Commit 6695f348 by wangyanjiao


parent a979c2ed
......@@ -360,4 +360,7 @@ export default {
{type: "string", required: false, message: "必输项"},
{max: 40,message:"长度不能超过40"}
{type: "string", required: false,message:"???"}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<c-col :span="24">
<el-form-item label="" prop="bodgrp.blk.colinsflg">
<c-checkbox v-model="colinsflg" disabled>Collection instructions modified</c-checkbox>
<c-checkbox v-model="colinsflg" disabled>Delivery of Documents Instructions modified</c-checkbox>
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