Commit 76c4805a by jianglong


parent 1769b9e0
......@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ export default class T20 extends Component
<Input maxLength={16} value={value.s1} defaultValue={ref} placeholder={this.props.desp} style={{'imeMode':'disabled'}} onChange={e=>this.onChange(}/>
<Input addonAfter={<Button size="small" type="primary" shape="circle" icon="reload" title="reload 20 ref"
onClick={(e)=>{let day = new Date();
let dayWrapper = moment(day);
let ref="BW"+mty+dayWrapper.format("X")+random.string(1);console.log(ref);this.props.onValue([{s1:ref},ref])}} /> } maxLength={16} value={value.s1} defaultValue={ref} placeholder={this.props.desp} style={{'imeMode':'disabled'}} onChange={e=>this.onChange(}/>
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