Commit 446eed35 by zhangliding


parents fd9d76cf d8f412e3
......@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ import Dbadia from "./dia/views/Dbadia";
import Dbedia from "./dia/views/Dbedia";
import Dbddia from "./dia/views/Dbddia";
import Infoit from "./Oit/views/Infoit"
import Dbioit from "./Oit/views/Dbioit"
import Dbaoit from "./Oit/views/Dbaoit"
import Dbdoit from "./Oit/views/Dbdoit"
import Dbeoit from "./Oit/views/Dbeoit"
// import Infoit from "./Oit/views/Infoit"
// import Dbioit from "./Oit/views/Dbioit"
// import Dbaoit from "./Oit/views/Dbaoit"
// import Dbdoit from "./Oit/views/Dbdoit"
// import Dbeoit from "./Oit/views/Dbeoit"
import Dbaswm from "./Swm/views/Dbaswm";
import Dbdswm from "./Swm/views/Dbdswm";
......@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ const StaticsRouter = [
{ path: 'dbeswm/:inr', component: Dbeswm, name: 'StaticsDbeswm', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '修改报文栏位映射信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdswm/:inr', component: Dbdswm, name: 'StaticsDbdswm', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '删除报文栏位映射信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infoit', component: Infoit, name: 'StaticsInfoit', meta: { title: '查询消息信息' } },
{ path: 'dbaoit', component: Dbaoit, name: 'StaticsDbaoit', meta: { title: '新增消息信息' } },
{ path: 'dbioit/:inr', component: Dbioit, name: 'StaticsDbioit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '查看消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeoit/:inr', component: Dbeoit, name: 'StaticsDbeoit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '修改消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdoit/:inr', component: Dbdoit, name: 'StaticsDbdoit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '删除消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
// { path: 'infoit', component: Infoit, name: 'StaticsInfoit', meta: { title: '查询消息信息' } },
// { path: 'dbaoit', component: Dbaoit, name: 'StaticsDbaoit', meta: { title: '新增消息信息' } },
// { path: 'dbioit/:inr', component: Dbioit, name: 'StaticsDbioit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '查看消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
// { path: 'dbeoit/:inr', component: Dbeoit, name: 'StaticsDbeoit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '修改消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
// { path: 'dbdoit/:inr', component: Dbdoit, name: 'StaticsDbdoit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '删除消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infxrt', component: Infxrt, name: 'StaticsInfxrt', meta: { title: '牌价查询' } },
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