exportdefault{"RF000048":"Not allowed, if no contract is loaded.","RF000049":"Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.","RF000040":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is opened and not closed.","RF000041":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is opened and not closed.","RF000042":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is opened and not closed.","RF000043":"An existing Reimbursement contract (can be closed).","RF000044":"An existing Reimbursement contract (can be closed).","CT000010":"The selected transaction cannot be started under selected Reimbursement Contract","RF000045":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is opened and not closed.","RF000046":"All existing Reimbursement Claims must be closed.","CT000012":"No Reimbursement Contract is selected","RF000047":"A closed Reimbursement contract.","CT000031":"No more utilizations possible as the maximum number of 999 has been reached","CT000030":"There are open claims under the selected Reimbursement Contract","RF000037":"The open amount must be different from zero.","RF000038":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is opened and not closed.","RF000039":"The number of amendments must be less than 99.","CT000029":"No more amendments possible as the maximum number of 99 has been reached","CT000026":"Selected Reimbursement Contract is not closed","RF000051":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is opened and not closed.","CT000025":"Selected Reimbursement Contract is closed","RF000052":"The open amount must not be zero and the number of utilizations must be less than 99.","CT000028":"Selected Reimbursement Contract has been fully utilized","CT000027":"Selected Reimbursement Contract has an open amount","RF000032":"This transaction creates a new Reimbursement contract.","RF000033":"If an existing Reimbursement contract is used, it must not be opened or closed.","RF000034":"This transaction creates a new Reimbursement contract.","CT000024":"Selected Reimbursement Contract is not yet opened","RF000035":"If an existing Reimbursement contract is used, it must not be opened or closed.","CT000023":"Selected Reimbursement Contract is already opened","RF000036":"An existing Reimbursement contract, which is not closed.","RF000050":"Not allowed, if no contract is loaded. This transaction could be started from CONCHG only.",}