import Api from '~/service/Api'; import commonFunctions from '~/mixin/commonFunctions.js'; import buildFn from './buildCommons.js'; import Utils from '~/utils'; import moment from 'moment'; import index2 from "./index2"; export default { mixins: [commonFunctions, buildFn, index2], methods: { // //申报2122报文 async query2122() { let trnName = this.root ? this.root.trnName : this.trnName if (this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg == '1') { let rmbbop = this.buildRobbop(this.model, trnName); let opertype = "2"; let rtnmsg = await'/business/rmbbopgid/rmbbop2122Cal', rmbbop); if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { Utils.copyValueFromVoData(this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122,; = opertype; } } }, changenPlateflg() { if (this.model.gitamep.plateflg == 'X') { this.model.swiadd.amestatxt =; this.rulePlateflgN1000() this.$set(, 'amestatxt', this.model.swiadd.ameblk); } else { this.$set(, 'amestatxt', this.model.swiadd.ameblk); this.model.swiadd.ameblk = ''; } }, rulePlateflgN1000() { let data = this.model;`/business/gitameRule/rulePlateflgN1000`, data).then(res => { this.model.swiadd.ameblk =; }) }, amenbrChange(){ if(this.model.swiadd.amenbr!=''&&this.model.gitamep.plateflg === 'X'){ this.model.swiadd.amestatxt = this.model.swiadd.ameblk this.rulePlateflgN1000() } }, amedatChange(){ if (this.model.gitamep.plateflg === 'X') { this.model.swiadd.amestatxt = this.model.swiadd.ameblk this.rulePlateflgN1000() } }, addamtflgChange() { if (this.model.swiadd.addamtflg == "") { this.model.swiadd.addamtcovs20 = ""; this.model.swiadd.addamt = "0.00"; this.model.swiadd.addameamt = "0.00"; this.changeSwiaddaddAmeamt(); } }, addamtChange() { if (this.addamtcovs20Flg != "X" && this.model.swiadd.addamt != "" && this.model.swiadd.addamt != "0.00") { this.model.swiadd.addamtcovs20 = this.model.swiadd.addcur + " " + this.model.swiadd.addamt; } }, addamtcovs20Change() { this.addamtcovs20Flg = "X"; }, handleChangeExpflg() { this.model.swiadd.newexpdat = ''; if (this.model.swiadd.newexpflg === "X" && this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp === "OC") { this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = "X"; } //759 赋值给model.swiadd.exptyp if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.legfrm == 'DEPU'){ if (this.model.swiadd.newexpflg === "X") { this.model.swiadd.exptyp="COND"; } else{ if(this.model.swiadd.newexpdat !=null&&this.model.swiadd.newexpdat !== ''){ this.model.swiadd.exptyp="COND"; } else{ this.model.swiadd.exptyp=""; } } } }, async defaultList(e) { if (!e.includes('ameps20')) { return } this.getPurposameData(); this.getRamrolData(); }, changeReqcan() { if (this.model.swiadd.reqcan == "X") { this.model.gitamep.ametxt = "Cancellation of the counter undertaking requested." } else { this.model.gitamep.ametxt = ""; } }, handleChangeFingua() { }, defaultVouflgN1000() { }, onCfaflg(e) { if (e == undefined) { return; } switch (this.model.cfagit.cfaflg) { case "1": this.model.cfagit.basflg = 'X'; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = 'X'; // if (!this.model.cfagit.ownextkey) { // this.ownextkey =; // this.model.cfagit.ownextkey =[0].value; // // this.ownextkey= getValues('cfagit.ownextkey','ownextkey1'); // } break; case "2": if (this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas != null) { if (this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.basflg = 'X'; if (this.model.swiadd.ameamt > 0) { this.model.cfagit.dclflg = 'X'; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = "X"; } else { this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ''; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; } } } // this.model.cfagit.ownextkey = ''; break; case "3": this.model.cfagit.basflg = ''; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = 'X'; break; case "5": this.model.cfagit.vrfflg = 'X'; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = 'X'; break; default: this.model.cfagit.basflg = ''; this.model.cfagit.vrfflg = ''; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ''; if (this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas != null) { if (this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.actiontype = "A"; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guaranamount = this.model.swiadd.newamt; } } this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "A"; // this.model.cfagit.ownextkey = ''; } }, defaultChangeCfaflg() { if(this.isInDisplay){ return; } if(this.model.gidgrp.rec.fingua == "Y") { if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl == null || this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl.length == 0) { var a = [{ exguarancode: "", actiontype: "", wabachandate: "", basere: "", remark: "", actiondesc: "", acp: "", }]; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl = a; } //直开日期逻辑 if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.purpos == 'ISSU') { //修改新业务逻辑 if(this.model.swiadd.ameamt > 0) { if( != null && != '') { = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; } } else if(this.model.swiadd.ameamt == 0) { if( != null && != '') { if(this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.benchange == '1') { if(this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat == "" || this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat == null)) { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat < this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat){ this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } else { = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } } else { if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.exptyp != "" && this.model.swiadd.exptyp != "FIXD" && (this.model.swiadd.newexpdat == null || this.model.swiadd.newexpdat == "")) { = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat > this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat){ = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } else { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } } } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; if(this.model.cfagit.benchange == '1') { if(this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat == "" || this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat == null)) { this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat < this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat){ this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } else { this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; } } else { if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.exptyp != "" && this.model.swiadd.exptyp != "FIXD" && (this.model.swiadd.newexpdat == null || this.model.swiadd.newexpdat == "")) { this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat > this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat){ this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; } else { this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } } } } else if(this.model.swiadd.ameamt < 0) { if( != null && != '') { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } } else { if( != null && != '') { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; } } } //反担保和反反担保日期对比逻辑 else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.purpos == 'ISCO' || this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.purpos == 'ICCO') { if(this.model.swiadd.ameamt > 0) { if( != null && != '') { = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; } } else if(this.model.swiadd.ameamt == 0) { if( != null && != '') { if(this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.becchange == '1') { if(this.model.swiadd.newliadat != "" && (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat == "" || this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat == null)) { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat < this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat){ this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } else { = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } } else { if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.liatypc != "" && this.model.swiadd.liatypc != "FIXD" && (this.model.swiadd.newliadat == null || this.model.swiadd.newliadat == "")) { = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat > this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat){ = "2"; this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "1"; } else { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } } } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; if(this.model.cfagit.becchange == '1') { if(this.model.swiadd.newliadat != "" && (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat == "" || this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat == null)) { this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat < this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat){ this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } else { this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; } } else { if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.liatypc != "" && this.model.swiadd.liatypc != "FIXD" && (this.model.swiadd.newliadat == null || this.model.swiadd.newliadat == "")) { this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; } else if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newliadat > this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat){ this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = "M"; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "2"; this.model.cfagit.basflg = "X"; } else { this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } } } } else if(this.model.swiadd.ameamt < 0) { if( != null && != '') { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; } } else { if( != null && != '') { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.rmbflg = "2"; } if(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != null && this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.exguarancode != '') { this.model.cfagit.cfaflg = "4"; this.model.cfagit.basflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.dclflg = ""; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = ""; } } } } }, exptxtChange() { //赋值给model.gidgrp.blk.exptxt // if (this.model.swiadd.exptxt != '') { // this.model.gidgrp.blk.exptxt = this.model.swiadd.exptxt; // } else { // this.model.gidgrp.blk.exptxt = this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.exptxt; // } }, queryCfap() { let trnName = this.root ? this.root.trnName : this.trnName; if (this.model.cfagit.cfaflg == '2') { const cfatyp = "M"; let cfap = this.buildCfap(this.model, trnName); if(cfap.recgrp.dcl == null || cfap.recgrp.dcl.length == 0) { var a = [{ exguarancode: "", actiontype: "", wabachandate: "", basere: "", remark: "", actiondesc: "", acp: "", }]; cfap.recgrp.dcl = a; }'/business/gid/cfaMapping', cfap).then(rtnmsg => { if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { // if( != null && != "") { // this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guaranamount =; // } if ( != null && != "") { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.bencountrycode =; } // if( != null) { // this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maturity =; // } if (this.model.swiadd.ameamt > 0) { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guaranamount = this.model.swiadd.newamt; } else { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.guaranamount =; } if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat > this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat) { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maturity = this.model.swiadd.newexpdat; } else if (this.model.swiadd.newexpdat == "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpflg == "X") { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maturity = moment(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.contractdate).add(20, "years").format("YYYY-MM-DD"); } else if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat == "" && this.model.swiadd.newexpdat != "") { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.maturity = this.model.swiadd.newexpdat; } this.model.cfagit.cfatyp = cfatyp; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.actiontype = "C"; this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.acp = "X"; if (this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0] != null) { Utils.copyValueFromVoData(this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0],[0]); } this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].actiontype = "A"; if (this.model.swiadd.ameamt > 0) { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = "X"; } else { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.dcl[0].acp = ""; } } }); } }, changeExptyp() { this.root.$refs.modelForm.clearValidate('swiadd.newexpdat') if (this.model.swiadd.exptyp == "") { this.model.swiadd.newexpdat = ""; this.model.swiadd.exptxt = ""; this.model.swiadd.newexpflg = ""; } if (this.model.swiadd.exptyp == 'FIXD') { this.model.swiadd.exptxt = ""; this.model.swiadd.newexpflg = ""; } if (this.model.swiadd.exptyp == "OPEN") { this.model.swiadd.newexpdat = ""; this.model.swiadd.exptxt = ""; this.model.swiadd.newexpflg = "X"; } if(this.model.swiadd.exptyp == 'COND') { this.model.swiadd.newexpdat = ""; this.model.swiadd.newexpflg = "X"; } //赋值给model.gidgrp.rec.exptyp // if (this.model.swiadd.exptyp != '') { // this.model.gidgrp.rec.exptyp = this.model.swiadd.exptyp; // } else { // this.model.gidgrp.rec.exptyp = this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.exptyp; // } this.defaultChangeCfaflg(); }, changeLiatypc() { this.root.$refs.modelForm.clearValidate('swiadd.newliadat') if (this.model.swiadd.liatypc == 'FIXD') { this.model.swiadd.liatxtc = ""; this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = ""; } if (this.model.swiadd.liatypc == "OPEN") { this.model.swiadd.newliadat = ""; this.model.swiadd.liatxtc = ""; this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = "X"; } if (this.model.swiadd.liatypc == "COND") { this.model.swiadd.newliadat = ""; this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = "X"; } if (this.model.swiadd.liatypc == "") { this.model.swiadd.newliadat = ""; this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = ""; this.model.swiadd.liatxtc = ""; } this.defaultChangeCfaflg(); //赋值给model.gidgrp.rec.liatypc // if (this.model.swiadd.liatypc != '') { // this.model.gidgrp.rec.liatypc = this.model.swiadd.liatypc; // } else { // this.model.gidgrp.rec.liatypc = this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liatypc; // } }, newliadatChange() { if(this.model.swiadd.liatypc=="COND"){ if(this.model.swiadd.newliadat==null || this.model.swiadd.newliadat==""){ this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = "X" }else{ this.model.swiadd.newliaflg = "" } } this.defaultChangeCfaflg(); }, liatxtcChange() { //赋值给model.gidgrp.blk.liatxtc // if (this.model.swiadd.liatxtc != '') { // this.model.gidgrp.blk.liatxtc = this.model.swiadd.liatxtc; // } else { // this.model.gidgrp.blk.liatxtc = this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.liatxtc; // } }, handleChangeLiaflg() { this.model.swiadd.newliadat = ''; this.defaultChangeCfaflg(); }, changeAmemsgdonglg() { if (this.model.swiadd.amemsgdonflg == '') { this.model.gitamep.ramrol = '' } }, copyValueToCountrycod (val) { if (this.model.cfagit) { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.bencountrycode = val; if (this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.modifySet) { if (!this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.modifySet.includes("bencountrycode")) { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.modifySet.push("bencountrycode"); } } else { this.model.cfagit.recgrp.bas.modifySet = ["bencountrycode"]; } } if (this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122) { = val; } }, handleChangeCtr() { if (this.model.gitp.ctrflg == "") { let pts = new Pts().data; Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model.gidgrp.ctr.pts, pts); } }, changeGartypc() { let _this = this if (_this.model.gidgrp.rec.gartyp == "1") { _this.model.gidgrp.rec.gtxinrc = "<NILTXT>"; } else { _this.model.gidgrp.rec.gtxinrc = ""; } _this.handleChangeGartypc(); }, handleChangeIssc() { if (this.model.gidgrp.iss && this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts && this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts.extkey) { Utils.copyValueFromVoData(this.model.gidgrp.bec, this.model.gidgrp.iss); } }, handleChangeDeltoc() { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.deltoc == 'BENE') { this.model.gidgrp.blk.deltoadrc = this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.nam + '\n' + this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk } if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.deltoc == 'OTHR') { this.model.gidgrp.blk.deltoadrc = "" } }, changeApprulc() { if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprulc != 'OTHR') { this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprultxtc = ''; } }, // preInput 原ovwp1面板 changePurposin() { this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos = ""; this.model.gidgrp.rec.legfrm = ''; if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.purposin === "ISCO") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos = "ISSU"; this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp = "OT" } if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.purposin === "ICCO") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos = "ISCO"; this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp = "OT" } }, changeInc760() { if (this.model.gitp.inc760 !== "X") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.purposin = ""; this.model.swiadd.purposamein = ''; this.changePurposin() } }, changeSwiaddaddAmeamt() { let addameamt = this.model.swiadd.addameamt ? this.model.swiadd.addameamt : 0 let oldMax2Amt = ? : 0 this.model.swiadd.addnewamt = Number(oldMax2Amt) + Number(addameamt) = this.model.swiadd.addnewamt = this.model.swiadd.addamecur if (this.model.swiadd.addamtflg != "" && this.model.swiadd.addnewamt != 0) { this.model.swiadd.addamtcovs20 = this.model.swiadd.addcur + this.model.swiadd.addnewamt; this.model.gidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20 =this.model.swiadd.addamtcovs20; } }, apprulChange(val){ if(val !== 'OTHR'){ this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprultxt = '' } this.seqBSynToSeqB(); }, // model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 changeJurlaws20() { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 === "GB") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw = "GB" } else if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 === "CN") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw = "CN" } else if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 === "HK") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw = "HK" } else if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 === "") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw = "" } this.seqBSynToSeqB(); }, changeOpndat(){ this.model.gidgrp.rec.orddat = this.model.gidgrp.rec.opndat }, // 获取地区机构号 async getOwnExtkeyCondition1() { let body = {ownExtKey: ""}; if(this.model.cfagit.ownextkey) { body.ownExtKey = this.model.cfagit.ownextkey; } let res = await'/business/bch/getBranchListByownExtKey', body); if (res.respCode === SUCCESS) { this.ownExtkeyList =; } }, handleChangeLiadat () { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.liatypc == "COND") { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.liadat == null || this.model.gidgrp.rec.liadat == "") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.liaflg = "X" } else { this.model.gidgrp.rec.liaflg = "" } } }, handleChangeExpdat () { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.exptyp == "COND") { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.expdat == null || this.model.gidgrp.rec.expdat == "") { this.model.gidgrp.rec.expflg = "X" } else { this.model.gidgrp.rec.expflg = "" } } }, handleChangeBen () { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp == 'OT') { this.model.gidgrp.rec.ownref = ""; } this.defaultGidgrpRecSndtoN950(); if (this.model.gitamep.plateflg === 'X') { this.model.swiadd.amestatxt = this.model.swiadd.ameblk this.rulePlateflgN1000() } this.changeBenCfaRmbflg(); }, defaultGidgrpRecSndtoN950 () { if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos === 'ISCO' || this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos === 'ICCO') { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model.gidgrp.apc, this.model.gidgrp.apl); this.model.gidgrp.apc.pts.rol = "APC"; } if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos === 'ISCO') { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model.gidgrp.iss, this.model.gidgrp.ben); this.model.gidgrp.apc.pts.rol = "APC"; this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts.rol = "ISS"; } if (this.model.gidgrp.ben && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.ennam && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.enadr) { this.model.gidgrp.benadrlin = this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.ennam.replace(/[\n]/g, ",") + "," + this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.enadr.replace(/[\n]/g, ","); } this.handleSndto(); }, handleSndto () { if (this.model.gidgrp.atb && this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts && this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.extkey) { this.model.gidgrp.rec.sndto = "ATB"; } else if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos === "ISCO" || this.model.gidgrp.rec.purpos === "ICCO") { if (this.model.gidgrp.ben && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.extkey) { this.model.gidgrp.rec.sndto = "BEN"; } else if (this.model.gidgrp.iss && this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts && this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts.extkey) { this.model.gidgrp.rec.sndto = "ISS"; } else { this.model.gidgrp.rec.sndto = ""; } } else { this.model.gidgrp.rec.sndto = ""; } }, changeAtxinr (e) { if (e === undefined || this.isInDisplay) { return } this.model.gidgrp.blk.gidtxt = ""; if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.modifySet) { this.model.gidgrp.blk.modifySet = this.model.gidgrp.blk.modifySet.filter(key => key != 'gidtxt') } for (let item of this.model.atxinrList) { if (e === item.value) { this.model.gidgrp.blk.gtxgidtxt = item.atxtxt; this.model.gidgrp.blk.gidtxt = item.atxtxt; // 备份字段 this.$set(, 'gtxgidtxtMark', item.atxtxt) } } this.getConfigData(this.model.gidgrp.rec.atxinr).then(() => { if (!this.isInDisplay) { this.root.templateToText('gidtxtp') } }) }, changeBenCfaRmbflg() { //直开保函变更受益人控制报送 if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.purpos == 'ISSU') { if(this.model.gidgrp.rec.fingua == "Y") { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.benchange = "1"; //直开非融资类 修改受益人申报 let cfaguatype = this.model.gidgrp.rec.cfaguatyp; if(cfaguatype.slice(0,2) == '12') { this.model.cfagit.benchange = "1"; } } } this.defaultChangeCfaflg(); }, changeBecCfaRmbflg() { //反担保和反反担保保函变更受益人控制报送 if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.purpos == 'ISCO' || this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.purpos == 'ICCO') { if(this.model.gidgrp.rec.fingua == "Y") { this.model.rmbbop.rmb2122.becchange = "1"; this.model.cfagit.becchange = "1"; } } this.defaultChangeCfaflg(); }, }, }