lttcan.js 655 Bytes
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export default {
	"CF000001": "...",
	"CF000010": "Send Message",
	"CT000049": "Acknowledgment of cancelation to beneficiary",
	"CT000054": "Advice of Transfer L/C Cancelation",
	"SF000003": "Narrative",
	"CT000051": "Advice of Transfer LC Cancelation",
	"CT000050": "Document set $1 not sent nor rejected\nCancelation cannot be processed",
	"CT000053": "Are you sure, that you don\'t want to send the message,\nalthough there are fees to the beneficiary?",
	"PD000009": "MT 742 Reimbursement Claim",
	"PD000012": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000011": "Advice of Cancelation",
	"PD000046": "Advice of Cancelation",
	"PD000002": "Cancelation",