import Pub from "~/components/business/commonModel/index.js"; import Ltdgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/ltdgrp"; import Ledgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/ledgrp"; import Rmbclm from '~/components/business/commonModel/rmbclm'; import Lttp from '~/components/business/commonModel/lttp'; export default class Lttame { constructor() { = { ltdgrp: new Ltdgrp().data, lttamep: { lcrgodamep: { modflg: "", modmanflg: "", lcrgod: "",//原本应该是usrblk,但是组件写的是lcrgod,该字段只是在前端使用 }, spcrcbamep: { usrblk: "", modflg: "", modmanflg: "", spcrcb: "" }, spcbenamep: { usrblk: "", modflg: "", modmanflg: "", spcben: "", }, lcrdocamep: { usrblk: "", modflg: "", modmanflg: "", lcrdoc: "", }, adlcndamep: { usrblk: "", modflg: "", modmanflg: "", adlcnd: "", }, amenbr: "", // Current Amendm. No. .lttamep.amenbr engamt: "", // Total Amendment .lttamep.engamt maxamt: "", // New Maximum Amount .lttamep.maxamt ramrol: "", // Send Request to .lttamep.ramrol benconflg: "", // Beneficiary's Confirmation Required .lttamep.benconflg }, swiadd: { amedat: '', // Amendment Date .trnmod.swiadd.amedat amenbr: '0', // Amend. No Received .trnmod.swiadd.amenbr amestatxt: "", amecur: '', // Amended .trnmod.swiadd.amecur ameamt: 0, // Amended .trnmod.swiadd.ameamt newcur: '', // New Data .trnmod.swiadd.newcur newamt: 0, // New Data .trnmod.swiadd.newamt newnomtop: '', // New positive tolerance .trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop newnomton: '', // New negative tolerance .trnmod.swiadd.newnomton nomspc: '', // Amount Specification .trnmod.swiadd.nomspc newexpdat: '', // New Expiry Date .trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat newshpdat: '', // New Shipment Date .trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat shpper: '', // Shipment Period .trnmod.swiadd.shpper shpfro: '', // Dispatch from .trnmod.swiadd.shpfro porloa: '', // Air-/Port of Loading .trnmod.swiadd.porloa pordis: '', // Air-/Port of Discharge .trnmod.swiadd.pordis purpos: '', // Purpose of message trnmod.swiadd.purpos shpto: '', // Final Destination .trnmod.swiadd.shpto addamtcov: '', // Amounts Covered .trnmod.swiadd.addamtcov addamt: '', // Amounts Covered .trnmod.swiadd.addamt addamecur: '', addameamt: '', addnewcur: '', addnewamt: '', insbnk: '', // Instruction to P/A/N Bank amendment .trnmod.swiadd.insbnk nartxt: '', newnomtopame: '', newnomtoname: '', prepers18: '', //New Presentation Period prepertxts18: '', //交单期限描述 .trnmod.swiadd.prepertxts18 strinf: '', // Narrative of Maturity .trnmod.swiadd.strinf trnchato: '', //费用承担人修改Amendm.charge by .trnmod.swiadd.trnchato newmatpercnt: '', // New Tenor Data .trnmod.swiadd.newmatpercnt newmatpertyp: '', // Days/Month or Year for Maturity Period .trnmod.swiadd.newmatpertyp newmatperbeg: '', // Start of Maturity Period .trnmod.swiadd.newmatperbeg newmatdat: '', // New Maturity Date .trnmod.swiadd.newmatdat ametxt: '', // Further Amendments .trnmod.swiadd.ametxt shptoelc: '', // 货物目的地/交货地(港) .trnmod.swiadd.shptoelc shpfroelc: '', // Shipment from .trnmod.swiadd.shpfroelc //nartxtflg: "", // Narrative modified .trnmod.swiadd.nartxtflg lcrgod: '', // Description of Goods amendment .trnmod.swiadd.lcrgod lcrdoc: '', // Documents Required amendment .trnmod.swiadd.lcrdoc //adlcnd: "", // Additional Conditions amendment .trnmod.swiadd.adlcnd purposamein: '', // Inc. Purpose of amend. .trnmod.swiadd.purposamein purposame: '', // Purpose of amend. .trnmod.swiadd.purposame orddat: '', // Order from .trnmod.swiadd.orddat ameblk: '', // Text for Amendments .trnmod.swiadd.ameblk reqcan: '', // Cancellation Request .trnmod.swiadd.reqcan amemsgdonflg: '', // Create Amendment Message .trnmod.swiadd.amemsgdonflg addamtflg: '', // Add. Amount Flag .trnmod.swiadd.addamtflg addcur: '', // Additional Currency .trnmod.swiadd.addcur addamtcovs20: '', // Additional Amount Covered .trnmod.swiadd.addamtcovs20 redrea: '', // Reason for Reduce / Discharge .trnmod.swiadd.redrea exptyp: '', // New Expiry Type .trnmod.swiadd.exptyp exptxt: '', // New Expiry Condition .trnmod.swiadd.exptxt liatypc: '', // New Liability Type .trnmod.swiadd.liatypc newliadat: '', // New Liability Date .trnmod.swiadd.newliadat liatxtc: '', // New Liability Condition .trnmod.swiadd.liatxtc newdtaappexpdat: '', // New appr. Expiry Date .trnmod.swiadd.newdtaappexpdat ameblkc: '', // Text for Amendments .trnmod.swiadd.ameblkc amecurc: '', // Amended Amount .trnmod.swiadd.amecurc ameamtc: '', // Increase of Local Guarantee Amount .trnmod.swiadd.ameamtc newcurc: '', // Local Undertaking .trnmod.swiadd.newcurc newamtc: '', // New Amount Local Guarantee .trnmod.swiadd.newamtc addamtflgc: '', // Additional Amount Flag Seq. C .trnmod.swiadd.addamtflgc addcurc: '', // Additional Currency Seq. C .trnmod.swiadd.addcurc addamtc: '', // Additional Amount Seq. C .trnmod.swiadd.addamtc addamtcovc: '', // Add. Amount Covered .trnmod.swiadd.addamtcovc newexpflg: '', // Unlimited Validity .trnmod.swiadd.newexpflg newliaflg: '', // Unlimited Liability .trnmod.swiadd.newliaflg chaamt: '', // charges amount .trnmod.swiadd.chaamt chacur: '', //Amount of Charges .trnmod.swiadd.chacur tracur: '', traamt: '', strinfs20: '', expplc: '',//ltdgrp.rec.expplc(New Expiry Place) shppars18: '',//ltdgrp.rec.shppars18(New Partial Shipment) shptrss18: '',//ltdgrp.rec.shptrss18(New Transhipment) apprul: '',//ltdgrp.rec.apprul(New Applicable Rules) apprultxt: '',//ltdgrp.rec.apprultxt(New Other Applicable Rules) cnfins: '',//ltdgrp.rec.cnfins(New Confirm. Instructions) stacty: '',//ltdgrp.rec.stacty(New Country Code) lcrtyp: '',//ltdgrp.rec.lcrtyp trnfeetxt: '', }, oldltdgrp: new Ltdgrp().data, lttp: new Lttp().data, ledgrp: new Ledgrp().data, rmbclm: new Rmbclm().data, godAddDelRep: "", docAddDelRep: "", adcAddDelRep: "", benAddDelRep: "", bnkAddDelRep: "", setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod, mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut, trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod, liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall, liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv, docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan, doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre, umdmod: new Pub().data.Umdmod, trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia, rmbbop: new Pub().data.Rmbbop, cfagit: new Pub().data.Cfagit, ypnmod: new Pub().data.Ypnmod, entmod: new Pub().data.Entmod, pageId: "", // ctx的key }; } }