botsel.js 2.35 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
export default {
	"SF000206": "% of Parent Amount",
	"CF000112": "Show closed",
	"SF000205": "Percentage",
	"CF000110": "Show closed",
	"SF000207": "Sold or Reserved",
	"S0000192": "Opened on",
	"CF000319": "",
	"S0000193": "Valid until",
	"S0000194": "Seller",
	"S0000195": "Ref.",
	"CF000318": "Show closed",
	"S0000075": "Ref.",
	"S0000076": "Document Amount",
	"S0000077": "Advance Details",
	"PD000027": "Menu",
	"S0000080": "Reference",
	"S0000081": "Advance Amount",
	"S0000082": "Name",
	"CF000209": "Our Presentation",
	"S0000084": "Collecting Bank",
	"S0000085": "Reference",
	"SG000320": "Advance Account",
	"S0000087": "Name",
	"SF000213": "Expires",
	"SF000212": "Parent Issued on",
	"CT000089": "1 Advance",
	"PD000134": "Header for BO, FP",
	"CF000210": "Silent Forfaiting",
	"CF000211": "Funded",
	"SF000109": "Collection Condition",
	"CF000099": "",
	"SF000108": "Type of Advance",
	"CT000219": "The passed Forfaiting is not connected to an Export collection and can not be processed here.",
	"S0000052": "Open Amount",
	"S0000053": "Ref.",
	"S0000054": "Drawer",
	"S0000055": "Drawee",
	"S0000056": "Collection Condition",
	"S0000057": "Ref.",
	"CT000095": "The passed Advance is not connected to an export collection and can not be processed here.",
	"PD000048": "Header for BO, BP",
	"CT000094": "Advance closed on $1",
	"CT000097": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000096": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000091": "with Advance",
	"CT000090": "$1 Advances",
	"CT000092": "The selected advance is not linked to export collection. Please make another selection.",
	"PD000043": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000047": "Header for BO",
	"PD000046": "Selection Header for BO",
	"SF000313": "This Purchase Offer is Valid until",
	"SF000316": "Name",
	"SF000315": "Reference",
	"S0000060": "Presentation Date",
	"S0000061": "Tenor Specification",
	"S0000062": "Ref.",
	"SF000198": "Issuing Bank",
	"S0000064": "Document Amount",
	"S0000065": "Open Amount",
	"CT000220": "Can\'t find Export collection to Forfaiting.",
	"S0000066": "Ref.",
	"SF000199": "Ref.",
	"CF000104": "",
	"S0000067": "Drawer",
	"S0000188": "Agree to Purchase",
	"S0000189": "Open Amount",
	"SF000113": "Document Set Status",
	"S0000058": "Collecting Bank",
	"S0000059": "Order Date",
	"PD000314": "Selection Header for FP",