txsmod.js 2.08 KB
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export default {
	"CF000012": "->",
	"SF000008": "Language",
	"CF000010": "&Take",
	"CT000018": "Text module $1.$2 could not be found,\nplease correct in text module maintenance or modify text.",
	"CF000011": "&Select",
	"CT000015": "The block holds at least one reference to a textmodule (character $1).\nPlease delete the reference or replace it with a valid text.",
	"CT000017": "The selected text block does not fit into the text field and was cut off.",
	"CT000016": "Error found in a formula in the text module $1,\nplease correct in text module maintenance.",
	"CT000010": "No fitting text block defined.",
	"CT000013": "Text Module Selection for $1 fitting to $2",
	"CT000030": "The block contains character \'$1\'.\nPlease delete the character or replace it with a valid text.",
	"PD000002": "Textmodule Selection",
	"CF000004": "Text Module",
	"CT000008": "The text block currently does not fit into the defined size\nof the field and has to be cut off.",
	"CT000007": "The text block currently does not fit into the defined size\nof the field and has to be cut off.",
	"CT000009": "The requested Language is now $1.\nTextmodule with different languages where loaded previously.\nPlease confirm that the text is correct by\nhitting the textmodule button and either select appropriate text module\nor just close the selection without picking a textmodule.",
	"CT000004": "The selected text block does not fit into the text field and was cut off.",
	"CT000026": "Error found in a field reference in this field.",
	"CT000025": "The text block is already filled up to the last line and\nhas to be cut off to add a new text module,\nbecause textmodule are inserted in a new line.",
	"CT000028": "The current text exceeds the defined size and needs to be adjusted.",
	"CF000009": "&Close",
	"CT000005": "Error found in a formula in the text module $1,\nplease correct in text module maintenance.",
	"CT000000": "Text Module Selection for $1",
	"CF000007": "Sel",
	"CT000002": "Error found in a formula in the text module \'$1\',\nplease correct in text module maintenance.",
	"CF000005": "Name",
	"CF000006": "Language",