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export default {
	"SF000324": "Charges Condition",
	"SF000206": "in",
	"SF000205": "Expiring on",
	"SF000207": "Partial Shipment",
	"SF000209": "Transhipment",
	"CT000037": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' for \'by acceptance\'!",
	"CT000036": "Please fill in the deferred payment details!",
	"CT000039": "Issuance date should not be in the future.",
	"CT000038": "Please fill in the mixed payment details!",
	"SG000374": "Special Payment Cond.",
	"SF000200": "Issued on",
	"SG000373": "Special Payment Cond.",
	"CT000035": "L/Cs underlying UCP Latest Version should not be defined as Revocable LCs!",
	"SF000202": "Shipment Date",
	"CT000034": "Please select first which counterparty is \'Available With\'",
	"SF000280": "Presentation Period",
	"SF000281": "Country Code",
	"CF000322": "",
	"SF000215": "1st Beneficiary   Ref.",
	"SF000217": "Name",
	"SF000216": "Reference of L/C",
	"CT000048": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"CT000047": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"SF000330": "Ref.",
	"CT000049": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\' or \'Drafts at\\Drawee\'.",
	"SF000332": "Account Identification",
	"CT000046": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\', \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"S0000320": "Ref.",
	"SF000213": "Responsible User",
	"CF000325": "Add. Amount",
	"PD000371": "Special Payment Beneficiary",
	"PD000372": "Special Payment Rcv Bank only",
	"CT000058": "Field content to long for current SWIFT version. Content has more than 100 lines.",
	"CT000054": "Content of field Presentation Period differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !",
	"CT000057": "Field content to long for current SWIFT version. Content has more than 100 lines.",
	"CT000056": "Field content to long for current SWIFT version. Content has more than 100 lines.",
	"PD000169": "Orig. L/C Details",
	"CT000053": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' as the drawee is entered!",
	"CT000052": "Please enter the drawee !",
	"S0000369": "tenor  days",
	"CF000183": "",
	"PD000042": "Parties",
	"SF000237": "2nd Advising Bank",
	"SF000358": "Expiry Date",
	"SF000236": "Ref.",
	"SF000357": "Shipment Date",
	"SF000359": "Applicable Rules",
	"CF000187": "Reimbursement Information",
	"CF000185": "",
	"SF000196": "Nominal Amount",
	"SF000195": "Name",
	"SF000198": "Amount Specification",
	"SF000197": "Amount Tolerance +/-",
	"SF000199": "Maximum Amount",
	"SF000235": "Ref.",
	"CT000062": "Please fill in the Negotiation / Deferred payment details!",
	"CT000063": "Cannot split message. Too many message",
	"SF000192": "Form of Transfer",
	"SF000191": "Reference",
	"SF000194": "2nd Beneficiary   Ref.",
	"SF000193": "Advising Bank     Ref.",
	"CF000355": "",
	"CF000356": "Add. Amount",
	"CF000354": "",
	"SF000249": "Description of Goods",
	"PD000060": "Documents",
	"SF000361": "Dispatch from",
	"SF000360": "Other Applicable Rules",
	"SF000363": "Air-/Port of Destination",
	"S0000350": "Name",
	"SF000362": "Air-/Port of Departure",
	"S0000351": "Shipment Date",
	"SF000365": "Applicable Rules RMB",
	"S0000352": "Ref.",
	"SF000364": "Final Destination",
	"S0000353": "Ref.",
	"SF000366": "Date of Authorisation to Reimburse",
	"S0000344": "Advising Bank",
	"S0000345": "Date Issued/Form",
	"S0000346": "Name",
	"CT000074": "The presentation period isn\'t equal to the period between shipment date and expiry date.",
	"S0000347": "Ref.",
	"S0000348": "1st Beneficiary",
	"S0000349": "L/C Reference",
	"CT000071": "Negotiation / Deferred",
	"PD000065": "Reimbursement of Transfer L/C",
	"SF000017": "This L/C",
	"CF000367": "Presentation Period modified",
	"SF000016": "Total Amount",
	"SF000251": "Documents Required",
	"SF000253": "Reimbursing Bank Account Identification",
	"SF000254": "Charges Definition",
	"CF000368": "...",
	"SF000015": "Other Transfers and Back to Back L/Cs using Above",
	"CF000248": "...",
	"SF000014": "Export L/C transferred:",
	"PD000335": "LT Header",
	"CT000080": "Confirmation instructions are entered.\nPlease enter the confirming bank or delete confirmation instructions.",
	"PD000333": "Reimbursement Narrative",
	"PD000057": "Goods",
	"CT000019": "The passed user $1 is not available.",
	"CF000250": "...",
	"SF000264": "Additional Conditions",
	"SF000385": "Confirming Bank",
	"SF000266": "Accept., Negot. Bank",
	"SF000265": "Instructions to Pay.,",
	"SF000386": "Ref.",
	"CG000382": "...",
	"S0000331": "Reimbursement Bank",
	"CG000383": "...",
	"SF000260": "Other Charges",
	"S0000329": "Confirmation Instruct.",
	"PD000001": "Overview",
	"CF000267": "...",
	"SF000316": "Reimbursement Bank (MT 740)",
	"CF000263": "Red/Green Clause",
	"CG000379": "Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary",
	"CF000261": "...",
	"CF000262": "...",
	"SF000319": "Available with Bank",
	"SF000273": "Details of Charges",
	"SF000272": "Drawee",
	"CT000028": "Reimbursement information is checked but no reimbursment bank is entered. \n\\Please enter a reimbursement bank or deselect reimbursement information.",
	"SF000275": "Shipment Period",
	"SF000274": "Mixed Payment Details",
	"S0000340": "2nd Beneficiary",
	"SF000277": "Available by",
	"CG000370": "Get Ref",
	"SG000384": "for Receiving Bank only",
	"S0000341": "Available with",
	"S0000342": "by",
	"SF000279": "Drafts at",
	"S0000343": "Date / Place of Expiry",
	"SF000278": "Available with",
	"SG000381": "for Beneficiary",
	"S0000334": "MT747 :77A:",
	"CT000020": "Please fill in the additional details of charges.",
	"CG000380": "Special Payment Conditions for Bank only",
	"S0000337": "Transfer Reference",
	"S0000338": "Transfer L/C Amount",
	"S0000339": "Open Amount",
	"SF000270": "Payment Details",
	"PD000073": "Add. Cond.",
	"PD000077": "Details",