Commit 25399c27 by wjj


parent d4864170
......@@ -101,9 +101,11 @@
<c-col :span="24">
<span v-text="model.bctp.docgrdm.docdsclab" data-path=".bctp.docgrdm.docdsclab"> </span>
<c-edit-table :model="model" v-bind="docgrd">
<!-- ====================右边======================= -->
<c-col :span="12">
......@@ -153,11 +155,11 @@
<c-col :span="12">
<el-form-item label="Accepted on" prop="bcdgrp.rec.accdat">
<c-date-picker type="date" v-model="model.bcdgrp.rec.accdat" style="width:100%" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd"
placeholder="请选择Accepted on"></c-date-picker>
<c-date-picker type="date" v-model="model.bcdgrp.rec.accdat" style="width:100%"
value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="请选择Accepted on"></c-date-picker>
......@@ -172,6 +174,28 @@
mixins: [CommonProcess],
data() {
return {
docgrd: {
columns: [{
title: "lst1",
width: "80px",
dataIndex: "cmail1",
show: "input",
title: "2nd",
width: "80px",
dataIndex: "cmail2",
show: "input",
title: "Document",
width: "320px",
dataIndex: "docnam",
show: "input",
urls: "bctp.docgrdm.docgrd",
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'infusr', component: Infusr, name: 'Infusr', meta: { title: '用户信息' } },
{ path: 'infcpd', component: Infcpd, name: 'Infcpd', meta: { title: '汇款查询' } },
{ path: 'bctdav', component: Bctdav, name: 'Bctdav', meta: { title: '进口代收' } },
{ path: 'bctacc', component: Bctacc, name: 'Bctacc', meta: { title: 'Bctacc' } },
{ path: 'bctacc', component: Bctacc, name: 'Bctacc', meta: { title: '进口代收承兑' } },
{ path: 'infcur', component: Infcur, name: 'Infcur', meta: { title: 'Infcur' } },
{ path: 'infbed', component: Infbed, name: 'Infbed', meta: { title: '出口信用证单据查询' } },
{ path: 'letcan', component: Letcan, name: 'Letcan', meta: { title: '出口信用证注销' } },
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