Commit 132cc69e by s_guodong


parent c3ccc792
......@@ -27,13 +27,11 @@ export default class T22A extends Component
let errmsg = value && value.length==3?value[2]:{}
value = value && value.length? value[0] : {}
let Purpose = ['ACNF','ADVI','ISSU']
let Purpose1 = [
if (this.props.mty == 'mt300') {
Purpose = ['AMND', 'CANC', 'DUPL', 'EXOP', 'NEWT']
Purpose1 = [
{ code: "AMND", name: "Amendment" },
{ code: "CANC", name: "Cancellation" },
......@@ -42,31 +40,38 @@ export default class T22A extends Component
{ code: "NEWT", name: "New Confirmation" }]
if (this.props.mty == 'mt306') {
Purpose = ['AMND', 'CANC', 'NEWT']
Purpose1 = [
{ code: "AMND", name: "Amendment" },
{ code: "CANC", name: "Cancellation" },
{ code: "NEWT", name: "New Confirmation" }]
if (this.props.mty == 'mt320' || this.props.mty == 'mt360' || this.props.mty == 'mt620') {
Purpose = ['AMND', 'CANC', 'DUPL', 'NEWT']
Purpose1 = [
{ code: "AMND", name: "Amendment" },
{ code: "CANC", name: "Cancellation" },
{ code: "DUPL", name: "Duplicate" },
{ code: "NEWT", name: "New Confirmation" }]
if (this.props.mty == 'mt760' || this.props.mty == 'mt767'){
if (this.props.mty == 'mt760'){
{code:"ISSU",name:"Issuance of undertaking"},
{code:"ISCO",name:"Issuance of counter-undertaking"},
{code:"ADVI",name:"Advice of issued undertaking"},
{code:"ACNF",name:"Advice and confirm of issued undert"},
{code:"ICCO",name:"Issuance of counter-counter-undert."}]
{code:"ADVI",name:"Advice of issued undertaking"},
{code:"ICCO",name:"Issuance of counter-counter-undert."},
{code:"ISCO",name:"Issuance of counter-undertaking"},
{code:"ISSU",name:"Issuance of undertaking"}
if (this.props.mty == 'mt767'){
{code:"ACNA",name:"Advice and confirmation of amendment to issued undertaking"},
{code:"ADVA",name:"Advice of amendment to issued undertaking"},
{code:"ICCA",name:"Issuance of amendment to issued counter counter-undertaking."},
{code:"ISCA",name:"Issuance of amendment to issued counter-undertaking."},
{code:"ISUA",name:"Issuance of amendment to issued undertaking"}]
return (<Row>
<Col span={10}>
<Col span={15}>
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