infbcd.js 3.19 KB
export default {
	"CT000158": "Documents from",
	"CT000157": "Shipment date",
	"CT000154": "Drawee.",
	"CT000035": "Name",
	"CT000155": "Godes released to",
	"CT000152": "Opened on",
	"CT000209": "Goods Code",
	"CT000208": "Pta.No",
	"CT000207": "Resp. User",
	"CT000048": "Advised on",
	"CT000169": "History of TAG72",
	"CT000047": "Maturity Date",
	"CT000204": "分行名称",
	"CT000165": "Query",
	"CT000043": "Payment Condition",
	"CT000164": "Waive Remitting Bank Charges",
	"CT000200": "Drawee CN",
	"CT000167": "Instructions for Second Mail",
	"CT000166": "Answer",
	"CT000161": "Goods Code for statistics",
	"CT000160": "Country Code",
	"CT000042": "Open Amount",
	"CT000041": "Document Amount",
	"CT000162": "Waive Collecting Bank Charges",
	"CT000059": "Dated",
	"CT000058": "Transport Document Reference",
	"CT000055": "Draft to be Guaranteed?",
	"CT000176": "Reason for Non-Payment / Non-Acceptance",
	"SG000196": "Goods Code",
	"CT000057": "Release of Goods",
	"CT000056": "Maturity Text",
	"CT000177": "Date of Remittance Lt.",
	"CT000051": "Tenor Specification",
	"CT000172": "Other Instructions",
	"CT000174": "Protest Instructions",
	"CT000052": "Tenor Starting from",
	"CT000170": "History of TAG79",
	"CF000102": "&Loginfo",
	"CT000066": "Delivery of Documents Instructions",
	"CT000065": "Shipment to",
	"CT000067": "Draft Instructions",
	"CT000100": "Document",
	"CT000061": "Mode of Transport",
	"CT000064": "Shipment from",
	"CT000063": "Vessel Name",
	"SF000008": "Payment Condition",
	"CT000117": "Responsible User",
	"CT000115": "Original Documents Passed to Drawee?",
	"CT000077": "Defer Payment until",
	"CT000076": "Covered Goods",
	"CT000197": "Further Information (Tag 43H)",
	"CT000079": "Charges Text",
	"CT000078": "Our Charges to",
	"CT000073": "Further Instructions",
	"CT000072": "Interest Instructions",
	"CT000193": "Reserved Contract",
	"CT000196": "Date of Agent`s Invoice (Tag43C)",
	"CT000074": "Collection Accepted on",
	"CT000195": "Authority of Agent (Tag 43G)",
	"PD000101": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction",
	"CT000128": "Opened",
	"CT000125": "Transport Document Type",
	"CT000124": "Release Date",
	"CT000127": "Reference",
	"CT000126": "Expiry Date",
	"CT000123": "Release Type",
	"CT000122": "not found > >",
	"CT000080": "Sender to Receiver Information",
	"CT000018": "Open Amount",
	"CT000139": "Cur",
	"CT000015": "Reference",
	"CT000136": "Remitting Bank",
	"CT000135": "Party Number",
	"CT000138": "Doc.Amount",
	"CT000016": "Opened",
	"CT000137": "Cur",
	"CT000132": "Drawee",
	"CT000099": "2nd",
	"CT000131": "Party Number",
	"CT000010": "Reference",
	"CT000098": "1st",
	"CT000134": "Drawer",
	"CT000133": "Party Number",
	"PD000005": "Print",
	"CT000130": "Closed",
	"PD000006": "Selection",
	"PD000003": "Bill Collection",
	"CT000029": "Cur",
	"CT000026": "Party Number",
	"CT000025": "Drawee",
	"CT000146": "Free of payment",
	"CT000028": "Closed",
	"CT000149": "Multiple tenor",
	"CT000027": "Party Number",
	"CT000022": "Remitting Bank",
	"CT000143": "Closed on",
	"CT000021": "Cur",
	"CT000142": "Creation Date",
	"CT000024": "Party Number",
	"CT000145": "Document Set Status",
	"CT000023": "Drawer",
	"CT000020": "Doc.Amount",
	"CT000141": "Number of amendments",
	"CT000140": "Open Amount",