Commit 6cad3bd1 by huxi

litame 调整格式

parent 05fc6846
export default { export default {
"litamep.recget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ 'litamep.recget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"lidgrp.rec.ownref":[ 'lidgrp.rec.ownref':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"litamep.recget.sdamod.seainf":[ 'litamep.recget.sdamod.seainf':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"lidgrp.rec.nam":[ 'lidgrp.rec.nam':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"} {max: 40,message:'长度不能超过40'}
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.amedat":[ 'trnmod.swiadd.amedat':[
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.amenbr":[ 'trnmod.swiadd.amenbr':[
{required: true, message: "必输项"}, {required: true, message: '必输项'},
{type: "number", max: 999,message:"只能输入数字,且长度不能超过3"} {type: 'number', max: 999,message:'只能输入数字,且长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"litamep.amenbr":[ 'litamep.amenbr':[
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, {required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "number", max: 999,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过3"} {type: 'number', max: 999,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"":[ '':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"":[ '':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
], ],
"oldlidgrp.rec.nomtop":[ 'oldlidgrp.rec.nomtop':[
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, {required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "number",max: 99,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过2"} {type: 'number',max: 99,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过2'}
], ],
"oldlidgrp.rec.nomton":[ 'oldlidgrp.rec.nomton':[
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, {required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "number", max: 99,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过2"} {type: 'number', max: 99,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过2'}
], ],
"":[ '':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"":[ '':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.ameamt":[ {required: false, message: '必输项'},
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{type: "string", max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {pattern: /(^(\+|\-)|\d+$)|(^(\+|\-)|\.\d{1,2}$)|(^(\+|\-)|\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
{pattern: /(^(\+|\-)|\d+$)|(^(\+|\-)|\.\d{1,2}$)|(^(\+|\-)|\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } ],
], 'litamep.engamt':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litamep.engamt":[ {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, 'trnmod.swiadd.newamt':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
"trnmod.swiadd.newamt":[ 'trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {type: 'number', max: 99,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过2'}
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop":[ 'trnmod.swiadd.newnomton':[
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, { required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "number", max: 99,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过2"} {type: 'number', max: 99,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过2'}
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.newnomton":[ 'litamep.maxcur':[
{ required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "number", max: 99,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过2"} {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"litamep.maxcur":[ 'litamep.maxamt':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
], ],
"litamep.maxamt":[ 'oldlidgrp.rec.expdat':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, ],
], 'oldlidgrp.rec.shpdat':[
{type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
"oldlidgrp.rec.expdat":[ ],
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} 'trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat':[
], {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
"oldlidgrp.rec.shpdat":[ ],
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} 'trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat':[
], {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
"trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat":[ ],
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} 'oldlidgrp.rec.prepers18':[
], { required: false, message: '必输项'},
"trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat":[ {type: 'number',max: 999,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过3'}
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} ],
], 'trnmod.swiadd.prepers18':[
{required: false, message: '必输项'},
"oldlidgrp.rec.prepers18":[ {type: 'number', max: 999,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过3'}
{ required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{type: "number",max: 999,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过3"} 'oldlidgrp.blk.preper':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"trnmod.swiadd.prepers18":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{type: "number", max: 999,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过3"} 'oldlidgrp.rec.prepertxts18':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"oldlidgrp.blk.preper":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} 'trnmod.swiadd.prepertxts18':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"oldlidgrp.rec.prepertxts18":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} '':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"trnmod.swiadd.prepertxts18":[ {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} 'trnmod.swiadd.addamt':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
"":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'trnmod.swiadd.trnfeetxt':[
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 210,message:'长度不能超过210'}
"trnmod.swiadd.addamt":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'trnmod.swiadd.addamtcov':[
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } {max: 140,message:'长度不能超过140'}
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.trnfeetxt":[ 'litp.recget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 210,message:"长度不能超过210"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"trnmod.swiadd.addamtcov":[ 'lidgrp.rec.ownref':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 140,message:"长度不能超过140"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
"litp.recget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ 'lidgrp.rec.nam':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 40,message:'长度不能超过40'}
], ],
"lidgrp.rec.ownref":[ 'lidgrp.apl.pts.ref':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"litp.recget.sdamod.seainf":[ 'litp.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"lidgrp.rec.nam":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 8,message:'长度不能超过8'}
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"} ],
], 'litp.usrget.sdamod.seainf':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.apl.pts.ref":[ {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.apl.pts.extkey':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litp.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'litp.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litp.usr.extkey":[ {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 8,message:"长度不能超过8"} 'lidgrp.apl.namelc':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"litp.usrget.sdamod.seainf":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} '':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
"lidgrp.apl.pts.extkey":[ {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litp.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} 'lidgrp.apl.dbfadrblkcn':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"lidgrp.apl.namelc":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.rec.nomtop':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {type: 'number', max: 99,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过2'}
"":[ 'lidgrp.rec.nomton':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, { required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, {type: 'number', max: 99,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过2'}
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } ],
], 'lidgrp.apl.adrelc':[
{type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过35"} 'lidgrp.adv.pts.ref':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.apl.dbfadrblkcn":[ {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} '':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.rec.nomtop":[ {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{required: false, message: "必输项"}, {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
{type: "number", max: 99,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过2"} ],
], 'litp.advp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
"lidgrp.rec.nomton":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{ required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{type: "number", max: 99,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过2"} ],
], 'lidgrp.adv.pts.extkey':[
"lidgrp.apl.adrelc":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'litp.advp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.adv.pts.ref":[ {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.rec.opndat':[
], {type: 'date', required: true, message: '输入正确的日期'}
"":[ 'lidgrp.rec.preadvdt':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, ],
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } 'lidgrp.adv.namelc':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"litp.advp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.adv.pts.adrblk':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.adv.pts.extkey":[ {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.adv.dbfadrblkcn':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"litp.advp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} 'lidgrp.rec.shpdat':[
], {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
"lidgrp.rec.opndat":[ 'lidgrp.adv.adrelc':[
{type: "date", required: true, message: "输入正确的日期"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"lidgrp.rec.preadvdt":[ ],
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} 'lidgrp.rec.expdat':[
], {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
"lidgrp.adv.namelc":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.rec.expplc':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 29,message:'长度不能超过29'}
"lidgrp.adv.pts.adrblk":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.ben.pts.ref':[
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.adv.dbfadrblkcn":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.benp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.rec.shpdat":[ ],
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} 'lidgrp.ben.pts.extkey':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.adv.adrelc":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.benp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
"lidgrp.rec.expdat":[ ],
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} 'lidgrp.ben.namelc':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.rec.expplc":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 29,message:"长度不能超过29"} 'lidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.ben.pts.ref":[ {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.ben.dbfadrblkcn':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"litp.benp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ 'lidgrp.ben.adrelc':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
], ],
"lidgrp.ben.pts.extkey":[ 'lidgrp.rec.apprultxt':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
], ],
"litp.benp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ 'lidgrp.rec.oppbnk':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 12,message:'长度不能超过12'}
], ],
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 25,message:'长度不能超过25'}
"lidgrp.ben.namelc":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.rec.regref':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'trnmod.swiadd.nartxt':[
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 1750,message:'长度不能超过1750'}
"lidgrp.ben.dbfadrblkcn":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'oldlidgrp.blk.narhis':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 49950,message:'长度不能超过49950'}
"lidgrp.ben.adrelc":[ 'lidgrp.blk.preper':[
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
], ],
"lidgrp.rec.apprultxt":[ 'lidgrp.rec.prepers18':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, { required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'number',max: 999,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过3'}
], ],
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.rec.oppbnk":[ {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 12,message:"长度不能超过12"} 'lidgrp.avb.pts.extkey':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.rec.rptref":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{max: 25,message:"长度不能超过25"} ],
], 'lidgrp.rec.prepertxts18':[
"lidgrp.rec.regref":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 140,message:'长度不能超过140'}
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} ],
], 'lidgrp.avb.namelc':[
{type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"trnmod.swiadd.nartxt":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.avb.pts.adrblk':[
{max: 1750,message:"长度不能超过1750"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过140'}
"oldlidgrp.blk.narhis":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.avb.dbfadrblkcn':[
{max: 49950,message:"长度不能超过49950"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.blk.preper":[ {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} 'lidgrp.blk.feetxt':[
], { required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.rec.prepers18":[ {type: 'string',max: 210,message:'长度不能超过210'}
{ required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{type: "number",max: 999,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过3"} 'lidgrp.blk.defdet':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 140,message:'长度不能超过140'}
"litp.avbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.blk.dftat':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 105,message:'长度不能超过105'}
"lidgrp.avb.pts.extkey":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.drwp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"litp.avbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.drw.pts.extkey':[
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.rec.prepertxts18":[ 'litp.drwp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 140,message:"长度不能超过140"} {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"lidgrp.avb.namelc":[ 'lidgrp.drw.namelc':[
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
], ],
"lidgrp.avb.pts.adrblk":[ 'lidgrp.drw.pts.adrblk':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过140"} {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过35'}
], ],
"lidgrp.avb.dbfadrblkcn":[ 'lidgrp.drw.dbfadrblkcn':[
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
], ],
"lidgrp.blk.avbwthtxt":[ 'lidgrp.blk.mixdet':[
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {max: 140,message:'长度不能超过140'}
], ],
"lidgrp.avb.adrelc":[ {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'lidgrp.rec.shpfro':[
"lidgrp.blk.feetxt":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{ required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{type: "string",max: 210,message:"长度不能超过210"} ],
], 'lidgrp.rec.tenmaxday':[
{ required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: 'number', max: 999,message:'只能输入数字,长度不能超过3'}
"lidgrp.blk.defdet":[ 'lidgrp.rec.porloa':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 140,message:"长度不能超过140"} {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
], ],
"lidgrp.blk.dftat":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{max: 105,message:"长度不能超过105"} ],
], 'lidgrp.rec.shpto':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litp.drwp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.blk.shpper':[
], {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.drw.pts.extkey":[ {max: 390,message:'长度不能超过390'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'lidgrp.ini.pts.ref':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litp.drwp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} 'lidgrp.a2b.pts.ref':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.drw.namelc":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.inip.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.drw.pts.adrblk":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.a2bp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.drw.dbfadrblkcn":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.ini.pts.extkey':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.blk.mixdet":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.inip.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{max: 140,message:"长度不能超过140"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
"lidgrp.drw.adrelc":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.a2b.pts.extkey':[
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.rec.shpfro":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.a2bp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
"lidgrp.rec.tenmaxday":[ ],
{ required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.ini.namelc':[
{type: "number", max: 999,message:"只能输入数字,长度不能超过3"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"lidgrp.rec.porloa":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.a2b.namelc':[
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"lidgrp.rec.pordis":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.ini.pts.adrblk':[
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过140'}
"lidgrp.rec.shpto":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.ini.dbfadrblkcn':[
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"lidgrp.blk.shpper":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.a2b.pts.adrblk':[
{max: 390,message:"长度不能超过390"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过140'}
"lidgrp.ini.pts.ref":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.a2b.dbfadrblkcn':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"lidgrp.a2b.pts.ref":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.ini.adrelc':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"litp.inip.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.a2b.adrelc':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
"litp.a2bp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.rmb.pts.ref':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.ini.pts.extkey":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.avb.pts.ref':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"litp.inip.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'litp.rmbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"lidgrp.a2b.pts.extkey":[ 'lidgrp.rmb.pts.extkey':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"litp.a2bp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ 'litp.rmbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
], ],
"lidgrp.ini.namelc":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 40,message:'长度不能超过40'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'lidgrp.con.pts.ref':[
"lidgrp.a2b.namelc":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'litp.conp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
"lidgrp.ini.pts.adrblk":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过140"} ],
], 'lidgrp.con.pts.extkey':[
"lidgrp.ini.dbfadrblkcn":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'litp.conp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
"lidgrp.a2b.pts.adrblk":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过140"} ],
], 'lidgrp.con.namelc':[
"lidgrp.a2b.dbfadrblkcn":[ {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'lidgrp.con.pts.adrblk':[
"lidgrp.ini.adrelc":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 35*4,message:'长度不能超过140'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'lidgrp.con.dbfadrblkcn':[
"lidgrp.a2b.adrelc":[ {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'lidgrp.con.adrelc':[
"lidgrp.rmb.pts.ref":[ {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 35,message:'长度不能超过35'}
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} ],
], 'lidgrp.blk.insbnk':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.avb.pts.ref":[ {max: 65*12,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'litameadv':[
], { required: true, message: '必输项'}
"litp.rmbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'lidgrp.blk.insbnkame':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
"lidgrp.rmb.pts.extkey":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'trnmod.swiadd.insbnk':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
"litp.rmbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'liaall.outamt':[
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
"lidgrp.rmb.pts.nam":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'liaall.outpct':[
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 6,message:'长度不能超过6'}
"lidgrp.con.pts.ref":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'liaall.concur':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
"litp.conp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'liaall.misamt':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
"lidgrp.con.pts.extkey":[ {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} 'liaall.exttotoldamt':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"litp.conp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf":[ {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} ],
], 'liaall.exttotamt':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.con.namelc":[ {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} ],
], 'liaall.liaccv.concur':[
"lidgrp.con.pts.adrblk":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{max: 35*4,message:"长度不能超过140"} ],
], 'liaall.liaccv.newamt':[
"lidgrp.con.dbfadrblkcn":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过15位'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过2位' }
], ],
"lidgrp.con.adrelc":[ 'liaall.liaccv.cshpct':[
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 35,message:"长度不能超过35"} {max: 5,message:'长度不能超过5'}
], ],
"lidgrp.blk.insbnk":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{max: 65*12,message:"长度不能超过65"} {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
], ],
"litameadv":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{ required: true, message: "必输项"} {max: 5,message:'长度不能超过5'}
], ],
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"lidgrp.blk.insbnkame":[ {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"} ],
], 'liaall.liaccv.totcovamt':[
"trnmod.swiadd.insbnk":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"} {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
], ],
"liaall.outamt":[ 'liaall.liaccv.addinf':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {max: 70,message:'长度不能超过70'}
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } ],
], 'setmod.ref':[
"liaall.outpct":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 6,message:"长度不能超过6"} ],
], 'setmod.docamt':[
"liaall.concur":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
], ],
"liaall.misamt":[ 'setmod.zmqacc':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, {max: 20,message:'长度不能超过20'}
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } ],
], 'setmod.glemod.gleshwstm':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 1,message:'长度不能超过1'}
"liaall.exttotoldamt":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'bcbtyp7':[
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } {max: 30,message:'长度不能超过30'}
], ],
"liaall.exttotamt":[ 'bcbdat':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, ],
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } 'ameadvrmk':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"liaall.liaccv.concur":[ {max: 34,message:'长度不能超过34'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} 'mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt':[
], // {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"liaall.liaccv.newamt":[ // {max: 60,message:'长度不能超过60'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项','trigger': 'blur'},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过15位"}, {max: 60,message:'长度不能超过60','trigger': 'blur'}
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,2}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,2}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过2位" } ],
], 'mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt':[
"liaall.liaccv.cshpct":[ // {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, // {max: 60,message:'长度不能超过60'}
{max: 5,message:"长度不能超过5"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项','trigger': 'blur'},
], {max: 60,message:'长度不能超过60','trigger': 'blur'}
"liaall.liaccv.newresamt":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'mtabut.coninf.conexedat':[
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, {type: 'date', required: false, message: '输入正确的日期'}
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } ],
], 'mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey':[
"liaall.liaccv.relcshpct":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 8,message:'长度不能超过8'}
{max: 5,message:"长度不能超过5"} ],
], 'trnmod.trndoc.advnam':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"liaall.liaccv.pctresamt":[ {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, 'trnmod.trndoc.amdapl':[
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } {type: 'string', required: true, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"liaall.liaccv.totcovamt":[ {max: 1,message:'长度不能超过1'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, 'trnmod.trndoc.filrecv':[
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
"liaall.liaccv.addinf":[ ],
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, 'trnmod.trndoc.doctrestm':[
{max: 70,message:"长度不能超过70"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 1,message:'长度不能超过1'}
"setmod.ref":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'trnmod.trndoc.condocstm':[
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 1,message:'长度不能超过1'}
"setmod.docamt":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"}, ],
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" } 'lidgrp.blk.lcrdocame':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"setmod.zmqacc":[ {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 20,message:"长度不能超过20"} 'litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 65*10,message:'长度不能超过65*10'}
"setmod.glemod.gleshwstm":[ 'lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 1,message:"长度不能超过1"} {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
], ],
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"bcbtyp7":[ {max: 65*10,message:'长度不能超过65*10'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 30,message:"长度不能超过30"} 'lidgrp.blk.adlcndame':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"bcbdat":[ {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} ],
], 'lidgrp.blk.spcbename':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
"ameadvrmk":[ 'lidgrp.blk.spcrcbame':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 34,message:"长度不能超过34"} {max: 50,message:'长度不能超过50'}
], ],
"mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
// {type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
// {max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60"} ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项","trigger": "blur"}, 'lidgrp.blk.spcben':[
{max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60","trigger": "blur"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
"mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt":[ 'lidgrp.blk.spcrcb':[
// {type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
// {max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60"} {max: 65,message:'长度不能超过65'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项","trigger": "blur"}, ],
{max: 60,message:"长度不能超过60","trigger": "blur"} 'litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 65*10,message:'长度不能超过65*10'}
"mtabut.coninf.conexedat":[ 'litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk':[
{type: "date", required: false, message: "输入正确的日期"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 1650,message:'长度不能超过1650'}
"mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey":[ ],
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, 'litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk':[
{max: 8,message:"长度不能超过8"} {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
], {max: 1650,message:'长度不能超过1650'}
"trnmod.trndoc.advnam":[ 'liaall.limmod.ecifno':[
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"} {max: 22,message:'长度不能超过22'}
], ],
"trnmod.trndoc.amdapl":[ 'liaall.limmod.ownref':[
{type: "string", required: true, message: "必输项"}, {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"} {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
], ],
"trnmod.trndoc.advdoc":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 1,message:"长度不能超过1"} ],
], 'liaall.limmod.othp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd':[
"trnmod.trndoc.filrecv":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"} ],
], 'liaall.limmod.limpts.wrk.pts.extkey':[
"trnmod.trndoc.doctrestm":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{max: 1,message:"长度不能超过1"} ],
], 'liaall.limmod.wrkp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf':[
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 16,message:'长度不能超过16'}
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"trnmod.trndoc.condocstm":[ {max: 3,message:'长度不能超过3'}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, ],
{max: 1,message:"长度不能超过1"} 'liaall.limmod.comamt':[
], {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
"trnmod.trndoc.rcvatt.seainf":[ {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"} ],
], 'liaall.limmod.limpts.wrk.pts.nam':[
"lidgrp.blk.lcrdocame":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 40,message:'长度不能超过40'}
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"} ],
], 'liaall.limmod.limpts.oth.pts.nam':[
"lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 40,message:'长度不能超过40'}
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"} ],
], 'liaall.limmod.ccvamt':[
"litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 18,message:'整数位不能超过14位'},
{max: 65*10,message:"长度不能超过65*10"} {pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: '小数位不能超过3位' }
], ],
{type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{max: 14,message:'长度不能超过14'}
"lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame":[ {type: 'string', required: false, message: '必输项'},
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"}, {max: 14,message:'长度不能超过14'}
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 65*10,message:"长度不能超过65*10"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 50,message:"长度不能超过50"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 65,message:"长度不能超过65"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 65*10,message:"长度不能超过65*10"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 1650,message:"长度不能超过1650"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 1650,message:"长度不能超过1650"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 22,message:"长度不能超过22"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 16,message:"长度不能超过16"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 3,message:"长度不能超过3"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" }
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 18,message:"整数位不能超过14位"},
{pattern: /(^\d+$)|(^\.\d{1,3}$)|(^\d+\.\d{1,3}$)/, message: "小数位不能超过3位" }
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 14,message:"长度不能超过14"}
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 14,message:"长度不能超过14"}
], ],
/** /**
* Litame Check规则 * Litame Check规则
*/ */
"liaall.misamt": null, 'liaall.misamt': null,
"lidgrp.apl.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.apl.namelc': null,
"lidgrp.rec.prepers18": null, 'lidgrp.rec.prepers18': null,
"lidgrp.rec.lcrtyp": null, 'lidgrp.rec.lcrtyp': null,
"ameadvrmk": null, 'ameadvrmk': null,
"lidgrp.rec.apprul": null, 'lidgrp.rec.apprul': null,
"lidgrp.blk.lcrgod": null, 'lidgrp.blk.lcrgod': null,
"bcbtyp7": null, 'bcbtyp7': null,
"lidgrp.rec.stacty": null, 'lidgrp.rec.stacty': null,
"lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc": null, 'lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc': null,
"litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk": null, 'litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk': null,
"liaall.limmod.limpts.oth.pts.nam": null, 'liaall.limmod.limpts.oth.pts.nam': null,
"setmod.dspflg": null, 'setmod.dspflg': null,
"lidgrp.a2b.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.a2b.namelc': null,
"litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk": null, 'litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.amenbr": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.amenbr': null,
"lidgrp.avb.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.avb.pts.adrblk': null,
"liaall.liaccv.totcovamt": null, 'liaall.liaccv.totcovamt': null,
"liaall.limmod.limpts.wrk.pts.nam": null, 'liaall.limmod.limpts.wrk.pts.nam': null,
"lidgrp.blk.preper": null, 'lidgrp.blk.preper': null,
"oldlidgrp.rec.expdat": null, 'oldlidgrp.rec.expdat': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.insbnk": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.insbnk': null,
"lidgrp.rec.shptrss18": null, 'lidgrp.rec.shptrss18': null,
"lidgrp.rec.cnfdet": null, 'lidgrp.rec.cnfdet': null,
"lidgrp.avb.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.avb.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.ini.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.ini.pts.extkey': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat': null,
"lidgrp.rmb.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.rmb.pts.extkey': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat': null,
"lidgrp.adv.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.adv.pts.extkey': null,
"lidgrp.adv.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.adv.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.ben.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.ben.pts.extkey': null,
"lidgrp.a2b.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.a2b.pts.extkey': null,
"lidgrp.blk.defdet": null, 'lidgrp.blk.defdet': null,
"lidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk': null,
"lidgrp.rmb.pts.nam": null, 'lidgrp.rmb.pts.nam': null,
"lidgrp.con.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.con.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.con.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.con.pts.adrblk': null,
"lidgrp.blk.dftat": null, 'lidgrp.blk.dftat': null,
"lidgrp.rec.tenmaxday": null, 'lidgrp.rec.tenmaxday': null,
"lidgrp.ben.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.ben.namelc': null,
"lidgrp.drw.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.drw.pts.adrblk': null,
"lidgrp.drw.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.drw.namelc': null,
"litameadv": null, 'litameadv': null,
"liaall.limmod.limpts.oth.pts.extkey": null, 'liaall.limmod.limpts.oth.pts.extkey': null,
"liaall.limmod.ownref": null, 'liaall.limmod.ownref': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.newamt": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.newamt': null,
"liaall.limmod.ecifno": null, 'liaall.limmod.ecifno': null,
"lidgrp.rec.apprultxt": null, 'lidgrp.rec.apprultxt': null,
"lidgrp.adv.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.adv.pts.adrblk': null,
"lidgrp.blk.adlcnd": null, 'lidgrp.blk.adlcnd': null,
"lidgrp.ini.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.ini.namelc': null,
"lidgrp.rec.shppars18": null, 'lidgrp.rec.shppars18': null,
"lidgrp.ini.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.ini.pts.adrblk': null,
"litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk": null, 'litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.trnfeetxt": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.trnfeetxt': null,
"lidgrp.apl.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.apl.adrelc': null,
"litp.usr.extkey": null, 'litp.usr.extkey': null,
"lidgrp.rec.avbwth": null, 'lidgrp.rec.avbwth': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.addamt": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.addamt': null,
"lidgrp.rec.opndat": null, 'lidgrp.rec.opndat': null,
"lidgrp.a2b.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.a2b.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.avb.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.avb.namelc': null,
"lidgrp.blk.feetxt": null, 'lidgrp.blk.feetxt': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.newnomton": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.newnomton': null,
"lidgrp.ben.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.ben.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.a2b.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.a2b.pts.adrblk': null,
"lidgrp.adv.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.adv.namelc': null,
"liaall.limmod.limpts.wrk.pts.extkey": null, 'liaall.limmod.limpts.wrk.pts.extkey': null,
"lidgrp.blk.mixdet": null, 'lidgrp.blk.mixdet': null,
"lidgrp.drw.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.drw.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.rec.expplc": null, 'lidgrp.rec.expplc': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.ameamt": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.ameamt': null,
"mtabut.coninf.conexedat": null, 'mtabut.coninf.conexedat': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.nartxt": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.nartxt': null,
"lidgrp.avb.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.avb.pts.extkey': null,
"liaall.limmod.limpts.nonrevflg1": null, 'liaall.limmod.limpts.nonrevflg1': null,
"lidgrp.blk.insbnk": null, 'lidgrp.blk.insbnk': null,
"lidgrp.con.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.con.pts.extkey': null,
"setmod.docamt": null, 'setmod.docamt': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.prepers18": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.prepers18': null,
"lidgrp.ini.adrelc": null, 'lidgrp.ini.adrelc': null,
"lidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk": null, 'lidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk': null,
"liaall.liaccv.cshpct": null, 'liaall.liaccv.cshpct': null,
"lidgrp.drw.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.drw.pts.extkey': null,
"lidgrp.apl.pts.extkey": null, 'lidgrp.apl.pts.extkey': null,
"trnmod.swiadd.purpos": null, 'trnmod.swiadd.purpos': null,
"lidgrp.con.namelc": null, 'lidgrp.con.namelc': null,
"liaall.liaccv.relcshpct": null, 'liaall.liaccv.relcshpct': null,
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ ...@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return {}; return {};
...@@ -150,165 +150,165 @@ ...@@ -150,165 +150,165 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return {}; return {};
}, },
watch: { watch: {
"model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg": { 'model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
"model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg": { 'model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
}, },
methods: { methods: {
open(val) { open(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if (val == "X" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "X") { } else if (val == 'X' && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == 'X') {
this.$confirm("请先重置内部修改", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置内部修改', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg = ""; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
} }
}, },
open1(val) { open1(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.adlcnd = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.$confirm("请先重置修改以替换", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置修改以替换', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: "", cancelButtonText: '',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg = ""; this.model.litamep.adlcndamep.modmanflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
...@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ ...@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
import Coninfp from "~/components/business/coninfp/views"; import Coninfp from '~/components/business/coninfp/views';
export default { export default {
components: { components: {
"m-coninfp": Coninfp, 'm-coninfp': Coninfp,
}, },
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ ...@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return {}; return {};
...@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ ...@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -354,31 +354,31 @@ export default { ...@@ -354,31 +354,31 @@ export default {
}, },
created: function () {}, created: function () {},
watch: { watch: {
"model.lidgrp.rec.avbwth": { 'model.lidgrp.rec.avbwth': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldVal) { handler(val, oldVal) {
//Any Bank //Any Bank
if (val == "O") { if (val == 'O') {
this.flag4 = false; this.flag4 = false;
this.changeFormItemRequired("lidgrp.avb.pts.adrblk", false); this.changeFormItemRequired('lidgrp.avb.pts.adrblk', false);
this.flag6 = false; this.flag6 = false;
} //Advising Bank } //Advising Bank
else if (val == "A") { else if (val == 'A') {
this.flag4 = true; this.flag4 = true;
this.flag5 = true; this.flag5 = true;
this.flag6 = true; this.flag6 = true;
} //Issuing Bank } //Issuing Bank
else if (val == "I") { else if (val == 'I') {
this.flag4 = true; this.flag4 = true;
this.flag5 = false; this.flag5 = false;
this.flag6 = true; this.flag6 = true;
} //Confirming Bank } //Confirming Bank
else if (val == "C") { else if (val == 'C') {
this.flag4 = true; this.flag4 = true;
this.flag5 = true; this.flag5 = true;
this.flag6 = true; this.flag6 = true;
} //Specified Bank } //Specified Bank
else if (val == "S") { else if (val == 'S') {
this.flag4 = true; this.flag4 = true;
this.flag5 = false; this.flag5 = false;
this.flag6 = false; this.flag6 = false;
...@@ -386,30 +386,30 @@ export default { ...@@ -386,30 +386,30 @@ export default {
}, },
}, },
"model.lidgrp.rec.avbby": { 'model.lidgrp.rec.avbby': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldVal) { handler(val, oldVal) {
if (val == "D") { if (val == 'D') {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.flag3 = true; this.flag3 = true;
} }
if (val == "N") { if (val == 'N') {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
this.flag3 = true; this.flag3 = true;
} }
if (val == "P") { if (val == 'P') {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
this.flag3 = true; this.flag3 = true;
} }
if (val == "M") { if (val == 'M') {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.flag3 = false; this.flag3 = false;
} }
if (val == "A") { if (val == 'A') {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
this.flag3 = true; this.flag3 = true;
...@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ ...@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -173,155 +173,155 @@ export default { ...@@ -173,155 +173,155 @@ export default {
}; };
}, },
watch: { watch: {
"model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg": { 'model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
"model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg": { 'model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
}, },
methods: { methods: {
open(val) { open(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if (val == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X") { } else if (val == 'X' && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X') {
this.$confirm("请先重置内部修改", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置内部修改', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
} }
}, },
open1(val) { open1(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.$confirm("请先重置修改以替换", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置修改以替换', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: "", cancelButtonText: '',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
...@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ ...@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -138,67 +138,67 @@ export default { ...@@ -138,67 +138,67 @@ export default {
}; };
}, },
watch: { watch: {
"model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg": { 'model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
"model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg": { 'model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
...@@ -206,88 +206,88 @@ export default { ...@@ -206,88 +206,88 @@ export default {
methods: { methods: {
...Event, ...Event,
open(val) { open(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if (val == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "X") { } else if (val == 'X' && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == 'X') {
this.$confirm("请先重置内部修改", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置内部修改', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
} }
}, },
open1(val) { open1(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrdoc = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.$confirm("请先重置修改以替换", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置修改以替换', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: "", cancelButtonText: '',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg = ""; this.model.litamep.lcrdocamep.modmanflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
...@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ ...@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ['root'], inject: ['root'],
props:["model","codes"], props:['model','codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data(){ data(){
return { return {
...@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ ...@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
// import Event from "~/model/Ditopn/Event"; // import Event from '~/model/Ditopn/Event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -362,18 +362,18 @@ export default { ...@@ -362,18 +362,18 @@ export default {
}, },
methods: { methods: {
nonrevflg1Change() { nonrevflg1Change() {
if (this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.nonrevflg1 == "1") { if (this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.nonrevflg1 == '1') {
this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.pfcod1 = ""; this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.pfcod1 = '';
} }
}, },
nonrevflg2Change() { nonrevflg2Change() {
if (this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.nonrevflg2 == "1") { if (this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.nonrevflg2 == '1') {
this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.pfcod2 = ""; this.model.liaall.limmod.limpts.pfcod2 = '';
} }
}, },
show(){ show(){
let len1 = this.model.liaall.limmod.tygrd["rows"].length||[]; let len1 = this.model.liaall.limmod.tygrd['rows'].length||[];
let len2 = this.model.liaall.limmod.dggrd["rows"].length||[]; let len2 = this.model.liaall.limmod.dggrd['rows'].length||[];
if(len1>0&&len2>0){ if(len1>0&&len2>0){
this.same = true; this.same = true;
...@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ ...@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ['root'], inject: ['root'],
props:["model","codes"], props:['model','codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data(){ data(){
return { return {
...@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@ ...@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
import Amep from "./Amep"; import Amep from './Amep';
import Ovwp1 from "./Ovwp1"; import Ovwp1 from './Ovwp1';
import Narp from "./Narp"; import Narp from './Narp';
import Detp from "./Detp"; import Detp from './Detp';
import Ptyp from "./Ptyp"; import Ptyp from './Ptyp';
import Dorpame from "./Dorpame"; import Dorpame from './Dorpame';
import Dogpame from "./Dogpame"; import Dogpame from './Dogpame';
import Adcpame from "./Adcpame"; import Adcpame from './Adcpame';
import Aamp from "./Aamp"; import Aamp from './Aamp';
import Spbpame from "./Spbpame.vue"; import Spbpame from './Spbpame.vue';
import Sprpame from "./Sprpame.vue"; import Sprpame from './Sprpame.vue';
import Inspame from "./Inspame"; import Inspame from './Inspame';
export default { export default {
components: { components: {
"m-amep": Amep, 'm-amep': Amep,
"m-ovwp1": Ovwp1, 'm-ovwp1': Ovwp1,
"m-narp": Narp, 'm-narp': Narp,
"m-detp": Detp, 'm-detp': Detp,
"m-ptyp": Ptyp, 'm-ptyp': Ptyp,
"m-dorpame": Dorpame, 'm-dorpame': Dorpame,
"m-dogpame": Dogpame, 'm-dogpame': Dogpame,
"m-adcpame": Adcpame, 'm-adcpame': Adcpame,
"m-aamp": Aamp, 'm-aamp': Aamp,
"m-spbpame": Spbpame, 'm-spbpame': Spbpame,
"m-sprpame": Sprpame, 'm-sprpame': Sprpame,
"m-inspame": Inspame, 'm-inspame': Inspame,
}, },
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -332,11 +332,11 @@ ...@@ -332,11 +332,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ['root'], inject: ['root'],
props:["model","codes"], props:['model','codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data(){ data(){
return { return {
...@@ -276,40 +276,40 @@ ...@@ -276,40 +276,40 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ['root'], inject: ['root'],
props:["model","codes"], props:['model','codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data(){ data(){
return { return {
ptsaddg: { ptsaddg: {
columns: [ columns: [
{ {
title: "角色", title: '角色',
width: "120px", width: '120px',
dataIndex: "rol", dataIndex: 'rol',
show: "select", show: 'select',
}, },
{ {
title: "当事人", title: '当事人',
width: "180px", width: '180px',
dataIndex: "ptyextkey", dataIndex: 'ptyextkey',
show: "input", show: 'input',
}, },
{ {
title: "名称", title: '名称',
width: "250px", width: '250px',
dataIndex: "nam", dataIndex: 'nam',
}, },
{ {
title: "参考号", title: '参考号',
width: "250px", width: '250px',
dataIndex: "ref", dataIndex: 'ref',
}, },
], ],
urls: "litp.ptsaddp.ptsaddg", urls: 'litp.ptsaddp.ptsaddg',
}, },
} }
}, },
...@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ ...@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -140,155 +140,155 @@ export default { ...@@ -140,155 +140,155 @@ export default {
}; };
}, },
watch: { watch: {
"model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg": { 'model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
"model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg": { 'model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
}, },
methods: { methods: {
open(val) { open(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if (val == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "X") { } else if (val == 'X' && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == 'X') {
this.$confirm("请先重置内部修改", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置内部修改', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg = ""; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
} }
}, },
open1(val) { open1(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcben = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.$confirm("请先重置修改以替换", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置修改以替换', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: "", cancelButtonText: '',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg = ""; this.model.litamep.spcbenamep.modmanflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
...@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ ...@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
export default { export default {
inject: ["root"], inject: ['root'],
props: ["model", "codes"], props: ['model', 'codes'],
mixins: [event], mixins: [event],
data() { data() {
return { return {
...@@ -140,155 +140,155 @@ export default { ...@@ -140,155 +140,155 @@ export default {
}; };
}, },
watch: { watch: {
"model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg": { 'model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
"model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg": { 'model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg': {
immediate: true, immediate: true,
handler(val, oldval) { handler(val, oldval) {
if ( if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = '';
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == ''
) { ) {
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == '' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.flag1 = false; this.flag1 = false;
this.flag2 = true; this.flag2 = true;
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = ""; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.usrblk = '';
} }
}, },
}, },
}, },
methods: { methods: {
open(val) { open(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if (val == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "X") { } else if (val == 'X' && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == 'X') {
this.$confirm("请先重置内部修改", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置内部修改', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg = ""; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
} }
}, },
open1(val) { open1(val) {
if (val === "" && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb == "")) { if (val === '' && !(this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb == '')) {
this.$confirm( this.$confirm(
"是否确定要重置手动修改?", '是否确定要重置手动修改?',
"提示", '提示',
{ {
cancelButtonText: "撤销", cancelButtonText: '撤销',
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
} }
) )
.then(() => { .then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.spcrcb = '';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "success", type: 'success',
message: "删除成功!", message: '删除成功!',
}); });
}) })
.catch(() => { .catch(() => {
//No的功能在这里写 //No的功能在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg = "X"; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg = 'X';
this.$message({ this.$message({
type: "info", type: 'info',
message: "已取消", message: '已取消',
}); });
}); });
} else if ( } else if (
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == "X" && this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modflg == 'X' &&
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == "X" this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg == 'X'
) { ) {
this.$confirm("请先重置修改以替换", "提示", { this.$confirm('请先重置修改以替换', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: "确定", confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: "", cancelButtonText: '',
showCancelButton: false, showCancelButton: false,
type: "warning", type: 'warning',
showClose: false, showClose: false,
}).then(() => { }).then(() => {
//yes的执行在这里写 //yes的执行在这里写
this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg = ""; this.model.litamep.spcrcbamep.modmanflg = '';
this.flag1 = true; this.flag1 = true;
this.flag2 = false; this.flag2 = false;
}); });
...@@ -117,55 +117,55 @@ ...@@ -117,55 +117,55 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"; import CodeTable from '~/config/CodeTable';
import formRules from '../model/check'; import formRules from '../model/check';
import operationFunc from "~/mixin/operationFunc"; import operationFunc from '~/mixin/operationFunc';
import Litame from "../model"; import Litame from '../model';
import event from "../event"; import event from '../event';
import Ovwp from "./Ovwp"; import Ovwp from './Ovwp';
import Ovwp1 from "./Ovwp1"; import Ovwp1 from './Ovwp1';
import Aamp from "./Aamp"; import Aamp from './Aamp';
import Narp from "./Narp"; import Narp from './Narp';
import Detp from "./Detp"; import Detp from './Detp';
import Ptyp from "./Ptyp"; import Ptyp from './Ptyp';
import Inspame from "./Inspame"; import Inspame from './Inspame';
import Addbcb from "./Addbcb"; import Addbcb from './Addbcb';
import Dorpame from "./Dorpame"; import Dorpame from './Dorpame';
import Dogpame from "./Dogpame"; import Dogpame from './Dogpame';
import Adcpame from "./Adcpame"; import Adcpame from './Adcpame';
import Engp from "~/components/business/engp/views"; import Engp from '~/components/business/engp/views';
import Ccvpan from "~/components/business/ccvpan/views"; import Ccvpan from '~/components/business/ccvpan/views';
import Coninfp from "~/components/business/coninfp/views"; import Coninfp from '~/components/business/coninfp/views';
import Docpan from "~/components/business/docpan/views"; import Docpan from '~/components/business/docpan/views';
import Doctre from "~/components/business/doctre/views"; import Doctre from '~/components/business/doctre/views';
import Setmod from "~/components/business/setmod/views"; import Setmod from '~/components/business/setmod/views';
import Glentry from "~/components/business/glentry/views"; import Glentry from '~/components/business/glentry/views';
// import Limitbody from "./Limitbody"; // import Limitbody from './Limitbody';
import Limitbody from "~/components/business/limitbody/views"; import Limitbody from '~/components/business/limitbody/views';
export default { export default {
name: "Litame", name: 'Litame',
components: { components: {
"m-ovwp": Ovwp, 'm-ovwp': Ovwp,
"m-ovwp1": Ovwp1, 'm-ovwp1': Ovwp1,
"m-aamp": Aamp, 'm-aamp': Aamp,
"m-narp": Narp, 'm-narp': Narp,
"m-detp": Detp, 'm-detp': Detp,
"m-ptyp": Ptyp, 'm-ptyp': Ptyp,
"m-inspame": Inspame, 'm-inspame': Inspame,
"m-engp": Engp, 'm-engp': Engp,
"m-ccvpan": Ccvpan, 'm-ccvpan': Ccvpan,
"m-addbcb": Addbcb, 'm-addbcb': Addbcb,
"m-coninfp": Coninfp, 'm-coninfp': Coninfp,
"m-docpan": Docpan, 'm-docpan': Docpan,
"m-doctre": Doctre, 'm-doctre': Doctre,
"m-dorpame": Dorpame, 'm-dorpame': Dorpame,
"m-dogpame": Dogpame, 'm-dogpame': Dogpame,
"m-adcpame": Adcpame, 'm-adcpame': Adcpame,
"m-limitbody": Limitbody, 'm-limitbody': Limitbody,
"m-setmod": Setmod, 'm-setmod': Setmod,
"m-glentry": Glentry, 'm-glentry': Glentry,
}, },
provide() { provide() {
return { return {
...@@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ export default { ...@@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ export default {
computed: {}, computed: {},
data() { data() {
return { return {
tabVal: "ovwp", tabVal: 'ovwp',
trnName: "litame", trnName: 'litame',
model: new Litame().data, model: new Litame().data,
rules: formRules, rules: formRules,
codes: { ...CodeTable }, codes: { ...CodeTable },
activeNames: ["engp"], activeNames: ['engp'],
promptData: { promptData: {
title: 'Select a Party', title: 'Select a Party',
columns: [ columns: [
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