{ "title":"Web Sockets", "description":"Bidirectional communication technology for web apps", "spec":"https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/comms.html#network", "status":"ls", "links":[ { "url":"http://websocket.org/aboutwebsocket.html", "title":"WebSockets information" }, { "url":"http://updates.html5rocks.com/2011/08/What-s-different-in-the-new-WebSocket-protocol", "title":"Details on newer protocol" }, { "url":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket", "title":"Wikipedia" }, { "url":"https://raw.github.com/phiggins42/has.js/master/detect/features.js#native-websockets", "title":"has.js test" }, { "url":"https://www.webplatform.org/docs/apis/websocket", "title":"WebPlatform Docs" }, { "url":"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API", "title":"MDN Web Docs - WebSockets API" } ], "bugs":[ { "description":"Firefox 37 and lower cannot host a WebSocket within a WebWorker context" } ], "categories":[ "JS API" ], "stats":{ "ie":{ "5.5":"n", "6":"n", "7":"n", "8":"n", "9":"n", "10":"y", "11":"y" }, "edge":{ "12":"y", "13":"y", "14":"y", "15":"y", "16":"y", "17":"y", "18":"y", "75":"y" }, "firefox":{ "2":"n", "3":"n", "3.5":"n", "3.6":"n", "4":"a #1", "5":"a #1", "6":"a x #2", "7":"a x #2", "8":"a x #2", "9":"a x #2", "10":"a x #2", "11":"y", "12":"y", "13":"y", "14":"y", "15":"y", "16":"y", "17":"y", "18":"y", "19":"y", "20":"y", "21":"y", "22":"y", "23":"y", "24":"y", "25":"y", "26":"y", "27":"y", "28":"y", "29":"y", "30":"y", "31":"y", "32":"y", "33":"y", "34":"y", "35":"y", "36":"y", "37":"y", "38":"y", "39":"y", "40":"y", "41":"y", "42":"y", "43":"y", "44":"y", "45":"y", "46":"y", "47":"y", "48":"y", "49":"y", "50":"y", "51":"y", "52":"y", "53":"y", "54":"y", "55":"y", "56":"y", "57":"y", "58":"y", "59":"y", "60":"y", "61":"y", "62":"y", "63":"y", "64":"y", "65":"y", "66":"y", "67":"y", "68":"y" }, "chrome":{ "4":"a #1", "5":"a #1", "6":"a #1", "7":"a #1", "8":"a #1", "9":"a #1", "10":"a #1", "11":"a #1", "12":"a #1", "13":"a #1", "14":"a #1", "15":"a #2", "16":"y", "17":"y", "18":"y", "19":"y", "20":"y", "21":"y", "22":"y", "23":"y", "24":"y", "25":"y", "26":"y", "27":"y", "28":"y", "29":"y", "30":"y", "31":"y", "32":"y", "33":"y", "34":"y", "35":"y", "36":"y", "37":"y", "38":"y", "39":"y", "40":"y", "41":"y", "42":"y", "43":"y", "44":"y", "45":"y", "46":"y", "47":"y", "48":"y", "49":"y", "50":"y", "51":"y", "52":"y", "53":"y", "54":"y", "55":"y", "56":"y", "57":"y", "58":"y", "59":"y", "60":"y", "61":"y", "62":"y", "63":"y", "64":"y", "65":"y", "66":"y", "67":"y", "68":"y", "69":"y", "70":"y", "71":"y", "72":"y", "73":"y", "74":"y", "75":"y", "76":"y", "77":"y" }, "safari":{ "3.1":"n", "3.2":"n", "4":"n", "5":"a #1", "5.1":"a #1", "6":"a #2", "6.1":"a #2", "7":"y", "7.1":"y", "8":"y", "9":"y", "9.1":"y", "10":"y", "10.1":"y", "11":"y", "11.1":"y", "12":"y", "12.1":"y", "TP":"y" }, "opera":{ "9":"n", "9.5-9.6":"n", "10.0-10.1":"n", "10.5":"n", "10.6":"n", "11":"a #1", "11.1":"a #1", "11.5":"a #1", "11.6":"a #1", "12":"a #1", "12.1":"y", "15":"y", "16":"y", "17":"y", "18":"y", "19":"y", "20":"y", "21":"y", "22":"y", "23":"y", "24":"y", "25":"y", "26":"y", "27":"y", "28":"y", "29":"y", "30":"y", "31":"y", "32":"y", "33":"y", "34":"y", "35":"y", "36":"y", "37":"y", "38":"y", "39":"y", "40":"y", "41":"y", "42":"y", "43":"y", "44":"y", "45":"y", "46":"y", "47":"y", "48":"y", "49":"y", "50":"y", "51":"y", "52":"y", "53":"y", "54":"y", "55":"y", "56":"y", "57":"y", "58":"y" }, "ios_saf":{ "3.2":"n", "4.0-4.1":"n", "4.2-4.3":"a #1", "5.0-5.1":"a #1", "6.0-6.1":"y", "7.0-7.1":"y", "8":"y", "8.1-8.4":"y", "9.0-9.2":"y", "9.3":"y", "10.0-10.2":"y", "10.3":"y", "11.0-11.2":"y", "11.3-11.4":"y", "12.0-12.1":"y", "12.2":"y" }, "op_mini":{ "all":"n" }, "android":{ "2.1":"n", "2.2":"n", "2.3":"n", "3":"n", "4":"n", "4.1":"n", "4.2-4.3":"n", "4.4":"y", "4.4.3-4.4.4":"y", "67":"y" }, "bb":{ "7":"y #1", "10":"y" }, "op_mob":{ "10":"n", "11":"a #1", "11.1":"a #1", "11.5":"a #1", "12":"a #1", "12.1":"y", "46":"y" }, "and_chr":{ "74":"y" }, "and_ff":{ "66":"y" }, "ie_mob":{ "10":"y", "11":"y" }, "and_uc":{ "11.8":"y" }, "samsung":{ "4":"y", "5.0-5.4":"y", "6.2-6.4":"y", "7.2-7.4":"y", "8.2":"y", "9.2":"y" }, "and_qq":{ "1.2":"y" }, "baidu":{ "7.12":"y" }, "kaios":{ "2.5":"y" } }, "notes":"Reported to be supported in some Android 4.x browsers, including Sony Xperia S, Sony TX and HTC.", "notes_by_num":{ "1":"Partial support in older browsers refers to the websockets implementation using an older version of the protocol and/or the implementation being disabled by default (due to security issues with the older protocol).", "2":"Partial support in older browsers refers to lacking support for binary data." }, "usage_perc_y":96.12, "usage_perc_a":0.68, "ucprefix":true, "parent":"", "keywords":"", "ie_id":"websocket", "chrome_id":"6555138000945152", "firefox_id":"websocket", "webkit_id":"", "shown":true }