Commit 62e21665 by WH


parent beaebd91
const Business = [ const Business = [
{ path: 'infgid', component: () => import('~/business/infgid/views'), name: 'infgid', meta: { title: '保函入口交易' } }, { path: 'infgid', component: () => import('~/business/infgid/views'), name: 'Infgid', meta: { title: '保函入口交易' } },
{ path: 'gitopn', component: () => import('~/business/gitopn/views'), name: 'gitopn', meta: { title: '进口保函开立' } }, { path: 'gitopn', component: () => import('~/business/gitopn/views'), name: 'Gitopn', meta: { title: '进口保函开立' } },
{ path: 'sptpopup', component: () => import('~/business/sptsel/views/Sptpopup.vue'), name: 'sptsel', meta: { title: '待经办详情' } }, { path: 'sptpopup', component: () => import('~/business/sptsel/views/Sptpopup.vue'), name: 'Sptsel', meta: { title: '待经办详情' } },
{ path: 'gitcan', component: () => import('~/business/gitcan/views'), name: 'gitcan', meta: { title: '进口保函注销' } }, { path: 'gitcan', component: () => import('~/business/gitcan/views'), name: 'Gitcan', meta: { title: '进口保函注销' } },
{ path: 'getopn', component: () => import('~/business/getopn/views'), name: 'getopn', meta: { title: '出口保函通知' } }, { path: 'getopn', component: () => import('~/business/getopn/views'), name: 'Getopn', meta: { title: '出口保函通知' } },
{ path: 'gitame', component: () => import('~/business/gitame/views'), name: 'gitame', meta: { title: '出口保函修改' } }, { path: 'gitame', component: () => import('~/business/gitame/views'), name: 'Gitame', meta: { title: '出口保函修改' } },
{ path: 'inftrnpsDetail', component: () => import('~/business/trnrel/views/InftrnpsDetail.vue'), name: 'InftrnpsDetail', meta: { title: '待复核详情' } }, { path: 'inftrnpsDetail', component: () => import('~/business/trnrel/views/InftrnpsDetail.vue'), name: 'InftrnpsDetail', meta: { title: '待复核详情' } },
{ path: 'litopn', component: () => import('~/business/litopn/views'), name: 'litopn', meta: { title: '进口信用证开立' } }, { path: 'litopn', component: () => import('~/business/litopn/views'), name: 'Litopn', meta: { title: '进口信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'litame', component: () => import('~/business/litame/views'), name: 'litame', meta: { title: '进口信用证修改' } }, { path: 'litame', component: () => import('~/business/litame/views'), name: 'Litame', meta: { title: '进口信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'litdck', component: () => import('~/business/litdck/views'), name: 'litdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证到单' } }, { path: 'litdck', component: () => import('~/business/litdck/views'), name: 'Litdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证到单' } },
{ path: 'gitcrq', component: () => import('~/business/gitcrq/views'), name: 'gitcrq', meta: { title: '保函索赔登记' } }, { path: 'gitcrq', component: () => import('~/business/gitcrq/views'), name: 'Gitcrq', meta: { title: '保函索赔登记' } },
{ path: 'gitcrj', component: () => import('~/business/gitcrj/views'), name: 'gitcrj', meta: { title: '进口保函拒付' } }, { path: 'gitcrj', component: () => import('~/business/gitcrj/views'), name: 'Gitcrj', meta: { title: '进口保函拒付' } },
{ path: 'gitfee', component: () => import('~/business/gitfee/views'), name: 'gitfee', meta: { title: '进口保函收费' } }, { path: 'gitfee', component: () => import('~/business/gitfee/views'), name: 'Gitfee', meta: { title: '进口保函收费' } },
{ path: 'gitatt', component: () => import('~/business/gitatt/views'), name: 'gitatt', meta: { title: '绑定电子凭证' } }, { path: 'gitatt', component: () => import('~/business/gitatt/views'), name: 'Gitatt', meta: { title: '绑定电子凭证' } },
{ path: 'gctfre', component: () => import('~/business/gctfre/views'), name: 'gctfre', meta: { title: '索赔自由报文' } }, { path: 'gctfre', component: () => import('~/business/gctfre/views'), name: 'Gctfre', meta: { title: '索赔自由报文' } },
{ path: 'gctfee', component: () => import('~/business/gctfee/views'), name: 'gctfee', meta: { title: '保函保证金调整' } }, { path: 'gctfee', component: () => import('~/business/gctfee/views'), name: 'Gctfee', meta: { title: '保函保证金调整' } },
{ path: 'giteng', component: () => import('~/business/giteng/views'), name: 'giteng', meta: { title: '保函保证金调整' } }, { path: 'giteng', component: () => import('~/business/giteng/views'), name: 'Giteng', meta: { title: '保函保证金调整' } },
{ path: 'gitadd', component: () => import('~/business/gitadd/views'), name: 'gitadd', meta: { title: '保函编辑参考号(公共交易)' } }, { path: 'gitadd', component: () => import('~/business/gitadd/views'), name: 'Gitadd', meta: { title: '保函编辑参考号(公共交易)' } },
{ path: 'gctadd', component: () => import('~/business/gctadd/views'), name: 'gctadd', meta: { title: '保函索赔编辑参考号(公共交易)' } }, { path: 'gctadd', component: () => import('~/business/gctadd/views'), name: 'Gctadd', meta: { title: '保函索赔编辑参考号(公共交易)' } },
{ path: 'gctrop', component: () => import('~/business/gctrop/views'), name: 'gctrop', meta: { title: '保函索赔注销后激活' } }, { path: 'gctrop', component: () => import('~/business/gctrop/views'), name: 'Gctrop', meta: { title: '保函索赔注销后激活' } },
{ path: 'gctcan', component: () => import('~/business/gctcan/views'), name: 'gctcan', meta: { title: '保函索赔注销' } }, { path: 'gctcan', component: () => import('~/business/gctcan/views'), name: 'Gctcan', meta: { title: '保函索赔注销' } },
{ path: 'gitplb', component: () => import('~/business/gitplb/views'), name: 'gitplb', meta: { title: '保函责任计划变更' } }, { path: 'gitplb', component: () => import('~/business/gitplb/views'), name: 'Gitplb', meta: { title: '保函责任计划变更' } },
{ path: 'gitdla', component: () => import('~/business/gitdla/views'), name: 'gitdla', meta: { title: '减额后处理' } }, { path: 'gitdla', component: () => import('~/business/gitdla/views'), name: 'Gitdla', meta: { title: '减额后处理' } },
{ path: 'fctcan', component: () => import('~/business/fctcan/views'), name: 'fctcan', meta: { title: '保证金注销' } }, { path: 'fctcan', component: () => import('~/business/fctcan/views'), name: 'Fctcan', meta: { title: '保证金注销' } },
{ path: 'gitrop', component: () => import('~/business/gitrop/views'), name: 'gitrop', meta: { title: '保函注销后激活' } }, { path: 'gitrop', component: () => import('~/business/gitrop/views'), name: 'Gitrop', meta: { title: '保函注销后激活' } },
{ path: 'gitpca', component: () => import('~/business/gitpca/views'), name: 'gitpca', meta: { title: '关税保函预注销' } }, { path: 'gitpca', component: () => import('~/business/gitpca/views'), name: 'Gitpca', meta: { title: '关税保函预注销' } },
{ path: 'gitfre', component: () => import('~/business/gitfre/views'), name: 'gitfre', meta: { title: '保函自由格式报文' } }, { path: 'gitfre', component: () => import('~/business/gitfre/views'), name: 'Gitfre', meta: { title: '保函自由格式报文' } },
{ path: 'fctopn', component: () => import('~/business/fctopn/views'), name: 'fctopn', meta: { title: '保证金收取' } }, { path: 'fctopn', component: () => import('~/business/fctopn/views'), name: 'Fctopn', meta: { title: '保证金收取' } },
{ path: 'brtacp', component: () => import('~/business/brtacp/views'), name: 'brtacp', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据接受不符点' } }, { path: 'brtacp', component: () => import('~/business/brtacp/views'), name: 'Brtacp', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据接受不符点' } },
{ path: 'litsel', component: () => import('~/business/litsel/views'), name: 'litsel', meta: { title: '进口信用证入口交易' } }, { path: 'litsel', component: () => import('~/business/litsel/views'), name: 'Litsel', meta: { title: '进口信用证入口交易' } },
{ path: 'gitcom', component: () => import('~/business/gitcom/views'), name: 'gitcom', meta: { title: '进口保函定期收费' } }, { path: 'gitcom', component: () => import('~/business/gitcom/views'), name: 'Gitcom', meta: { title: '进口保函定期收费' } },
{ path: 'brtdck', component: () => import('~/business/brtdck/views'), name: 'brtdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据单据改单/二次到单' } }, { path: 'brtdck', component: () => import('~/business/brtdck/views'), name: 'Brtdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据单据改单/二次到单' } },
{ path: 'brtlat', component: () => import('~/business/brtlat/views'), name: 'brtlat', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据偿还垫款' } }, { path: 'brtlat', component: () => import('~/business/brtlat/views'), name: 'Brtlat', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据偿还垫款' } },
{ path: 'litsel', component: () => import('~/business/litsel/views'), name: 'litsel', meta: { title: '进口信用证入口交易' } }, { path: 'litsel', component: () => import('~/business/litsel/views'), name: 'Litsel', meta: { title: '进口信用证入口交易' } },
{ path: 'litcan', component: () => import('~/business/litcan/views'), name: 'litcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证注销' } }, { path: 'litcan', component: () => import('~/business/litcan/views'), name: 'Litcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'brtset', component: () => import('~/business/brtset/views'), name: 'brtset', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据进口付汇' } }, { path: 'brtset', component: () => import('~/business/brtset/views'), name: 'Brtset', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据进口付汇' } },
{ path: 'litdav', component: () => import('~/business/litdav/views'), name: 'litdav', meta: { title: '进口信用证通知到单' } }, { path: 'litdav', component: () => import('~/business/litdav/views'), name: 'Litdav', meta: { title: '进口信用证通知到单' } },
{ path: 'brtcan', component: () => import('~/business/brtcan/views'), name: 'brtcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据注销' } }, { path: 'brtcan', component: () => import('~/business/brtcan/views'), name: 'Brtcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据注销' } },
{ path: 'brtsnd', component: () => import('~/business/brtsnd/views'), name: 'brtsnd', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据寄单' } }, { path: 'brtsnd', component: () => import('~/business/brtsnd/views'), name: 'Brtsnd', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据寄单' } },
{ path: 'brtdcr', component: () => import('~/business/brtdcr/views'), name: 'brtdcr', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据拒付/不符点处理' } }, { path: 'brtdcr', component: () => import('~/business/brtdcr/views'), name: 'Brtdcr', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据拒付/不符点处理' } },
{ path: 'brteus', component: () => import('~/business/brteus/views'), name: 'brteus', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据展期' } }, { path: 'brteus', component: () => import('~/business/brteus/views'), name: 'Brteus', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据展期' } },
{ path: 'brtcsg', component: () => import('~/business/brtcsg/views'), name: 'brtcsg', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保注销' } }, { path: 'brtcsg', component: () => import('~/business/brtcsg/views'), name: 'Brtcsg', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保注销' } },
{ path: 'litrog', component: () => import('~/business/litrog/views'), name: 'litrog', meta: { title: '进口信用证提货担保' } }, { path: 'litrog', component: () => import('~/business/litrog/views'), name: 'Litrog', meta: { title: '进口信用证提货担保' } },
{ path: 'gitenc', component: () => import('~/business/gitenc/views'), name: 'gitenc', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保注销' } }, { path: 'gitenc', component: () => import('~/business/gitenc/views'), name: 'Gitenc', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保注销' } },
{ path: 'litdla', component: () => import('~/business/litdla/views'), name: 'litdla', meta: { title: '进口信用证减额修改接受' } }, { path: 'litdla', component: () => import('~/business/litdla/views'), name: 'Litdla', meta: { title: '进口信用证减额修改接受' } },
{ path: 'brtudp', component: () => import('~/business/brtudp/views'), name: 'brtudp', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据承兑' } }, { path: 'brtudp', component: () => import('~/business/brtudp/views'), name: 'Brtudp', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据承兑' } },
{ path: 'letopn', component: () => import('~/business/letopn/views'), name: 'letopn', meta: { title: '出口信用证开立' } }, { path: 'letopn', component: () => import('~/business/letopn/views'), name: 'Letopn', meta: { title: '出口信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'brtame', component: () => import('~/business/brtame/views'), name: 'brtame', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保修改' } }, { path: 'brtame', component: () => import('~/business/brtame/views'), name: 'Brtame', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据提货担保修改' } },
{ path: 'infbrd', component: () => import('~/business/infbrd/views'), name: 'infbrd', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据入口交易' } }, { path: 'infbrd', component: () => import('~/business/infbrd/views'), name: 'Infbrd', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据入口交易' } },
{ path: 'inflid', component: () => import('~/business/inflid/views'), name: 'inflid', meta: { title: '信用证入口交易' } }, { path: 'inflid', component: () => import('~/business/inflid/views'), name: 'Inflid', meta: { title: '信用证入口交易' } },
{ path: 'infled', component: () => import('~/business/infled/views'), name: 'infled', meta: { title: '出口信用证交易查询' } }, { path: 'infled', component: () => import('~/business/infled/views'), name: 'Infled', meta: { title: '出口信用证交易查询' } },
{ path: 'letame', component: () => import('~/business/letame/views'), name: 'letame', meta: { title: '出口信用证修改' } }, { path: 'letame', component: () => import('~/business/letame/views'), name: 'Letame', meta: { title: '出口信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'letcan', component: () => import('~/business/letcan/views'), name: 'letcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证注销' } }, { path: 'letcan', component: () => import('~/business/letcan/views'), name: 'Letcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'letnot', component: () => import('~/business/letnot/views'), name: 'letnot', meta: { title: '出口信用证预通知' } }, { path: 'letnot', component: () => import('~/business/letnot/views'), name: 'Letnot', meta: { title: '出口信用证预通知' } },
{ path: 'betcan', component: () => import('~/business/betcan/views'), name: 'betcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据注销' } }, { path: 'betcan', component: () => import('~/business/betcan/views'), name: 'Betcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据注销' } },
{ path: 'betrcl', component: () => import('~/business/betrcl/views'), name: 'betrcl', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据出口单据索汇' } }, { path: 'betrcl', component: () => import('~/business/betrcl/views'), name: 'Betrcl', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据出口单据索汇' } },
{ path: 'betacc', component: () => import('~/business/betacc/views'), name: 'betacc', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据承兑' } }, { path: 'betacc', component: () => import('~/business/betacc/views'), name: 'Betacc', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据承兑' } },
{ path: 'betdcr', component: () => import('~/business/betdcr/views'), name: 'betdcr', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据电提不符点/开证行拒付' } }, { path: 'betdcr', component: () => import('~/business/betdcr/views'), name: 'Betdcr', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据电提不符点/开证行拒付' } },
{ path: 'infbed', component: () => import('~/business/infbed/views'), name: 'infbed', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据查询' } }, { path: 'infbed', component: () => import('~/business/infbed/views'), name: 'Infbed', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'letdrv', component: () => import('~/business/letdrv/views'), name: 'letdrv', meta: { title: '出口信用证出口收单' } }, { path: 'letdrv', component: () => import('~/business/letdrv/views'), name: 'Letdrv', meta: { title: '出口信用证出口收单' } },
{ path: 'letdrw', component: () => import('~/business/letdrw/views'), name: 'letdrw', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据收单' } }, { path: 'letdrw', component: () => import('~/business/letdrw/views'), name: 'Letdrw', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据收单' } },
{ path: 'letamc', component: () => import('~/business/letamc/views'), name: 'letamc', meta: { title: '出口信用证通知加保兑' } }, { path: 'letamc', component: () => import('~/business/letamc/views'), name: 'Letamc', meta: { title: '出口信用证通知加保兑' } },
{ path: 'betdrv', component: () => import('~/business/betdrv/views'), name: 'betdrv', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据修改单据金额' } }, { path: 'betdrv', component: () => import('~/business/betdrv/views'), name: 'Betdrv', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据修改单据金额' } },
{ path: 'betset', component: () => import('~/business/betset/views'), name: 'betset', meta: { title: '出口信用证出口收汇' } }, { path: 'betset', component: () => import('~/business/betset/views'), name: 'Betset', meta: { title: '出口信用证出口收汇' } },
{ path: 'betsnd', component: () => import('~/business/betsnd/views'), name: 'betsnd', meta: { title: '出口信用证寄单' } }, { path: 'betsnd', component: () => import('~/business/betsnd/views'), name: 'Betsnd', meta: { title: '出口信用证寄单' } },
{ path: 'letdav', component: () => import('~/business/letdav/views'), name: 'letdav', meta: { title: '出口信用证预通知到单' } }, { path: 'letdav', component: () => import('~/business/letdav/views'), name: 'Letdav', meta: { title: '出口信用证预通知到单' } },
{ path: 'letrsv', component: () => import('~/business/letrsv/views'), name: 'letrsv', meta: { title: '出口信用证补通知' } }, { path: 'letrsv', component: () => import('~/business/letrsv/views'), name: 'Letrsv', meta: { title: '出口信用证补通知' } },
{ path: 'betamc', component: () => import('~/business/betamc/views'), name: 'betamc', meta: { title: '出口信用证保兑额度释放' } }, { path: 'betamc', component: () => import('~/business/betamc/views'), name: 'Betamc', meta: { title: '出口信用证保兑额度释放' } },
{ path: 'infbod', component: () => import('~/business/infbod/views'), name: 'infbod', meta: { title: '出口托收查询' } }, { path: 'infbod', component: () => import('~/business/infbod/views'), name: 'Infbod', meta: { title: '出口托收查询' } },
{ path: 'botsel', component: () => import('~/business/botsel/views'), name: 'botsel', meta: { title: '出口托收入口交易BOTSEL' } }, { path: 'botsel', component: () => import('~/business/botsel/views'), name: 'Botsel', meta: { title: '出口托收入口交易BOTSEL' } },
{ path: 'botacc', component: () => import('~/business/botacc/views'), name: 'botacc', meta: { title: '出口托收承兑' } }, { path: 'botacc', component: () => import('~/business/botacc/views'), name: 'Botacc', meta: { title: '出口托收承兑' } },
{ path: 'botdav', component: () => import('~/business/botdav/views'), name: 'botdav', meta: { title: '出口托收寄单' } }, { path: 'botdav', component: () => import('~/business/botdav/views'), name: 'Botdav', meta: { title: '出口托收寄单' } },
{ path: 'botcan', component: () => import('~/business/botcan/views'), name: 'botcan', meta: { title: '出口托收注销' } }, { path: 'botcan', component: () => import('~/business/botcan/views'), name: 'Botcan', meta: { title: '出口托收注销' } },
{ path: 'botset', component: () => import('~/business/botset/views'), name: 'botset', meta: { title: '出口托收收汇' } }, { path: 'botset', component: () => import('~/business/botset/views'), name: 'Botset', meta: { title: '出口托收收汇' } },
{ path: 'botdcr', component: () => import('~/business/botdcr/views'), name: 'botdcr', meta: { title: '出口托收拒付/不符点处理' } }, { path: 'botdcr', component: () => import('~/business/botdcr/views'), name: 'Botdcr', meta: { title: '出口托收拒付/不符点处理' } },
{ path: 'botrad', component: () => import('~/business/botrad/views'), name: 'botrad', meta: { title: '出口托收二次寄单' } }, { path: 'botrad', component: () => import('~/business/botrad/views'), name: 'Botrad', meta: { title: '出口托收二次寄单' } },
{ path: 'botame', component: () => import('~/business/botame/views'), name: 'botame', meta: { title: '出口托收修改' } }, { path: 'botame', component: () => import('~/business/botame/views'), name: 'Botame', meta: { title: '出口托收修改' } },
{ path: 'bctdav', component: () => import('~/business/bctdav/views'), name: 'bctdav', meta: { title: '进口代收' } }, { path: 'bctdav', component: () => import('~/business/bctdav/views'), name: 'Bctdav', meta: { title: '进口代收' } },
{ path: 'bctdor', component: () => import('~/business/bctdor/views'), name: 'bctdor', meta: { title: '进口代收拒付/不符点处理' } }, { path: 'bctdor', component: () => import('~/business/bctdor/views'), name: 'Bctdor', meta: { title: '进口代收拒付/不符点处理' } },
{ path: 'bctset', component: () => import('~/business/bctset/views'), name: 'bctset', meta: { title: '进口代收付款' } }, { path: 'bctset', component: () => import('~/business/bctset/views'), name: 'Bctset', meta: { title: '进口代收付款' } },
{ path: 'infbcd', component: () => import('~/business/infbcd/views'), name: 'infbcd', meta: { title: '进口代收入口交易' }}, { path: 'infbcd', component: () => import('~/business/infbcd/views'), name: 'Infbcd', meta: { title: '进口代收入口交易' }},
{ path: 'bctacc', component: () => import('~/business/bctacc/views'), name: 'bctacc', meta: { title: '进口代收承兑' }}, { path: 'bctacc', component: () => import('~/business/bctacc/views'), name: 'Bctacc', meta: { title: '进口代收承兑' }},
{ path: 'bctame', component: () => import('~/business/bctame/views'), name: 'bctame', meta: { title: '进口代收修改' }}, { path: 'bctame', component: () => import('~/business/bctame/views'), name: 'Bctame', meta: { title: '进口代收修改' }},
{ path: 'bctcan', component: () => import('~/business/bctcan/views'), name: 'bctcan', meta: { title: '进口代收注销' }}, { path: 'bctcan', component: () => import('~/business/bctcan/views'), name: 'Bctcan', meta: { title: '进口代收注销' }},
{ path: 'bctrad', component: () => import('~/business/bctrad/views'), name: 'bctrad', meta: { title: '进口代收二次收单' }}, { path: 'bctrad', component: () => import('~/business/bctrad/views'), name: 'Bctrad', meta: { title: '进口代收二次收单' }},
{ path: 'infccd', component: () => import('~/business/infccd/views'), name: 'infccd', meta: { title: '光票托收入口交易' }}, { path: 'infccd', component: () => import('~/business/infccd/views'), name: 'Infccd', meta: { title: '光票托收入口交易' }},
{ path: 'cctdav', component: () => import('~/business/cctdav/views'), name: 'cctdav', meta: { title: '光票托收开立' }}, { path: 'cctdav', component: () => import('~/business/cctdav/views'), name: 'Cctdav', meta: { title: '光票托收开立' }},
{ path: 'cltdav', component: () => import('~/business/cltdav/views'), name: 'cltdav', meta: { title: '打包托收开立' }}, { path: 'cltdav', component: () => import('~/business/cltdav/views'), name: 'Cltdav', meta: { title: '打包托收开立' }},
{ path: 'clttra', component: () => import('~/business/clttra/views'), name: 'clttra', meta: { title: '打包托收催收' }}, { path: 'clttra', component: () => import('~/business/clttra/views'), name: 'Clttra', meta: { title: '打包托收催收' }},
{ path: 'cltset', component: () => import('~/business/cltset/views'), name: 'cltset', meta: { title: '打包托收解包' }}, { path: 'cltset', component: () => import('~/business/cltset/views'), name: 'Cltset', meta: { title: '打包托收解包' }},
{ path: 'ccttra', component: () => import('~/business/ccttra/views'), name: 'ccttra', meta: { title: '光票托收催收' }}, { path: 'ccttra', component: () => import('~/business/ccttra/views'), name: 'Ccttra', meta: { title: '光票托收催收' }},
{ path: 'cctset', component: () => import('~/business/cctset/views'), name: 'cctset', meta: { title: '光票托收结汇' }}, { path: 'cctset', component: () => import('~/business/cctset/views'), name: 'Cctset', meta: { title: '光票托收结汇' }},
{ path: 'cctdcr', component: () => import('~/business/cctdcr/views'), name: 'cctdcr', meta: { title: '光票托收退票' }}, { path: 'cctdcr', component: () => import('~/business/cctdcr/views'), name: 'Cctdcr', meta: { title: '光票托收退票' }},
{ path: 'infcld', component: () => import('~/business/infcld/views'), name: 'infcld', meta: { title: '打包托收查询' }}, { path: 'infcld', component: () => import('~/business/infcld/views'), name: 'Infcld', meta: { title: '打包托收查询' }},
] ]
export default Business export default Business
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