# [enquire.js](http://wickynilliams.github.com/enquire.js/) - Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript [](https://travis-ci.org/WickyNilliams/enquire.js) `enquire.js` is a lightweight, pure javascript library (with **no dependencies**) for programmatically responding to media queries. ## Getting enquire.js ### Download Get the latest build, ready to go: * [Development](https://github.com/WickyNilliams/enquire.js/raw/master/dist/enquire.js) - unminified * [Production](https://github.com/WickyNilliams/enquire.js/raw/master/dist/enquire.min.js) - minified ### Install via Bower To install via bower, enter the following at the command line: bower install enquire ### Install via npm To install via npm, enter the following at the command line: npm install enquire.js ### Build From Source If you want build from source (and run all unit tests etc): git clone git://github.com/WickyNilliams/enquire.js.git cd enquire.js npm install grunt Booya! ## Quick Start The main method you will be dealing with is `register`. It's basic signature is as follows: ```javascript enquire.register(query /* string */, handler /* object || array || function */); ``` `query` is the CSS media query you wish to respond to, and `handler` is an object containing any logic to handle the query. An example of usage is as follows: ```javascript enquire.register("screen and (max-width:1000px)", { match : function() {}, // OPTIONAL // If supplied, triggered when the media query transitions // *from an unmatched to a matched state* unmatch : function() {}, // OPTIONAL // If supplied, triggered when the media query transitions // *from a matched state to an unmatched state*. // Also may be called when handler is unregistered (if destroy is not available) setup : function() {}, // OPTIONAL // If supplied, triggered once immediately upon registration of the handler destroy : function() {}, // OPTIONAL // If supplied, triggered when handler is unregistered. Place cleanup code here deferSetup : true // OPTIONAL, defaults to false // If set to true, defers execution the setup function // until the media query is first matched. still triggered just once }); ``` This should be enough to get you going, but **please read the full [enquire.js documentation](http://wickynilliams.github.com/enquire.js/)** if you wish to learn about the other cool features. ## Contributing * Got an awesome idea? * Found a *not-so*-awesome bug? * Wish to get my attention through an inappropriate communication channel?! Then please don't hesitate to raise an issue, they will *all* be looked at and tended to. And for all the cool cats who are prepared to give their time to contribute code, feel free to open a pull request. If you could write unit tests to accompany your pull request that would be pretty sweet, but no worries if not - if it's good enough to be merged in, it's good enough for me to spend a little time to write tests on your behalf :-) ## License License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)