brtp.js 4.33 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
export default {
	"SF000163": "Discrepancy Advice Dated",
	"CT000037": "Late shipment.",
	"S0000150": "Charges Added",
	"S0000151": "Total Amount Claimed",
	"CT000039": "The LC is overdrawn by",
	"S0000152": "Reimbursing Bank",
	"SF000164": "Further Identification",
	"CT000038": "Documents presented after expiry of the LC.",
	"S0000153": "Account with Bank",
	"S0000154": "Beneficiary's Bank",
	"CF000159": "Create MT 752",
	"S0000155": "Narrative (Tag 77A of MT754)",
	"PD000147": "Advice of Payment",
	"S0000148": "Document Amount",
	"S0000149": "Charges Deducted",
	"CF000169": "Red/Green Clause",
	"CF000166": "Create MT 732",
	"CT000048": "Additional amount drawn for $1 $2, remaining open additional amount is only $3 $4!",
	"CF000209": "",
	"CT000047": "Mixed payment documents presented instead of usance.",
	"CT000044": "Usance documents presented instead of sight.",
	"CT000043": "Only Sight documents presented instead of mixed payment.",
	"CT000046": "Mixed payment documents presented instead of sight.",
	"S0000200": "Received on",
	"CT000045": "Only Usance documents presented instead of mixed payment.",
	"PD000137": "Overview",
	"CT000040": "The Additional Amount is overdrawn by",
	"PD000139": "Advice of Discrepancy",
	"CT000042": "Sight documents presented instead of usance.",
	"CT000041": "Partial shipment effected.",
	"CF000171": "Add. Amount",
	"CF000170": "Revolving L/C",
	"SF000225": "Shipping company",
	"CF000210": "",
	"CF000211": "...",
	"S0000090": "Covered Goods",
	"SG000238": "是否需要核验",
	"S0000091": "Expiry Date",
	"SG000237": "预计核验日期",
	"S0000093": "Carrier",
	"S0000094": "Release to Address",
	"SG000233": "Tenor",
	"SG000232": "Start Date",
	"CF000219": "Discrepancies modified",
	"SF000222": "Type of Advice Received",
	"PD000168": "Header Advising Documents",
	"SG000229": "Contract Number",
	"SG000228": "B/L Number",
	"CF000189": "",
	"SG000227": "Goods code",
	"CF000220": "Discrepancies modified",
	"SG000226": "Notify Party",
	"SG000224": "Voyage numer",
	"SG000223": "Port of loading",
	"S0000140": "Document Amount",
	"S0000141": "Charges Deducted",
	"S0000142": "Charges Added",
	"S0000143": "Amount to be Paid",
	"S0000144": "Account with Bank",
	"S0000145": "Discrepancies",
	"PD000158": "Subpanel for MT752-Details",
	"SF000190": "Date to be Paid",
	"CF000073": "Documents on Approval Basis",
	"CF000077": "...",
	"CF000074": "Ignore Discrepancies",
	"S0000192": "Open Amt. L/C",
	"S0000193": "Beneficiary",
	"S0000194": "Applicant",
	"S0000195": "Expiry",
	"S0000196": "Bill Set Reference",
	"S0000197": "Document Amount",
	"S0000198": "Import L/C Ref.",
	"S0000199": "Open Amount",
	"PD000062": "Discr./Instr.",
	"S0000080": "Release of Goods",
	"S0000081": "Release Type",
	"S0000082": "issue date",
	"S0000083": "Transport Doc. Type",
	"S0000084": "Transport Doc. No.",
	"S0000085": "shipment date",
	"S0000086": "Mode of Transport",
	"S0000087": "Vessel Name",
	"CT000000": "Content of field discrepancies differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !",
	"S0000088": "Port of Discharge",
	"S0000089": "Place of Delivery",
	"CT000001": "Content of field Disposal of Documents differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !",
	"PD000213": "Advice Details",
	"CF000095": "To Applicant",
	"S0000172": "Reference",
	"S0000173": "L/C Amount",
	"S0000174": "Open Amount",
	"S0000175": "Beneficiary",
	"S0000176": "Available with",
	"S0000177": "by",
	"S0000178": "Form of L/C",
	"S0000201": "Maturity Date",
	"S0000202": "Advised on",
	"S0000203": "Ref.",
	"S0000204": "Presenting Bank",
	"S0000205": "Ref.",
	"S0000206": "Document Type",
	"S0000207": "Document Set Status",
	"S0000208": "Ref.",
	"PD000191": "Header for BR",
	"S0000180": "Presented by",
	"S0000181": "Applicant",
	"S0000182": "Date Issued",
	"S0000183": "Name",
	"S0000063": "Settlement Instructions for this Document Set",
	"S0000184": "Ref.",
	"S0000064": "Comments and Conclusions",
	"S0000185": "Shipment Date",
	"S0000065": "Discrepancies",
	"S0000186": "Ref.",
	"S0000067": "Date to be Paid",
	"S0000188": "Ref.",
	"S0000179": "Date/ Place of Expiry",
	"S0000214": "Document Amount",
	"S0000215": "Charges",
	"S0000216": "Total Amount Claimed",
	"S0000217": "Account with Bank",
	"S0000218": "Beneficiary's Bank",
	"PD000234": "PRECHKDATE",
	"PD000079": "Shipping Details",