Commit 327ae711 by wangna


parent 4ccee6ac
......@@ -127,11 +127,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
invtyp: [
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "类型1", value: "1" }
{ label: "类型一", value: "1" }
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
trpdoctyp: [
{ label: "海运提单", value: "Ocean Bill of Lading" },
......@@ -279,127 +275,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "马里", value: "ML" },
{ label: "马耳他", value: "MT" },
{ label: "Man", value: "IM" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "Marshall Islands", value: "MH" },
{ label: "Martinique", value: "MQ" },
{ label: "Mauritania", value: "MR" },
{ label: "Mauritius", value: "MU" },
{ label: "Mayotte", value: "YT" },
{ label: "Mexico", value: "MX" },
{ label: "Micronesia", value: "FM" },
{ label: "Moldava", value: "MD" },
{ label: "Monaco", value: "MC" },
{ label: "Mongolia", value: "MN" },
{ label: "Montserrat", value: "MS" },
{ label: "Morocco", value: "MA" },
{ label: "Mozambique", value: "MZ" },
{ label: "Myanmar", value: "MM" },
{ label: "Namibia", value: "NA" },
{ label: "Nauru", value: "NR" },
{ label: "Nepal", value: "NP" },
{ label: "Netherlands", value: "NL" },
{ label: "Netherlands Antilles", value: "AN" },
{ label: "Neutral Zone", value: "NT" },
{ label: "New Caledonia", value: "NC" },
{ label: "New Zealand", value: "NZ" },
{ label: "Nicaragua", value: "NI" },
{ label: "Niger", value: "NE" },
{ label: "Nigeria", value: "NG" },
{ label: "Niue", value: "NU" },
{ label: "Norfolk Island", value: "NF" },
{ label: "North Mariana lslands", value: "MP" },
{ label: "Norway", value: "否" },
{ label: "Oman", value: "OM" },
{ label: "Other Countries", value: "ZZ" },
{ label: "Pakistan", value: "PK" },
{ label: "Palau", value: "PW" },
{ label: "Palestinian territories", value: "PS" },
{ label: "Panama", value: "PA" },
{ label: "Papua New Guinea", value: "PG" },
{ label: "Paraguay", value: "PY" },
{ label: "People's Republic of China", value: "CN" },
{ label: "Peru", value: "PE" },
{ label: "Philippines", value: "PH" },
{ label: "Pitcairn lsland", value: "PN" },
{ label: "Poland", value: "PL" },
{ label: "Portugal", value: "PT" },
{ label: "Puerto Rico", value: "PR" },
{ label: "Qatar", value: "QA" },
{ label: "Republic of Cape verde", value: "CV" },
{ label: "Republic of Congo", value: "CG" },
{ label: "Republic of Cyprus", value: "CY" },
{ label: "Republic of Korea", value: "KR" },
{ label: "Reunion", value: "RE" },
{ label: "Romania", value: "RO" },
{ label: "Russia", value: "RU" },
{ label: "Rwanda", value: "RW" },
{ label: "SAlNT BARTHELEMY", value: "BL" },
{ label: "SAINT MARTIN (FRANCE)", value: "MF" },
{ label: "SERBIA", value: "RS" },
{ label: "SOUTH SUDAN", value: "SS" },
{ label: "Saint Lucia", value: "LC" },
{ label: "San Marino", value: "SM" },
{ label: "Sao Tome And Principe", value: "ST" },
{ label: "Saudi Arabia", value: "SA" },
{ label: "Senegal", value: "SN" },
{ label: "Seychelles", value: "SC" },
{ label: "Sierra Leone", value: "SL" },
{ label: "Singapore", value: "SG" },
{ label: "Slovak Republic", value: "SK" },
{ label: "Slovenia", value: "SI" },
{ label: "Solomon Island", value: "SB" },
{ label: "Somalia", value: "SO" },
{ label: "South frica", value: "ZA" },
{ label: "South Georgia and South", value: "GS" },
{ label: "Spain", value: "ES" },
{ label: "Sri Lanka", value: "LK" },
{ label: "St. Helena", value: "SH" },
{ label: "St.Kitts and Nevis", value: "KN" },
{ label: "St.Pierre and Miquelon", value: "PM" },
{ label: "St.vincent and The Grenadines", value: "VC" },
{ label: "State Union of Serbia and Montenegro", value: "RR" },
{ label: "Sudan", value: "SD" },
{ label: "Surinam", value: "SR" },
{ label: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen lslands", value: "SJ" },
{ label: "Swaziland", value: "SZ" },
{ label: "Sweden", value: "SE" },
{ label: "Switzerland", value: "CH" },
{ label: "Syria", value: "SY" },
{ label: "Taiwan", value: "TW" },
{ label: "Taiwan.Province of China", value: "TP" },
{ label: "Tajikistan", value: "TJ" },
{ label: "Tanzania", value: "TZ" },
{ label: "Territory of Christmas Island", value: "CX" },
{ label: "Thailand", value: "TH" },
{ label: "Togo", value: "TG" },
{ label: "Tokelau lslands", value: "TK" },
{ label: "Tonga lslands", value: "TO" },
{ label: "Trinidad and Tobago", value: "TT" },
{ label: "Tunisia", value: "TN" },
{ label: "Turkmenistan", value: "TM" },
{ label: "Turks and Caicos Islands", value: "TC" },
{ label: "Tuvalu", value: "TV" },
{ label: "Uganda", value: "UG" },
{ label: "Ukraine", value: "UA" },
{ label: "UnitedArab Emirates", value: "AE" },
{ label: "United States of America", value: "US" },
{ label: "Uruguay", value: "UY" },
{ label: "Uzbekistan", value: "UZ" },
{ label: "Vanuatu", value: "VU" },
{ label: "Vatican City State", value: "VA" },
{ label: "Venezuela", value: "VE" },
{ label: "Vietnam", value: "VN" },
{ label: "Virgin lslands[British]", value: "VG" },
{ label: "Virgin lslands[U.S]", value: "VI" },
{ label: "Wallis and Futuna lslands", value: "WF" },
{ label: "Western Sahara", value: "EH" },
{ label: "Western Samoa", value: "WS" },
{ label: "Yemen", value: "YE" },
{ label: "Yugoslavia", value: "YU" },
{ label: "Zaire", value: "ZR" },
{ label: "Zambia", value: "ZM" },
{ label: "Zimbabwe", value: "ZW" },
{ label: "马绍尔群岛", value: "MH" },
{ label: "马提尼克岛", value: "MQ" },
{ label: "毛里塔尼亚", value: "MR" },
......@@ -519,7 +394,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "扎伊尔", value: "ZR" },
{ label: "赞比亚", value: "ZM" },
{ label: "津巴布韦", value: "ZW" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
......@@ -543,15 +417,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
adrsta: [
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "临时的", value: "T" },
{ label: "Downloaded", value: "" },
advtyp0: [
{ label: "Advice of Discrepancy (MT750)", value: "750" },
{ label: "付款通知 (MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "其他", value: "oth" },
{ label: "暂存的", value: "T" },
{ label: "已下载", value: "" },
......@@ -559,7 +424,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "不符点通知(MT750)", value: "750" },
{ label: "付款通知(MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "其它", value: "oth" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
alletyflg: [
{ label: "否", value: "" },
......@@ -719,21 +583,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
avbwth: [
{ label: "开证行", value: "I" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "Specified Bank", value: "S" },
{ label: "保兑行", value: "C" },
{ label: "Any Bank", value: "O" },
{ label: "Reimbursing Bank", value: "R" },
{ label: "通知行", value: "A" },
{ label: "Transferring Bank", value: "T" },
{ label: "指定银行", value: "S" },
{ label: "保兌行", value: "C" },
{ label: "任何银行", value: "O" },
{ label: "偿付行", value: "R" },
{ label: "通知行", value: "A" },
{ label: "转让行", value: "T" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
backtype: [
{ label: "业务撤销", value: "0" },
......@@ -758,19 +613,11 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "紧急的", value: "U" },
balflg: [
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "Free for Load Balancing", value: "F" },
{ label: "手动", value: "M" },
{ label: "Assigned by QUETSK", value: "A" },
{ label: "Urgent", value: "U" },
{ label: "Assigned on Creation", value: "C" },
{ label: "免费进行负载平衡", value: "F" },
{ label: "手动", value: "M" },
{ label: "由QUETSK分配", value: "A" },
{ label: "紧急的", value: "U" },
{ label: "创建时分配", value: "C" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
balsrtflg: [
{ label: "金额, 日期", value: "A" },
......@@ -778,11 +625,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
baowflg: [
{ label: "人行支付系统", value: "X" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "其他", value: "O" },
{ label: "其它", value: "O" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
basrattyp: [
{ label: "人行基准利率", value: "010" },
......@@ -1795,16 +1638,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "是", value: "1" },
calcbs: [
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "Net amount", value: "NETAMT" },
{ label: "Increase Maximum", value: "AMEMAX" },
{ label: "Maximum amount", value: "MAXAMT" },
{ label: "Liability amount", value: "LIAAMT" },
{ label: "Document amount", value: "DOCAMT" },
{ label: "余额", value: "OPNAMT" },
{ label: "Contract amount", value: "CONAMT" },
{ label: "Increase amount", value: "AMEAMT" },
{ label: "净额", value: "NETAMT" },
{ label: "增加最大值", value: "AMEMAX" },
{ label: "最大金额", value: "MAXAMT" },
......@@ -1813,7 +1646,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "未结金额", value: "OPNAMT" },
{ label: "合同金额", value: "CONAMT" },
{ label: "增加金额", value: "AMEAMT" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
calflg: [
{ label: "maximum", value: "U" },
......@@ -2027,13 +1859,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
clatyp: [
{ label: "全部", value: "ALL" },
{ label: "登记", value: "RIM" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "修改", value: "COR" },
{ label: "Release", value: "REL" },
{ label: "修正", value: "COR" },
{ label: "释放", value: "REL" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
{ label: "待定", value: "PEN" },
clcdifflg: [
......@@ -2053,17 +1880,10 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "商业企业", value: "5" },
clmctl: [
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "查询 to Claim / Order", value: "Q" },
{ label: "Direct Rejection", value: "D" },
{ label: "Advice of Claim/Payment", value: "R" },
{ label: "Direct Payment", value: "P" },
{ label: "查询索赔/订单", value: "Q" },
{ label: "直接拒绝", value: "D" },
{ label: "索赔/付款通知", value: "R" },
{ label: "直接付款", value: "P" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
clmtyp: [
{ label: "非公共担保人", value: "S" },
......@@ -2103,11 +1923,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
cmtflg: [
{ label: "代理行模式", value: "C" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "其他", value: "O" },
{ label: "其它", value: "O" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
{ label: "CIPS系统", value: "P" },
......@@ -2540,55 +2356,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "关岛", value: "GU" },
{ label: "黑山共和国", value: "ME" },
{ label: "MF", value: "MF" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "People's Republic of China", value: "CN" },
{ label: "Lesotho", value: "LS" },
{ label: "Hungary", value: "HU" },
{ label: "Japan", value: "JP" },
{ label: "Belarus", value: "BY" },
{ label: "Mauritius", value: "MU" },
{ label: "Albania", value: "AL" },
{ label: "Norfolk Island", value: "NF" },
{ label: "New Zealand", value: "NZ" },
{ label: "St. Kitts and Nevis", value: "KN" },
{ label: "Senegal", value: "SN" },
{ label: "Macedonia", value: "MK" },
{ label: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", value: "SJ" },
{ label: "Ethiopia", value: "ET" },
{ label: "St. Vincent and The Grenadines", value: "VC" },
{ label: "United States of America", value: "US" },
{ label: "Egypt", value: "EG" },
{ label: "Macau", value: "MO" },
{ label: "Sierra Leone", value: "SL" },
{ label: "Bolivia", value: "BO" },
{ label: "Malta", value: "MT" },
{ label: "Saudi Arabia", value: "SA" },
{ label: "Pakistan", value: "PK" },
{ label: "Gambia", value: "GM" },
{ label: "Ireland", value: "IE" },
{ label: "Qatar", value: "QA" },
{ label: "France", value: "FR" },
{ label: "Lithuania", value: "LT" },
{ label: "Bosnia and Herzegovina", value: "BA" },
{ label: "Republic of Cape Verde", value: "CV" },
{ label: "Niger", value: "NE" },
{ label: "Tonga Islands", value: "TO" },
{ label: "Virgin Islands(U.S)", value: "VI" },
{ label: "Rwanda", value: "RW" },
{ label: "European Community", value: "XE" },
{ label: "Bangladesh", value: "BD" },
{ label: "Barbados", value: "BB" },
{ label: "Nicaragua", value: "NI" },
{ label: "Norway", value: "否" },
{ label: "Botswana", value: "BW" },
{ label: "Denmark", value: "DK" },
{ label: "Dominican Republic", value: "DO" },
{ label: "Mexico", value: "MX" },
{ label: "Uganda", value: "UG" },
{ label: "Micronesia", value: "FM" },
{ label: "Greenland", value: "GL" },
{ label: "Palestinian territories", value: "PS" },
{ label: "中华人民共和国", value: "CN" },
{ label: "莱索托", value: "LS" },
{ label: "匈牙利", value: "HU" },
......@@ -2636,7 +2403,6 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "密克罗尼西亚", value: "FM" },
{ label: "格陵兰岛", value: "GL" },
{ label: "巴勒斯坦自治区", value: "PS" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
cunqii: [
{ label: "一至三年(含三年)", value: "003" },
......@@ -3078,11 +2844,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "指定银行", value: "DSIG" },
detchgcod: [
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "Beneficiary Customer", value: "BEN" },
{ label: "受益人", value: "BEN" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
{ label: "汇款人", value: "OUR" },
detflg: [
......@@ -3473,13 +3235,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
expplc: [
{ label: "通知行", value: "ADB" },
{ label: "开证行", value: "ISB" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "At Our Counter", value: "ATC" },
{ label: "Any Bank", value: "ANB" },
{ label: "在我们的柜台", value: "ATC" },
{ label: "任何银行", value: "ANB" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
extid: [
{ label: "Import collection", value: "BC" },
......@@ -3523,11 +3280,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
feecod: [
{ label: "Shared", value: "SHA" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "Beneficiary Customer", value: "BEN" },
{ label: "受益人", value: "BEN" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
{ label: "汇款人", value: "OUR" },
feepri: [
......@@ -4343,21 +4096,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "开证行", value: "ISS" },
{ label: "议付行", value: "NEG" },
{ label: "Notily Party", value: "NOP" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "旧的帐户当事人", value: "OAP" },
{ label: "旧买方", value: "OBU" },
{ label: "旧发票方", value: "OIN" },
{ label: "汇款人", value: "ORC" },
{ label: "订购机构", value: "ORI" },
{ label: "另一方", value: "OTH" },
{ label: "Old Account Party", value: "OAP" },
{ label: "Old Buyer", value: "OBU" },
{ label: "Old Invoice Party", value: "OIN" },
{ label: "汇款人", value: "ORC" },
{ label: "Ordering Institution", value: "ORI" },
{ label: "Futher Party", value: "OTH" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
{ label: "Ourselves", value: "OWN" },
{ label: "演示者(PRP)", value: "PRB" },
{ label: "寄单行", value: "PRE" },
......@@ -4533,13 +4277,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
advtyp: [
{ label: "不符点通知(MT750)", value: "750" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "付款通知 (MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "其他", value: "OTH" },
{ label: "付款通知(MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "Other", value: "OTH" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
advtyp1: [
{ label: "NPAY", value: "NPAY" },
......@@ -4547,11 +4286,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "不符点通知(MT750)", value: "750" },
<<<<<<< HEAD
{ label: "付款通知 (MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "付款通知(MT754)", value: "754" },
>>>>>>> 8cc9bf608aa1a10a9c98ddaecc9bdda4858d1370
limittype: [
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