import React,{Component} from 'react' import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'; import {connect} from 'react-redux'; import {Table,Steps,Row,Col,Input} from 'antd' import { updateTreeValue,updateRcvBic,initSwiftMessageTree ,updateSwiftMessage} from '../store/modules/swift/swift_action'; const Step = Steps.Step; export const mty=[ {mty:"mt101",desp:"MT 101 Request for Transfer"}, {mty:"mt103",desp:"MT 103 Single Customer Credit Transfer"}, {mty:"mt190",desp:"MT 190 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments"}, {mty:"mt191",desp:"MT 191 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses"}, {mty:"mt192",desp:"MT 192 Request for Cancellation"}, {mty:"mt195",desp:"MT 195 Queries"}, {mty:"mt196",desp:"MT 196 Answers"}, {mty:"mt198",desp:"MT 198 Proprietary Message"}, {mty:"mt199",desp:"MT 199 Free Format Message"}, {mty:"mt202",desp:"MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer"}, {mty:"mt202COV",desp:"MT 202 COV General Financial Institution Transfer"}, {mty:"mt210",desp:"MT 210 Notice to Receive"}, {mty:"mt292",desp:"MT 292 Request for Cancellation"}, {mty:"mt295",desp:"MT 295 Queries"}, {mty:"mt296",desp:"MT 296 Answers"}, {mty:"mt298",desp:"MT 298 Proprietary Message"}, {mty:"mt299",desp:"MT 299 Free Format Message"}, {mty:"mt300",desp:"MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation"}, //{mty:"mt305",desp:"MT 305 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt320",desp:"MT 320 Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation"}, //{mty:"mt360",desp:"MT 360 Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt399",desp:"MT 399 Free Format Message"}, {mty:"mt400",desp:"MT 400 Advice of Payment"}, {mty:"mt410",desp:"MT 410 Acknowledgement"}, {mty:"mt412",desp:"MT 412 Acknowledgement"}, {mty:"mt420",desp:"MT 420 Tracer"}, {mty:"mt422",desp:"MT 422 Advice of Fate and Request for Instructions"}, {mty:"mt499",desp:"MT 499 Free Format Message"}, /* {mty:"mt535",desp:"MT 535 Statement of Holdings"}, {mty:"mt536",desp:"MT 536 Statement of Transactions"}, {mty:"mt537",desp:"MT 537 Statement of Pending Transactions"}, {mty:"mt538",desp:"MT 538 Statement of Intra-Position Advices"}, {mty:"mt540",desp:"MT 540 Receive Free"}, {mty:"mt541",desp:"MT 541 Receive Against Payment"}, {mty:"mt542",desp:"MT 542 Deliver Free"}, {mty:"mt543",desp:"MT 543 Deliver Against Payment"}, {mty:"mt544",desp:"MT 544 Receive Free Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt545",desp:"MT 545 Receive Against Payment Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt546",desp:"MT 546 Deliver Free Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt547",desp:"MT 547 Deliver Against Payment Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt548",desp:"MT 548 Settlement Status and Processing Advice"}, {mty:"mt564",desp:"MT 564 Corporate Action Notification"}, {mty:"mt565",desp:"MT 565 Corporate Action Instruction"}, {mty:"mt566",desp:"MT 566 Corporate Action Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt567",desp:"MT 567 Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice"}, */ {mty:"mt592",desp:"MT 592 Request for Cancellation"}, {mty:"mt595",desp:"MT 595 Queries"}, {mty:"mt596",desp:"MT 596 Answers"}, {mty:"mt598",desp:"MT 598 Proprietary Message"}, {mty:"mt599",desp:"MT 599 Free Format Message"}, /* {mty:"mt600",desp:"MT 600 Commodity Trade Confirmation"}, {mty:"mt605",desp:"MT 605 Commodity Notice to Receive"}, {mty:"mt607",desp:"MT 607 Commodity Credit Advice"}, {mty:"mt620",desp:"MT 620 Commodity Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation"}, */ {mty:"mt700",desp:"MT 700 Issue of a Documentary Credit"}, {mty:"mt701",desp:"MT 701 General Financial Institution Transfer"}, {mty:"mt707",desp:"MT 707 Amendment to a Documentary Credit"}, {mty:"mt710",desp:"MT 710 Advice of a Third Bank's or a Non-Bank's Documentary Credit"}, {mty:"mt711",desp:"MT 711 Advice of a Third Bank's or a Non-Bank's Documentary Credit"}, {mty:"mt720",desp:"MT 720 Transfer of a Documentary Credit"}, {mty:"mt721",desp:"MT 721 Transfer of a Documentary Credit"}, {mty:"mt730",desp:"MT 730 Acknowledgement"}, {mty:"mt732",desp:"MT 732 Advice of Discharge"}, {mty:"mt734",desp:"MT 734 Advice of Refusal"}, {mty:"mt740",desp:"MT 740 Authorisation to Reimburse"}, {mty:"mt742",desp:"MT 742 Reimbursement Claim"}, {mty:"mt747",desp:"MT 747 Amendment to an Authorisation to Reimburse"}, {mty:"mt750",desp:"MT 750 Advice of Discrepancy"}, {mty:"mt752",desp:"MT 752 Authorisation to Pay, Accept or Negotiate"}, {mty:"mt754",desp:"MT 754 Advice of Payment/Acceptance/Negotiation"}, {mty:"mt756",desp:"MT 756 Advice of Reimbursement or Payment"}, {mty:"mt759",desp:"MT 759 Ancillary Trade Structured Message"}, {mty:"mt760",desp:"MT 760 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit"}, {mty:"mt767",desp:"MT 767 Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Amendment"}, {mty:"mt768",desp:"MT 768 Acknowledgement of a Guarantee/Standby Message"}, {mty:"mt769",desp:"MT 769 Advice of Reduction or Release"}, {mty:"mt799",desp:"MT 799 Free Format Message"}, {mty:"mt940",desp:"MT 940 Customer Statement Message"}, {mty:"mt950",desp:"MT 950 Statement Message"}, {mty:"mt995",desp:"MT 995 Queries"}, {mty:"mt996",desp:"MT 996 Answers"}, {mty:"mt998",desp:"MT 998 Proprietary Message"}, {mty:"mt999",desp:"MT 999 Free Format Message"}, //{mty:"mt1000",desp:"MT 1000 TEST"}, ] // const columns = [{ // title: '创建报文', // dataIndex: 'desp', // key: 'desp', // render:(text,record)=>{ // return <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick={()=>{this.props.history.push(`swift/${record.mty}`)}}>Create {record.desp}</a> // } // }, // ] export class LeadPage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state={fil:''} } columns = [{ title: <div> <Input placeholder="输入报文类型数字,快速筛选" size="large" onChange={e=>this.setState({})}/> </div>, dataIndex: 'desp', key: 'desp', render:(text,record)=>{ return <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick={()=>{ this.props.actions.initSwiftMessageTree(null) //清空 this.props.history.push(`swift/edit/${this.props.params.mctid?this.props.params.mctid+'/':''}${record.mty}`) } }>Create {record.desp}</a> } }, ] render() { return ( <div> <Row style={{marginTop:'3em'}}> <Col span={3}/> <Col span={18}> <Steps current={0}> <Step title="选择类型" description="选择报文类型" /> <Step title="报文编辑" description="编辑报文栏位值" /> <Step title="预览报文" description="预览报文" /> <Step title="编辑完成" description="已完成提交" /> </Steps> </Col> <Col span={3}/> </Row> <Row> <Col span={3}/> <Col span={18}> <Table columns={this.columns} dataSource={this.state.fil?mty.filter(item=>item.mty.indexOf('mt'+this.state.fil)==0):mty} /> </Col> <Col span={3}/> </Row> </div> ) } } const mapStateToProps = (state) => { const {swift_message} = state.swift; return { value:swift_message }; }; function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { actions: bindActionCreators({ initSwiftMessageTree }, dispatch) }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LeadPage)