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zhangzhenmin committed
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import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from "../Common/Pts"

nanrui committed
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export default class Infbcd {
	constructor() { = {
			infcon: {
				seaownref: "",			//  Own Reference		.infcon.seaownref
				nam: "",			//  Name		.infcon.nam
				searef: "",			//  Party Reference		.infcon.searef
				pty: {
					extkey: "",			//  Select Single Party		.infcon.pty.extkey
					nam: "",			//  External Visible Name		.infcon.pty.nam
				seapty: "",			//  Party Name/BIC		.infcon.seapty
				searol: "",			//  Role		.infcon.searol
				opndatfrom: "",			//  Opening between		.infcon.opndatfrom
				opndatto: "",			//  Open Date to		.infcon.opndatto
				usr: {
					extkey: "",			//  User ID		.infcon.usr.extkey
				seasta: "",			//  Status		.infcon.seasta
				seacur: "",			//  Currency		.infcon.seacur
				seaamtfr: "",			//  Amount between		.infcon.seaamtfr
				seaamtto: "",			//  Amount to		.infcon.seaamtto
				relflg: "",			//  Release Status		.infcon.relflg
				cxmflg: "",			//  是否显示查询码		.infcon.cxmflg
				hndtyp: "",			//  Handling Type		.infcon.hndtyp
				cbctxt: "",			//  CBS Column		.infcon.cbctxt
				cbbstm: "",			//  stream of CBBs		.infcon.cbbstm
				smhcortyp: "",			//  Type of Document		.infcon.smhcortyp
				smhdatfrom: "",			//  Created between 		.infcon.smhdatfrom
				smhdatto: "",			//  created till		.infcon.smhdatto
				smhdir: "",			//  Direction		.infcon.smhdir
				chktrn: "",			//  Active only		.infcon.chktrn
				smhstm: "",			//  stream of documents to selected contract		.infcon.smhstm
				ordstm: "",			//  Stream for Orders for Contract		.infcon.ordstm
				cbestm: "",			//  stream of CBEs		.infcon.cbestm
				liastm: "",			//  Stream for all engagements to selected contract		.infcon.liastm
				trnp: {
					prtpanblk: "",			//  XMLPanel prtpan的内置block		.infcon.trnp.prtpanblk
				seabucdatfro: "",			//  Booking date from		.infcon.seabucdatfro
				seabucdatto: "",			//  Booking date till used on GLEINFP		.infcon.seabucdatto
				seatrninr: "",			//  Transaction INR		.infcon.seatrninr
				glestm: "",			//  Stream of GLEs		.infcon.glestm
				chksubcon: "",			//  incl. all subcontracts		.infcon.chksubcon
				chktrnsta: "",			//  only active transactions		.infcon.chktrnsta
				trnstm: "",			//  stream for TRN to selected contract		.infcon.trnstm
				sptinc: "",			//  Incoming		.infcon.sptinc
				sptreg: "",			//  Registered		.infcon.sptreg
				sptpen: "",			//  Pending		.infcon.sptpen
				sptcor: "",			//  Correction		.infcon.sptcor
				sptdel: "",			//  Deleted		.infcon.sptdel
				sptstm: "",			//  stream for SPT to selected contract		.infcon.sptstm
				diadatfrom: "",			//  Date from		.infcon.diadatfrom
				diadatto: "",			//  date till		.infcon.diadatto
				diasta: "",			//  Status		.infcon.diasta
				diastm: "",			//  stream for diaries to selected contract		.infcon.diastm
				objinr: ""
			seadoctypcod: "",			//  Payment Condition		.seadoctypcod
			infbut: {
				dspstm: "",			//  display stream		.infbut.dspstm
				vermod: {
					difsrm: "",			//  displayable stream of differences		.infbut.vermod.difsrm
			seagodcod: "",			//  Goods Code		.seagodcod
			prtpanblk: "",			//  XMLPanel prtpan的内置block		.prtpanblk
			bcdgrp: {
				rec: {
					relgodflg: "",			//  Release of Goods		.bcdgrp.rec.relgodflg
					reltyp: "",			//  Release Type		.bcdgrp.rec.reltyp
					relgoddat: "",			//  Release Date		.bcdgrp.rec.relgoddat
					expdat: "",			//  Expiry Date of Shipping Guarantee		.bcdgrp.rec.expdat
					trpdoctyp: "",			//  Transport Doc. Type		.bcdgrp.rec.trpdoctyp
					trpdocnum: "",			//  Transport Doc. Ref.		.bcdgrp.rec.trpdocnum
					tradat: "",			//  Document Dated		.bcdgrp.rec.tradat
					tramod: "",			//  Mode of Transport		.bcdgrp.rec.tramod
					shpfro: "",			//  Shipment from		.bcdgrp.rec.shpfro
					shpto: "",			//  Shipment to		.bcdgrp.rec.shpto
					rtodreflg: "",			//  Release to Drawee Flag		.bcdgrp.rec.rtodreflg
					agtdat: "",			//  Agent's Invoice Dated Tag 43C		.bcdgrp.rec.agtdat
					ownref: "",			//  Reference		.bcdgrp.rec.ownref
					resflg: "",			//  Reserved Contract		.bcdgrp.rec.resflg
					dftgarflg: "",			//  Draft to be Guaranteed		.bcdgrp.rec.dftgarflg
					rcvdat: "",			//  Docs received on		.bcdgrp.rec.rcvdat
					predat: "",			//  Date of Remittance Lt.		.bcdgrp.rec.predat
					advdat: "",			//  Advised on		.bcdgrp.rec.advdat
					oridre: "",			//  Send Original Documents to Drawee		.bcdgrp.rec.oridre
					doctypcod: "",			//  Collection Condition		.bcdgrp.rec.doctypcod
					matdat: "",			//  Maturity Date		.bcdgrp.rec.matdat
					matpercnt: "",			//  Tenor Specification		.bcdgrp.rec.matpercnt
					matpertyp: "",			//  Days/Months or Years for Maturity Period		.bcdgrp.rec.matpertyp
					matperbeg: "",			//  Tenor Starting from		.bcdgrp.rec.matperbeg
					stacty: "",			//  Country Code Risk Country		.bcdgrp.rec.stacty
					nam: "",			//  Name		.bcdgrp.rec.nam
					invtyp: "",			//  发票类型		.bcdgrp.rec.invtyp
					chato: "",			//  Our Charges to		.bcdgrp.rec.chato
					focflg: "",			//  Free of Payment		.bcdgrp.rec.focflg
					waicolcod: "",			//  Waive Collecting Bank Charges		.bcdgrp.rec.waicolcod
					wairmtcod: "",			//  Waive Remitting Bank Charges		.bcdgrp.rec.wairmtcod
					othins: "",			//  Defer Payment until		.bcdgrp.rec.othins
					stagod: "",			//  Good's Code (for Statistics)		.bcdgrp.rec.stagod
					proins: "",			//  Protest Instructions		.bcdgrp.rec.proins
				blk: {
					vesselnam: "",			//  Vessel Name		.bcdgrp.blk.vesselnam
					covgod: "",			//  Covered Goods		.bcdgrp.blk.covgod
					reladr: "",			//  Release to Address		.bcdgrp.blk.reladr
					bctfre: "",			//  Free Text Tag 42J		.bcdgrp.blk.bctfre
					docpre: "",			//  Presented Documents		.bcdgrp.blk.docpre
					intins: "",			//  Interest Instructions		.bcdgrp.blk.intins
					agtaut: "",			//  Authority of Agent		.bcdgrp.blk.agtaut
					agtinf: "",			//  Further Information		.bcdgrp.blk.agtinf
					bcgdet: "",			//  Maturity Text		.bcdgrp.blk.bcgdet
					bcgdetflg: "",			//  BC Tenor Details modified		.bcdgrp.blk.bcgdetflg
					colins: "",			//  Collection Instructions		.bcdgrp.blk.colins
					dftins: "",			//  Draft Instructions		.bcdgrp.blk.dftins
					othins: "",			//  Other Instructions		.bcdgrp.blk.othins
					chgtxt: "",			//  Charges Text		.bcdgrp.blk.chgtxt
				rog: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.rog.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.rog.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.rog.dbfadrblkcn
				dre: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.dre.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.dre.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.dre.dbfadrblkcn
				co2: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.co2.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.co2.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.co2.dbfadrblkcn
				rmi: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.rmi.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.rmi.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.rmi.dbfadrblkcn
				drr: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.drr.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.drr.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.drr.dbfadrblkcn
				agt: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.agt.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.agt.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.agt.dbfadrblkcn
				agb: {
					pts: new Pts().data,
					namelc: "",			//  名称		.bcdgrp.agb.namelc
					adrelc: "",			//  地址		.bcdgrp.agb.adrelc
					dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.bcdgrp.agb.dbfadrblkcn
				cbs: {
					max: {
						cur: "",			//  Document Amount
						amt: "",			//  Document Amount
					opn1: {
						cur: "",			//  Open Amount
						amt: "",			//  Open Amount
			recpan: {
				rogp: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.rogp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.rogp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
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184 185 186 187 188 189 190
				drep: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.drep.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.drep.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
zhangzhenmin committed
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192 193 194 195 196 197 198
				co2p: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.co2p.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.co2p.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
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nanrui committed
200 201 202 203 204 205 206
				rmip: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.rmip.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.rmip.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
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nanrui committed
208 209 210 211 212 213 214
				drrp: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.drrp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
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nanrui committed
216 217 218 219 220 221 222
				agtp: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.agtp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.agtp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
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224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309
				agbp: {
					ptsget: {
						sdamod: {
							seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.agbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
							dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.agbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
				recget: {
					sdamod: {
						seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf
						dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
				usrget: {
					sdamod: {
						seainf: "",			//  		.recpan.usrget.sdamod.seainf
				usr: {
					extkey: "",			//  Responsible User		.recpan.usr.extkey
				docgrdm: {
					docdsclab: "",			//  Label of document description		.recpan.docgrdm.docdsclab
				sblx: "",			//  申报类型		.recpan.sblx
				acttyplab: "",			//  款项去向		.recpan.acttyplab
				acttyp: "",			//  ACTTYP		.recpan.acttyp
			trnmod: {
				seclab: "",			//  static		.trnmod.seclab
				commetlab: "",			//  自槸区备注label		.trnmod.commetlab
				recbchnam: "",			//  接收行名称		.trnmod.recbchnam
				recbchkey: "",			//  接收行行号		.trnmod.recbchkey
				pyeact: "",			//  收款人账号		.trnmod.pyeact
				flg: "",			//  电汇凭证		.trnmod.flg
				bustyp: "",			//  业务种类		.trnmod.bustyp
				secmod: "",			//  二代模式		.trnmod.secmod
				orcnam: "",			//  付款人名称		.trnmod.orcnam
				orcadr: "",			//  付款人地址		.trnmod.orcadr
				pyenam: "",			//  收款人名称		.trnmod.pyenam
				pyeadr: "",			//  收款人地址		.trnmod.pyeadr
				pyebchkey: "",			//  收款人开户行行号		.trnmod.pyebchkey
				pyebchnam: "",			//  收款人开户行		.trnmod.pyebchnam
				commen: "",			//  附言		.trnmod.commen
				comsystbl: "",			//  自槸区备注		.trnmod.comsystbl
				ptsmod: {
					fecinf: {
						fecstm: "",			//  Stream of fee conditions of passed object		.trnmod.ptsmod.fecinf.fecstm
				trndoc: {
					ersmod: {
						ersimm: {
							docedipblk: "",			//  XMLPanel docedip的内置block		.trnmod.trndoc.ersmod.ersimm.docedipblk
			mtabut: {
				coninf: {
					oitinf: {
						labinftxt: "",			//  Label for INFTXT		.mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt
						oit: {
							inftxt: "",			//  Infotext		.mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt
							inflev: "",			//  Infotext Level		.mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev
					oitset: {
						labinftxt: "",			//  Label for INFTXT		.mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt
						oit: {
							inftxt: "",			//  Infotext		.mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt
							inflev: "",			//  Infotext Level		.mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev
					conexedat: "",			//  执行日期		.mtabut.coninf.conexedat
					usr: {
						extkey: "",			//  User ID		.mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey
			pageId: ""			// ctx的key
zhangzhenmin committed