Commit c9f339dd by gq777


parent 6aaf0826
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export const mty=[
{mty:"mt296",desp:"MT 296 Answers"},
{mty:"mt299",desp:"MT 299 Free Format Message"},
{mty:"mt300",desp:"MT 300 Foregin Exchang confirmation"},
{mty:"mt320",desp:"MT 320 Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation"},
{mty:"mt410",desp:"MT 410 Acknowledgement"},
{mty:"mt420",desp:"MT 420 Tracer"},
{mty:"mt422",desp:"MT 422 Advice of Fate and Request for Instructions"},
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import MT950 from './MT950'
import MT202COV from './MT202COV'
import MT1000 from './MT1000'
import MT300 from './MT300'
import MT320 from './MT320'
export default function MTFactory(mty) {
if (mty == "mt202cov")
......@@ -87,4 +88,6 @@ export default function MTFactory(mty) {
return MT1000
if (mty == 'mt300')
return MT300
if (mty == 'mt320')
return MT320
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import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Form, Input, DatePicker, Row, Col, Button, Icon, Select } from 'antd';
import { InputSize, Currency, FormatAmount } from "./Utils"
const FormItem = Form.Item;
const Option = Select.Option
export default class T21N extends Component {
name = '21N'
desp = "Contract Number Party A"
pattern = "16x"
tno = -1
keys = [1]
onChange = (index, value) => {
let obj = {};
if (!value)
value = ""
let objtemp = this.props.value
objtemp = objtemp && objtemp.length ? objtemp[0] : {}
objtemp["s" + index] = value;
this.keys.forEach(i => {
obj['s' + i] = objtemp['s' + i]
let mval = `${obj.s1}`
this.props.onValue([obj, mval])
render() {
let value = this.props.value
let mval = value && value.length ? value[1] : ''
let errmsg = value && value.length == 3 ? value[2] : {}
value = value && value.length ? value[0] : {}
return (<Row>
<Col style={{ "minWidth": '350px' }} span={3}>
label="Contract Number"
required={this.props.status == 'M' || mval ? 'required' : null}
validateStatus={errmsg.s1 ? 'error' : null}
<Input value={value.s1} onChange={e => this.onChange(1,} maxLength={16} style={{ imeMode: 'disabled' }} placeholder="Contract Number" />
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import React,{Component} from 'react'
import { Form, Input, DatePicker,Row, Col,Button,Icon ,Select} from 'antd';
import {InputSize,Currency,FormatAmount} from "./Utils"
const FormItem = Form.Item;
const Option = Select.Option
export default class T22B extends Component
desp = "Type of Event"
pattern = ""
tno = -1
let value =this.props.value
let mval = value && value.length? value[1] : ''
let errmsg = value && value.length==3?value[2]:{}
value = value && value.length? value[0] : {}
return (<Row>
<Col span={5}>
<Select size={InputSize}
notFoundContent="Wrong Code"
style={{ width: "100%" }} value={value.s1} onChange={val=>this.onChange(val)} >
<Option value="CONF">CONF</Option>
<Option value="MATU">MATU</Option>
<Option value="ROLL">ROLL</Option>
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import React,{Component} from 'react'
import { Form, Input, DatePicker,TimePicker,Row, Col,Button,Icon ,Select} from 'antd';
import {InputSize,Currency,FormatAmount} from "./Utils"
const FormItem = Form.Item;
const Option = Select.Option
export default class T30P extends Component
desp = "Maturity Date"
pattern = "8!n"
tno = -1
let obj = {};
value = ""
let objtemp =this.props.value
objtemp = objtemp && objtemp.length? objtemp[0] : {}
objtemp["s"+index] = value;
obj['s'+i] = objtemp['s'+i]
let mval = `${obj.s1}`
let value =this.props.value
let mval = value && value.length? value[1] : ''
let errmsg = value && value.length==3?value[2]:{}
value = value && value.length? value[0] : {}
return (<Row>
<Col style={{"minWidth":'100px'}} span={3}>
required={this.props.status=='M' || mval?'required':null}
<DatePicker defaultValue="" format="yyyyMMdd" value={value.s1} onChange={(date, dateString)=>this.onChange(1,dateString)} />
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......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ import T64 from './T64'
import T86 from './T86'
import T65 from './T65'
import T25P from './T25P'
<<<<<<< HEAD
import T90A from './T90A'
import T90B from './T90B'
import T90C from './T90C'
......@@ -153,8 +153,7 @@ import T22L from './T22L'
import T15E from './T15E'
import T24D from './T24D'
import T14S from './T14S'
import T15A from './T15A'
import T94A from './T94A'
import T22C from './T22C'
......@@ -176,7 +175,23 @@ import T14C from './T14C'
import T32E from './T32E'
import T30U from './T30U'
import T39M from './T39M'
>>>>>>> 17586701b8b55cff5a5d09db8bb21e9918f59300
import T21A from './T21A'
import T14E from './T14E'
import T15B from './T15B'
import T30T from './T30T'
import T30V from './T30V'
import T29A from './T29A'
import T84A from './T84A'
import T85A from './T85A'
import T88A from './T88A'
import T26H from './T26H'
import T21G from './T21G'
import T16A from './T16A'
import T81A from './T81A'
import T96A from './T96A'
import T21N from './T21N'
import T22B from './T22B'
import T30P from './T30P'
export default function(tag,props,onValue){
......@@ -306,7 +321,9 @@ export default function(tag,props,onValue){
case "T65" :return <T65 {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T86" :return <T86 {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T25P" :return <T25P {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
<<<<<<< HEAD
case "T16A" :return <T16A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T90A" :return <T90A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T90B" :return <T90B {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T90C" :return <T90C {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
......@@ -335,8 +352,24 @@ export default function(tag,props,onValue){
case "T15E" :return <T15E {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T24D" :return <T24D {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T14S" :return <T14S {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T21A" :return <T21A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T14E" :return <T14E {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T15B" :return <T15B {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T30T" :return <T30T {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T30V" :return <T30V {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T29A" :return <T29A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T84A" :return <T84A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T85A" :return <T85A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T88A" :return <T88A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T26H" :return <T26H {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T21G" :return <T21G {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T81A" :return <T81A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T96A" :return <T96A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T22B" :return <T22B {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T21N" :return <T21N {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T30P" :return <T30P {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T15A" :return <T15A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T94A" :return <T94A {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
case "T22C" :return <T22C {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
......@@ -360,7 +393,6 @@ export default function(tag,props,onValue){
case "T39M" :return <T39M {...props} onValue={onValue} />;
>>>>>>> 17586701b8b55cff5a5d09db8bb21e9918f59300
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