Commit 22eba7b7 by lei wang


parent 8cbcdef4
......@@ -7698,7 +7698,71 @@ const CodeTable = {
codsta: [
{ label: "A 正常", value: "A"},
{ label: "D 删除", value: "D"}
objtypcodetable: [
{ label: 'Party', value: 'PTY ' },
{ label: 'Account', value: 'ACT ' },
{ label: 'Export L/C', value: 'LED ' },
{ label: 'Imoprt L/C', value: 'LID ' },
{ label: 'Country', value: 'CTY ' },
{ label: 'Guarantee', value: 'GID ' },
{ label: 'Reimbursement', value: 'RMD ' },
{ label: 'Import Collection', value: 'BCD ' },
{ label: 'Export Collection', value: 'BOD ' },
{ label: 'Advance', value: 'BPD ' },
{ label: 'Clean Payment', value: 'CPD ' },
{ label: 'Export L/C (Ind.)', value: 'LED ' },
{ label: 'Transferable L/C', value: 'LTD ' },
{ label: 'Manual Contract', value: 'MCD ' },
{ label: 'Participation', value: 'PAD ' },
{ label: 'Loan', value: 'TRD ' },
{ label: 'Condition', value: 'FEC ' },
{ label: 'Export L/C Documents', value: 'BED ' },
{ label: 'Import L/C Documents', value: 'BRD ' },
{ label: 'Transfer Documents', value: 'BTD ' },
{ label: 'Export Doc. (Ind.)', value: 'DED ' },
{ label: 'Reimbursement Claim', value: 'RCD ' },
{ label: '', value: 'BDD ' },
{ label: '', value: 'CLD ' },
{ label: '', value: 'DID ' },
{ label: '', value: 'GCD ' },
subtypcodetable: [
{ label: 'General', value: 'INF' },
{ label: 'Stop', value: 'STP' },
{ label: 'Busines Sector', value: 'BUS' },
{ label: 'Settlement', value: 'SET' },
inflevcodetable: [
{ label: 'Do not show', value: '!' },
{ label: 'Show', value: '$' },
{ label: 'Warn', value: '0' },
{ label: 'Stop new Risk', value: '1' },
{ label: 'Stop Payments', value: '2' },
{ label: 'Stop Transaction', value: '3' },
{ label: 'Stop Processing', value: '9' },
{ label: '否', value: ' ' },
{ label: '是', value: 'X' },
{ label: '否', value: '' },
{ label: '是', value: 'X' },
{label: 'Accept decrease', value: 'ACD' },
{label: 'Claim payment', value: 'CLM' },
{label: 'Classified', value: 'CSF' },
{label: 'Expired', value: 'EXP' },
{label: 'Expiry warning', value: 'EXW' },
{label: 'Follow-up', value: 'FOL' },
{label: 'Maturity reached', value: 'MAT' },
{label: 'Post Booking', value: 'PLB' },
{label: 'Post Due', value: 'PSD' },
{label: '贸易单证审核', value: 'RAM' },
{label: 'Shipping Guarantee returned?', value: 'SGR' },
export default CodeTable;
......@@ -382,6 +382,43 @@ import Dbddia from '~/views/Statics/Dbddia'
import Inflck from "~/views/Statics/Inflck"
import Infucl from "~/views/Statics/Infucl"
import Inftdh from "~/views/Statics/Inftdh"
import Dbitdh from '~/views/Statics/Dbitdh'
import Dbatdh from '~/views/Statics/Dbatdh'
import Dbetdh from '~/views/Statics/Dbetdh'
import Dbdtdh from '~/views/Statics/Dbdtdh'
import Infxrt from "~/views/Statics/Infxrt";
import Dblxrt from "~/views/Statics/Dblxrt";
import Dbaxrt from "~/views/Statics/Dbaxrt";
import Dbexrt from "~/views/Statics/Dbexrt";
import Dbdxrt from "~/views/Statics/Dbdxrt";
import Infcod from "~/views/Statics/Infcod"
import Dbicod from '~/views/Statics/Dbicod'
import Dbacod from '~/views/Statics/Dbacod'
import Dbecod from '~/views/Statics/Dbecod'
import Dbdcod from '~/views/Statics/Dbdcod'
import Infety from "~/views/Statics/Infety";
import Dbiety from "~/views/Statics/Dbiety";
import Dbaety from "~/views/Statics/Dbaety";
import Dbeety from "~/views/Statics/Dbeety";
import Dbdety from "~/views/Statics/Dbdety";
import Dblzmq from "~/views/Statics/Dblzmq";
import Dbazmq from "~/views/Statics/Dbazmq";
import Dbezmq from "~/views/Statics/Dbezmq";
import Dbdzmq from "~/views/Statics/Dbdzmq";
import Dbizmqxrt from "~/views/Statics/Dbizmqxrt";
import InfBtb from "~/views/Statics/Infbtb";
import DbiBtb from "~/views/Statics/Dbibtb";
import Infbnk from "~/views/Statics/Infbnk";
import Dbibnk from "~/views/Statics/Dbibnk";
* 带有name的才会被添加进顶部的标签页里
......@@ -779,5 +816,41 @@ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'inflck', component: Inflck, name: 'StaticsInflck', meta: { title: '业务解锁' } },
{ path: 'infucl', component: Infucl, name: 'StaticsInfucl', meta: { title: '用户归属机构更换' } },
{ path: 'inftdh', component: Inftdh, name: 'StaticsInftdh', meta: { title: '节假日查询' } },
{ path: 'dbatdh', component: Dbatdh, name: 'StaticsDbatdh', meta: { title: '节假日新增' } },
{ path: 'dbitdh/:inr', component: Dbitdh, name: 'StaticsDbitdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbetdh/:inr', component: Dbetdh, name: 'StaticsDbetdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdtdh/:inr', component: Dbdtdh, name: 'StaticsDbdtdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infxrt', component: Infxrt, name: 'StaticsInfxrt', meta: { title: '牌价查询' } },
{ path: 'dblxrt/:inr', component: Dblxrt, name: 'StaticsDblxrt', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '牌价详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbaxrt', component: Dbaxrt, name: 'StaticsDbaxrt', meta: { title: '牌价新增' } },
{ path: 'dbexrt/:inr', component: Dbexrt, name: 'StaticsDbexrt', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '牌价修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdxrt/:inr', component: Dbdxrt, name: 'StaticsDbdxrt', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '牌价删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infcod', component: Infcod, name: 'StaticsInfcod', meta: { title: '收支申报码表查询' } },
{ path: 'dbacod', component: Dbacod, name: 'StaticsDbacod', meta: { title: '收支申报码表新增' } },
{ path: 'dbicod/:inr', component: Dbicod, name: 'StaticsDbicod', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '收支申报码表详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbecod/:inr', component: Dbecod, name: 'StaticsDbecod', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '收支申报码表修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdcod/:inr', component: Dbdcod, name: 'StaticsDbdcod', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '收支申报码表删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infety', component: Infety, name: 'StaticsInfety', meta: { title: '实体查询' } },
{ path: 'dbaety', component: Dbaety, name: 'StaticsDbaety', meta: { title: '实体新增' } },
{ path: 'dbiety/:inr', component: Dbiety, name: 'StaticsDbiety', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '查看实体详情信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbeety/:inr', component: Dbeety, name: 'StaticsDbeety', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '实体修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdety/:inr', component: Dbdety, name: 'StaticsDbdety', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '实体删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dblzmq', component: Dblzmq, name: 'StaticsDblzmq', meta: { title: '自贸区牌价查询' } },
{ path: 'dbazmq', component: Dbazmq, name: 'StaticsDbazmq', meta: { title: '自贸区牌价新增' } },
{ path: 'dbizmqxrt/:inr', component: Dbizmqxrt, name: 'StaticsDbizmqxrt', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '自贸区牌价详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbezmq/:inr', component: Dbezmq, name: 'StaticsDbezmq', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '自贸区牌价编辑: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdzmq/:inr', component: Dbdzmq, name: 'StaticsDbdzmq', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '自贸区牌价删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infbtb', component: InfBtb, name: 'StaticsInfbtb', meta: { title: '查询清算代理行' } },
{ path: 'dbibtb/:inr', component: DbiBtb, name: 'StaticsDbibtb', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '清算代理行详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infbnk', component: Infbnk, name: 'StaticsInfbnk', meta: { title: '银行行号信息查询' } },
{ path: 'dbibnk/:inr', component: Dbibnk, name: 'StaticsDbibnk', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '银行行号信息详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
export default BusRouter
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ import Dbaoit from './Dbaoit'
import Dbeoit from './Dbeoit'
import Dbdoit from './Dbdoit'
import Infcod from "./Infcod"
import Dbicod from './Dbicod'
import Dbacod from './Dbacod'
import Dbecod from './Dbecod'
import Dbdcod from './Dbdcod'
const StaticsRouter = [
{ path: 'dbiptm/:inr', component:Dbiptm, name: 'StaticsDbiptm', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infptm', component:Infptm, name: 'StaticsInfptm', meta: { title: '银行密押查询' } },
......@@ -282,6 +288,12 @@ const StaticsRouter = [
{ path: 'dbeoit/:inr', component: Dbeoit, name: 'StaticsDbeoit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '修改消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdoit/:inr', component: Dbdoit, name: 'StaticsDbdoit', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '删除消息信息: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infcod', component: Infcod, name: 'StaticsInfcod', meta: { title: '收支申报码表查询' } },
{ path: 'dbacod', component: Dbacod, name: 'StaticsDbacod', meta: { title: '收支申报码表新增' } },
{ path: 'dbicod/:inr', component: Dbicod, name: 'StaticsDbicod', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '收支申报码表详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbecod/:inr', component: Dbecod, name: 'StaticsDbecod', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '收支申报码表修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdcod/:inr', component: Dbdcod, name: 'StaticsDbdcod', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '收支申报码表删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
export default StaticsRouter
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