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import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from "../Common/Pts"

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export default class Infled {
    constructor() { = {
            infcon: {
                seaownref: "", //  Own Reference		.infcon.seaownref
                nam: "", //  Name		.infcon.nam
                searef: "", //  Party Reference		.infcon.searef
                pty: {
                    extkey: "", //  Select Single Party		.infcon.pty.extkey
                    nam: "", //  External Visible Name		.infcon.pty.nam
                seapty: "", //  Party Name/BIC		.infcon.seapty
                searol: "", //  Role		.infcon.searol
                opndatfrom: "", //  Opening between		.infcon.opndatfrom
                opndatto: "", //  Open Date to		.infcon.opndatto
                usr: {
                    extkey: "", //  User ID		.infcon.usr.extkey
                seasta: "", //  Status		.infcon.seasta
                seacur: "", //  Currency		.infcon.seacur
                seaamtfr: "", //  Amount between		.infcon.seaamtfr
                seaamtto: "", //  Amount to		.infcon.seaamtto
                relflg: "", //  Release Status		.infcon.relflg
                cxmflg: "", //  是否显示查询码		.infcon.cxmflg
                hndtyp: "", //  Handling Type		.infcon.hndtyp
                chksubcon: "", //  incl. all subcontracts		.infcon.chksubcon
                chktrnsta: "", //  only active transactions		.infcon.chktrnsta
                trnstm: "", //  stream for TRN to selected contract		.infcon.trnstm
                cbctxt: "", //  CBS Column		.infcon.cbctxt
                cbbstm: "", //  stream of CBBs		.infcon.cbbstm
                cbestm: "", //  stream of CBEs		.infcon.cbestm
                feptxtlbl: "", //  label used on FEP-Panel		.infcon.feptxtlbl
                fcptxtlbl: "", //  Text label used on FCP-panel		.infcon.fcptxtlbl
                fepfeecod: "", //  Fee Code		.infcon.fepfeecod
                fepdsp: "", //  Disposition		.infcon.fepdsp
                fepstm: "", //  stream for FEPs to selected contract		.infcon.fepstm
                fcpstm: "", //  stream of foreign charges		.infcon.fcpstm
                fcpdsp: "", //  Disposition		.infcon.fcpdsp
                setflg: "", //  show temporary settlement that already settled		.infcon.setflg
                sepdelflg: "", //  show temporary settlement that already deleted		.infcon.sepdelflg
                sepstm: "", //  stream of SEPs		.infcon.sepstm
                seabucdatfro: "", //  Booking date from		.infcon.seabucdatfro
                seabucdatto: "", //  Booking date till used on GLEINFP		.infcon.seabucdatto
                seatrninr: "", //  Transaction INR		.infcon.seatrninr
                glestm: "", //  Stream of GLEs		.infcon.glestm
                smhcortyp: "", //  Type of Document		.infcon.smhcortyp
                smhdatfrom: "", //  Created between 		.infcon.smhdatfrom
                smhdatto: "", //  created till		.infcon.smhdatto
                smhdir: "", //  Direction		.infcon.smhdir
                chktrn: "", //  Active only		.infcon.chktrn
                smhstm: "", //  stream of documents to selected contract		.infcon.smhstm
                sptinc: "", //  Incoming		.infcon.sptinc
                sptreg: "", //  Registered		.infcon.sptreg
                sptpen: "", //  Pending		.infcon.sptpen
                sptcor: "", //  Correction		.infcon.sptcor
                sptdel: "", //  Deleted		.infcon.sptdel
                sptstm: "", //  stream for SPT to selected contract		.infcon.sptstm
                diadatfrom: "", //  Date from		.infcon.diadatfrom
                diadatto: "", //  date till		.infcon.diadatto
                diasta: "", //  Status		.infcon.diasta
                diastm: "", //  stream for diaries to selected contract		.infcon.diastm
                liastm: "", //  Stream for all engagements to selected contract		.infcon.liastm
                ordstm: "", //  Stream for Orders for Contract		.infcon.ordstm
                objinr: "",
            sealcrtyp: "", //  Form of L/C		.sealcrtyp
            infbut: {
                dspstm: "", //  display stream		.infbut.dspstm
            ledgrp: {
                rec: {
                    inr: "",
                    ownref: "", //  Reference		.ledgrp.rec.ownref
                    nam: "", //  Name		.ledgrp.rec.nam
                    lcrtyp: "", //  Form of L/C		.ledgrp.rec.lcrtyp
                    collflg: "", //  Collateralized L/C		.ledgrp.rec.collflg
                    nomtop: "", //  Amount Tolerance +/-		.ledgrp.rec.nomtop
                    nomton: "", //  Amount Tolerance - Negative		.ledgrp.rec.nomton
                    nomspc: "", //  Amount Specification		.ledgrp.rec.nomspc
                    inctrf: "", //  Incoming Transfer		.ledgrp.rec.inctrf
                    resflg: "", //  Reserved Contract		.ledgrp.rec.resflg
                    opndat: "", //  Issued on		.ledgrp.rec.opndat
                    preadvdt: "", //  Date Pre-advised		.ledgrp.rec.preadvdt
                    shpdat: "", //  Shipment Date		.ledgrp.rec.shpdat
                    advdat: "", //  Released on		.ledgrp.rec.advdat
                    expdat: "", //  Expiring on		.ledgrp.rec.expdat
                    expplc: "", //  in (Place)/ counters of		.ledgrp.rec.expplc
                    cnfdet: "", //  Confirmation Instruct.		.ledgrp.rec.cnfdet
                    apprul: "", //  Applicable Rules		.ledgrp.rec.apprul
                    apprultxt: "", //  Other Applicable Rules		.ledgrp.rec.apprultxt
                    shppar: "", //  Partial Shipment		.ledgrp.rec.shppar
                    shptrs: "", //  Transshipment		.ledgrp.rec.shptrs
                    revflg: "", //  Revolving Flag		.ledgrp.rec.revflg
                    nonban: "", //  Non-Bank Issuer		.ledgrp.rec.nonban
                    teskeyunc: "", //  Test Key Unconfirmity		.ledgrp.rec.teskeyunc
                    dbtflg: "", //  Authorization to Debit		.ledgrp.rec.dbtflg
                    oppbnk: "", //  境内外对手行代码		.ledgrp.rec.oppbnk
                    shppars18: "", //  Partial Shipment		.ledgrp.rec.shppars18
                    shptrss18: "", //  Transshipment		.ledgrp.rec.shptrss18
                    avbwth: "", //  Available with		.ledgrp.rec.avbwth
                    avbby: "", //  Available by		.ledgrp.rec.avbby
                    shpfro: "", //  Dispatch from		.ledgrp.rec.shpfro
                    porloa: "", //  Air-/Port of Departure		.ledgrp.rec.porloa
                    pordis: "", //  Air-/Port of Destination		.ledgrp.rec.pordis
                    shpto: "", //  Final Destination		.ledgrp.rec.shpto
                    chato: "", //  Own Charges Borne by		.ledgrp.rec.chato
                    stacty: "", //  Country Code for Statistics		.ledgrp.rec.stacty
                    tenmaxday: "", //  Maximum Tenor		.ledgrp.rec.tenmaxday
                    prepers18: "", //  Days of presentation period		.ledgrp.rec.prepers18
                    prepertxts18: "", //  Presentation period text		.ledgrp.rec.prepertxts18
                    cnfins: "", //  Confirm. Instruct.		.ledgrp.rec.cnfins
                    aplbnkdirsnd: "", //  Send Directly to Applicant's Bank		.ledgrp.rec.aplbnkdirsnd
                    stagod: "", //  Goods Code 		.ledgrp.rec.stagod
                    spcbenflg: "", //  Special payment conditions for beneficiary exists		.ledgrp.rec.spcbenflg
                    spcrcbflg: "", //  Special Payment Conditions for specified Bank only		.ledgrp.rec.spcrcbflg
                    redclsflg: "", //  Red/Green Clause		.ledgrp.rec.redclsflg
                cbs: {
                    nom1: {
                        cur: "", //  Nominal Amount
                        amt: "", //  Nominal Amount
                    max: {
                        cur: "", //  Maximum Amount
                        amt: "", //  Maximum Amount
                preadvflg: "", //  PreAdvice or Notification		.ledgrp.preadvflg
                ben: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.ben.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.ben.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.ben.dbfadrblkcn
                iss: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.iss.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.iss.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.iss.dbfadrblkcn
                apl: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.apl.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.apl.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.apl.dbfadrblkcn
                avb: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.avb.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.avb.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.avb.dbfadrblkcn
                blk: {
                    avbwthtxt: "", //  Available in		.ledgrp.blk.avbwthtxt
                    defdet: "", //  Deferred Payment Details		.ledgrp.blk.defdet
                    dftat: "", //  Drafts at		.ledgrp.blk.dftat
                    shpper: "", //  Shipment Period		.ledgrp.blk.shpper
                    mixdet: "", //  Mixed Payment Details		.ledgrp.blk.mixdet
                    preper: "", //  Presentation Period		.ledgrp.blk.preper
                    feetxt: "", //  Additional Details to Code for Charges CHATO		.ledgrp.blk.feetxt
                    lcrgod: "", //  Description of Goods		.ledgrp.blk.lcrgod
                    lcrdoc: "", //  Documents Required		.ledgrp.blk.lcrdoc
                    adlcnd: "", //  Additional Conditions		.ledgrp.blk.adlcnd
                    insbnk: "", //  Instructions to Pay.,		.ledgrp.blk.insbnk
                drw: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.drw.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.drw.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.drw.dbfadrblkcn
                adv: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.adv.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.adv.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.adv.dbfadrblkcn
                a2b: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.a2b.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.a2b.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.a2b.dbfadrblkcn
                apb: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.apb.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.apb.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.apb.dbfadrblkcn
                rmb: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "", //  名称		.ledgrp.rmb.namelc
                    adrelc: "", //  地址		.ledgrp.rmb.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "", //  Chinese address		.ledgrp.rmb.dbfadrblkcn
                con: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
            recpan: {
                recget: {
                    sdamod: {
                        seainf: "", //  		.recpan.recget.sdamod.seainf
                        dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
                usr: {
                    extkey: "", //  Responsible User		.recpan.usr.extkey
                usrget: {
                    sdamod: {
                        seainf: "", //  		.recpan.usrget.sdamod.seainf
                aamp: {
                    aammod: {
                        addamtflg: "", //  Add. Amount		.recpan.aamp.aammod.addamtflg
                benp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.benp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.benp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                issp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.issp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.issp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                aplp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.aplp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                oppbnkl: "", //  对手行代码		.recpan.oppbnkl
                avbp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.avbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.avbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                drwp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.drwp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.drwp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                labdefdet: "", //  DEFDAT LAbel		.recpan.labdefdet
                advp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.advp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.advp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                a2bp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.a2bp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.a2bp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                apbp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.apbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.apbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                rmbp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.rmbp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.rmbp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                ptsaddp: {
                    ptsaddg: [], //  		.recpan.ptsaddp.ptsaddg
                conp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            dadsnd: "", //  Drag  Drop Sender		.recpan.conp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                            seainf: "", //  		.recpan.conp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
            mtabut: {
                coninf: {
                    oitinf: {
                        labinftxt: "", //  Label for INFTXT		.mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt
                        oit: {
                            inftxt: "", //  Infotext		.mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt
                            inflev: "", //  Infotext Level		.mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev
                    oitset: {
                        labinftxt: "", //  Label for INFTXT		.mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt
                        oit: {
                            inftxt: "", //  Infotext		.mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt
                            inflev: "", //  Infotext Level		.mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev
                    conexedat: "", //  执行日期		.mtabut.coninf.conexedat
                    usr: {
                        extkey: "", //  User ID		.mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey
            prtpanblk: "", //  XMLPanel prtpan的内置block		.prtpanblk
            pageId: "" // ctx的key