inftrd.js 3.12 KB
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export default {
	"CT000036": "Responsible User",
	"SG000132": "Goods Code",
	"CT000033": "Closed",
	"CT000034": "Cur",
	"PD000027": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction",
	"CT000031": "Open Amount",
	"PD000023": "Print",
	"PD000024": "Selection",
	"PD000018": "Loan",
	"CT000059": "Issued on",
	"CT000058": "Open Amount",
	"S0000124": "入账机构",
	"S0000125": "第三方还款方式",
	"S0000126": "预收息金额",
	"CT000053": "% Finance",
	"S0000127": "第三方还款账号",
	"S0000128": "%",
	"CF000102": "&Loginfo",
	"CT000107": "The Parent Contract $1 for Loan $2 was not found.",
	"CT000106": "The Parent Contract $1 for Loan $2 was not found.",
	"CT000108": "Resp. User",
	"SG000103": "融资状态",
	"CT000102": "Name",
	"CT000105": "The Parent Contract $1 for Loan $2 was not found.",
	"CT000104": "The Parent Contract $1 for Loan $2 was not found.",
	"CT000066": "Due Date",
	"CT000065": "Actual Financed No of Days",
	"CT000101": "Finance Reference",
	"CT000067": "Last Interest Settling",
	"CT000100": "Opened on",
	"CT000062": "Start Tenor Date",
	"CT000061": "Parent Contract Name",
	"CT000064": "Tenor Days",
	"CT000063": "Start Past Due Date",
	"CT000060": "Parent Contract Reference",
	"CT000118": "Pta .No",
	"CT000117": "Financed CN",
	"CT000119": "海外代付天数",
	"CT000114": "海外代付行",
	"CT000113": "执行利率",
	"CT000116": "融资天数",
	"CT000115": "海外代付行",
	"CT000076": "Financed party",
	"S0000110": "到期日",
	"CT000079": "Cur",
	"CT000112": "融资账号",
	"S0000111": "融资天数",
	"CT000111": "融资状态",
	"S0000112": "借据号",
	"CT000073": "Opened",
	"PD000104": "Finance",
	"CT000072": "Reference",
	"CT000075": "Party Number",
	"CT000074": "Closed",
	"S0000105": "融资金额",
	"S0000106": "开户日期",
	"S0000107": "基准利率",
	"S0000108": "执行利率",
	"CT000071": "Financing Type",
	"S0000109": "%",
	"CT000129": "组织机构代码",
	"CT000125": "Finance Type",
	"S0000120": "浮动值",
	"CT000088": "Creation Date",
	"S0000121": "逾期计息方式",
	"CT000123": "支行名称",
	"S0000122": "罚息比率",
	"S0000123": "第一还款账号",
	"CT000089": "Closed on",
	"CT000084": "Expired",
	"S0000113": "计息周期",
	"CT000083": "Parent Contract",
	"S0000114": "计息日期",
	"S0000115": "利率调整方式",
	"S0000116": "利率调整周期",
	"CT000080": "Amount",
	"S0000117": "月日数",
	"S0000118": "宽限期",
	"CT000082": "Open Amount",
	"S0000119": "浮动方式",
	"CT000081": "Cur",
	"CT000099": "Historic overview of narratives",
	"CT000131": "Goods Code",
	"CT000098": "Current Content of Tag 79",
	"SF000026": "Financing Type",
	"CT000095": "Country Code",
	"CT000130": "Pty .No",
	"CT000097": "Current Content of Tag 72",
	"CT000096": "Good\'s Code",
	"CT000091": "Base Rate",
	"CT000090": "Extensions",
	"CT000093": "Information to Finance Party",
	"CT000092": "Interest Rate %",
	"CT000029": "Amount",
	"CT000026": "Opened",
	"CT000025": "Financed party",
	"CG000133": "外汇贷款专户过账标识",
	"CT000028": "Cur",
	"CT000027": "Expired",
	"CT000022": "Reference",
	"CT000024": "Party Number",
	"CG000130": "海外代付",
	"CT000023": "Parent Contract",