Commit 63efebc7 by WH


parent 6481695a
import Pub from "@/components/business/commonModel";
import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts';
export default class Botdcr {
constructor() { = {
......@@ -5,7 +8,6 @@ export default class Botdcr {
botdrrl1blk: "",
botdrrl2blk: "",
botcoll1blk: "",
liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
bodgrp: {
rec: {
matpertyp: "", // Days/Months or Years for Maturity Period .bodgrp.rec.matpertyp
......@@ -99,65 +101,13 @@ export default class Botdcr {
rejtypsel: "", // .rejtypsel
// mtabut: {
// clsflg: "", // Close Flag .mtabut.clsflg
// coninf: {
// oitinf: {
// labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt
// oit: {
// inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt
// inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev
// },
// },
// oitset: {
// labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt
// oit: {
// inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt
// inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev
// },
// },
// conexedat: "", // 执行日期 .mtabut.coninf.conexedat
// usr: {
// extkey: "", // User ID .mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey
// },
// },
// },
// setmod:{
// docamttyplab:"", // settled amount description as label .setmod.docamttyplab
// retmsg:"", // Label showing Retry overflow condition .setmod.retmsg
// ref:"", // our reference .setmod.ref
// doccur:"", // document currency .setmod.doccur
// docamt:"", // document amount .setmod.docamt
// dspflg:"", // Type of settlement .setmod.dspflg
// xreflg:"", // Recalculate Rates .setmod.xreflg
// setglg:{
// labdspflg:"", // Label for Type of Settlement .setmod.setglg.labdspflg
// },
// zmqacclab:"", // 主�'�号LABEL .setmod.zmqacclab
// zmqacc:"", // 自�'�区主�'�号 .setmod.zmqacc
// },
// trnmod:{
// trndoc:{
// advlabel:"", // ADVLABEL .trnmod.trndoc.advlabel
// amdnam:"", // AMDNAM .trnmod.trndoc.amdnam
// advdoc:"", // 国内证通知书 .trnmod.trndoc.advdoc
// advnam:"", // 国内证落款 .trnmod.trndoc.advnam
// amdapl:"", // 修改申请人名称 .trnmod.trndoc.amdapl
// doclbl:"", // Lable for CONDOCSTM .trnmod.trndoc.doclbl
// doctrestm:"", // Document tree .trnmod.trndoc.doctrestm
// shwinc:"", // Show Incoming Messages .trnmod.trndoc.shwinc
// shwout:"", // Show Outgoing Messages .trnmod.trndoc.shwout
// condocstm:"", // Connected Documents .trnmod.trndoc.condocstm
// rcvatt:{
// seainf:"", // .trnmod.trndoc.rcvatt.seainf
// },
// filrecv:"", // File Receiver .trnmod.trndoc.filrecv
// },
// },
setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
pageId: "" // ctx的key
liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="eibs">
<div class="eibs-tab">
<el-collapse v-model="activeNames">
<!--el-collapse-item title="备查表" name="addbcb1">
<m-addbcb1 :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-collapse-item title="附言" name="coninfp">
<m-coninfp :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<m-coninfp :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
import Api from "~/service/Api";
import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess";
import Utils from "~/utils";
import event from "../event"
//import Addbcb1 from "~/views/Public/Addbcb1";
import Coninfp from "~/views/Public/Coninfp";
export default {
components: {
"m-coninfp": Coninfp,
//"m-addbcb1": Addbcb1,
inject: ["root"],
props: ["model", "codes"],
mixins: [event],
data() {
return {
activeNames: ["coninfp"],
methods: {},
created: function () {},
created: function () {
<c-page title="出口托收拒付/不符点">
<div class="eContainer">
<c-page title="出口托收拒付/不符点">
<div class="eContainer">
<el-form :model="model" :rules="rules" ref="modelForm" label-width="120px" label-position="right"
size="small" :validate-on-rule-change="false">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card" @tab-click="tabClick">
<el-form :model="model" :rules="rules" ref="modelForm" label-width="120px" label-position="right"
size="small" :validate-on-rule-change="false">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card" @tab-click="tabClick">
<el-tab-pane label="业务信息" name="ovwp">
<m-ovwp :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-tab-pane label="业务信息" name="ovwp">
<m-ovwp :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<el-tab-pane label="费用/账务" name="engp,setpan,glepan">
<div class="eibs-tab">
<el-collapse v-model="activeNames">
<el-collapse-item title="表外记账" name="engp">
<!-- 表外记账 -->
<m-engp :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-collapse-item title="结算" name="setmod">
<!-- 结算 -->
<m-setmod :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-collapse-item title="会计分录" name="glepan">
<!-- 会计分录 -->
<m-glepan :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-tab-pane label="费用/账务" name="engp,setpan,glepan">
<div class="eibs-tab">
<el-collapse v-model="activeNames">
<el-collapse-item title="表外记账" name="engp">
<!-- 表外记账 -->
<m-engp :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<el-collapse-item title="结算" name="setmod">
<!-- 结算 -->
<m-setmod :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<el-collapse-item title="会计分录" name="glepan">
<!-- 会计分录 -->
<m-glepan :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<el-tab-pane label="备查/附言" name="addbcb">
<m-addbcb :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-tab-pane label="备查/附言" name="addbcb">
<m-addbcb :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<el-tab-pane label="报文/面函" name="docpan">
<m-docpan :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<el-tab-pane label="报文/面函" name="docpan">
<m-docpan :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<el-tab-pane label="附件信息" name="doctre">
<m-doctre :model="model" :codes="codes" />
<c-grid-ety-prompt-dialog ref="doxpDialog" :isPty="false" :promptData="promptData"
<el-tab-pane label="附件信息" name="doctre">
<m-doctre :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"
import Botdcr from "~/model/Botdcr"
import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess"
import commonFuncs from "~/mixin/commonFuncs";
import Check from "~/model/Botdcr/Check"
import Default from "~/model/Botdcr/Default"
import Pattern from "~/model/Botdcr/Pattern"
import Botdcr from "../model"
import formRules from '../model/check'
import Botdcrp1 from "./Botdcrp1"
import Inst from "./Inst"
......@@ -81,56 +79,94 @@ import Ptyp from "./Ptyp"
import Addbcb from "./Addbcb";
import Ovwp from "./Ovwp"
import Engp from "~/views/Public/Engp"
import Setmod from "~/components/business/setmod/views"
import Coninfp from "~/views/Public/Coninfp"
import Docpan from "~/views/Public/Docpan"
import Glepan from "~/views/Public/Glepan"
import Doctre from "~/views/Public/Doctre"
import operationFunc from "@/mixin/operationFunc";
import event from "../event";
export default {
name: "Botdcr",
components: {
"m-addbcb": Addbcb,
"m-ovwp": Ovwp,
"m-botdcrp1": Botdcrp1,
"m-inst": Inst,
"m-ptyp": Ptyp,
"m-glepan": Glepan,
"m-setmod": Setmod,
"m-coninfp": Coninfp,
"m-engp": Engp,
"m-docpan": Docpan,
"m-doctre": Doctre,
provide() {
return {
root: this
mixins: [commonProcess, commonFuncs], // 里面包含了Default、Check等的公共处理
data() {
return {
tabVal: "ovwp",
trnName: "botdcr",
model: new Botdcr().data,
checkRules: Check,
defaultRules: Default,
pattern: Pattern,
rules: null,
codes: {
activeNames: ["engp"],
methods: {
// tabClick() {
// }
created: async function () {}
name: "Botdcr",
components: {
"m-addbcb": Addbcb,
"m-ovwp": Ovwp,
"m-botdcrp1": Botdcrp1,
"m-inst": Inst,
"m-ptyp": Ptyp,
"m-glepan": Glepan,
"m-setmod": Setmod,
"m-coninfp": Coninfp,
"m-engp": Engp,
"m-docpan": Docpan,
"m-doctre": Doctre,
provide() {
return {
root: this
mixins: [operationFunc, event], // 里面包含了Default、Check等的公共处理
data() {
return {
tabVal: "ovwp",
trnName: "botdcr",
model: new Botdcr().data,
rules: formRules,
codes: {
activeNames: ["engp"],
promptData: {
title: 'Select a Party',
columns: [
prop: 'ptyInr',
label: 'Party Number'
prop: 'inr',
label: 'Address Number'
prop: 'branch',
label: 'Branch Code'
prop: 'bchName',
label: 'Branch Name'
prop: 'adrName',
label: 'Address Name'
prop: 'adr1',
label: 'Address1'
prop: 'locCty',
label: 'City'
prop: 'locZip',
label: 'Zip'
prop: 'bicCode',
label: 'BIC'
data: []
methods: {},
created: async function () {
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