trnmod.js 9.68 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
export default {
	"CT000279": "COV付款人组织机构代码和COV付款人证件类型字段只需填写一项",
	"CT000278": "COV付款人组织机构代码和COV付款人证件类型字段最少填写一项",
	"CT000275": "此栏位只能输入数字或大写字母,请重新输入",
	"CT000032": "The contract $4 is locked by $2 since $3. Errorcode $1\nThe transaction cannot be executed.",
	"CT000274": "COV收款人组织机构代码不是(9位)或(18位)",
	"CT000035": "The status of contract $1 ($2) does not allow this transaction to be executed.",
	"CT000270": "COV收款人组织机构代码和COV收款人证件类型字段只需填写一项",
	"CT000031": "Previous transactions for contract \'$1\' are still waiting to be released.\nIf any of them is rejected or repaired, your new transaction will be sent to repair aswell.",
	"SG000009": "接收行行号",
	"SG000008": "接收行名称",
	"CT000206": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\"\"\"\"\"-\"开始!",
	"CT000205": "The name is too long, need to be less than $1!",
	"CT000208": "The name is too long, need to be less than 135!",
	"CT000207": "The name is too long, need to be less than $1!",
	"CT000202": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\"\"\"\"\"-\"开始!",
	"CT000047": "Autoreg. $1 $2",
	"CT000204": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\"\"\"\"\"-\"开始!",
	"CT000203": "The name is too long, need to be less than $1!",
	"CT000286": "此栏位不允许输入中文",
	"CT000046": "$1 by $2 on $3/$4",
	"CT000160": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000284": "此栏位只能输入数字或大写字母,请重新输入",
	"CT000283": "COV付款人组织机构代码不是(9位)或(18位)",
	"SG000118": "收款人开户行",
	"CT000216": "此系列地址输入长度超过了 $1个字符或140个汉字!",
	"CT000213": "此系列附言输入长度超过了 $1个字符或105个汉字!",
	"CT000179": "联行信息",
	"CT000212": "此系列地址输入长度超过了 $1个字符或70个汉字!",
	"CT000215": "输入不能超过60个汉字或 $1个字符!",
	"CT000214": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\"\"\"\"\"-\"开始!",
	"CT000176": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"SG000197": "附言",
	"SG000230": "业务种类",
	"CT000175": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CT000299": "字符$1 输入不合法",
	"CT000178": "无匹配记录",
	"SG000195": "收款人开户行行号",
	"CT000056": "There are the following entries for this contract/ transaction in \'Selection of Pending Items\':\n$1.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?",
	"CT000177": "联行信息",
	"CT000174": "联行名称",
	"CT000173": "联行行号",
	"SG000229": "附言",
	"SG000228": "收款直接参与者名称",
	"CT000228": "cips联行行号",
	"CG000059": "获取",
	"SG000227": "收款直接参与者行号",
	"CT000227": "收款直接参与者名称错误,请重新输入!",
	"CT000229": "cips联行名称",
	"CT000224": "需要加强客户及交易背景审查!",
	"CT000223": "需要在OCRM系统维护客户分类!",
	"CT000226": "收款直接参与者行号错误,请重新输入!",
	"CT000225": "收款直接参与者名称错误,请重新输入!",
	"CT000066": "More than 20 levels in headquarter/housebank sequence for account defaulting.\nMost likely result of a circular definition in DBIPTY. Please check.",
	"CT000220": "检测到以下域存在转义字符导致单个域单行字符数越界,请手动处理\n$1",
	"CT000065": "A 2nd slash (\'/\') is missing at line $1.",
	"CT000068": "The contract $5 is locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nThe transaction cannot be executed.",
	"CT000222": "需要加强客户及交易背景审查!",
	"CT000067": "There are the following entries for this contract/ transaction in \'Selection of Pending Items\':\n$1.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?",
	"CT000221": "需要在OCRM系统维护客户分类!",
	"CT000183": "错误信息:$1",
	"CT000061": "Uncommitted Workflow Services for the following previous transaction(s) for contract \'$1\' are waiting to be processed:\n$2 If any of them is rejected or repaired, your new transaction will be sent to repair as well.",
	"CT000182": "获取类型值成功! $1",
	"CT000064": "The following codes are allowed to use only:\n$1.",
	"CT000063": "Line $1 has to start with a slash (\'/\').",
	"CT000060": "The respective order for contract $5 is locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nThe transaction cannot be executed.",
	"CT000180": "请点击\"获取\"按钮得到报文类型!",
	"CT000239": "COV收款人开户行行号和COV收款非银行支付机构账号必须输入一项",
	"CT000235": "至少输入6位行号",
	"CT000234": "cips联行信息",
	"CT000237": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入",
	"CT000236": "收款直接参与者行号错误,请重新输入!",
	"CT000077": "A negative amount is not allowed",
	"CT000231": "是否显示银行列表?",
	"CT000076": "Caution: There are already several contracts stored with OWNREF $1.\nThe reference of this picked up contract has been cleared.\nThe contracts with following INRs shall be checked in the database carefully.\n$2",
	"CT000197": "YYYYMMDD",
	"CT000230": "至少输入4个字",
	"CT000079": "One of the following transactions for contract \'$1\' is waiting for recalculation of predecessors:\n$2 transactions for this contract cannot be entered until recalculation has been finished.",
	"CT000233": "收款直接参与者名称错误,请重新输入!",
	"CT000232": "cips联行信息",
	"CT000194": "此栏位不能全部为空格,请去掉空格后保存!",
	"CT000072": "There are the following entries regarding amendment(s) in \'Selection of Pending Items\' for contract $1:\n$2.\nAmounts and/or dates have to be checked and might have to be amended manually!\nPress OK to leave the transaction to process the entries first.",
	"CT000193": "The name is too long, need to be less than 135!",
	"CT000075": "There are the following entries in \'Selection of Pending Items\' for contract $1.\n$2",
	"CT000074": "There are the following entries regarding amendment(s) in \'Selection of Pending Items\' for contract $1.\n$2",
	"CT000190": "此栏位不能以回车换行开始!",
	"CT000192": "The comment is too long, need to be less than 60!",
	"CT000070": "Please note the following instruction for order $2:\n$1",
	"CT000191": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\"\"\"\"\"-\"开始!",
	"PD000220": "CIPS要素",
	"CT000129": "<empty>",
	"CT000249": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000246": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000003": "The amount has to be positive",
	"CT000245": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000248": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000005": "Transaction not assigned to a contract.+\n+Contract information is not saved.",
	"CT000247": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000242": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000241": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入",
	"CT000123": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000244": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000243": "请按顺序先输入COV收款非银行支付机构地址1",
	"CT000084": "The contract $1 is defined in another entity.\nPlease reroute incoming message to the appropriate entity\nor use a different contract.",
	"CT000083": "Error in message $1, tag $2:",
	"CT000240": "COV收款人开户行行号和COV收款非银行支付机构账号只可输入一项",
	"CT000080": "The following transactions for contract \'$1\' are waiting for recalculation of predecessors:\n$2 transactions for this contract cannot be entered until recalculation has been finished.",
	"CT000136": "Line $1 must not start with a slash (\'/\').",
	"CT000257": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000135": "Line $1 has to start with a slash (\'/\').",
	"CT000256": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入",
	"CG000024": "电汇凭证",
	"CT000138": "The entered text for Tag :$1: in message $2 contains a backslash at the beginning of a row. Most likely SWIFT codes shall be used and the text has been automatically converted to be SWIFT conform. Please check result in outgoing message",
	"CT000259": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000258": "请按顺序先输入COV付款非银行支付机构地址1",
	"SG000031": "业务种类",
	"CT000252": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入",
	"CT000255": "COV付款人开户行行号和COV付款非银行支付机构账号只可输入一项",
	"CT000254": "COV付款人开户行行号和COV付款非银行支付机构账号必须输入一项",
	"CT000130": "<empty>",
	"CT000251": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"PD000001": "CMT100/HVPS要素",
	"SG000028": "付款人地址",
	"SG000027": "付款人名称",
	"SG000026": "收款人地址",
	"CT000026": "No contract available for transaction",
	"SG000025": "收款人名称",
	"CT000025": "Previous transactions for contract \'$1\' are still waiting to be released.\nIf any of them is rejected or repaired, your new transaction will be sent to repair as well.",
	"CT000300": "此栏位不允许输入中文",
	"CT000267": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000028": "The contract $4 is locked by $2 since $3. Errorcode $1\nThe contract is not available in this transaction.",
	"CT000021": "An existing contract is required to execute this transaction.\nEither no contract was passed or the passed contract is deleted.\nThe transaction cannot be executed. Please install the contract first.",
	"SG000020": "收款人账号",
	"CT000263": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000265": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000260": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000262": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",
	"CT000261": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"",