verify.js 6.57 KB
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'use strict'

const BB = require('bluebird')

const contentPath = require('./content/path')
const finished = BB.promisify(require('mississippi').finished)
const fixOwner = require('./util/fix-owner')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const glob = BB.promisify(require('glob'))
const index = require('./entry-index')
const path = require('path')
const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf'))
const ssri = require('ssri')


module.exports = verify
function verify (cache, opts) {
  opts = opts || {}
  opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'verifying cache at', cache)
  return BB.reduce([
  ], (stats, step, i) => {
    const label = || `step #${i}`
    const start = new Date()
    return BB.resolve(step(cache, opts)).then(s => {
      s && Object.keys(s).forEach(k => {
        stats[k] = s[k]
      const end = new Date()
      if (!stats.runTime) { stats.runTime = {} }
      stats.runTime[label] = end - start
      return stats
  }, {}).tap(stats => { = stats.endTime - stats.startTime
    opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'verification finished for', cache, 'in', `${}ms`)

function markStartTime (cache, opts) {
  return { startTime: new Date() }

function markEndTime (cache, opts) {
  return { endTime: new Date() }

function fixPerms (cache, opts) {
  opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'fixing cache permissions')
  return fixOwner.mkdirfix(cache, opts.uid, opts.gid).then(() => {
    // TODO - fix file permissions too
    return fixOwner.chownr(cache, opts.uid, opts.gid)
  }).then(() => null)

// Implements a naive mark-and-sweep tracing garbage collector.
// The algorithm is basically as follows:
// 1. Read (and filter) all index entries ("pointers")
// 2. Mark each integrity value as "live"
// 3. Read entire filesystem tree in `content-vX/` dir
// 4. If content is live, verify its checksum and delete it if it fails
// 5. If content is not marked as live, rimraf it.
function garbageCollect (cache, opts) {
  opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'garbage collecting content')
  const indexStream = index.lsStream(cache)
  const liveContent = new Set()
  indexStream.on('data', entry => {
    if (opts && opts.filter && !opts.filter(entry)) { return }
  return finished(indexStream).then(() => {
    const contentDir = contentPath._contentDir(cache)
    return glob(path.join(contentDir, '**'), {
      follow: false,
      nodir: true,
      nosort: true
    }).then(files => {
      return BB.resolve({
        verifiedContent: 0,
        reclaimedCount: 0,
        reclaimedSize: 0,
        badContentCount: 0,
        keptSize: 0
      }).tap((stats) =>, (f) => {
        const split = f.split(/[/\\]/)
        const digest = split.slice(split.length - 3).join('')
        const algo = split[split.length - 4]
        const integrity = ssri.fromHex(digest, algo)
        if (liveContent.has(integrity.toString())) {
          return verifyContent(f, integrity).then(info => {
            if (!info.valid) {
              stats.reclaimedSize += info.size
            } else {
              stats.keptSize += info.size
            return stats
        } else {
          // No entries refer to this content. We can delete.
          return fs.statAsync(f).then(s => {
            return rimraf(f).then(() => {
              stats.reclaimedSize += s.size
              return stats
      }, {concurrency: opts.concurrency || 20}))

function verifyContent (filepath, sri) {
  return fs.statAsync(filepath).then(stat => {
    const contentInfo = {
      size: stat.size,
      valid: true
    return ssri.checkStream(
    ).catch(err => {
      if (err.code !== 'EINTEGRITY') { throw err }
      return rimraf(filepath).then(() => {
        contentInfo.valid = false
    }).then(() => contentInfo)
  }).catch({code: 'ENOENT'}, () => ({size: 0, valid: false}))

function rebuildIndex (cache, opts) {
  opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'rebuilding index')
  return => {
    const stats = {
      missingContent: 0,
      rejectedEntries: 0,
      totalEntries: 0
    const buckets = {}
    for (let k in entries) {
      if (entries.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        const hashed = index._hashKey(k)
        const entry = entries[k]
        const excluded = opts && opts.filter && !opts.filter(entry)
        excluded && stats.rejectedEntries++
        if (buckets[hashed] && !excluded) {
        } else if (buckets[hashed] && excluded) {
          // skip
        } else if (excluded) {
          buckets[hashed] = []
          buckets[hashed]._path = index._bucketPath(cache, k)
        } else {
          buckets[hashed] = [entry]
          buckets[hashed]._path = index._bucketPath(cache, k)
    return, key => {
      return rebuildBucket(cache, buckets[key], stats, opts)
    }, {concurrency: opts.concurrency || 20}).then(() => stats)

function rebuildBucket (cache, bucket, stats, opts) {
  return fs.truncateAsync(bucket._path).then(() => {
    // This needs to be serialized because cacache explicitly
    // lets very racy bucket conflicts clobber each other.
    return BB.mapSeries(bucket, entry => {
      const content = contentPath(cache, entry.integrity)
      return fs.statAsync(content).then(() => {
        return index.insert(cache, entry.key, entry.integrity, {
          uid: opts.uid,
          gid: opts.gid,
          metadata: entry.metadata
        }).then(() => { stats.totalEntries++ })
      }).catch({code: 'ENOENT'}, () => {

function cleanTmp (cache, opts) {
  opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'cleaning tmp directory')
  return rimraf(path.join(cache, 'tmp'))

function writeVerifile (cache, opts) {
  const verifile = path.join(cache, '_lastverified')
  opts.log && opts.log.silly('verify', 'writing verifile to ' + verifile)
  return fs.writeFileAsync(verifile, '' + (+(new Date())))

module.exports.lastRun = lastRun
function lastRun (cache) {
  return fs.readFileAsync(
    path.join(cache, '_lastverified'), 'utf8'
  ).then(data => new Date(+data))