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export default {
	"CF000795": "vs. System",
	"CF000796": "vs. History",
	"HG000495": "",
	"SF000686": "Beneficiary",
	"PD000423": "Declaration of Indemnity",
	"PD000785": "Seq. C: Undertaking Text",
	"PD000303": "Reimbursement Narrative",
	"PD000669": "Confirmation Details - Old",
	"PD000781": "Add. Amounts",
	"SF000457": "Reference Date",
	"SF000335": "Place of Expiry",
	"SF000456": "Reference",
	"SF000458": "Tender Closing Date",
	"PD000409": "Confirmation Details",
	"CF000689": "Reserved Contract",
	"SF000331": "Applicable Rules RMB",
	"SF000455": "Reference Type",
	"CF000688": "",
	"SF000333": "Date of Authorization to Reimburse",
	"SF000454": "Liability Details",
	"PD000533": "Guarantee Text(MW)",
	"PD000532": "苏州电子保函",
	"SF000226": "Reimbursement Bank",
	"CF000697": "Create Declaration of Indemnity",
	"CF000694": "Bilingual",
	"SF000228": "Other Charges",
	"CF000693": "Add. Amounts",
	"CF000690": "Direct Rejection",
	"CF001309": "Unlimited Validity",
	"SF000461": "Special Agreements",
	"SF000222": "Charges Definition",
	"SF000221": "Account Identification",
	"CF000698": "Auto-Renewal",
	"SF001205": "Auto Extension Information",
	"SF001204": "Validity extended by period defined",
	"SF001207": "Current Expiry Date",
	"CF001310": "Unlimited Liability",
	"SF001206": "Validity extended by period defined",
	"SF001209": "Diary is set to inform about the next upcoming extension of the contract",
	"SF001208": "Advice Information (Diary)",
	"SF000350": "Text of Undertaking",
	"CF000348": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CG001264": "",
	"CF000347": "Modify Text",
	"CG001263": "",
	"PD000796": "Seq.C: Text Difference vs. Histo",
	"PD000799": "Seq. C: Parties",
	"PD000798": "Seq.C: Text Difference vs. Syste",
	"PD000793": "Seq. C: Undertaking Text",
	"PD000671": "Confirmation Details - New(2020)",
	"SF000885": "Transfer Conditions",
	"SF000888": "Confirmation Status",
	"SF000887": "Own confirmation details:",
	"SF000769": "Auto. Ext. Per. (23F)",
	"SF000526": "Reinstatement Days",
	"SF000889": "Confirmation Date",
	"SF000528": "Open Interest Amount",
	"CF000878": "...",
	"CF000999": "",
	"SF000880": "Transfer Conditions",
	"CF000879": "Allow *",
	"SF000882": "Demand Indicator",
	"CF000877": "Undertaking is transferable",
	"SF000884": "Requested Language",
	"SF000883": "Demand Indicator",
	"S0000507": "受益人海关",
	"PD000463": "Text Difference vs. History",
	"PD000462": "Text Difference vs. System",
	"PD000465": "Text Difference vs. History",
	"PD000464": "Text Difference vs. System",
	"PD000585": "Overview - Old",
	"CF000762": "Standard Wording required",
	"SF000534": "Open Principal Amount",
	"CF000884": "Undertaking is transferable",
	"SF000533": "Principal Amount",
	"SF000896": "Confirm. Instr.",
	"SF000657": "Underly. Transact. Det.",
	"SF000778": "Guarantee Amount",
	"SF000898": "Confirming Bank",
	"SF000659": "Contract Amount",
	"SF000658": "Original Perc./ Rate",
	"CF000405": "vs. System",
	"SF000770": "Non-Ext. Notificat (78)",
	"SF000890": "Confirmation Amount",
	"CF000524": "Reinstate Principle Amount",
	"SF000772": "Final Expiry Date (31S)",
	"SF000893": "%",
	"CF000404": "vs. History",
	"CF000525": "Reinstate Interest Amount",
	"SF000892": "or",
	"SF000895": "Received Confirmation Instructions:",
	"SF000531": "Direct Pay Amount",
	"SF000894": "Outgoing Confirmation Instructions:",
	"PD000210": "Undertaking Text",
	"PD000453": "Electronic MSG Details 2",
	"SF000424": "Indemnity",
	"SF000666": "Contract Reference",
	"SF000302": "Reimbursing Bank Account Identification",
	"SF000544": "Open Direct Pay Amount",
	"SF000665": "Latest Transmission",
	"SF000426": "Declaration of",
	"SF000668": "Tender Reference",
	"SF000304": "MT747 :77:",
	"SF000667": "Tender Date",
	"SF000660": "A/c Adv. Paym. Guar.",
	"CF000898": "Auto-Renewal",
	"SF000662": "Place of Jurisdiction",
	"SF000783": "Additional Amount",
	"SF000661": "Original Contract Place",
	"SF000664": "Governing Law",
	"SF000785": "Covered",
	"SF000663": "Closing Date",
	"SF000784": "Open Add. Amount",
	"SG001294": "是否SWIFT格式",
	"PD000480": "汇总征税",
	"PD000002": "Overview",
	"CF000780": "Add. Amounts",
	"CT000301": "Probably a SWIFT message might have been converted into MT 759.",
	"SF000792": "Undertaking Text",
	"CF000425": "...",
	"CF000788": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CF000789": "vs. &History",
	"CF000786": "Modify Text",
	"SF000796": "Undertaking Text",
	"CF000787": "Get &Ref.",
	"PD000359": "Header for GI",
	"PD000473": "Second Guarantee Text",
	"SF000842": "Contract Amount",
	"SF000720": "Applicable Rules",
	"SF000841": "Original Perc./ Rate",
	"SF000844": "Governing Law",
	"SF000843": "Original Contract Place",
	"SF000846": "Underly. Transact. Det.",
	"SF000845": "Closing Date",
	"SF000848": "Tender Date",
	"SF000847": "Tender Reference",
	"SF000840": "Contract Reference",
	"PD000389": "Details",
	"SF000718": "Old Reference",
	"SF000717": "Form of Undertaking",
	"SF000838": "Details",
	"PD000386": "Guarantee Text",
	"PD000388": "Undertaking Text 2nd language",
	"SF000852": "Choice of Text",
	"CT000205": "Auto Extension Period/ Renewal-Period must be greater than Advice Period",
	"SF000859": "Delivery of Undertak.",
	"CT000207": "Only DAYS are allowed due to SWIFT restrictions..",
	"SF000737": "Details",
	"CT000202": "The length of the field has to be less then 35 digits",
	"CT000201": "Liability",
	"CT000204": "Confirmation instructions are entered.\nPlease enter the confirming bank or delete confirmation instructions.",
	"CT000203": "Confirmation instructions are not set but a confirming bank is  entered.\nPlease change confirmation instructions or delete the confirming bank",
	"SF000730": "Confirming Bank",
	"SF000851": "Place of Jurisdiction",
	"SF000850": "A/c Adv. Paym. Guar.",
	"PD001226": "OVER18OLD",
	"SF000729": "Confirm. Instr.",
	"SF000728": "Presentation Instr.",
	"SF000849": "Latest Transmission",
	"SF000864": "Charges",
	"SF000863": "Charges Condition",
	"CT000216": "The Order Date can not be after Issuance Date",
	"CT000337": "Please use \'Modify Text\' to enable this field.",
	"CT000219": "New purpose does not allow sequence C. All Sequence C input fields will be cleared",
	"CT000339": "Type of Request",
	"CT000213": "Amount of original contract $1 $2, original percentage $3 and undertaking amount $1 $4 do not match",
	"CT000212": "Please check \"Notify Period\": old value \"Month\" is not allowed anymore",
	"CT000336": "Please use \'Modify Text\' to enable this field.",
	"CT000214": "Original amount of contract cannot be calculated. Please enter manually if necessary",
	"SF000860": "Deliv. To/Collection By",
	"CT000211": "Please check \"Renewal-Period\": old value \"$1\" was changed to \"OTHR\"",
	"CT000332": "This field is mandatory, because it is used in undertaking text.",
	"CF000852": "Sho&w Text",
	"SF000862": "Undertaking Send to",
	"CT000210": "This field must have a value greater than zero.",
	"SF000861": "Delivery to Address",
	"PD000043": "Parties",
	"SF000754": "Undertaking Type",
	"SF000875": "Delivery of Undertak.",
	"SF000996": "Type of Guarantee",
	"SF000995": "Kind of Guarantee",
	"SF000514": "Diary Date for Advice",
	"SF000877": "Presentation Instr.",
	"SF000998": "Wording of Guarantee",
	"SF000513": "Final Expiry Date (31S)",
	"SF000997": "Additional Text",
	"CT000107": "From Incoming Message",
	"CT000228": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"SF000516": "Non-Ext. Notificat. (78)",
	"SF000758": "Incoming Purpose",
	"SF000879": "Delivery to Address",
	"CT000227": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"SF000515": "Diary for Notification",
	"SF000878": "Deli. To/Collection By",
	"SF000999": "Special Terms",
	"CT000109": "Text of Undertaking",
	"SF000759": "Outgoing Purpose",
	"CT000103": "Expiry",
	"CT000224": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"CT000102": "unlimited",
	"CT000223": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"CT000105": "Please fill in the applicable rules´ details!",
	"CT000104": "unlimited",
	"CT000225": "Are you sure you want to delete the Auto-Renewal Schedule?",
	"CT000220": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"SF000750": "Requested Issue Date",
	"SF000752": "Applicable Rules",
	"CT000100": "(Several Applicants)",
	"SF000751": "Form of Undertaking",
	"SF000872": "Charges",
	"SF000509": "Notification Per. (26E)",
	"SF000508": "Interest Amount",
	"SF000800": "Issuing Bank",
	"SF000920": "Guarantee Amount",
	"CT000118": "Type of Undertaking is mandatory!!!",
	"CT000239": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"SF000802": "Obligor",
	"SF000923": "Incoming Purpose",
	"CT000117": "Please enter the text for the declaration of indemnity or unmark the checkbox on the overview panel",
	"SF000801": "Applicant",
	"SF000922": "Open Amount",
	"SF000925": "Undertaking Type",
	"SF000924": "Outgoing Purpose",
	"CT000114": "The liability date has to be later than the expiry date",
	"CT000116": "You have entered text for a declaration of indemnity but the checkbox to create the message is empty.\nPlease either mark the checkbox or delete the text",
	"CT000236": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000115": "The contract cannot be confirmed by more than 100%.",
	"CT000231": "blank text",
	"CT000230": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000112": "Type of Request",
	"CT000111": "Contract Date",
	"CF000915": "Incoming Corporate Order",
	"SF000918": "Reference",
	"PD000066": "Reimbursement Auth.",
	"SF000815": "Expiry Date",
	"SF000814": "Expiry Type",
	"CT000246": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000125": "手册号码长度为12位",
	"CT000245": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000241": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000244": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000123": "生效日不能小于当天",
	"CT000243": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000122": "保函生效日已超过30天,请再次确认输入日期是否合理!",
	"CT000240": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"PD001265": "DETP18OLD",
	"SF000940": "Expiry",
	"SF000943": "(Tag 59)",
	"SF000700": "Reference",
	"SF000942": "Ultim. Beneficiary",
	"SF000703": "Responsible User",
	"PD001291": "开立方式",
	"CT000139": "The \"Undertaking Form\" does not match the \"Kind of Guarantee\" as instructed by the customer. Please check!",
	"SF000944": "Intermediary",
	"SF000705": "Undertaking Type",
	"SF000704": "Guarantee Amount",
	"CT000257": "From Incoming Message",
	"CT000136": "联行信息",
	"CT000135": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000259": "blank text",
	"CT000138": "联行信息",
	"CT000258": "From Incoming Message",
	"CT000137": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000253": "Advice Through Bank is own entity. Please verify.",
	"CT000132": "联行行号",
	"CT000252": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000131": "原核销日期为$1",
	"CT000255": "Auto-Renewal for Sequence C is selected but no data is entered. Please deselect the checkbox or enter the Auto-Renewal Details for Sequence C.",
	"CT000134": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CT000133": "联行名称",
	"CT000251": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"CT000130": "核销日期不能早于保函开立日期!",
	"CT000250": "Please enter a value for field \"Auto Extension Period (tag 23F)\" or delete this field.",
	"PD001295": "Parties - Old",
	"SF000816": "Expiry Condition/ Evt.",
	"SF000818": "Risk Country",
	"SF000831": "Day(s) before Expiry Date the Notice of Non-Extension must be sent",
	"SF000712": "Undertaking Language",
	"SF000711": "Choice of Text",
	"SF000832": "Renewal-Period",
	"SF000716": "Order Date",
	"CT000268": "Advising bank on the Applicant side is not mapped, please map to role ADA.",
	"CT000146": "对手行信息",
	"CT000269": "Local undertaking amount exceeds the counter undertaking amount.",
	"CT000148": "name2",
	"CT000143": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000263": "Contract is migrated within this transaction to SWIFT 2020 standard. Please check carefully !",
	"CT000142": "至少输入4个字符",
	"CT000145": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000144": "对手行信息",
	"CT000141": "name1",
	"CT000261": "Tag 45L(Underlying Transaction Details {GIDGRP\BLK\COVGODSRV}) not allowed in Seq.B,\nplease modify the text.",
	"CT000140": "swift code",
	"SF000706": "Issuance Date",
	"SF000827": "Advising Bank",
	"SF000709": "Handling Type",
	"SF000708": "Open Amount",
	"SF000829": "Auto Extens. Per. (23F)",
	"PD001288": "DTAP",
	"CF001088": "Allow *",
	"SG000534": "Text of Undertaking(MW)",
	"CT000158": "账号位数错误",
	"CT000278": "The presentation instructions have been changed manually.",
	"CT000157": "账号位数错误",
	"CT000275": "This field must have a value greater than zero.",
	"CT000153": "受益人海关重复",
	"CT000274": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"CT000277": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000276": "The presentation instructions have been changed manually.",
	"CT000155": "$1受益人海关重复",
	"CT000271": "This field must have a value greater than zero.",
	"CT000270": "The currencies of guarantee in sequence B and sequence C are different. Please check!",
	"CT000273": "This field must have a value greater than zero.",
	"CT000152": "此栏位与Adv\Rcv bank不一致",
	"CT000272": "This field must have a value greater than zero.",
	"CG000515": "全选",
	"CG000516": "全空",
	"CG000510": "海关关区号",
	"CG000511": "海关名称",
	"CG000512": "是否受益人海关",
	"SG000521": "索偿付款账号",
	"CT000169": "协议盖章调用失败,错误信息:$1",
	"SG000520": "申请人企业海关编码",
	"CT000168": "协议盖章成功!",
	"CT000286": "Do you really want to redefault the text from incoming message?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000165": "The Final Expiry Date must be greater or equal than the Expiry Date",
	"CT000285": "Do you really want to redefault the text from incoming message?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000167": "被担保人、担保银行、申请人信息应尽可能填写完整,否则保函有可能被海关拒收。",
	"CT000046": "Reimbursement information is checked but no reimbursement bank is entered. \nPlease enter a reimbursement bank or deselect reimbursement information.",
	"CT000287": "Do you really want to redefault the text from incoming message?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000166": "账号合法性校验失败",
	"CT000282": "The Expiry Condition Event has been changed manually.",
	"CT000161": "账号位数错误",
	"CT000281": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000284": "Obligor (Tag 51 Seq.B)  will be supressed in the outgoing message SWIFT MT 760 as checkbox \"Suppress party in Outgoing SWIFT MT 760\" (APLSUPFLG) is checked",
	"CT000163": "账号合法性校验失败",
	"CT000283": "The Liability Condition has been changed manually.",
	"CT000280": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"SG000519": "申请人名称",
	"SG000518": "申请人企业代码",
	"SG000517": "被担保人名称",
	"CT000179": "The guarantee text has been changed manually.",
	"CT000297": "blank text (long letter version)",
	"RG000151": "ADR\' and pta.objinr=adr.inr and ptytyp=\'B\' AND PTA.OBJTYP = \'ADR\' AND PTA.ETGEXTKEY = \'CEBGRP\'  and ( (PTA.NAM like \'%\" + GIDGRP\\REC\\OPPBNK + \"%\' OR PTA.BIC like \'%\" + GIDGRP\\REC\\OPPBNK + \"%\' ) AND (PTA.ADRSTA = \' \' OR PTA.ADRSTA IS NULL) ) order by PTA.NAM \"",
	"CT000296": "blank text (for electronic SWIFT msg)",
	"CT000178": "blank text",
	"CT000177": "From Incoming Message",
	"CT000293": "The Underlying Transact. Det. have been changed manually.",
	"CT000172": "Advice Date must be a future date",
	"CT000292": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000171": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000295": "Do you really want to redefault the text from incoming message?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost.",
	"CT000174": "Text of Undertaking",
	"CT000294": "The Underlying Transact. Det. have been changed manually.",
	"CT000291": "Do you really want to redefault the text from incoming message?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000170": "请点击签署协议按钮",
	"CT000290": "Obligor (Tag 51 Seq.C)  will be supressed in the outgoing message SWIFT MT 760 as checkbox \"Suppress party in Outgoing SWIFT MT 760\" (APCSUPFLG) is checked.",
	"SF000912": "(Tag 56a)",
	"SF000914": "(Tag 59 of Seq B)",
	"SF000913": "Beneficiary BEC",
	"CT000183": "Auto Extension Period / Renewal-Period must be greater than Advice Period",
	"CT000182": "Non-Renewal Date must be a future date",
	"CT000184": "Cannot have Auto-Renewal with Unlimited Validity.",
	"CT000181": "Are you sure you want to delete the Auto-Renewal Schedule?",
	"CT000180": "Please specify DAYS or MONTHS or YEARS.",
	"SF000908": "(Tag 52a)",
	"CF001289": "Get &Ref.",
	"S0001280": "流动资金贷款利率档次",
	"S0001281": "上浮比率",
	"SF001054": "Accountee",
	"S0001282": "企业海关编码",
	"SF001053": "Issuing Bank",
	"SF001174": "Advice Period Next Ext.",
	"S0001283": "手册号码",
	"CG000442": "修改中文保函文本",
	"S0001284": "业务类型",
	"SF001055": "Accountee's Ref.",
	"S0001285": "仓库号",
	"CT000198": "Please select the valid \"Undertaking Form\".",
	"S0001286": "备注",
	"S0001287": "受益人名称",
	"CT000199": "Expiry",
	"CT000194": "The counter undertaking text has been changed manually.",
	"S0001279": "组织机构代码",
	"CT000193": "Do you really want to delete the additional amount of this contract?",
	"CT000196": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT000195": "Text of Counter Undertaking",
	"SF001050": "Beneficiary's Ref.",
	"CT000192": "Usually direct payment is undertaking type ISP. Please check carefully!",
	"SF001052": "Issuing Bank's Ref.",
	"CT000191": "Please enter number of days as positive figure or use zero for same day reinstatement.",
	"SF001051": "Beneficiary",
	"CF001173": "Allow *",
	"CF001057": "...",
	"CF001178": "Modify Text",
	"CF001179": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CF001176": "Allow *",
	"CF001175": "Allow *",
	"SF001065": "Name",
	"SF001064": "Issuing Bank",
	"SF001066": "Beneficiary's Ref.",
	"S0001296": "Applicant",
	"S0001297": "Applicant's Ref.",
	"SF001068": "Advising Bank Ref.",
	"S0001298": "Beneficiary's Ref.",
	"S0001299": "Beneficiary",
	"CT000089": "Do you really want to redefault the standard text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"SF001061": "Applicant",
	"SF001063": "Accountee",
	"SF001062": "Beneficiary",
	"CF001183": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CF001184": "vs. &History",
	"CF001182": "Modify Text",
	"CF001180": "vs. &History",
	"CF001189": "vs. &History",
	"CF001069": "Allow *",
	"CF001187": "Allow *",
	"CF001188": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CG000544": "vs. System",
	"CG000545": "vs. History",
	"CF001186": "Modify Text",
	"CG000546": "Close(MW)",
	"S0001260": "分离式保函",
	"S0001261": "被保证人",
	"PD000917": "Header for GI - Neu (SR2020)",
	"SF001078": "Confirm. Bank Ref.",
	"CG000541": "修改中文密文文本",
	"S0001262": "是否生成查询码",
	"SF001077": "Confirm. Bank Ref.",
	"CT000099": "The passed User $1 is not available.",
	"CT000098": "The Order Date can not be after Issuance Date",
	"SF001079": "Liability Type",
	"S0001266": "Object of Contract",
	"S0001267": "Original Perc./ Rate",
	"S0001257": "担保类型",
	"S0001258": "核销日期",
	"SF001070": "Applicant Ref.",
	"S0001259": "特殊保函类型",
	"CT000096": "(several applicants)",
	"SF001072": "Int. Beneficiary Ref.",
	"SF001071": "Obligor Ref.",
	"SF001074": "Ultimate Ben. Ref.",
	"SF001073": "Issuing Bank Ref.",
	"CF001195": "Modify Text",
	"CF001192": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CF001193": "vs. &History",
	"CF001191": "Modify Text",
	"CG000536": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CG000537": "vs. &History",
	"CG000538": "Sho&w Text",
	"CF001198": "vs. &History",
	"CF001078": "Allow *",
	"CF001196": "Allow *",
	"CF001197": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CG000535": "Modify Text(MW)",
	"S0001270": "Original Contract Place",
	"SG000543": "Text of Undertaking",
	"SF001087": "Expiry Condition/ Evt.",
	"S0001271": "Place of Jurisdiction",
	"SG000542": "苏州密文保函文本INR",
	"SF001086": "Expiry Date",
	"S0001272": "Closing Date",
	"S0001273": "Law of Jurisdiction",
	"S0001274": "Latest Transmiss. Date",
	"S0001275": "Contract Reference",
	"S0001276": "Tender Date",
	"S0001277": "Tender Reference",
	"S0001278": "InDirect Issuance Additional Clause",
	"S0001268": "Contract Amount",
	"S0001269": "A/c for Adv. Paym. Guar.",
	"SF001081": "Liability Condition",
	"SF001080": "Liability until",
	"SF001085": "Expiry Type",
	"CF001083": "Allow *",
	"CF001004": "Bilingual",
	"SF001018": "Open Amount",
	"CF001005": "Unlimited Validity",
	"SF001017": "Validity until",
	"CF001002": "Direct rejection",
	"CF001003": "Add. Amounts",
	"SF001019": "Handling Type",
	"CF001000": "",
	"CF001001": "Reserved Contract",
	"SF001010": "Reference",
	"SF001012": "Beneficiary         Ref.",
	"S0001240": "Responsible User",
	"SF001011": "Issuing Bank      Ref.",
	"S0001241": "Guarantee Amount",
	"SF001014": "Guarantee Amount",
	"S0001242": "Type of Undertaking",
	"SF001013": "Name",
	"S0001243": "Issuance Date",
	"SG000493": "申请人联系电话",
	"CF001006": "Unlimited Liability",
	"SF001016": "Issuance Date",
	"S0001244": "Validity until",
	"SG000492": "申请人地址",
	"CF001007": "Create Declaration of Indemnity",
	"SF001015": "Type of Undertaking",
	"S0001245": "Open Amount",
	"SG000491": "申请人法定代表人",
	"SG000490": "担保银行联系电话",
	"S0001237": "Reference",
	"S0001238": "Beneficiary         Ref.",
	"S0001239": "Name",
	"SF001029": "Charges Condition",
	"SF001028": "Old Reference",
	"SG000489": "担保银行地址",
	"SG000488": "担保银行法定代表人",
	"SF001021": "Choice of Text",
	"SG000487": "担保银行名称",
	"SF001020": "Applicant             Ref.",
	"S0001250": "Our Liability until",
	"SG000486": "被担保人联系电话",
	"SF001023": "Accountee          Ref.",
	"S0001251": "Order Date",
	"SG000485": "被担保人地址",
	"SF001022": "Language of Undertak.",
	"S0001252": "Old Reference",
	"SG000484": "被担保人法定代表人",
	"SF001025": "Undertaking Send to",
	"S0001253": "Applicable Rules",
	"SG000483": "追索截止天数",
	"SF001024": "Our Liability until",
	"S0001254": "保函生效日",
	"SG000482": "统一社会信用代码",
	"SF001027": "Form of Undertaking",
	"S0001255": "Mortgage Flag",
	"SF001026": "Order Date",
	"S0001256": "是否对外担保",
	"S0001246": "Handling Type",
	"S0001247": "Applicant             Ref.",
	"S0001248": "Choice of Text",
	"S0001249": "Language of Undertak.",
	"SF001039": "Original Contract Place",
	"PD000838": "Seq. C: Details",
	"SF001032": "or",
	"S0000370": "Reference",
	"SF001031": "Confirmation Status",
	"S0000371": "Guarantee Amount",
	"SF001034": "Confirmed on",
	"S0000372": "Open Amount",
	"SF001033": "%",
	"S0000373": "Beneficiary",
	"SF001036": "Original Perc./ Rate",
	"S0000374": "Applicant",
	"SF001035": "Object of Contract",
	"S0000375": "Name",
	"SF001038": "A/c for Adv. Paym. Guar.",
	"S0000376": "Type of Undertaking",
	"SF001037": "Contract Amount",
	"PD000961": "Undertaking Type (ISCO)",
	"SF001030": "Confirmation Amount",
	"CG001306": "跨境人民币保函",
	"CG001308": "incoming lose",
	"CG001303": "修改中文保函文本",
	"CG001302": "修改中文保函文本",
	"SF001043": "Latest Transmiss. Date",
	"SF001042": "Law of Jurisdiction",
	"PD000829": "Extension Period - Old (SR2018)",
	"SF001045": "Tender Date",
	"SF001044": "Contract Reference",
	"SF001047": "Applicable Rules",
	"SF001046": "Tender Reference",
	"SF001049": "Applicant's Ref.",
	"SF001048": "Applicant",
	"S0000377": "Handling Type",
	"S0000378": "Accountee",
	"S0000379": "Issuing Bank",
	"SF001041": "Closing Date",
	"SF001040": "Place of Jurisdiction",
	"CF000355": "Get &Ref.",
	"CF000476": "vs. &History",
	"CF000477": "Sho&w Text",
	"CF001202": "Suppress party in Outgoing SWIFT MT 760",
	"SF000489": "Choice of Text",
	"CF000474": "Modify Text",
	"CF000475": "vs. S&ystem",
	"CF001200": "Suppress party in Outgoing SWIFT MT 760",
	"CF000351": "vs. &History",
	"SF001210": "Advice Extension Information",
	"PD000619": "Overview - New (SR2020)",
	"SF001212": "Diary is set for Automatic Expiry Date Extension of the contract validity",
	"SF001211": "Before Expiry Date the Notice of Non-Extension must be sent",
	"CF000478": "Get &Ref.",
	"SF001213": "After this date the contract will no longer be extended",
	"PD000621": "Parties - Old",
	"PD000623": "Parties - New (SR2020)",
	"PD000506": "Direct Payment",
	"SF000480": "Text of Undertaking in",
	"PD000505": "Auto-Renewal",
	"CF001214": "Modify text",
	"SF001229": "Additional Text",
	"PD000727": "Presentation/ Delivery",
	"SF001221": "Notification Per. (26E)",
	"CF001219": "vs. &History",
	"CF001218": "vs. S&ystem",
	"SF001223": "Avail. with Bank Ref.",
	"CF001217": "Modify Text",
	"SF001222": "Available w. Bank",
	"CF001216": "vs. &History",
	"CF001215": "vs. S&ystem",
	"SF001224": "Reimburse. Bk Ref.",
	"PD000734": "Extension Period - New (SR2020)",
	"CF001225": "",
	"CF001221": "Reimbursement Information",
	"CG001236": "显示文本",
	"SF001230": "Additional Text",
	"CG001233": "跨境人民币保函",
	"CG001232": "Test Key Unconfirmity",
	"CG001235": "协议签署",
	"SF001231": "Additional Text",
	"CG001234": "电子保函标志",
	"CG001231": "Get Ref.",
	"SF000388": "Text of Undertaking",
	"CG001230": "Unlimited Liability",
	"S0001300": "Confirming Bank's Ref.",
	"PD000886": "Advice with confirmation details",
	"PD000767": "Seq. C: Auto-Renewal",
	"CF000380": "",
	"PD000761": "Seq. C: Presentation/ Delivery",
	"SF001007": "Reference",
	"SF001006": "Reference Type",
	"CG001229": "Unlimited Validity",
	"SF001009": "Reference Date",
	"CF000387": "C&lose",
	"SF001008": "Special Agreements",
	"CF000384": "Sho&w Text",
	"CG001228": "Add. Amounts",
	"CG001227": "Reserved Contract",
	"PD000629": "Details - Old",
	"PD000749": "Seq. C: Overview",
	"SF001001": "Amount",
	"SF001000": "Beneficial Owner",
	"PD000509": "受益人海关",
	"SF001003": "Responsible User",
	"SF001002": "Percent Rate",
	"SF001005": "Instructions fr. bank /",
	"SF001004": "Approx. Expiry Date",
	"S0001301": "Confirming Bank",
	"PD000631": "Details - New (SR2021)",
	"S0001304": "是否对外担保",
	"S0001305": "担保类型",
	"PD000993": "Electronic MSG Details",