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wangren committed
1 2 3 4 5 6
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from "../Common/Pts"

export default class Infpty{
    constructor () { = {
闫泽浩 committed
wangren committed
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
							nam:"",			//  External Visible Name		.ptysea.nam
							extkey:"",			//  Party No.		.ptysea.extkey
							str1:"",			//  Street/SWIFT Line 3		.adrsea.str1
							bic:"",			//  BIC 		.adrsea.bic
							loctxt:"",			//  Textpart of City/Second Part of SWIFT Line 4		.adrsea.loctxt
							loczip:"",			//  ZIP Code		.adrsea.loczip
						seatypb:"",			//  Bank		.seatypb
						seatypc:"",			//  Client		.seatypc
						seatypa:"",			//  Own Address		.seatypa
						seatypo:"",			//  Other		.seatypo
							dspstm:"",			//  display stream		.infbut.dspstm
wangren committed
							selrow: 0	// Number of selected row
wangren committed
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
						seatyph:"",			//  海关		.seatyph
						persontype:"",			//  客户类别		.persontype
						zhbchinr:"",			//  支行行号		.zhbchinr
						shxydm:"",			//  统一社会信用代码		.shxydm
						jyzt:"",			//  交易主体		.jyzt
								extkey:"",			//  Address Number		.recgrp.rec.extkey
								nam:"",			//  Party Name		.recgrp.rec.nam
								adrsta:"",			//  Address Status		.recgrp.rec.adrsta
								hbkaccflg:"",			//  Use Accounting of House Bank		.recgrp.rec.hbkaccflg
								heqaccflg:"",			//  Use Accounting of Headquarters		.recgrp.rec.heqaccflg
								accusr:"",			//  User ID of Account Officer		.recgrp.rec.accusr
								nam1:"",			//  Chinese name		.recgrp.rec.nam1
								juscod:"",			//  组织机构'码		.recgrp.rec.juscod
wangren committed
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
								rskcls:"",			//  Credit Class		.recgrp.rec.rskcls
								rskcty:"",			//  Risk Country		.recgrp.rec.rskcty
								rsktxt:"",			//  Risk Description		.recgrp.rec.rsktxt
								sla:"",			//  Service Level		.recgrp.rec.sla
								akkcom:"",			//  金融机构类型		.recgrp.rec.akkcom
								cunqii:"",			//  流动资金贷款利率档次		.recgrp.rec.cunqii
								bilvvv:"",			//  上浮比率		.recgrp.rec.bilvvv
								idtype:"",			//  客户类型		.recgrp.rec.idtype
								idcode:"",			//  身份证号码		.recgrp.rec.idcode
								trnman:"",			//  交易主体		.recgrp.rec.trnman
								speeco:"",			//  特殊经济区域		.recgrp.rec.speeco
								bngcod:"",			//  企业海关十位制编码		.recgrp.rec.bngcod
								ecifno:"",			//  ECIFNO		.recgrp.rec.ecifno
								crmtyp:"",			//  贸金客户类别		.recgrp.rec.crmtyp
								ecifnam1:"",			//  ECIFNO中文名称		.recgrp.rec.ecifnam1
								ecifjuscod:"",			//  组织机构代码		.recgrp.rec.ecifjuscod
								qygmgb:"",			//  企业规模(国标)		.recgrp.rec.qygmgb
								khbsdt:"",				//  是否电商		.recgrp.rec.dshflg
wangren committed
60 61 62 63
							typb:"",			//  Bank		.recgrp.typb
							typc:"",			//  Client		.recgrp.typc
							typa:"",			//  Own Address		.recgrp.typa
闫泽浩 committed
							typo:"",			//  Other		.recgrp.typo      
wangren committed
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
								nam1:"",			//  Name 1/SWIFT Line 1		.recgrp.adrmaa.nam1
								nam2:"",			//  Name 2/SWIFT Line 2		.recgrp.adrmaa.nam2
								nam3:"",			//  Name 3		.recgrp.adrmaa.nam3
								str1:"",			//  Street/SWIFT Line 3		.recgrp.adrmaa.str1
								str2:"",			//  Optional Second Line of Street		.recgrp.adrmaa.str2
								loczip:"",			//  ZIP Code/First Part of SWIFT Line 4		.recgrp.adrmaa.loczip
								loctxt:"",			//  Textpart of City/Second Part of SWIFT Line 4		.recgrp.adrmaa.loctxt
								loc2:"",			//  Optional Second Line of City		.recgrp.adrmaa.loc2
								pob:"",			//  Line with Postbox		.recgrp.adrmaa.pob
								pobzip:"",			//  ZIP Code Used when Addressing Postbox		.recgrp.adrmaa.pobzip
								pobtxt:"",			//  Textpart of City Used when Addressing Postbox		.recgrp.adrmaa.pobtxt
								loccty:"",			//  Country		.recgrp.adrmaa.loccty
								eml:"",			//  eMail/Internet		.recgrp.adrmaa.eml
								tel1:"",			//  Telephone 1		.recgrp.adrmaa.tel1
								tel2:"",			//  Telephone 2		.recgrp.adrmaa.tel2
								fax1:"",			//  Telefax 1		.recgrp.adrmaa.fax1
								fax2:"",			//  Telefax 2		.recgrp.adrmaa.fax2
								tlx:"",			//  Telex Number		.recgrp.adrmaa.tlx
								bic:"",			//  BIC of Address Optional		.recgrp.adrmaa.bic
								bid:"",			//  Branch Identification Used in Option B of SWIFT Fieldtags
								tid:"",			//  TradeConnect ID		.recgrp.adrmaa.tid
								blz:"",			//  Bankleitzahl German Clearing Code		.recgrp.adrmaa.blz
								clc:"",			//  Clearing Code for Banks		.recgrp.adrmaa.clc
								uil:"",			//  Default Language Code		.recgrp.adrmaa.uil
								cortyp:"",			//  Primary Output Chanel of Messages SWT, LET, TLX, TCO		.recgrp.adrmaa.cortyp
								dpt:"",			//  Department		.recgrp.adrmaa.dpt
								adr1:"",			//  Chinese Address		.recgrp.adrmaa.adr1
								adr2:"",			//  		.recgrp.adrmaa.adr2
								adr3:"",			//  		.recgrp.adrmaa.adr3
wangren committed
95 96 97 98 99 100
								dtacid:"",			//  DTA Import L/C ID		.recgrp.adrmaa.dtacid
								dtecid:"",			//  DTA Export L/C ID		.recgrp.adrmaa.dtecid
								dtgcid:"",			//  DTA Guarantees ID		.recgrp.adrmaa.dtgcid
								discod:"",			//  国内地区码		.recgrp.adrmaa.discod
								adrelc:"",			//  地址		.recgrp.adrmaa.adrelc
								namelc:"",			//  		.recgrp.adrmaa.adr3
wangren committed
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
								extkey:"",			//  Address Number		.recgrp.hbk.extkey
								nam:"",			//  External Visible Name		.recgrp.hbk.nam
								extkey:"",			//  Address Number		.recgrp.heq.extkey
								nam:"",			//  External Visible Name		.recgrp.heq.nam
							typh:"",			//  海关		.recgrp.typh
								issbchinf:"",			//  Info of bank		.recgrp.ptamaa.issbchinf
wangren committed
114 115 116 117 118 119 120
								cur:"",			//  Currency		.recgrp.ptyrat.cur
								buytyp:"",			//  Customer Specific Buying Rate Type		.recgrp.ptyrat.buytyp
								seltyp:"",			//  Customer Specific Selling Rate Type		.recgrp.ptyrat.seltyp
								buyrat:"",			//  Buy rate discount		.recgrp.ptyrat.buyrat
								selrat:"",			//  Sell rate discount		.recgrp.ptyrat.selrat
wangren committed
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
									seainf:"",			//  		.recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf
									dadsnd:"",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
									seainf:"",			//  		.recpan.hbkget.sdamod.seainf
									dadsnd:"",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.hbkget.sdamod.dadsnd
									seainf:"",			//  		.recpan.heqget.sdamod.seainf
									dadsnd:"",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.heqget.sdamod.dadsnd
wangren committed
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
							bchkey:"",//  Branch Key		.recpan.bchkey
							idnam:"",			//  名称		.recpan.idnam
							selpct:"",			//  Percent		.recpan.selpct
							buypct:"",			//  Percent		.recpan.buypct
							ratstm:"",			//  Rate Stream		.recpan.ratstm
								labinftxt:"",			//  Label for INFTXT		.recpan.ptyinf.labinftxt
									inftxt:"",			//  Infotext		.recpan.ptyinf.oit.inftxt
									inflev:"",			//  Infotext Level		.recpan.ptyinf.oit.inflev
								labinftxt:"",			//  Label for INFTXT		.recpan.ptystp.labinftxt
									inftxt:"",			//  Infotext		.recpan.ptystp.oit.inftxt
									inflev:"",			//  Infotext Level		.recpan.ptystp.oit.inflev
							actnum:0,		//  Total Number of Accounts		.recpan.actnum
							act:"",				//后加进来的LIst 后端IDEA 前端也需要手动添加
wangren committed
162 163 164 165 166
									labinftxt:"",			//  Label for INFTXT		.recpan.ptssub.oited2.labinftxt
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167 168 169 170 171
						pageId: ""			// ctx的key