exportdefault{"CT000019":"No party for address $1 found","CT000018":"No party has been selected for address $1","CT000058":"Party Number","CT000017":"$1/$2: $3","CT000039":"请至少输入EXTKEY的前四个字符!","RG000054":"STP\' and OIT.OBJTYP = \'PTY\' and OIT.OBJINR = >>PTA.PTYINR<<\" )","CT000016":"$1/$2 is not available!\nStoplevel: $4\nStoptext: $3","RG000055":"Name 2\', 0, \"\" )","CT000033":"No party selected.","CT000035":"For $1 no fitting party of the type $2 found.\nPlease respecify the external key.","CT000012":"The passed Party is not available. The passed data is ignored.","CT000034":"For $1 no fitting party found.\nPlease respecify the external key.","CT000053":"Select a Party","CT000070":"$1/$2 is not available!\nStoplevel: $4\nStoptext: $3","CT000029":"Caution: There are pending updates to the party\n$1/$2.","CT000026":"No party selected.","RG000067":"Name 2\', 0, \"\" )","CT000003":"No Party selected, but data is entered.\nClear data or select a Party.","CT000069":"Type","CT000028":"For $1 no fitting party of the type $2 found.\nPlease respecify the external key.","CT000027":"For $1 no fitting party found.\nPlease respecify the external key.","CT000021":"Party \'$1\' is not a party of the type \'$2\'","CT000065":"City","CT000068":"Chinese Name","CT000001":"This is not a database party and. Thus the Party cannot be taken with drag & drop.","CT000062":"Street 1","CT000061":"Name 2","CT000020":"Party $1 not found","CT000064":"ZIP","CT000063":"P.O.B.","CT000060":"Name 1",}