Commit 171399e5 by lei wang


parent 5a828f53
import Api from "~/service/Api"
export function queryByPage(data) {
return"/manager/lck/queryByPage", data)
export function deleteByVo(data) {
return`/manager/lck/deleteByVo`, data)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -380,6 +380,9 @@ import Dbitdh from "~/views/Statics/Dbitdh";
import Dbatdh from "~/views/Statics/Dbatdh";
import Dbetdh from "~/views/Statics/Dbetdh";
import Dbdtdh from "~/views/Statics/Dbdtdh";
import Inflck from "~/views/Statics/Inflck";
* 带有name的才会被添加进顶部的标签页里
......@@ -774,5 +777,7 @@ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'dbetdh/:inr', component: Dbetdh, name: 'StaticsDbetdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdtdh/:inr', component: Dbdtdh, name: 'StaticsDbdtdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'infxrt', component: Infxrt, name: 'StaticsInfxrt', meta: { title: '牌价查询' } },
{ path: 'inflck', component: Inflck, name: 'StaticsInflck', meta: { title: '业务解锁' } },
export default BusRouter
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ export default {
{ inifrm: "infcup", ininam: "查询申报币种信息", pntmiu: "10"},
{ inifrm: "inftdh", ininam: "节假日查询", pntmiu: "10"},
{ inifrm: "infxrt", ininam: "牌价查询", pntmiu: "10"},
{ inifrm: "inflck", ininam: "业务解锁", pntmiu: "10"},
// { inifrm: "gitset", ininam: "进口保函赔付", pntmiu: "13" },
// { inifrm: "gitcrq", ininam: "进口保函索赔登记", pntmiu: "13" },
<div class="eibs-tab">
<c-col :span="24">
<c-col :span="12" style="text-align: right">
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" size="small" @click="onSearch()">查询
<c-col :span="24">
<c-paging-table :data="lckData" :columns="lckColumns" :pageNumber="model.pageNum" :pageSize="model.pageSize"
:total="" v-on:queryFunc="queryFunc" :border="true">
<c-table-column fixed="right" prop="op" label="操作" width="240px">
<template slot-scope="{ scope }">
<c-button size="small" style="margin-left: 5px" @click="lckDelete(scope.$index, scope.row)">删除</c-button>
<el-popover placement="top-start" width="50" trigger="click">
<ul class="table-button-item-list">
<c-button size="small" style="margin-left: 0">指派</c-button>
<c-button size="small" style="margin-left: 0">删除</c-button>
<a slot="reference" href="javascript:void(0)" style="margin-left: 5px">
<i class="el-icon-more"></i>
import codes from "~/config/CodeTable";
import { queryByPage } from "~/service/test/lck.js";
import { deleteByVo } from "~/service/test/lck.js";
export default {
name: "",
props: ["model"],
inject: ["root"],
data() {
return {
lckData: [],
lckColumns: [
{ label: '锁对象', prop: 'lckstr', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '用户', prop: 'lckusr', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '会话', prop: 'lcksnr', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '加锁时间', prop: 'lckdattim', width: 'auto' },
{ label: '是否被持有', prop: 'lckhld', width: 'auto' },
computed: {
activated() {
const { update } = this.$route.params
if (update) {
methods: {
getCodesByKey(key) {
return codes[key] ?? [];
onSearch() {
this.model.pageSize = 5;
this.model.pageNum = 1;
onInflckSearch() {
queryByPage(this.model).then(res => {
const list = res.list
this.lckData = list
this.model.pageNum = res.pageNumber
this.model.pageSize = res.pageSize =
queryFunc(pageNumber, pageSize) {
this.model.pageNum = pageNumber
this.model.pageSize = pageSize
lckDelete(index, row) {
this.$confirm("是否确认删除? 请确保此锁对象没有被其他会话使用", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning",
.then(() => {
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch(() => {
type: "info",
message: "已取消删除",
<style scoped>
.table-button-item-list {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.table-button-item-list li {
list-style: none;
padding: 5px 0;
text-align: center;
color: #606266;
cursor: pointer;
<div class="eContainer">
<c-page title="业务解锁">
<el-form :model="model" ref="modelForm" label-width="120px" label-position="right" size="small">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card">
<!--PD000039 -->
<el-tab-pane label="查询面板" name="infsea">
<m-infsea :model="model" ref="infsea" />
import Infsea from "./Infsea";
export default {
name: "StaticsInflck",
components: {
"m-infsea": Infsea,
provide() {
return {
root: this,
data() {
return {
tabVal: "infsea",
model: {
cod: "",
pageSize: 5,
pageNum: 1,
total: 0
......@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ import Dbatdh from "./Dbatdh";
import Dbetdh from "./Dbetdh";
import Dbdtdh from "./Dbdtdh";
import Inflck from "./Inflck";
const StaticsRouter = [
{ path: 'dbiptm/:inr', component:Dbiptm, name: 'StaticsDbiptm', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '客户详情: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
......@@ -253,6 +255,8 @@ const StaticsRouter = [
{ path: 'dbetdh/:inr', component: Dbetdh, name: 'StaticsDbetdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日修改: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'dbdtdh/:inr', component: Dbdtdh, name: 'StaticsDbdtdh', meta: { title: (tag) => { return '节假日删除: ' + tag.params.inr } } },
{ path: 'inflck', component: Inflck, name: 'StaticsInflck', meta: { title: '业务解锁' } },
export default StaticsRouter
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