Commit 484a96e6 by 闫泽浩


parent d40f2617
......@@ -375,8 +375,6 @@
<!-- <el-option v-for="item in codes.docprbrol" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value">
</el-option> -->
import Getfre from "~/views/Business/Getfre";
import { ReviewWrapper } from "~/components/gj-common.min.js";
export default {
name: "ReviewGetfre",
components: { ReviewWrapper, Getfre },
created() {},
mounted() {},
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import ReviewGctadd from "./Business/ReviewGctadd.vue";
import ReviewGitfee from "./Business/ReviewGitfee.vue";
import ReviewGitfre from "./Business/ReviewGitfre.vue";
import ReviewGetfee from "./Business/ReviewGetfee.vue";
import ReviewGetfre from "./Business/ReviewGetfre.vue";
import ReviewGitatt from "./Business/ReviewGitatt.vue";
import ReviewDitopn from "./Business/ReviewDitopn.vue";
import ReviewDitdck from "./Business/ReviewDitdck.vue";
......@@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ const ReviewRouter = [
{ path: "gctadd", component:ReviewGctadd, name: "ReviewGctadd", meta: { title:"复核-保函索赔编辑参考号"} },
{ path: "gitfee", component:ReviewGitfee, name: "ReviewGitfee", meta: { title:"复核-进口保函收费"} },
{ path: "getfee", component:ReviewGetfee, name: "ReviewGetfee", meta: { title:"复核-附加传入信息"} },
{ path: "getfre", component:ReviewGetfre, name: "ReviewGetfre", meta: { title:"复核-自由格式报文"} },
{ path: "gitatt", component:ReviewGitatt, name: "ReviewGitatt", meta: { title:"复核-绑定电子凭证"} },
{ path: "ditopn", component: ReviewDitopn, name: "ReviewDitopn", meta: { title: "复核-买方信用证开立" } },
{ path: "ditdck", component: ReviewDitdck, name: "ReviewDitdck", meta: { title: "复核-买方信用证到单" } },
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