Commit 8a37d1d1 by 郭旭

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/settle-test-20230110' into settle-test-20230110

# Conflicts:
#	src/business/gitopn/model/index.js
parents fba24c86 5c112ac0
import Pts from "~/model/Common/Pts" import Pts from "~/model/Common/Pts"
import Pub from "~/model/Public" import Pub from "~/model/Public"
export default class Gitopn { export default class Gitopn{
constructor() { constructor () { = { = {
addbcb: { addbcb: {
addbcbl1blk: "", label1: ''
name: "", // �'�物简称及税号 },
godnam: "", // �'�物简称 .addbcb.godnam gitp:{
pwtyp1: "", // 进口许可证 .addbcb.pwtyp1
pwtyp2: "", // 机电产品进口许可证 .addbcb.pwtyp2
pwtyp3: "", // 一般商品进口配额证明 .addbcb.pwtyp3
pwtyp4: "", // 特定商品进口登记证明 .addbcb.pwtyp4
pwtyp5: "", // 重要工业品自动进口许可证 .addbcb.pwtyp5
pwtyp6: "", // 凭保开证,批文后补 .addbcb.pwtyp6
pwtyp7: "", // 不需要 .addbcb.pwtyp7
pwtyp8: "", // 其他 .addbcb.pwtyp8
pwtyp9: "", // 批文类型填写文本框 .addbcb.pwtyp9
bcbtyp1: "", // 不在名录 .addbcb.bcbtyp1
bcbtyp2: "", // 异地付汇 .addbcb.bcbtyp2
bcbtyp3: "", // 转口�'�易 .addbcb.bcbtyp3
bcbtyp4: "", // 90天以上信用证 .addbcb.bcbtyp4
bcbtyp5: "", // 不需要 .addbcb.bcbtyp5
bcbtyp6: "", // 其它 .addbcb.bcbtyp6
bcbtyp7: "", // 备查表类型填写文本框 .addbcb.bcbtyp7
label1: "", // 国际部意见 .addbcb.label1
label2: "", // 国际部意见 .addbcb.label2
label3: "", // 国际部意见 .addbcb.label3
label6: "", // 国际部意见 .addbcb.label6
label4: "", // 国际部意见 .addbcb.label4
label5: "", // 国际部意见 .addbcb.label5
pwdat: "", // 批文效期 .addbcb.pwdat
bcbdat: "", // 备案表效期 .addbcb.bcbdat
gitamecho: "", // GITAMECHO .addbcb.gitamecho
gitamermk: "", // GITAMERMK .addbcb.gitamermk
bgftktyp: "", // 不规范条款类型 .addbcb.bgftktyp
modtyp: "", // 修改信用证类型 .addbcb.modtyp
litameadv: "", // 特殊规定 .addbcb.litameadv
ameadvrmk: "", // 特殊规定条件 .addbcb.ameadvrmk
bccls1: "", // 效期是否敞口 .addbcb.bccls1
bccls3: "", // 保函期限超过三年,已经总行贸易金融部批准办理 .addbcb.bccls3
preexpdat: "", // 预计效期为 .addbcb.preexpdat
expdat: "", // 效期为 .addbcb.expdat
bccls2: "", // 合同尚未签订或生效 .addbcb.bccls2
bccls4: "", // 以下两个选项二选一 .addbcb.bccls4
gitp: {
swiftflg: '', // 是否SWIFT格式 .gitp.swiftflg swiftflg: '', // 是否SWIFT格式 .gitp.swiftflg
dzbhflg: '', // 电子保函标志 .gitp.dzbhflg dzbhflg: '', // 电子保函标志 .gitp.dzbhflg
inc760: '', // incoming lose .gitp.inc760 inc760: '', // incoming lose .gitp.inc760
...@@ -55,7 +17,7 @@ export default class Gitopn { ...@@ -55,7 +17,7 @@ export default class Gitopn {
prepermodflg: '', // Modify Document and Presentation Instructions .gitp.prepermodflg prepermodflg: '', // Modify Document and Presentation Instructions .gitp.prepermodflg
chkpreper: '', // Allow * .gitp.chkpreper chkpreper: '', // Allow * .gitp.chkpreper
covgodsrvmodflg: '', // Modify Object of Contract .gitp.covgodsrvmodflg covgodsrvmodflg: '', // Modify Object of Contract .gitp.covgodsrvmodflg
indirectswiadd: '', // InDirect Swift Add .gitp.indirectswiadd indirectswiadd:'', // InDirect Swift Add .gitp.indirectswiadd
gidtxtmodflg: '', // Modify Guarantee Text .gitp.gidtxtmodflg gidtxtmodflg: '', // Modify Guarantee Text .gitp.gidtxtmodflg
chkgidtxt: '', // Allow * .gitp.chkgidtxt chkgidtxt: '', // Allow * .gitp.chkgidtxt
prepercmodflg: '', // Modify Document and Presentation Instructions .gitp.prepercmodflg prepercmodflg: '', // Modify Document and Presentation Instructions .gitp.prepercmodflg
...@@ -63,28 +25,24 @@ export default class Gitopn { ...@@ -63,28 +25,24 @@ export default class Gitopn {
covgodsrvcmodflg: '', // Modify Object of Contract Sequence C .gitp.covgodsrvcmodflg covgodsrvcmodflg: '', // Modify Object of Contract Sequence C .gitp.covgodsrvcmodflg
orcratc: '', // Original Perc./ Rate .gidgrp.rec.orcratc orcratc: '', // Original Perc./ Rate .gidgrp.rec.orcratc
gidtxtmodflgc: '', // Modify Guarantee Text - Local Undertaking Seq. C .gitp.gidtxtmodflgc gidtxtmodflgc: '', // Modify Guarantee Text - Local Undertaking Seq. C .gitp.gidtxtmodflgc
usr: {
extkey: '', // Responsible User .gitp.usr.extkey covgod:{
covgod: {
chkast: '', // Allow * .gitp.covgod.chkast chkast: '', // Allow * .gitp.covgod.chkast
}, },
aamp: { aacp:{
aammod: { aacmod:{
addamtflg: '', // Add. Amount .gitp.aamp.aammod.addamtflg addamtflg: '', // Add. Amount .gitp.aamp.aammod.addamtflg
}, },
}, },
chargic: { chargic:{
chkast: '', // Allow * .gitp.chargic.chkast chkast: '', // Allow * .gitp.chargic.chkast
}, },
aacp: { usr:{
aacmod: { extkey: '', // Responsible User .gitp.usr.extkey
addamtflg: "", // Add. Amount .gitp.aacp.aacmod.addamtflg
}, },
}, },
gidgrp: { gidgrp:{
rec: { rec:{
branchinr: '00000047', branchinr: '00000047',
ownref: '', // Reference .gidgrp.rec.ownref ownref: '', // Reference .gidgrp.rec.ownref
purposin: '', // Incoming Purpose .gidgrp.rec.purposin purposin: '', // Incoming Purpose .gidgrp.rec.purposin
...@@ -157,21 +115,33 @@ export default class Gitopn { ...@@ -157,21 +115,33 @@ export default class Gitopn {
tendatc: '', // Tender Date .gidgrp.rec.tendatc tendatc: '', // Tender Date .gidgrp.rec.tendatc
trmdatc: '', // Latest Transmission .gidgrp.rec.trmdatc trmdatc: '', // Latest Transmission .gidgrp.rec.trmdatc
}, },
cbs: { cbs:{
max: { cnf:{
cur: '', // Confirmation Amount
amt: '', // Balance
mac2: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
mac: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
cur: '', // Guarantee Amount cur: '', // Guarantee Amount
amt: '', // Guarantee Amount amt: '', // Guarantee Amount
}, },
opn1: { opc2: {
cur: '',
amt: ''
cur: '', // Open Amount cur: '', // Open Amount
amt: '', // Balance amt: '', // Balance
}, },
cnf: {
cur: '', // Confirmation Amount
amt: '', // Balance
blk: { blk: {
apprul: '', // Applicable Rules .gidgrp.blk.apprul apprul: '', // Applicable Rules .gidgrp.blk.apprul
apprultxt: '', // Applicable Rules .gidgrp.blk.apprultxt apprultxt: '', // Applicable Rules .gidgrp.blk.apprultxt
...@@ -202,83 +172,47 @@ export default class Gitopn { ...@@ -202,83 +172,47 @@ export default class Gitopn {
bustyp: '', // 业务类型 .gidgrp.ghd.bustyp bustyp: '', // 业务类型 .gidgrp.ghd.bustyp
remark: '', // 备注 .gidgrp.ghd.remark remark: '', // 备注 .gidgrp.ghd.remark
}, },
gidcxm: { gidcxm:{
warran: '', // 被保证人 .gidgrp.gidcxm.warran warran: '', // 被保证人 .gidgrp.gidcxm.warran
cxmflg: '', // 是否显示查询码 .gidgrp.gidcxm.cxmflg cxmflg: '', // 是否显示查询码 .gidgrp.gidcxm.cxmflg
benefi: '', // 受益人名称 .gidgrp.gidcxm.benefi benefi: '', // 受益人名称 .gidgrp.gidcxm.benefi
}, },
ben: { ben:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
iss: { iss:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
adv: { adv:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
apl: { apl:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
con: { con:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
ctr: { ctr:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
atb: { atb:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
avc: { avc:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
cnr: { cnr:{
pts: new Pts().data, pts:new Pts().data,
}, },
}, },
cnybop: { cfagit:{
cnyvou: {
spk: "", // 业务主键 .cnybop.cnyvou.spk
sbankorgcode: "", // 报送银行机构代码 .cnybop.cnyvou.sbankorgcode
cvouchdirection: "", // 担保方向 .cnybop.cnyvou.cvouchdirection
stransattr: "", // 业务属性 .cnybop.cnyvou.stransattr
svoucherswiftbic: "", // 担保人机构代码 .cnybop.cnyvou.svoucherswiftbic
svouchercountrycode: "", // 担保人国别 .cnybop.cnyvou.svouchercountrycode
svoucheeorgcode: "", // 担保权人机构代码 .cnybop.cnyvou.svoucheeorgcode
svoucheecountrycode: "", // 担保权人国别 .cnybop.cnyvou.svoucheecountrycode
sdebtororgcode: "", // 债务人机构代码 .cnybop.cnyvou.sdebtororgcode
sdebtorcountrycode: "", // 债务人国别 .cnybop.cnyvou.sdebtorcountrycode
sreverseorgcode: "", // 反担保人机构代码 .cnybop.cnyvou.sreverseorgcode
sreversecountrycode: "", // 反担保人国别 .cnybop.cnyvou.sreversecountrycode
sbanktrano: "", // 银行业务编号 .cnybop.cnyvou.sbanktrano
cvouchtype: "", // 担保种类 .cnybop.cnyvou.cvouchtype
cvouchmode: "", // 反担保方式 .cnybop.cnyvou.cvouchmode
dvouchefficientdate: "", // 担保生效日期 .cnybop.cnyvou.dvouchefficientdate
dvouchenddate: "", // 担保到期日期 .cnybop.cnyvou.dvouchenddate
scontractno: "", // 担保合同编号 .cnybop.cnyvou.scontractno
svouchno: "", // 担保登记编号 .cnybop.cnyvou.svouchno
currencycode: "", // 担保币种 .cnybop.cnyvou.currencycode
fvouchamt: "", // 原币种金额 .cnybop.cnyvou.fvouchamt
svouchername: "", // 担保人名称 .cnybop.svouchername
svoucheename: "", // 担保权人名称 .cnybop.svoucheename
sdebtorname: "", // 债务人名称 .cnybop.sdebtorname
sreversename: "", // 反担保人名称 .cnybop.sreversename
saddwordvou: "", // 交易附言 .cnybop.saddwordvou
sbankname: "", // 报送银行机构名称 .cnybop.sbankname
cnyflg: "", // 是否报送跨境人民币2101表 .cnybop.cnyflg
traflg: "", // 是否报送跨境人民币2107表 .cnybop.traflg
outflg: "", // 是否报送跨境人民币2111表 .cnybop.outflg
libflg: "", // 是否报送跨境人民币2106表 .cnybop.libflg
vouflg: "", // 是否报送跨境人民币2122表 .cnybop.vouflg
cfagit: {
cfaflg: null, cfaflg: null,
basflg: null, // 签约信息 .cfagit.basflg basflg: null, // 签约信息 .cfagit.basflg
dclflg: null, // �'�任余额信息 .cfagit.dclflg dclflg: null, // �'�任余额信息 .cfagit.dclflg
vrfflg: null, // 履约信息 .cfagit.vrfflg vrfflg: null, // 履约信息 .cfagit.vrfflg
ownextkey: null, // 地区机构号 .cfagit.ownextkey ownextkey: null, // 地区机构号 .cfagit.ownextkey
recgrp: { recgrp:{
bas: { bas:{
exguarancode: '', // 对外担保编号 .cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode exguarancode: '', // 对外担保编号 .cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode
actiontype: '', // 操作类型 .cfagit.recgrp.bas.actiontype actiontype: '', // 操作类型 .cfagit.recgrp.bas.actiontype
guarantorcode: '', // 担保人代码 .cfagit.recgrp.bas.guarantorcode guarantorcode: '', // 担保人代码 .cfagit.recgrp.bas.guarantorcode
...@@ -323,8 +257,8 @@ export default class Gitopn { ...@@ -323,8 +257,8 @@ export default class Gitopn {
orcdatc: '', // Date from Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C .gidgrp.rec.orcdatc orcdatc: '', // Date from Original Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C .gidgrp.rec.orcdatc
}, },
}, },
recp: { recp:{
pubp: { pubp:{
acp: '', // 确认 .cfagit.recp.pubp.acp acp: '', // 确认 .cfagit.recp.pubp.acp
founds1: '', // 境外�'接投资 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds1 founds1: '', // 境外�'接投资 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds1
founds2: '', // 偿还境外债务 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds2 founds2: '', // 偿还境外债务 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds2
...@@ -334,22 +268,28 @@ export default class Gitopn { ...@@ -334,22 +268,28 @@ export default class Gitopn {
founds6: '', // 以外债形式回流 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds6 founds6: '', // 以外债形式回流 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds6
founds7: '', // 以�'�易形式回流 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds7 founds7: '', // 以�'�易形式回流 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds7
founds8: '', // 以其他形式回流 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds8 founds8: '', // 以其他形式回流 .cfagit.recp.pubp.founds8
cousel1: { cousel1:{
guedparecompcode: '', // 被担保人境内母公司代码 .cfagit.recp.pubp.cousel1.guedparecompcode guedparecompcode: '', // 被担保人境内母公司代码 .cfagit.recp.pubp.cousel1.guedparecompcode
}, },
}, },
dclp: [], dclp: [],
}, },
}, },
setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod, cnybop: {
mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut, vouflg: '',
trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod, cnyvou: {
fvouchamt: ''
setmod:new Pub().data.Setmod,
mtabut:new Pub().data.Mtabut,
trnmod:new Pub().data.Trnmod,
liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall, liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv, liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan, docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
pageId: '', pageId: '',
sysmod: { sysmod:{
wrkbch: { wrkbch:{
bchref: '' bchref: ''
} }
} }
import Pts from "~/model/Common/Pts"
export default class Getsel{
constructor () { = {
dsppndclm:"", // Display Pending Claims .selbut.dsppndclm
dspclsdat:"", // Label Closed .selbut.dspclsdat
dspamenbr:"", // Display No of amendments .selbut.dspamenbr
dsppndram:"", // Display Number of Req. of Amendment .selbut.dsppndram
sptpenlab:"", // Label showing pending items stored for contract .selbut.sptpenlab
trnpenlab:"", // Label showing stored uncommited transactions for contract .selbut.trnpenlab
sptpenlab_descr:"", // Description for SPTPENLAB .selbut.sptpenlab_descr
trnpenlab_descr:"", // Description for TRNPENLAB .selbut.trnpenlab_descr
dspgcdclsdat:"", // Display Closing Date of Claims .dspgcdclsdat
ownref:"", // Reference .gidgrp.rec.ownref
nam:"", // Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract .gidgrp.rec.nam
gartyp:"", // Type of Undertaking .gidgrp.rec.gartyp
expdat:"", // Validity .gidgrp.rec.expdat
liadat:"", // Our Liability .gidgrp.rec.liadat
hndtyp:"", // Handling Type .gidgrp.rec.hndtyp
cur:"", // Guarantee Amount
amt:"", // Balance
cur:"", // Open Amount
amt:"", // Balance
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
seainf:"", // .recget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recget.sdamod.dadsnd
clsflg:"", // Show closed Contract .clsflg
explab:"", // Label unlimited Validity .explab
aplmullab:"", // Label, that is set, if there are multiple applicants .aplmullab
lialab:"", // Label unlimited lLability .lialab
expfldlab:"", // Label for Field Validity .expfldlab
liafldlab:"", // Label for Field Lability .liafldlab
addamtflg:"", // Add. Amount .aamgid.addamtflg
ownref:"", // Claim Reference .gcdgrp.rec.ownref
nam:"", // Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract .gcdgrp.rec.nam
docprbrol:"", // Presented by .gcdgrp.rec.docprbrol
clmdat:"", // Date of Claim .gcdgrp.rec.clmdat
cur:"", // Claim Amount
amt:"", // Balance
cur:"", // Open Amount
amt:"", // Balance
seainf:"", // .gcdget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .gcdget.sdamod.dadsnd
clsflg:"", // which contracts to show .gcdget.clsflg
bitmap:"", // Bitmap for folder .cfgfil.bitmap
regside1:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside1
regside2:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside2
regside3:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside3
regside4:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside4
regside5:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside5
regside6:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside6
regside7:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside7
regside8:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside8
regside9:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside9
regside10:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside10
regside11:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside11
regside12:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside12
subtxt1:"", // submenu text 1 .cfgfil.subtxt1
subtxt2:"", // submenu text 2 .cfgfil.subtxt2
subtxt3:"", // submenu text 3 .cfgfil.subtxt3
subtxt4:"", // submenu text 4 .cfgfil.subtxt4
subtxt5:"", // submenu text 5 .cfgfil.subtxt5
subtxt6:"", // submenu text 6 .cfgfil.subtxt6
subtxt7:"", // submenu text 7 .cfgfil.subtxt7
subtxt8:"", // submenu text 8 .cfgfil.subtxt8
subtxt9:"", // submenu text 9 .cfgfil.subtxt9
subtxt10:"", // submenu text 10 .cfgfil.subtxt10
subtxt11:"", // submenu text 11 .cfgfil.subtxt11
regtxt1:"", // Register text 1 .cfgfil.regtxt1
regtxt2:"", // Register text 2 .cfgfil.regtxt2
regtxt3:"", // Register text 3 .cfgfil.regtxt3
regtxt4:"", // Register text 4 .cfgfil.regtxt4
regtxt5:"", // Register text 5 .cfgfil.regtxt5
regtxt6:"", // Register text 6 .cfgfil.regtxt6
regtxt7:"", // Register text 7 .cfgfil.regtxt7
regtxt8:"", // Register text 8 .cfgfil.regtxt8
regtxt9:"", // Register text 9 .cfgfil.regtxt9
regtxt10:"", // Register text 10 .cfgfil.regtxt10
regtxt11:"", // Register text 11 .cfgfil.regtxt11
regtxt12:"", // Register text 12 .cfgfil.regtxt12
hotsub1:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub1
hotsub2:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub2
hotsub3:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub3
hotsub4:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub4
hotsub5:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub5
hotsub6:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub6
hotsub7:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub7
hotsub8:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub8
hotsub9:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub9
hotsub10:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub10
hotsub11:"", // hotspot submenu 1 .cfgfil.hotsub11
hotreg1:"", // hotspot reg1 .cfgfil.hotreg1
hotreg2:"", // hotspot reg2 .cfgfil.hotreg2
hotreg3:"", // hotspot reg3 .cfgfil.hotreg3
hotreg4:"", // hotspot reg4 .cfgfil.hotreg4
hotreg5:"", // hotspot reg5 .cfgfil.hotreg5
hotreg6:"", // hotspot reg6 .cfgfil.hotreg6
hotreg7:"", // hotspot reg7 .cfgfil.hotreg7
hotreg8:"", // hotspot reg8 .cfgfil.hotreg8
hotreg9:"", // hotspot reg9 .cfgfil.hotreg9
hotreg10:"", // hotspot reg10 .cfgfil.hotreg10
hotreg11:"", // hotspot reg11 .cfgfil.hotreg11
hotreg12:"", // hotspot reg12 .cfgfil.hotreg12
subtrn1:"", // Submenu trn 1 .cfgfil.subtrn1
subtrn2:"", // Submenu trn 2 .cfgfil.subtrn2
subtrn3:"", // Submenu trn 3 .cfgfil.subtrn3
subtrn4:"", // Submenu trn 4 .cfgfil.subtrn4
subtrn5:"", // Submenu trn 5 .cfgfil.subtrn5
subtrn6:"", // Submenu trn 6 .cfgfil.subtrn6
subtrn7:"", // Submenu trn 7 .cfgfil.subtrn7
subtrn8:"", // Submenu trn 8 .cfgfil.subtrn8
subtrn9:"", // Submenu trn 9 .cfgfil.subtrn9
subtrn10:"", // Submenu trn 10 .cfgfil.subtrn10
subtrn11:"", // Submenu trn 11 .cfgfil.subtrn11
pageId: "" // ctx的key
\ No newline at end of file
import Pts from "~/model/Common/Pts"
export default class Gitsel{
constructor () { = {
dsppndclm:"", // Display Pending Claims .selbut.dsppndclm
dspclsdat:"", // Label Closed .selbut.dspclsdat
dspamenbr:"", // Display No of amendments .selbut.dspamenbr
dsppndram:"", // Display Number of Req. of Amendment .selbut.dsppndram
sptpenlab:"", // Label showing pending items stored for contract .selbut.sptpenlab
trnpenlab:"", // Label showing stored uncommited transactions for contract .selbut.trnpenlab
sptpenlab_descr:"", // Description for SPTPENLAB .selbut.sptpenlab_descr
trnpenlab_descr:"", // Description for TRNPENLAB .selbut.trnpenlab_descr
dspgcdclsdat:"", // Display Closing Date of Claims .dspgcdclsdat
ownref:"", // Reference .gidgrp.rec.ownref
nam:"", // Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract .gidgrp.rec.nam
gartyp:"", // Type of Undertaking .gidgrp.rec.gartyp
expdat:"", // Validity .gidgrp.rec.expdat
liadat:"", // Liability until .gidgrp.rec.liadat
hndtyp:"", // Handling Type .gidgrp.rec.hndtyp
purposin:"", // Incoming Purpose .gidgrp.rec.purposin
purpos:"", // Purpose of Message .gidgrp.rec.purpos
exptyp:"", // Expiry Type .gidgrp.rec.exptyp
liatypc:"", // Liability Type - Local Undertaking Seq. C .gidgrp.rec.liatypc
cur:"", // Guarantee Amount
amt:"", // Balance
cur:"", // Open Amount
amt:"", // Balance
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
pts:new Pts().data,
seainf:"", // .recget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recget.sdamod.dadsnd
clsflg:"", // Show closed Contract .clsflg
explab:"", // Label unlimited Validity .explab
aplmullab:"", // Label, that is set, if there are multiple applicants .aplmullab
lialab:"", // Label unlimited lLability .lialab
expfldlab:"", // Label for Field Validity .expfldlab
liafldlab:"", // Label for Field Lability .liafldlab
addamtflg:"", // Add. Amount .aamgid.addamtflg
ownref:"", // Claim Reference .gcdgrp.rec.ownref
nam:"", // Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract .gcdgrp.rec.nam
docprbrol:"", // Presented by .gcdgrp.rec.docprbrol
clmdat:"", // Date of Claim .gcdgrp.rec.clmdat
cur:"", // Claim Amount
amt:"", // Balance
cur:"", // Open Amount
amt:"", // Balance
seainf:"", // .gcdget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .gcdget.sdamod.dadsnd
clsflg:"", // which contracts to show .gcdget.clsflg
bitmap:"", // Bitmap for folder .cfgfil.bitmap
regside1:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside1
regside2:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside2
regside3:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside3
regside4:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside4
regside5:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside5
regside6:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside6
regside7:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside7
regside8:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside8
regside9:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside9
regside10:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside10
regside11:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside11
regside12:"", // Regside .cfgfil.regside12
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subtxt2:"", // submenu text 2 .cfgfil.subtxt2
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regtxt5:"", // Register text 5 .cfgfil.regtxt5
regtxt6:"", // Register text 6 .cfgfil.regtxt6
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regtxt11:"", // Register text 11 .cfgfil.regtxt11
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hotreg7:"", // hotspot reg7 .cfgfil.hotreg7
hotreg8:"", // hotspot reg8 .cfgfil.hotreg8
hotreg9:"", // hotspot reg9 .cfgfil.hotreg9
hotreg10:"", // hotspot reg10 .cfgfil.hotreg10
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subtrn7:"", // Submenu trn 7 .cfgfil.subtrn7
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\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -563,34 +563,9 @@ ...@@ -563,34 +563,9 @@
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