Commit 6e117b4f by nanrui


parent d84d5865
......@@ -3413,7 +3413,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" },
{ label: "Send Documents", value: "C" },
{ label: "Accept/ Settle Document now", value: "A" },
{ label: "Send and Accept/ Settle Documents", value: "B" },
{ label: "Send and Accept/ Settle Documents", value: "B" },
fpdsta: [
{ label: "Agreement Under Negotiation", value: "N" },
......@@ -4043,7 +4043,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "1st Third Party .", value: "TP1" },
{ label: "2nd Third Party", value: "TP2" },
{ label: "3rd Third Party", value: "TP3" },
{ label: "4th Third Party", value: "TP4" },
{ label: "5th Third Party", value: "TP5" },
{ label: "6th Third Party", value: "TP6" },
......@@ -4066,8 +4065,37 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "TP7 Third Party", value: "TP7" },
{ label: "TP8 Third Party", value: "TP8" },
searol: [
{ label: "Correspondent Bank", value: "AGB" },
{ label: "Agent", value: "AGT" },
{ label: "2nd Collecting Bank", value: "CO2" },
{ label: "Drawee (DRE)", value: "DRE" },
{ label: "Drawer", value: "DRR" },
{ label: "Old Account Party", value: "OAP" },
{ label: "Remitting Bank", value: "RMI" },
{ label: "Carrier (ROG)", value: "ROG" },
searol1: [
{ label: "2nd Collecting Bank", value: "CO2" },
{ label: "Collecting Bank", value: "COL" },
{ label: "Drawee (DRE)", value: "DRE" },
{ label: "Drawer", value: "DRR" },
{ label: "Old Account Party", value: "OAP" },
{ label: "Remitting Bank", value: "RMI" },
{ label: "Receiver of 2nd mail", value: "RSM" },
{ label: "Third Party", value: "TPO" },
{ label: "1st Third Party .", value: "TP1" },
{ label: "2nd Third Party", value: "TP2" },
{ label: "3rd Third Party", value: "TP3" },
{ label: "4th Third Party", value: "TP4" },
{ label: "5th Third Party", value: "TP5" },
{ label: "6th Third Party", value: "TP6" },
{ label: "7th Third Party", value: "TP7" },
{ label: "8th Third Party", value: "TP8" },
{ label: "9th Third Party", value: "TP9" },
// lcrtyp: [
// { label: "可转让", value: "IT" },
// { label: "不可转让", value: "I" },
......@@ -4400,11 +4428,11 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Beneficiary", value: "BEN" },
{ label: "Presenter(PRP)", value: "PRB" },
// payrol1:[
// {label:"Applicant : TG3131232121",value:"1"},
// {label:"Issuing Bank : CHINA EVERBRIGHT BANK",value:"2"},
// {label:"other paying party",value:"3"}
// ],
// payrol1:[
// {label:"Applicant : TG3131232121",value:"1"},
// {label:"Issuing Bank : CHINA EVERBRIGHT BANK",value:"2"},
// {label:"other paying party",value:"3"}
// ],
mhtyp: [
{ label: "更换单据", value: "A" },
......@@ -6915,14 +6943,14 @@ const CodeTable = {
gtxinr3: [
{ label: "blank text", value: "" },
{label:"CN People's Republic of China",value:"CN"},
{label:"HK HONG KONG",value:"HK"},
{label:"GB Great Britain",value:"GB"},
ctytxt1: [
{ label: "CN People's Republic of China", value: "CN" },
{ label: "HK HONG KONG", value: "HK" },
{ label: "GB Great Britain", value: "GB" },
trndoc_advdoc: [
{ label: "经核验,证实电相符/印鉴相符。", value: "" },
{ label: "信用证真实性待核实。", value: "2" },
export default CodeTable;
......@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ import Pub from "../Public"
export default class Botpay {
constructor() { = {
// addbcbl1blk: "",
// litbenl1blk: "",
// litapll1blk: "",
// litrmbl1blk: "",
bodgrp: {
rec: {
matpertyp: "", // Days/Months or Years for Maturity Period .bodgrp.rec.matpertyp
......@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ export default {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
handleReset() {
async handleReset() {
this.model.infcon.seaownref = ""
this.model.infcon.opndatfrom = new Date();
this.model.infcon.opndatto = new Date();
this.model.infcon.searef = "";
this.model.infcon.pty.extkey = "";
this.model.infcon.usr.extkey = "";
this.model.infcon.payrol = "";
this.model.infcon.searol = "";
this.model.infcon.pty.nam = "";
this.model.infcon.seapty = "";
this.model.infcon.curtxt1 = "";
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from "../Common/Pts"
export default class Infbcd{
constructor () { = {
seaownref:"", // Own Reference .infcon.seaownref
nam:"", // Name .infcon.nam
searef:"", // Party Reference .infcon.searef
extkey:"", // Select Single Party .infcon.pty.extkey
nam:"", // External Visible Name .infcon.pty.nam
seapty:"", // Party Name/BIC .infcon.seapty
searol:"", // Role .infcon.searol
opndatfrom:"", // Opening between .infcon.opndatfrom
opndatto:"", // Open Date to .infcon.opndatto
extkey:"", // User ID .infcon.usr.extkey
seasta:"", // Status .infcon.seasta
seacur:"", // Currency .infcon.seacur
seaamtfr:"", // Amount between .infcon.seaamtfr
seaamtto:"", // Amount to .infcon.seaamtto
relflg:"", // Release Status .infcon.relflg
cxmflg:"", // 是否显示查询码 .infcon.cxmflg
hndtyp:"", // Handling Type .infcon.hndtyp
cbctxt:"", // CBS Column .infcon.cbctxt
cbbstm:"", // stream of CBBs .infcon.cbbstm
smhcortyp:"", // Type of Document .infcon.smhcortyp
smhdatfrom:"", // Created between .infcon.smhdatfrom
smhdatto:"", // created till .infcon.smhdatto
smhdir:"", // Direction .infcon.smhdir
chktrn:"", // Active only .infcon.chktrn
smhstm:"", // stream of documents to selected contract .infcon.smhstm
ordstm:"", // Stream for Orders for Contract .infcon.ordstm
cbestm:"", // stream of CBEs .infcon.cbestm
liastm:"", // Stream for all engagements to selected contract .infcon.liastm
prtpanblk:"", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .infcon.trnp.prtpanblk
seabucdatfro:"", // Booking date from .infcon.seabucdatfro
seabucdatto:"", // Booking date till used on GLEINFP .infcon.seabucdatto
seatrninr:"", // Transaction INR .infcon.seatrninr
glestm:"", // Stream of GLEs .infcon.glestm
chksubcon:"", // incl. all subcontracts .infcon.chksubcon
chktrnsta:"", // only active transactions .infcon.chktrnsta
trnstm:"", // stream for TRN to selected contract .infcon.trnstm
sptinc:"", // Incoming .infcon.sptinc
sptreg:"", // Registered .infcon.sptreg
sptpen:"", // Pending .infcon.sptpen
sptcor:"", // Correction .infcon.sptcor
sptdel:"", // Deleted .infcon.sptdel
sptstm:"", // stream for SPT to selected contract .infcon.sptstm
diadatfrom:"", // Date from .infcon.diadatfrom
diadatto:"", // date till .infcon.diadatto
diasta:"", // Status .infcon.diasta
diastm:"", // stream for diaries to selected contract .infcon.diastm
export default class Infbcd {
constructor() { = {
infcon: {
seaownref: "", // Own Reference .infcon.seaownref
nam: "", // Name .infcon.nam
searef: "", // Party Reference .infcon.searef
pty: {
extkey: "", // Select Single Party .infcon.pty.extkey
nam: "", // External Visible Name .infcon.pty.nam
seapty: "", // Party Name/BIC .infcon.seapty
searol: "", // Role .infcon.searol
opndatfrom: "", // Opening between .infcon.opndatfrom
opndatto: "", // Open Date to .infcon.opndatto
usr: {
extkey: "", // User ID .infcon.usr.extkey
seasta: "", // Status .infcon.seasta
seacur: "", // Currency .infcon.seacur
seaamtfr: "", // Amount between .infcon.seaamtfr
seaamtto: "", // Amount to .infcon.seaamtto
relflg: "", // Release Status .infcon.relflg
cxmflg: "", // 是否显示查询码 .infcon.cxmflg
hndtyp: "", // Handling Type .infcon.hndtyp
cbctxt: "", // CBS Column .infcon.cbctxt
cbbstm: "", // stream of CBBs .infcon.cbbstm
smhcortyp: "", // Type of Document .infcon.smhcortyp
smhdatfrom: "", // Created between .infcon.smhdatfrom
smhdatto: "", // created till .infcon.smhdatto
smhdir: "", // Direction .infcon.smhdir
chktrn: "", // Active only .infcon.chktrn
smhstm: "", // stream of documents to selected contract .infcon.smhstm
ordstm: "", // Stream for Orders for Contract .infcon.ordstm
cbestm: "", // stream of CBEs .infcon.cbestm
liastm: "", // Stream for all engagements to selected contract .infcon.liastm
trnp: {
prtpanblk: "", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .infcon.trnp.prtpanblk
seabucdatfro: "", // Booking date from .infcon.seabucdatfro
seabucdatto: "", // Booking date till used on GLEINFP .infcon.seabucdatto
seatrninr: "", // Transaction INR .infcon.seatrninr
glestm: "", // Stream of GLEs .infcon.glestm
chksubcon: "", // incl. all subcontracts .infcon.chksubcon
chktrnsta: "", // only active transactions .infcon.chktrnsta
trnstm: "", // stream for TRN to selected contract .infcon.trnstm
sptinc: "", // Incoming .infcon.sptinc
sptreg: "", // Registered .infcon.sptreg
sptpen: "", // Pending .infcon.sptpen
sptcor: "", // Correction .infcon.sptcor
sptdel: "", // Deleted .infcon.sptdel
sptstm: "", // stream for SPT to selected contract .infcon.sptstm
diadatfrom: "", // Date from .infcon.diadatfrom
diadatto: "", // date till .infcon.diadatto
diasta: "", // Status .infcon.diasta
diastm: "", // stream for diaries to selected contract .infcon.diastm
objinr: ""
seadoctypcod: "", // Payment Condition .seadoctypcod
infbut: {
dspstm: "", // display stream .infbut.dspstm
vermod: {
difsrm: "", // displayable stream of differences .infbut.vermod.difsrm
seagodcod: "", // Goods Code .seagodcod
prtpanblk: "", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .prtpanblk
bcdgrp: {
rec: {
relgodflg: "", // Release of Goods .bcdgrp.rec.relgodflg
reltyp: "", // Release Type .bcdgrp.rec.reltyp
relgoddat: "", // Release Date .bcdgrp.rec.relgoddat
expdat: "", // Expiry Date of Shipping Guarantee .bcdgrp.rec.expdat
trpdoctyp: "", // Transport Doc. Type .bcdgrp.rec.trpdoctyp
trpdocnum: "", // Transport Doc. Ref. .bcdgrp.rec.trpdocnum
tradat: "", // Document Dated .bcdgrp.rec.tradat
tramod: "", // Mode of Transport .bcdgrp.rec.tramod
shpfro: "", // Shipment from .bcdgrp.rec.shpfro
shpto: "", // Shipment to .bcdgrp.rec.shpto
rtodreflg: "", // Release to Drawee Flag .bcdgrp.rec.rtodreflg
agtdat: "", // Agent's Invoice Dated Tag 43C .bcdgrp.rec.agtdat
ownref: "", // Reference .bcdgrp.rec.ownref
resflg: "", // Reserved Contract .bcdgrp.rec.resflg
dftgarflg: "", // Draft to be Guaranteed .bcdgrp.rec.dftgarflg
rcvdat: "", // Docs received on .bcdgrp.rec.rcvdat
predat: "", // Date of Remittance Lt. .bcdgrp.rec.predat
advdat: "", // Advised on .bcdgrp.rec.advdat
oridre: "", // Send Original Documents to Drawee .bcdgrp.rec.oridre
doctypcod: "", // Collection Condition .bcdgrp.rec.doctypcod
matdat: "", // Maturity Date .bcdgrp.rec.matdat
matpercnt: "", // Tenor Specification .bcdgrp.rec.matpercnt
matpertyp: "", // Days/Months or Years for Maturity Period .bcdgrp.rec.matpertyp
matperbeg: "", // Tenor Starting from .bcdgrp.rec.matperbeg
stacty: "", // Country Code Risk Country .bcdgrp.rec.stacty
nam: "", // Name .bcdgrp.rec.nam
invtyp: "", // 发票类型 .bcdgrp.rec.invtyp
chato: "", // Our Charges to .bcdgrp.rec.chato
focflg: "", // Free of Payment .bcdgrp.rec.focflg
waicolcod: "", // Waive Collecting Bank Charges .bcdgrp.rec.waicolcod
wairmtcod: "", // Waive Remitting Bank Charges .bcdgrp.rec.wairmtcod
othins: "", // Defer Payment until .bcdgrp.rec.othins
stagod: "", // Good's Code (for Statistics) .bcdgrp.rec.stagod
proins: "", // Protest Instructions .bcdgrp.rec.proins
blk: {
vesselnam: "", // Vessel Name .bcdgrp.blk.vesselnam
covgod: "", // Covered Goods .bcdgrp.blk.covgod
reladr: "", // Release to Address .bcdgrp.blk.reladr
bctfre: "", // Free Text Tag 42J .bcdgrp.blk.bctfre
docpre: "", // Presented Documents .bcdgrp.blk.docpre
intins: "", // Interest Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.intins
agtaut: "", // Authority of Agent .bcdgrp.blk.agtaut
agtinf: "", // Further Information .bcdgrp.blk.agtinf
bcgdet: "", // Maturity Text .bcdgrp.blk.bcgdet
bcgdetflg: "", // BC Tenor Details modified .bcdgrp.blk.bcgdetflg
colins: "", // Collection Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.colins
dftins: "", // Draft Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.dftins
othins: "", // Other Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.othins
chgtxt: "", // Charges Text .bcdgrp.blk.chgtxt
rog: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.rog.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.rog.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.rog.dbfadrblkcn
dre: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.dre.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.dre.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.dre.dbfadrblkcn
co2: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.co2.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.co2.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.co2.dbfadrblkcn
rmi: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.rmi.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.rmi.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.rmi.dbfadrblkcn
drr: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.drr.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.drr.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.drr.dbfadrblkcn
agt: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.agt.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.agt.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.agt.dbfadrblkcn
agb: {
pts: new Pts().data,
namelc: "", // 名称 .bcdgrp.agb.namelc
adrelc: "", // 地址 .bcdgrp.agb.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.agb.dbfadrblkcn
cbs: {
max: {
cur: "", // Document Amount
amt: "", // Document Amount
opn1: {
cur: "", // Open Amount
amt: "", // Open Amount
recpan: {
rogp: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.rogp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.rogp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seadoctypcod:"", // Payment Condition .seadoctypcod
dspstm:"", // display stream .infbut.dspstm
difsrm:"", // displayable stream of differences .infbut.vermod.difsrm
drep: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.drep.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.drep.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seagodcod:"", // Goods Code .seagodcod
prtpanblk:"", // XMLPanel prtpan的内置block .prtpanblk
relgodflg:"", // Release of Goods .bcdgrp.rec.relgodflg
reltyp:"", // Release Type .bcdgrp.rec.reltyp
relgoddat:"", // Release Date .bcdgrp.rec.relgoddat
expdat:"", // Expiry Date of Shipping Guarantee .bcdgrp.rec.expdat
trpdoctyp:"", // Transport Doc. Type .bcdgrp.rec.trpdoctyp
trpdocnum:"", // Transport Doc. Ref. .bcdgrp.rec.trpdocnum
tradat:"", // Document Dated .bcdgrp.rec.tradat
tramod:"", // Mode of Transport .bcdgrp.rec.tramod
shpfro:"", // Shipment from .bcdgrp.rec.shpfro
shpto:"", // Shipment to .bcdgrp.rec.shpto
rtodreflg:"", // Release to Drawee Flag .bcdgrp.rec.rtodreflg
agtdat:"", // Agent's Invoice Dated Tag 43C .bcdgrp.rec.agtdat
ownref:"", // Reference .bcdgrp.rec.ownref
resflg:"", // Reserved Contract .bcdgrp.rec.resflg
dftgarflg:"", // Draft to be Guaranteed .bcdgrp.rec.dftgarflg
rcvdat:"", // Docs received on .bcdgrp.rec.rcvdat
predat:"", // Date of Remittance Lt. .bcdgrp.rec.predat
advdat:"", // Advised on .bcdgrp.rec.advdat
oridre:"", // Send Original Documents to Drawee .bcdgrp.rec.oridre
doctypcod:"", // Collection Condition .bcdgrp.rec.doctypcod
matdat:"", // Maturity Date .bcdgrp.rec.matdat
matpercnt:"", // Tenor Specification .bcdgrp.rec.matpercnt
matpertyp:"", // Days/Months or Years for Maturity Period .bcdgrp.rec.matpertyp
matperbeg:"", // Tenor Starting from .bcdgrp.rec.matperbeg
stacty:"", // Country Code Risk Country .bcdgrp.rec.stacty
nam:"", // Name .bcdgrp.rec.nam
invtyp:"", // 发票类型 .bcdgrp.rec.invtyp
chato:"", // Our Charges to .bcdgrp.rec.chato
focflg:"", // Free of Payment .bcdgrp.rec.focflg
waicolcod:"", // Waive Collecting Bank Charges .bcdgrp.rec.waicolcod
wairmtcod:"", // Waive Remitting Bank Charges .bcdgrp.rec.wairmtcod
othins:"", // Defer Payment until .bcdgrp.rec.othins
stagod:"", // Good's Code (for Statistics) .bcdgrp.rec.stagod
proins:"", // Protest Instructions .bcdgrp.rec.proins
vesselnam:"", // Vessel Name .bcdgrp.blk.vesselnam
covgod:"", // Covered Goods .bcdgrp.blk.covgod
reladr:"", // Release to Address .bcdgrp.blk.reladr
bctfre:"", // Free Text Tag 42J .bcdgrp.blk.bctfre
docpre:"", // Presented Documents .bcdgrp.blk.docpre
intins:"", // Interest Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.intins
agtaut:"", // Authority of Agent .bcdgrp.blk.agtaut
agtinf:"", // Further Information .bcdgrp.blk.agtinf
bcgdet:"", // Maturity Text .bcdgrp.blk.bcgdet
bcgdetflg:"", // BC Tenor Details modified .bcdgrp.blk.bcgdetflg
colins:"", // Collection Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.colins
dftins:"", // Draft Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.dftins
othins:"", // Other Instructions .bcdgrp.blk.othins
chgtxt:"", // Charges Text .bcdgrp.blk.chgtxt
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.rog.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.rog.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.rog.dbfadrblkcn
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.dre.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.dre.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.dre.dbfadrblkcn
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.co2.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.co2.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.co2.dbfadrblkcn
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.rmi.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.rmi.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.rmi.dbfadrblkcn
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.drr.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.drr.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.drr.dbfadrblkcn
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.agt.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.agt.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.agt.dbfadrblkcn
pts:new Pts().data,
namelc:"", // 名称 .bcdgrp.agb.namelc
adrelc:"", // 地址 .bcdgrp.agb.adrelc
dbfadrblkcn:"", // Chinese address .bcdgrp.agb.dbfadrblkcn
cur:"", // Document Amount
amt:"", // Document Amount
cur:"", // Open Amount
amt:"", // Open Amount
co2p: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.co2p.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.co2p.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.rogp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.rogp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.drep.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.drep.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.co2p.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.co2p.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.rmip.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.rmip.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.agtp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.agtp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.agbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.agbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd:"", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
seainf:"", // .recpan.usrget.sdamod.seainf
extkey:"", // Responsible User .recpan.usr.extkey
docdsclab:"", // Label of document description .recpan.docgrdm.docdsclab
sblx:"", // 申报类型 .recpan.sblx
acttyplab:"", // 款项去向 .recpan.acttyplab
acttyp:"", // ACTTYP .recpan.acttyp
rmip: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.rmip.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.rmip.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
seclab:"", // static .trnmod.seclab
commetlab:"", // 自槸区备注label .trnmod.commetlab
recbchnam:"", // 接收行名称 .trnmod.recbchnam
recbchkey:"", // 接收行行号 .trnmod.recbchkey
pyeact:"", // 收款人账号 .trnmod.pyeact
flg:"", // 电汇凭证 .trnmod.flg
bustyp:"", // 业务种类 .trnmod.bustyp
secmod:"", // 二代模式 .trnmod.secmod
orcnam:"", // 付款人名称 .trnmod.orcnam
orcadr:"", // 付款人地址 .trnmod.orcadr
pyenam:"", // 收款人名称 .trnmod.pyenam
pyeadr:"", // 收款人地址 .trnmod.pyeadr
pyebchkey:"", // 收款人开户行行号 .trnmod.pyebchkey
pyebchnam:"", // 收款人开户行 .trnmod.pyebchnam
commen:"", // 附言 .trnmod.commen
comsystbl:"", // 自槸区备注 .trnmod.comsystbl
fecstm:"", // Stream of fee conditions of passed object .trnmod.ptsmod.fecinf.fecstm
docedipblk:"", // XMLPanel docedip的内置block .trnmod.trndoc.ersmod.ersimm.docedipblk
drrp: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
labinftxt:"", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt
inftxt:"", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt
inflev:"", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev
labinftxt:"", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt
inftxt:"", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt
inflev:"", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev
conexedat:"", // 执行日期 .mtabut.coninf.conexedat
extkey:"", // User ID .mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey
agtp: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.agtp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.agtp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
pageId: "" // ctx的key
agbp: {
ptsget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.agbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.agbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
recget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf
dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
usrget: {
sdamod: {
seainf: "", // .recpan.usrget.sdamod.seainf
usr: {
extkey: "", // Responsible User .recpan.usr.extkey
docgrdm: {
docdsclab: "", // Label of document description .recpan.docgrdm.docdsclab
sblx: "", // 申报类型 .recpan.sblx
acttyplab: "", // 款项去向 .recpan.acttyplab
acttyp: "", // ACTTYP .recpan.acttyp
trnmod: {
seclab: "", // static .trnmod.seclab
commetlab: "", // 自槸区备注label .trnmod.commetlab
recbchnam: "", // 接收行名称 .trnmod.recbchnam
recbchkey: "", // 接收行行号 .trnmod.recbchkey
pyeact: "", // 收款人账号 .trnmod.pyeact
flg: "", // 电汇凭证 .trnmod.flg
bustyp: "", // 业务种类 .trnmod.bustyp
secmod: "", // 二代模式 .trnmod.secmod
orcnam: "", // 付款人名称 .trnmod.orcnam
orcadr: "", // 付款人地址 .trnmod.orcadr
pyenam: "", // 收款人名称 .trnmod.pyenam
pyeadr: "", // 收款人地址 .trnmod.pyeadr
pyebchkey: "", // 收款人开户行行号 .trnmod.pyebchkey
pyebchnam: "", // 收款人开户行 .trnmod.pyebchnam
commen: "", // 附言 .trnmod.commen
comsystbl: "", // 自槸区备注 .trnmod.comsystbl
ptsmod: {
fecinf: {
fecstm: "", // Stream of fee conditions of passed object .trnmod.ptsmod.fecinf.fecstm
trndoc: {
ersmod: {
ersimm: {
docedipblk: "", // XMLPanel docedip的内置block .trnmod.trndoc.ersmod.ersimm.docedipblk
mtabut: {
coninf: {
oitinf: {
labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt
oit: {
inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt
inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev
oitset: {
labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt
oit: {
inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt
inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev
conexedat: "", // 执行日期 .mtabut.coninf.conexedat
usr: {
extkey: "", // User ID .mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey
pageId: "" // ctx的key
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ export default {
this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' });
handleReset() {
async handleReset() {
this.model.infcon.seaownref = ""
this.model.infcon.opndatfrom = new Date();
this.model.infcon.opndatto = new Date();
this.model.infcon.searef = "";
this.model.infcon.pty.extkey = "";
this.model.infcon.usr.extkey = "";
this.model.infcon.payrol = "";
this.model.infcon.searol = "";
this.model.infcon.pty.nam = "";
this.model.infcon.seapty = "";
this.model.infcon.curtxt1 = "";
......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ export default class Infbod {
wairmtcod: "", // Waive Remitting Bank Charges .bodgrp.rec.wairmtcod
othins: "", // Defer Payment until .bodgrp.rec.othins
lescom: "", // Warehouse/Insurance .bodgrp.rec.lescom
inr: ""
cbs: {
max: {
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.colins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Collection Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
placeholder="请输入Draft Instructions" disabled>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.proins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Protest Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.othins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Other Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.delins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Warehouse/Insurance Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.colins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Collection Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
placeholder="请输入Draft Instructions" disabled>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.proins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Protest Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.othins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Other Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.bodgrp.blk.delins" maxlength="65" show-word-limit
placeholder="请输入Warehouse/Insurance Instructions" disabled></c-input>
<template slot="footer">
<c-button size="small" type="primary">
<c-button size="small" type="primary" disabled>
......@@ -66,10 +66,8 @@
<c-col :span="8">
<el-form-item label="Role" prop="infcon.searol" style="width: 100%">
<!-- <c-select v-model="model.infcon.searol" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择Role">
</c-select> -->
<c-select v-model="model.infcon.payrol" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择Role">
<el-option v-for="item in codes.payrol" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value">
<c-select v-model="model.infcon.searol" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择Role">
<el-option v-for="item in codes.searol" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value">
......@@ -277,23 +275,23 @@ export
stmData: {
columns: [
"1 1 \"Reference\" 150",
"2 2 \"Resp. User\" 100",
"2 2 \"Resp. User\" 120",
"3 3 \"Opened\" 150 4 7",
"4 4 \"Closed\" 150 4 7",
"5 5 \"Goods Code\" 130 1 0 1 GODCOD",
"6 6\"分行名称\" 136",
"6 6 \"分行名称\" 170",
"7 7 \"Pta.No\" 130",
"8 8 \"Drawee Party Number\" 150",
"8 8 \"Drawee Party Number\" 170",
"9 9 \"Drawee\" 300",
"10 10 \"Drawee CN\" 130",
"11 11 \"Drawer Party Number\" 150",
"11 11 \"Drawer Party Number\" 170",
"12 12 \"Drawer\" 100",
"13 13 \"Remitting Bank Party Number\" 200",
"13 13 \"Remitting Bank Party Number\" 220",
"14 14 \"Remitting Bank\" 200",
"15 15 \"Doc.Amount Cur\" 130",
"16 16 \"Doc.Amount\" 100 2 8 1 15",
"17 17 \"Open Amount Cur\" 130",
"18 18 \"Open Amount\" 100 2 8 1 17",
"15 15 \"Doc.Amount Cur\" 150",
"16 16 \"Doc.Amount\" 120 2 8 1 15",
"17 17 \"Open Amount Cur\" 150",
"18 18 \"Open Amount\" 130 2 8 1 17",
data: []
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