fecp1.js 5.12 KB
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export default {
	"SG000659": "JNWSHX",
	"SG000651": "Min. Periods",
	"SG000650": "开始执行利率",
	"S0000550": "千分率",
	"SF000562": "Fee Type",
	"S0000551": "最小值",
	"S0000552": "最大值",
	"S0000543": "Calculation Base",
	"S0000544": "千分率",
	"S0000545": "最小值",
	"S0000546": "最大值",
	"S0000549": "Calculation Base",
	"SG000649": "从区间",
	"SF000610": "Type of Settlement",
	"SG000648": "开始执行利率",
	"SG000647": "从区间",
	"SG000646": "开始执行利率",
	"SG000645": "从区间",
	"SG000644": "开始执行利率",
	"SG000643": "从区间",
	"SG000642": "Calc. Period",
	"SG000641": "Calculation Base",
	"SG000640": "Maximum",
	"SF000574": "Amount",
	"S0000561": "Calculation Base",
	"PD000139": "Per mille with starting periods add. info",
	"S0000555": "Calculation Base",
	"PD000138": "CBS calc. fees add. info",
	"S0000556": "千分率",
	"S0000557": "最小值",
	"S0000558": "最大值",
	"PD000132": "Rate calc. fees/tiers add. info",
	"SG000639": "Minimum",
	"SF000501": "Calc. Period",
	"SG000638": "Rate",
	"SF000500": "Min. in Adv.",
	"SF000503": "For Increase",
	"SF000502": "Rate Type",
	"SF000505": "Settl. Period",
	"SF000504": "Settle",
	"SF000507": "Calc. Period",
	"SF000506": "Type of Tiers",
	"S0000491": "Changes",
	"S0000492": "Defaulting",
	"S0000530": "最小值",
	"PD000566": "Per mille with tiers add. info",
	"PD000565": "rate fees additional info",
	"S0000529": "Periode at Rate",
	"PD000564": "fix rate additional info",
	"PD000684": "tax panel",
	"SF000512": "Valid for",
	"SF000511": "Periods (if restricted)",
	"SF000599": "Periodic Tier 3",
	"SF000514": "Period Type",
	"SF000513": "Periods (0-complete period)",
	"SF000518": "Above MIN for",
	"SF000517": "Base Amount",
	"SF000596": "千分率",
	"S0000540": "最大值",
	"SF000510": "Above MAX for",
	"SF000598": "Periodic Tier 2",
	"SF000597": "千分率",
	"S0000531": "最大值",
	"S0000538": "Rate",
	"S0000539": "最小值",
	"SF000523": "from Period",
	"SF000522": "Rates to Apply per Period Tier",
	"SF000525": "from Period",
	"SF000524": "from Period",
	"SF000527": "Min. Periods",
	"SF000526": "Calc. Period",
	"SG000698": "销项税",
	"SF000528": "Rate Type",
	"SG000697": "客户属性",
	"S0000590": "千分率",
	"S0000591": "最小值",
	"S0000592": "最大值",
	"S0000595": "Calculation Base",
	"SF000521": "from Period",
	"S0000588": "Calc. Period",
	"S0000589": "Min. Periods",
	"SF000519": "Periods (0-complete period)",
	"PD000461": "interest fees additional info",
	"CF000487": "Fee Type different from Default Condition",
	"CT000008": "The selected currency is invalid",
	"CT000007": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"CT000009": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"SG000686": "客户属性",
	"CT000004": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"SG000685": "销项税",
	"CT000003": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"CT000006": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"PD000609": "FEC panel for LIAALL",
	"CT000005": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"CT000000": "You must select a period type for per mille fees",
	"SF000497": "Amount Tier 2",
	"CT000002": "Maximum amount cannot be less than the minimum amount.",
	"SF000499": "Minimum tot.",
	"CT000001": "The selected currency is invalid",
	"SF000498": "Amount Tier 3",
	"PD000696": "tax panel widtg",
	"CF000653": "每个计费区间与最大值/最小值比较",
	"CT000019": "Discount calculation with percentage per year (365 days), mostly replaced by CBS based calculation.",
	"CT000018": "Per mille fee depending on duration, calculated on amount exceeding the tier limit amount.",
	"CT000015": "Calculation rule not defined in static data sources!!!",
	"CT000014": "unused !!!",
	"CT000017": "Monthly rates in percent based on relevant amount",
	"CT000016": "Rates calculation using rate calculation method based on relevant amount.",
	"CT000011": "Percentage calculation",
	"CT000010": "The selected currency is invalid",
	"CT000013": "Per mille fee depending on duration",
	"CF000654": "每个计费区间与最大值/最小值比较",
	"CT000012": "A fixed amount per unit is calculated. This type will, for example, be used for correspondence charges.",
	"CF000655": "每个计费区间与最大值/最小值比较",
	"PD000486": "Condition Details",
	"CG000656": "每个计费区间与最大值/最小值比较",
	"CT000025": "The fee is only used for amendment of LC!",
	"CG000652": "每个计费区间与最大值/最小值比较",
	"CT000022": "The fee will not be calculated, but it is entered manually per transaction.",
	"S0000582": "Calculation Base",
	"CT000021": "Calculation is based on CBS balance, which can change in course of time, i.e. commission calculation.",
	"CT000024": "The fee is calculated by transaction and not by settlement, only use after consulting development!",
	"CT000023": "Per mille fee with separate definition of interest rates, minima and maxima.",
	"CT000020": "Base rates of business amount, not depending on duration",
	"S0000577": "千分率",
	"S0000578": "最小值",
	"S0000579": "最大值",
	"PD000637": "Amendment of LC",