Commit a29cfb8f by fukai


parent 0d6ca9ac
import React, {Component, Fragment} from 'react'
import {Form, Input, Select, Button, notification} from 'antd'
import {formItemLayout, formSubBtnLayout} from '../../../config'
import {formItemLayout, formSubBtnLayout} from '../../../../config'
import fieldSet from './descriptor/fetfxq'
import fieldSet from '../descriptor/fetfxq'
import Api from '../../../service/api'
import Api from '../../../../service/api'
const FormItem = Form.Item
const FromCreate = Form.create;
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {Form, Input, Select, Row, Col, Button, notification, DatePicker,Steps,Af
import FetStore from './FetStore'
import FetopnTab1 from './FetopnTab1'
import FetopnTab2 from './FetopnTab2'
import Fetfxq from './Fetfxq'
import { observer } from "mobx-react"
......@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ export default class Fetopn extends Component{
if(code == '概况')
return <FetopnTab2 store={store}/>
return <Fetfxq store={store}/>
if(code == '账务明细')
return <FetopnTab2 store={store}/>
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import React,{Component} from 'react'
import { Switch, Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import Fetopn from './Fetopn'
import Fetfxq from './Fetfxq'
import "./index.less"
......@@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ export default function moduleRouter(props){
return <React.Fragment>
<Route exact path={`${moduleBasePath}opn`} component={Fetopn} />
<Route exact path={`${moduleBasePath}fxq`} component={Fetfxq} />
{/*<Route exact path={`${moduleBasePath}fxq`} component={Fetfxq} />*/}
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