Commit 2b9258e8 by zhaojunjun


parent 6877101f
import Cptadv from "./Cptadv"
import Cptopn from "./Cptopn"
import Diasel from "./Diasel"
import Bopsel from "./Bopsel"
import Ditame from "./Ditame"
import Ditsel from "./Ditsel"
import Infdid from "./Infdid"
import Ditopn from "./Ditopn"
import Office from "./Office"
import Sptsel from "./Sptsel"
import Sptbrk from "./Sptsel/Sptbrk"
import Trnrel from "./Trnrel"
import Trnfnd from "./Trnrel/Trnfnd"
import Tstopn from "./Tstopn"
import Bdtudp from "./Bdtudp"
import Bdtdcr from "./Bdtdcr"
import Trndtl from "./Trnrel/Trndtl"
import Infpta from "./Infpta"
import Letsel from "./Letsel"
import Letopn from "./Letopn"
import Letame from "./Letame"
import Letrsv from './Letrsv'
import Infled from './Infled'
import Sptrel from "./Sptrel"
import Sptrou from "./Sptrou"
import Bddsel from "./Bddsel"
import Infbdd from "./Infbdd"
import Mgrtsk from "./Mgrtsk"
import Switsk from "./Switsk"
import Infusr from "./Infusr"
import Infcpd from "./Infcpd"
import Bctacc from "./Bctacc"
import Infcur from "./Infcur"
import Infbed from "./Infbed"
import Letcan from "./Letcan"
import Brtlat from "./Brtlat"
import Litopn from "./Litopn"
import Litcan from "./Litcan"
import Litdav from "./Litdav"
import Litdck from "./Litdck"
import Inflid from "./Inflid"
import Inftrd from "./Inftrd"
import Trtame from "./Trtame"
import Lttopn from "./Lttopn"
import Lttame from "./Lttame"
import Lttcan from "./Lttcan"
// import Infdet from "./Infdet"
import Botdav from "./Botdav"
import Botame from "./Botame"
import Botdcr from "./Botdcr"
import Botset from "./Botset"
import Infbpd from "./Infbpd"
import Inftxm from "./Inftxm"
* 带有name的才会被添加进顶部的标签页里
const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'bdtudp', component: Bdtudp, name: 'Bdtudp', meta: { title: '国内证承兑' } },
{ path: 'bdtdcr', component: Bdtdcr, name: 'Bdtdcr', meta: { title: '国内证不符点/拒付' } },
{ path: 'cptadv', component: Cptadv, name: 'Cptadv', meta: { title: '汇入汇款' } },
{ path: 'cptopn', component: Cptopn, name: 'Cptopn', meta: { title: '汇出汇款' } },
{ path: 'diasel', component: Diasel, name: 'Diasel', meta: { title: '备忘录选择交易' } },
{ path: 'bopsel', component: Bopsel, name: 'Bopsel', meta: { title: '待申报列表' } },
{ path: 'ditame', component: Ditame, name: 'Ditame', meta: { title: '信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'ditsel', component: Ditsel, name: 'Ditsel', meta: { title: '信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'infdid', component: Infdid, name: 'Infdid', meta: { title: '信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'ditopn', component: Ditopn, name: 'Ditopn', meta: { title: '买方信用证开立' } },
// 例
{ path: 'ditopn/:inr', component: Ditopn, name: 'DitopnInr', meta: { title: (params) => { return '买方信用证开立-' + params.inr } } },
{ path: 'office', component: Office, name: 'Office', meta: { title: 'Office' } },
{ path: 'sptsel', component: Sptsel, name: 'Sptsel', meta: { title: '待办任务' } },
{ path: 'sptbrk', component: Sptbrk, name: 'Sptbrk', meta: { title: '草稿箱' } },
{ path: 'trnrel', component: Trnrel, name: 'Trnrel', meta: { title: '复核任务' } },
{ path: 'trnfnd', component: Trnfnd, name: 'Trnfnd', meta: { title: '已完成任务' } },
{ path: 'trndtl', query: 'inr', component: Trndtl, name: 'Trndtl', meta: { title: 'Trndtl' } },
{ path: 'tstopn', component: Tstopn, name: 'Tstopn', meta: { title: 'Tstopn' } },
{ path: 'infpta', component: Infpta, name: 'Infpta', meta: { title: 'Infpta' } },
{ path: 'letsel', component: Letsel, name: 'Letsel', meta: { title: '出口信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'letopn', component: Letopn, name: 'Letopn', meta: { title: '出口信用证通知' } },
{ path: 'letame', component: Letame, name: 'Letame', meta: { title: '出口信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'letrsv', component: Letrsv, name: 'Letrsv', meta: { title: '出口信用证补通知' } },
{ path: 'infled', component: Infled, name: 'Infled', meta: { title: '出口信用证查询infled' } },
{ path: 'sptrel', component: Sptrel, name: 'Sptrel', meta: { title: 'Sptrel' } },
{ path: 'sptrou', component: Sptrou, name: 'Sptrou', meta: { title: 'Sptrou' } },
{ path: 'bddsel', component: Bddsel, name: 'Bddsel', meta: { title: 'Bddsel' } },
{ path: 'infbdd', component: Infbdd, name: 'Infbdd', meta: { title: '买方信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'mgrtsk', component: Mgrtsk, name: 'Mgrtsk', meta: { title: 'Mgrtsk' } },
{ path: 'switsk', component: Switsk, name: 'Switsk', meta: { title: 'Switsk' } },
{ path: 'infusr', component: Infusr, name: 'Infusr', meta: { title: '用户信息' } },
{ path: 'infcpd', component: Infcpd, name: 'Infcpd', meta: { title: '汇款查询' } },
{ path: 'bctacc', component: Bctacc, name: 'Bctacc', meta: { title: 'Bctacc' } },
{ path: 'infcur', component: Infcur, name: 'Infcur', meta: { title: 'Infcur' } },
{ path: 'infbed', component: Infbed, name: 'Infbed', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'letcan', component: Letcan, name: 'Letcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'brtlat', component: Brtlat, name: 'Brtlat', meta: { title: '进口信用证单据偿还垫款' } },
{ path: 'litopn', component: Litopn, name: 'Litopn', meta: { title: '进口信用证开立' } },
{ path: 'litcan', component: Litcan, name: 'Litcan', meta: { title: '进口信用证注销' } },
{ path: 'litdav', component: Litdav, name: 'Litdav', meta: { title: '进口信用证通知到单 ' } },
{ path: 'litdck', component: Litdck, name: 'Litdck', meta: { title: '进口信用证到单' } },
{ path: 'inflid', component: Inflid, name: 'Inflid', meta: { title: '进口信用证查询' } },
{ path: 'inftrd', component: Inftrd, name: 'Inftrd', meta: { title: '进口押汇查询' } },
{ path: 'trtame', component: Trtame, name: 'Trtame', meta: { title: '进口融资修改' } },
// { path: 'infdet', component: Infdet, name: 'Infdet', meta: { title: 'Infdet' } },
{ path: 'lttopn', component: Lttopn, name: 'Lttopn', meta: { title: '转让证开立' } },
  { path: 'lttame', component: Lttame, name: 'Lttame', meta: { title: '转让证修改' } },
  { path: 'lttcan', component: Lttcan, name: 'Lttcan', meta: { title: '转让证注销' } },
{ path: 'botdav', component: Botdav, name: 'Botdav', meta: { title: '出口托收寄单' } },
{ path: 'botame', component: Botame, name: 'Botame', meta: { title: '出口托收修改' } },
{ path: 'botdcr', component: Botdcr, name: 'Botdcr', meta: { title: '出口托收拒付/不符点' } },
{ path: 'botset', component: Botset, name: 'Botset', meta: { title: '出口托收收汇' } },
export default BusRouter
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<template id="SideMenu">
<div class="eContainer-menu-search">
<c-button icon="el-icon-s-unfold" v-else @click="openMenu"></c-button>
<!-- <c-input prefix-icon="el-icon-search" v-if="menuOpen" v-model="searchContent"
@keyup.enter.native="searchMenuEvent" placeholder="全局搜索"></c-input> -->
<c-search-input v-show="menuOpen"></c-search-input>
<c-content :height="250">
<!-- <img
style="position: fixed; width: 200px; bottom: 0"
/> -->
<!-- <el-menu-item index="/business/office">
<i class="el-icon-menu"></i>
<span slot="title">主页</span>
</el-menu-item> -->
<SubMenu :subMenuList="menus" :openFlgArr="openFlgArr"></SubMenu>
import Button from "../../components/Button.vue";
import SubMenu from "~/components/SubMenu.vue";
export default {
components: { Button, SubMenu },
data: function () {
return {
openFlgArr: [],
menuOpen: true,
searchContent: "",
menuList: [
// { inifrm: "0", ininam: "公共夹", pntmiu: "" },
// { inifrm: "sptsel", ininam: "待办任务", pntmiu: "0" },
// { inifrm: "trnrel", ininam: "复核任务", pntmiu: "0" },
// { inifrm: "diasel", ininam: "备忘录选择交易", pntmiu: "0" },
{ inifrm: "1", ininam: "汇款", pntmiu: ""},
{ inifrm: "infcpd", ininam: "汇款查询", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: "cptopn", ininam: "汇出汇款", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: "cptadv", ininam: "汇入汇款", pntmiu: "1" },
{ inifrm: "2", ininam: "买方信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "ditopn", ininam: "信用证开立", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "ditame", ininam: "信用证修改", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "infdid", ininam: "信用证查询", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "infbdd", ininam: "信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "bdtudp", ininam: "信用证承兑", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "bdtdcr", ininam: "信用证不符点/拒付", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "3", ininam: "出口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
//{ inifrm: "3", ininam: "出口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "letsel", ininam: "出口信用证查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letopn", ininam: "出口信用证通知", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letame", ininam: "出口信用证修改", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letrsv", ininam: "出口信用证补通知", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "infled", ininam: "出口信用证查询infled", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "infbed", ininam: "出口信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letcan", ininam: "出口信用证注销", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "4", ininam: "进口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "inflid", ininam: "进口信用证查询", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "litopn", ininam: "进口信用证开立", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "litdav", ininam: "进口信用证通知到单", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "litdck", ininam: "进口信用证到单", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "brtlat", ininam: "进口信用证单据偿还垫款", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "litcan", ininam: "进口信用证注销", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "inftrd", ininam: "进口押汇查询", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "trtame", ininam: "进口融资修改", pntmiu: "4" },
{ inifrm: "5", ininam: "进口代收", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "bctacc", ininam: "进口代收承兑", pntmiu: "5" },
{ inifrm: "6", ininam: "出口托收", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "botdav", ininam: "出口托收寄单", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: "botame", ininam: "出口托收修改", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: "botdcr", ininam: "出口托收拒付/不符点", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: "botset", ininam: "出口托收收汇", pntmiu: "6" },
{ inifrm: "7", ininam: "静态参数管理", pntmiu: "", },
{ inifrm: "infusr", ininam: "用户信息", pntmiu: "7" },
{ inifrm: "8",ininam: "转让证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "lttopn", ininam: "转让证开立", pntmiu: "8" },
{ inifrm: "lttame", ininam: "转让证修改", pntmiu: "8" },
{ inifrm: "lttcan", ininam: "转让证注销", pntmiu: "8" },
menusOrigin: [],
menus: [],
computed: {
activeMenu() {
return this.$route.path;
mounted() {
const arr = [];
this.menusOrigin = arr;
this.menus = this.menusOrigin;
this.openFlgArr = new Array(this.menus.length).fill(true)
methods: {
searchMenuEvent() {
if (this.searchContent.trim() === "") {
this.menus = this.menusOrigin;
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.menusOrigin.length; i++) {
const menu = this.menusOrigin[i];
const r = this.eachItem(menu);
if (r !== null) {
this.menus = res;
eachItem(item) {
if ( > -1) {
// if (item.children.length > 0) {
// if (this.hasAvailableChild(item.children)) {
// return item;
// }
// return null;
// } else {
// // TODO 判断此处是否为叶子节点
// return item;
// }
return item;
const arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < item.children.length; i++) {
const child = item.children[i];
const r = this.eachItem(child);
if (r !== null) {
if (arr.length > 0) {
return {
path: item.path,
icon: item.icon,
children: arr,
return null;
hasAvailableChild(children) {
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children.length[i];
if (child.children.length > 0) {
return this.hasAvailableChild(child.children);
} else {
// TODO 判断此处是否为叶子节点
return true;
generateMenuTree(list, item) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.menuList.length; i++) {
const menuItem = this.menuList[i];
if (!item) {
if (menuItem.pntmiu === undefined || menuItem.pntmiu === "") {
const children = [];
menuItem.path = "/business";
this.generateMenuTree(children, menuItem);
name: menuItem.ininam,
path: menuItem.path,
} else {
if (menuItem.pntmiu === item.inifrm) {
const children = [];
menuItem.path = item.path + "/" + menuItem.inifrm;
this.generateMenuTree(children, menuItem);
name: menuItem.ininam,
path: menuItem.path,
icon: "el-icon-document",
handleOpen(index, indexPath) {
// console.log(index, indexPath);
this.$set(this.openFlgArr, index.split("_")[1], false)
handleClose(index, indexPath) {
// console.log(index, indexPath);
this.$set(this.openFlgArr, index.split("_")[1], true)
openMenu() {
this.menuOpen = true;
const aside = document.querySelector("aside");
aside.className = aside.className.split(" ")[0];
closeMenu() {
this.menuOpen = false;
const aside = document.querySelector("aside");
aside.className = aside.className + " fold";
this.openFlgArr = new Array(this.menus.length).fill(true)
<style scoped>
.eContainer-menu-search .el-button {
border: none;
font-size: 20px;
padding: 12px 20px;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input {
width: auto;
position: absolute;
right: 20px;
top: 10px;
left: 60px;
.eContainer-scroller .el-scrollbar__wrap {
overflow: auto;
margin-right: 0px !important;
.eContainer-menu-search {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input,
.eContainer-menu-search .search-wrapper {
width: auto;
position: absolute;
right: 20px;
top: 10px;
left: 60px;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input .el-input__inner {
height: 30px;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-icon-search {
line-height: 30px;
.eContainer-scroller {
height: calc(100% - 44px);
.eContainer-scroller .el-scrollbar__bar {
display: none;
.el-icon-s-fold {
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
.el-icon-s-unfold {
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
.el-menu {
border-right: none;
.eContainer-refresh {
width: auto;
overflow: auto;
height: calc(100% - 44px);
.el-button-refresh {
width: 100%;
height: 40px;
.el-menu-vertical-demo.el-menu--collapse {
width: 60px;
.el-submenu .el-menu-item {
font-size: 12px;
height: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
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