsDbeusr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '柜员修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdusr/:inr', component: Dbdusr, name: 'StaticsDbdusr', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '柜员删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infcty', component: Infcty, name: 'StaticsInfcty', meta: { title: '国家代码查询' } },
{ path: 'dbacty', component: Dbacty, name: 'StaticsDbacty', meta: { title: '国家代码新增' } },
{ path: 'dbicty/:inr', component: Dbicty, name: 'StaticsDbicty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '国家代码详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbecty/:inr', component: Dbecty, name: 'StaticsDbecty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '国家代码修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdcty/:inr', component: Dbdcty, name: 'StaticsDbdcty', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '国家代码删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'inffec', component: Inffec, name: 'StaticsInffec', meta: { title: '费率查询' } },
{ path: 'dbafec', component: Dbafec, name: 'StaticsDbafec', meta: { title: '费率新增' } },
{ path: 'dbifec/:inr', component: Dbifec, name: 'StaticsDbifec', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '费率详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbefec/:inr', component: Dbefec, name: 'StaticsDbefec', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '费率修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdfec/:inr', component: Dbdfec, name: 'StaticsDbdfec', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '费率删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infgtx', component: Infgtx, name: 'StaticsInfgtx', meta: { title: '保函文本查询' } },
{ path: 'dbagtx', component: Dbagtx, name: 'StaticsDbagtx', meta: { title: '保函文本新增' } },
{ path: 'dbigtx/:inr', component: Dbigtx, name: 'StaticsDbigtx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbegtx/:inr', component: Dbegtx, name: 'StaticsDbegtx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdgtx/:inr', component: Dbdgtx, name: 'StaticsDbdgtx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infcur', component: Infcur, name: 'StaticsInfcur', meta: { title: '币种查询' } },
{ path: 'dbacur', component: Dbacur, name: 'StaticsDbacur', meta: { title: '币种新增' } },
{ path: 'dbicur/:inr', component: Dbicur, name: 'StaticsDbicur', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '币种详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbecur/:inr', component: Dbecur, name: 'StaticsDbecur', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '币种修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdcur/:inr', component: Dbdcur, name: 'StaticsDbdcur', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '币种删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infbch', component: Infbch, name: 'StaticsInfbch', meta: { title: '客户查询' } },
{ path: 'dbabch', component: Dbabch, name: 'StaticsDbabch', meta: { title: '客户新增' } },
{ path: 'dbibch/:inr', component: Dbibch, name: 'StaticsDbibch', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbebch/:inr', component: Dbebch, name: 'StaticsDbebch', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdbch/:inr', component: Dbdbch, name: 'StaticsDbdbch', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infatp', component: Infatp, name: 'StaticsInfatp', meta: { title: '交易配置信息查询' } },
{ path: 'dbaatp', component: Dbaatp, name: 'StaticsDbaatp', meta: { title: '交易配置信息新增' } },
{ path: 'dbeatp/:inr', component: Dbeatp, name: 'StaticsDbeatp', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdatp/:inr', component: Dbdatp, name: 'StaticsDbdatp', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbiatp/:inr', component: Dbiatp, name: 'StaticsDbiatp', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '交易配置信息详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infact', component: Infact, name: 'StaticsInfact', meta: { title: '资金账户查询' } },
{ path: 'dbaact', component: Dbaact, name: 'StaticsDbaact', meta: { title: '资金账户新增' } },
{ path: 'dbiact/:inr', component: Dbiact, name: 'StaticsDbiact', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '资金账户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeact/:inr', component: Dbeact, name: 'StaticsDbeact', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '资金账户修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdact/:inr', component: Dbdact, name: 'StaticsDbdact', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '资金账户删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infatx', component: Infatx, name: 'StaticsInfatx', meta: { title: '保函文本查询' } },
{ path: 'dbaatx', component: Dbaatx, name: 'StaticsDbaatx', meta: { title: '保函文本新增' } },
{ path: 'dbiatx/:inr', component: Dbiatx, name: 'StaticsDbiatx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeatx/:inr', component: Dbeatx, name: 'StaticsDbeatx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdatx/:inr', component: Dbdatx, name: 'StaticsDbdatx', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '保函文本删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
path: 'infpty',
component: Infpty,
name: 'StaticsInfpty',
meta: { title: '客户查询' },
path: 'dbapty',
component: Dbapty,
name: 'StaticsDbapty',
meta: { title: '客户新增' },
path: 'dbipty/:inr',
component: Dbipty,
name: 'StaticsDbipty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbepty/:inr',
component: Dbepty,
name: 'StaticsDbepty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdpty/:inr',
component: Dbdpty,
name: 'StaticsDbdpty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'inftrl',
component: Inftrl,
name: 'StaticsInftrl',
meta: { title: '复核级别查询' },
path: 'dbatrl',
component: Dbatrl,
name: 'StaticsDbatrl',
meta: { title: '复核级别新增' },
path: 'dbitrl/:inr',
component: Dbitrl,
name: 'StaticsDbitrl',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '复核级别详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbetrl/:inr',
component: Dbetrl,
name: 'StaticsDbetrl',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '复核级别修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdtrl/:inr',
component: Dbdtrl,
name: 'StaticsDbdtrl',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '复核级别删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infusr',
component: Infusr,
name: 'StaticsInfusr',
meta: { title: '柜员查询' },
path: 'dbausr',
component: Dbausr,
name: 'StaticsDbausr',
meta: { title: '柜员新增' },
path: 'dbiusr/:inr',
component: Dbiusr,
name: 'StaticsDbiusr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '柜员详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeusr/:inr',
component: Dbeusr,
name: 'StaticsDbeusr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '柜员修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdusr/:inr',
component: Dbdusr,
name: 'StaticsDbdusr',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '柜员删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infcty',
component: Infcty,
name: 'StaticsInfcty',
meta: { title: '国家代码查询' },
path: 'dbacty',
component: Dbacty,
name: 'StaticsDbacty',
meta: { title: '国家代码新增' },
path: 'dbicty/:inr',
component: Dbicty,
name: 'StaticsDbicty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '国家代码详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbecty/:inr',
component: Dbecty,
name: 'StaticsDbecty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '国家代码修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdcty/:inr',
component: Dbdcty,
name: 'StaticsDbdcty',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '国家代码删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'inffec',
component: Inffec,
name: 'StaticsInffec',
meta: { title: '费率查询' },
path: 'dbafec',
component: Dbafec,
name: 'StaticsDbafec',
meta: { title: '费率新增' },
path: 'dbifec/:inr',
component: Dbifec,
name: 'StaticsDbifec',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '费率详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbefec/:inr',
component: Dbefec,
name: 'StaticsDbefec',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '费率修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdfec/:inr',
component: Dbdfec,
name: 'StaticsDbdfec',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '费率删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infgtx',
component: Infgtx,
name: 'StaticsInfgtx',
meta: { title: '保函文本查询' },
path: 'dbagtx',
component: Dbagtx,
name: 'StaticsDbagtx',
meta: { title: '保函文本新增' },
path: 'dbigtx/:inr',
component: Dbigtx,
name: 'StaticsDbigtx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbegtx/:inr',
component: Dbegtx,
name: 'StaticsDbegtx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdgtx/:inr',
component: Dbdgtx,
name: 'StaticsDbdgtx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infcur',
component: Infcur,
name: 'StaticsInfcur',
meta: { title: '币种查询' },
path: 'dbacur',
component: Dbacur,
name: 'StaticsDbacur',
meta: { title: '币种新增' },
path: 'dbicur/:inr',
component: Dbicur,
name: 'StaticsDbicur',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '币种详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbecur/:inr',
component: Dbecur,
name: 'StaticsDbecur',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '币种修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdcur/:inr',
component: Dbdcur,
name: 'StaticsDbdcur',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '币种删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infbch',
component: Infbch,
name: 'StaticsInfbch',
meta: { title: '客户查询' },
path: 'dbabch',
component: Dbabch,
name: 'StaticsDbabch',
meta: { title: '客户新增' },
path: 'dbibch/:inr',
component: Dbibch,
name: 'StaticsDbibch',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbebch/:inr',
component: Dbebch,
name: 'StaticsDbebch',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdbch/:inr',
component: Dbdbch,
name: 'StaticsDbdbch',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infoit',
component: Infoit,
name: 'StaticsInfoit',
meta: { title: '消息查询' },
path: 'dbaoit',
component: Dbaoit,
name: 'StaticsDbaoit',
meta: { title: '消息新增' },
path: 'dbioit/:inr',
component: Dbioit,
name: 'StaticsDbioit',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '消息详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeoit/:inr',
component: Dbeoit,
name: 'StaticsDbeoit',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '消息修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdoit/:inr',
component: Dbdoit,
name: 'StaticsDbdoit',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '消息删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infatp',
component: Infatp,
name: 'StaticsInfatp',
meta: { title: '交易配置信息查询' },
path: 'dbaatp',
component: Dbaatp,
name: 'StaticsDbaatp',
meta: { title: '交易配置信息新增' },
path: 'dbeatp/:inr',
component: Dbeatp,
name: 'StaticsDbeatp',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdatp/:inr',
component: Dbdatp,
name: 'StaticsDbdatp',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '客户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbiatp/:inr',
component: Dbiatp,
name: 'StaticsDbiatp',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '交易配置信息详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infact',
component: Infact,
name: 'StaticsInfact',
meta: { title: '资金账户查询' },
path: 'dbaact',
component: Dbaact,
name: 'StaticsDbaact',
meta: { title: '资金账户新增' },
path: 'dbiact/:inr',
component: Dbiact,
name: 'StaticsDbiact',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '资金账户详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeact/:inr',
component: Dbeact,
name: 'StaticsDbeact',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '资金账户修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdact/:inr',
component: Dbdact,
name: 'StaticsDbdact',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '资金账户删除: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'infatx',
component: Infatx,
name: 'StaticsInfatx',
meta: { title: '保函文本查询' },
path: 'dbaatx',
component: Dbaatx,
name: 'StaticsDbaatx',
meta: { title: '保函文本新增' },
path: 'dbiatx/:inr',
component: Dbiatx,
name: 'StaticsDbiatx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本详情: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbeatx/:inr',
component: Dbeatx,
name: 'StaticsDbeatx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本修改: ' + tag.params.inr
path: 'dbdatx/:inr',
component: Dbdatx,
name: 'StaticsDbdatx',
meta: {
title: (tag) => {
return '保函文本删除: ' + tag.params.inr
export default StaticsRouter
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