infdet.js 3.67 KB
export default {
	"CT000037": "Party Number",
	"CT000036": "Beneficiary",
	"CT000039": "Opened",
	"CT000038": "Issuing Bank",
	"CT000033": "Party Number",
	"CT000032": "Reference",
	"CT000035": "Party Number",
	"CT000034": "Applicant",
	"CT000271": "Historic Overview",
	"CT000270": "Historic Overview",
	"CT000273": "Tenor day",
	"CT000272": "Resp. User",
	"CT000206": "Send directly to Applicant\'s Bank?",
	"CT000207": "Name",
	"CT000048": "Reference",
	"CT000047": "Cur",
	"CT000049": "Nominal Amount",
	"CT000044": "Open Amount",
	"CT000046": "Closed",
	"CT000040": "Expired",
	"CT000042": "L/C Amount",
	"CT000041": "Cur",
	"CT000217": "Expired",
	"CT000216": "Party Number",
	"CT000219": "Party Number",
	"CT000218": "Closed",
	"CT000213": "Applicant",
	"CT000059": "Confirmation Instruction",
	"CT000212": "Opened",
	"CT000058": "Sender\'s Confirmation",
	"CT000215": "Beneficiary",
	"CT000214": "Party Number",
	"CT000055": "Expiring on",
	"CT000054": "Shipment Date",
	"CT000211": "Reference",
	"CT000057": "Expiring in",
	"CT000056": "Maximum Tenor",
	"CT000210": "Red/Green Clause",
	"SG000193": "是否通过电证系统",
	"CT000051": "Maximum Amount",
	"CT000050": "Amount Tolerance +/-",
	"CT000053": "Issued on",
	"CT000052": "Amount Specification",
	"CF000102": "&Loginfo",
	"CT000228": "Closed on",
	"CT000227": "Creation Date",
	"CT000229": "Amendment Date",
	"CT000224": "Open Amount",
	"CT000223": "L/C Amount",
	"CT000069": "Drawee",
	"CT000226": "Advised Shipments",
	"CT000225": "Released on",
	"CT000220": "Issuing Bank",
	"CT000066": "Available by",
	"CT000187": "This is a Preadvice?",
	"CT000065": "Available with",
	"CT000186": "Collateralized L/C?",
	"CT000222": "Cur",
	"CT000068": "Mixed Payment Details",
	"CT000189": "Responsible User",
	"CT000221": "Cur",
	"CT000067": "Def.Payment Details",
	"CT000188": "Additional Amount?",
	"CT000062": "Transshipment",
	"CT000061": "Partial Shipment",
	"CT000064": "For Transportation to",
	"CT000063": "Shipment from",
	"CT000060": "Partial Confirmation",
	"CT000239": "Non-Bank Issuer",
	"CT000238": "Incoming Transfer",
	"CT000234": "Percentage or Amount Confirmed",
	"CT000236": "Confirm. Instruct. to 2nd Adv. Bank",
	"CT000077": "Bank to Customer Info",
	"CT000231": "Applicable Rules",
	"CT000076": "Shipment Period",
	"CT000197": "Revolving L/C?",
	"CT000230": "Amend. No Received",
	"CT000233": "Available with",
	"CT000232": "Other Applicable Rules",
	"CT000073": "Drafts at",
	"CT000072": "Goods Code",
	"CT000075": "Additional Details to Charges (:71B:)",
	"CT000074": "Presentation Period",
	"CT000195": "Yes",
	"CT000190": "Confirmed by us?",
	"CT000071": "Country Code",
	"CT000070": "Charges Borne by",
	"CT000191": "No",
	"PD000101": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction",
	"CT000249": "Reserved Contract",
	"CT000246": "Date Pre-advised",
	"CT000245": "Air-/Port of Destination",
	"SF000010": "Form of L/C",
	"CT000088": "Documents Required",
	"CT000087": "Desription of Goods",
	"CT000241": "Form of L/C",
	"CT000244": "Air-/Port of Departure",
	"CT000089": "Additional Conditions",
	"CT000257": "Revolve Times",
	"CT000259": "Next Revolve Date",
	"CT000258": "Revolving Count",
	"CT000253": "Revolving Type",
	"CT000252": "Revolving Details",
	"CT000254": "Cumulative",
	"PD000005": "Print",
	"PD000006": "Selection",
	"CT000090": "Instructions to Paying, Accepting, Negotiating Bank",
	"CT000268": "Historic overview of narratives",
	"CT000267": "Current Content of Tag 79",
	"CT000269": "Historic Overview",
	"S0000186": "贸易类型",
	"CT000264": "Amounts Covered",
	"CT000263": "Previous Drawings under this L/C",
	"CT000266": "Current Content of Tag 72",
	"CT000265": "Historic Overview",
	"CT000260": "Revolving Clause",
	"CT000261": "Notes to Beneficiary",