codcny.js 752 Bytes
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export default {
	"CT000019": "非自贸区机构不允许选择D开头的选项",
	"CT000007": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000018": "$1",
	"CT000009": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000004": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000006": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000017": "Code Input Error",
	"CT000005": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000011": "Code Input Error",
	"CT000010": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000002": "No Code selected.",
	"R0000014": "\" + TYP + \"\' AND STA=\'A\' AND COD LIKE\'%\" + Trim( COD ) + \"%\' ORDER BY COD \" )",
	"C0000005": "?",
	"CT000020": "自贸区机构不允许选择9开头的选项.",
	"C0000002": "?",
	"T0000006": "收支申报交易编码选择",
	"PD000000": "Code Select Panel",
	"PD000003": "country",