exportdefault{"CT000312":"amendment","CT000378":"New L/C amount","CT000234":"Mapping of amendment amount $1 $2 adjusted to new amount of message.\nNew amount $1 $3 does not match with calulated amount of contract $1 $4\nSequence of amendments should be checked","CT000377":"Amount reduced","CT000379":"New Tolerance","CT000233":"Mapping of amendment amount $1 $2 cleared because not in contract currency $3","CT000398":"转让信用证过期提示:$1","CT000376":"Amount increased","PD000027":"MT 742 Reimbursement Claim","PD000029":"Acknowledgment","PD000028":"Amendment","CT000390":"at your end","PD000040":"Reimbursement Authorization","PD000042":"Reimbursement Amendment","CT000407":"The transaction that created the autoregistration holds additional amounts. Please remove the additional amount flag if not required for this transfer or enter additional amount details.","CT000228":"Transfer LC Expired","CT000227":"Transfer LC will expire","CT000406":"Amount of export L/C has been changed by $1 $2 to $1 $3.\nPlease check if and how this transfer has to be adjusted.","CT000224":"Number of incoming message $1 does not match with amendment number used from contract ($2).","CT000389":"including ours","CT000223":"The amendment number in the incoming message is $1, the next number for the contract is $2.\nAre you sure that this is the correct sequence of amendments?\nDo you want to continue with contract $3?","CT000388":"Current amendment","CT000220":"Mapping of new amount $1 $2 cleared because not in contract currency $3","CT000341":"Amendment received out of sequence. Processed as No. $1.","CT000385":"Additional Conditions","CT000384":"Documents required","CT000387":"For transportation to","CT000386":"Shipment from","PD000038":"Navigation Buttons of Transaction","CT000381":"New Shipment Date","CT000380":"New Expiry Date","CT000383":"Description of goods","CT000382":"Other amendments","PD000392":"",}