<template> <div class="eContainer"> <c-page title="进口信用证通知"> <el-form :model="model" :rules="rules" ref="modelForm" label-width="180px" label-position="right" size="small" :validate-on-rule-change="false"> <c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card" @tab-click="tabClick"> <el-tab-pane label="业务信息" name="ovwp"> <c-content> <m-ovwp :model="model" :codes="codes" ref="ovwp"></m-ovwp> </c-content> </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label="表外信息" name="engp"> <c-content> <!-- 表外记账 --> <m-engp :model="model" :codes="codes" /> </c-content> </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label="费用/账务" name="setpan"> <c-content> <m-setmod :model="model" :codes="codes" @changeSetmodModel="changeSetmodModel" /> </c-content> </el-tab-pane> <!--PD000529 --> <el-tab-pane label="报文/面函" name="docpan"> <c-content> <m-docpan :model="model" :codes="codes" /> </c-content> </el-tab-pane> </c-tabs> </el-form> <!--底部按钮--> <c-function-btn :handleCheck="handleCheck" :handleStash="handleStash" :handleSubmit="handleSubmit" @handleSureWarning="handleSureWarning" ref="commonBtn"></c-function-btn> <el-dialog v-dialogDrag title="通知到单数据" :visible.sync="isDialogVisiable" width="60%" v-if="isDialogVisiable" @close="handleClose"> <c-table :list="advDataArray" :columnsConfig="columns" :paginationShow="true" :total="advDataArray.length" @row-dblclick="pickDepItem"> <el-table-column prop="op" label="OP" width="80" fixed="right"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" type="primary" @click="pickDepItem(scope.row)"> 选择 </c-button> </template> </el-table-column> </c-table> </el-dialog> </c-page> </div> </template> <script> import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"; import Litdav from "../model/index"; import Ovwp from "./Ovwp"; import Docpan from "~/components/business/docpan/views"; import Engp from "~/components/business/engp/views"; import operationFunc from "~/mixin/operationFunc"; import event from "../event"; import buildFn from "../event/buildCommons.js"; import Setmod from "~/components/business/setmod/views"; import check from "../model/check"; import Default from "../model/default"; import commonDepend from "~/mixin/commonDepend"; import Ptyp from "./Ptyp"; export default { name: "Litdav", components: { "m-engp": Engp, "m-docpan": Docpan, "m-setmod": Setmod, "m-ovwp": Ovwp, Ptyp, }, provide() { return { root: this, }; }, mixins: [operationFunc, event, buildFn, check, Default, commonDepend], // 里面包含了Default、Check等的公共处理 data() { return { tabVal: "ovwp", trnName: "litdav", model: new Litdav().data, codes: { ...CodeTable }, ywxx: ["davp"], fyzw: ["engp"], activeNamesxyz: ["limitbody", "engp"], isDialogVisiable: false, advDataArray: [], columns: [ { label: "INR", prop: "inr", width: 150, }, { label: "Reference", prop: "ownref", width: 180, }, { label: "Name", prop: "nam", width: 180, }, { label: "Date", prop: "credat", width: 150, }, { label: "Maturity", prop: "matdat", width: 150, }, { label: "ADVDOCFLG", prop: "advdocflg", width: 150, }, { label: "ETYEXTKEY", prop: "etyextkey", width: 150, }, { label: "BCHKEYINR", prop: "bchkeyinr", width: 150, }, { label: "BRANCHINR", prop: "branchinr", width: 150, }, { label: "NGRCOD", prop: "ngrcod", width: 150, }, { label: "SGDINR", prop: "sgdinr", width: 150, }, { label: "BLNUM", prop: "blnum", width: 150, }, { label: "SHGREF", prop: "shgref", width: 150, }, { label: "GUAFLG", prop: "guaflg", width: 150, }, { label: "TENMAXDAY", prop: "tenmaxday", width: 150, }, { label: "STADAT", prop: "stadat", width: 150, }, { label: "RPTREF", prop: "rptref", width: 150, }, { label: "INVREF", prop: "invref", width: 150, }, { label: "PRECHKDAT", prop: "prechkdat", width: 150, }, { label: "ISCHKTYP", prop: "ischktyp", width: 150, }, { label: "CFABRTFLG", prop: "cfabrtflg", width: 150, }, { label: "CFABRTTXT", prop: "cfabrttxt", width: 150, }, { label: "INVTYP", prop: "invtyp", width: 150, }, { label: "OPPNAM", prop: "oppnam", width: 150, }, ], }; }, methods: { initData(params) { this.init(params).then(async () => { this.$refs.ovwp.$refs.ptyp.initdocprbrolArray(); if (this.model.brdgrp.rec.advtyp === "750") { this.fillDocdis(); } }); }, pickDepItem(row) { this.isDialogVisiable = false; // 通过选中数据加载交易 let params = { transName: this.trnName, lidgrp: { rec: { inr: this.$route.query.inr, }, }, brdgrp: { rec: { inr: row.inr, }, }, }; this.initData(params); }, handleClose() { this.$alert( "An existing contract is required to execute this transaction.\nEither no contract was passed or the passed contract is deleted.\nThe transaction cannot be executed. Please install the contract first.", "警告", { confirmButtonText: "OK", } ).then(async () => { this.$store.commit("delTagsArry", this.$route.path); this.$router.back(); }); }, }, mounted() { console.log("进入litdav交易"); this.queryAdvData(this.$route.query.inr).then((result) => { this.advDataArray = result; if (this.advDataArray.length > 0) { // 有则提示是否选提货担保数据处理 this.$confirm( "For this L/C some document sets have been advised while\nthe documents have not been received. Do you want to select\none of those document sets to process their receipt ?", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "OK", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", type: "warning", } ) .then(async () => { // 是则弹出到单数据 this.isDialogVisiable = true; }) .catch(() => { // 否则直接进入交易 let params = { transName: this.trnName, lidgrp: { rec: { inr: this.$route.query.inr, }, }, }; this.initData(params); }); } else { // 没有通知到单数据则直接初始化 let params = { transName: this.trnName, lidgrp: { rec: { inr: this.$route.query.inr, }, }, }; this.initData(params); } }); }, created() {}, }; </script> <style></style>