ptmp.js 1008 Bytes
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export default {
	"CT000059": "Message type $1 is not possible, $2 missing",
	"CT000026": "Corr. Type",
	"CT000058": "Message type $1 is not possible, $2 missing",
	"CT000025": "Corr. Adresse",
	"CT000047": "Authent. Key",
	"S0000052": "Address Name",
	"SF000055": "Corresp. Addr.",
	"CT000049": "Please first define address in address maintenance transaction.",
	"S0000053": "Address No.",
	"SF000054": "Corresp. Type",
	"CT000000": "Authentication of Address for $1/$2 already defined",
	"CT000044": "An address must be entered.",
	"SF000057": "Authent. Key",
	"SF000056": "Authentication",
	"T0000025": "Panel for Authentication of Address",
	"CT000057": "Message type $1 is not possible, $2 missing",
	"CT000046": "Authentication",
	"CT000056": "Message type $1 is not possible, $2 missing",
	"CF000028": "",
	"CT000045": "Address",
	"PD000029": "Authentication of Address",
	"CT000060": "Without authenticator keys, only MT 999 can be sent via SWIFT",
	"PD000051": "List of Authentication of Address",