lttamep.js 4.21 KB
export default {
	"CF000312": "Cancellation Request",
	"SF000049": "Original Data",
	"CF000079": "Beneficiary's Confirmation Required",
	"CT000037": "The confirmation might be handled manually",
	"CF000319": "Add. Amount",
	"CT000036": "Special Payment conditions for receiving bank",
	"CT000033": "Please lower the Amendment number. No more than $1 amendments are allowed.",
	"SF000046": "Name",
	"SF000045": "Reference",
	"SF000048": "Amend No. Received",
	"CT000035": "Special Payment conditions for beneficiary",
	"SF000047": "Amendment Date",
	"PD000346": "Instructions to P, A, N. Bank",
	"S0000344": "Special Payment Conditions for Bank only",
	"S0000345": "Historic Overview",
	"PD000105": "Goods (Amend.)",
	"PD000021": "Narrative",
	"PD000343": "Spe. pay. cond. Bank only(Amend)",
	"SF000053": "Nominal Amount",
	"SF000295": "Description of Goods (History of Amendment)",
	"CT000003": "Please enter the Amendment Number",
	"SF000052": "Amended",
	"SF000294": "Description of Goods",
	"CT000006": "Amount tolerance has to be positive",
	"SF000055": "New Shipment Date",
	"SF000297": "Documents Required",
	"CT000005": "Please enter amount tolerance without a sign",
	"SF000054": "New Expiry Date",
	"SF000057": "Shipment Date",
	"SF000299": "Documents Required (History of Amendment)",
	"SF000056": "Date of Expiry",
	"SF000298": "Documents Required (Amendment)",
	"S0000320": "Amendm. charge by",
	"SF000059": "New Data",
	"S0000321": "Details for Charges",
	"S0000315": "Purpose of message",
	"PD000339": "Spe. pay conditions Ben (Amend.)",
	"S0000317": "Days",
	"SF000051": "Maximum Amount",
	"SF000293": "Description of Goods (Amendment)",
	"S0000318": "Presentation Period",
	"SF000050": "Tolerance +/- %",
	"CF000292": "...",
	"PD000332": "Add. Con. (Amend.)",
	"SF000303": "Additional Conditions",
	"SF000302": "Additional Conditions (Amendment)",
	"SF000304": "Additional  Conditions (History of Amendment)",
	"CT000019": "The new expiry date must be in the future.",
	"CF000296": "...",
	"CT000018": "The new open amount exceeds the maximum amount of the export L/C of $1 $2.",
	"CT000015": "The latest shipment date is later than the shipment date of the transfer L/C.",
	"CT000014": "The amount may not be smaller than the original additional amount.",
	"CT000017": "Latest shipment date must be prior to expiry date.",
	"SF000066": "Amount Specification",
	"CT000016": "Export L/C does not stipulate a latest shipment date.",
	"S0000330": "Historic Overview",
	"CT000054": "Additional Conditions",
	"CT000057": "The presentation period isn\'t equal to the period between shipment date and expiry date.",
	"CT000013": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount.",
	"CT000012": "Content of field(s) $1 differ(s) from the original content of tag 79 and has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully!",
	"CT000056": "Description of Goods",
	"S0000322": "New Presentation Period",
	"PD000324": "Doc's (Amend.)",
	"S0000323": "Days",
	"CT000053": "Documents Required",
	"S0000325": "Documents Required",
	"SF000060": "Current amendment",
	"PD000328": "Goods (Amend.)",
	"S0000326": "Historic Overview",
	"SF000061": "Historic overview of amendment narratives",
	"S0000329": "Description of Goods",
	"PD000001": "Amendment",
	"CF000300": "...",
	"CG000338": "Spec. Pay Cond. for Beneficiary",
	"CF000301": "Red/Green Clause ?",
	"CF000065": "",
	"SG000347": "Instructions to Paying/Accepting/Negotiating Bank",
	"CT000029": "Amendment Narrative",
	"CG000336": "Red/Green Clause ?",
	"CG000337": "Spec. Pay Cond. for Receiving Bank",
	"CF000309": "Current amendment modified",
	"CT000022": "The presentation period isn\'t equal to the period between shipment date and expiry date.",
	"S0000340": "Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary",
	"CT000021": "The confirmation might be handled manually",
	"S0000341": "Historic Overview",
	"SF000311": "Send Request to",
	"CT000023": "Please lower the Amendment number. No more than $1 amendments are allowed.",
	"S0000333": "Historic Overview",
	"PD000114": "Add. Con. (Amend.)",
	"S0000334": "Additional Conditions",
	"CT000020": "The new expiry date is later than the expiry date of the export L/C.",
	"SF000073": "Current Amendm. No.",
	"SF000072": "Total Amendment",
	"PD000110": "Doc's (Amend.)",