Commit efa26aae by huangshunlin

资金模块补充缺少的 module: 'funds'

parent f4c04215
......@@ -2058,27 +2058,27 @@ const DisplayRouter = [
name: "DisplayFttfcm",
path: "fttfcm",
component: () => import("./Funds/DisplayFttfcm.vue"),
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-资金拆借"}
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-资金拆借", module: 'funds'}
name: "DisplayFttpcm",
path: "fttpcm",
component: () => import("./Funds/DisplayFttpcm.vue"),
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-头寸调拨"}
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-头寸调拨", module: 'funds'}
name: "DisplayFxtssb",
path: "fxtssb",
component: () => import("./Funds/DisplayFxtssb.vue"),
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-即期结汇"}
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-即期结汇", module: 'funds'}
name: "DisplayFxtsss",
path: "fxtsss",
component: () => import("./Funds/DisplayFxtsss.vue"),
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-即期售汇"}
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "交易快照-即期售汇", module: 'funds'}
......@@ -2189,13 +2189,13 @@ const ReviewRouter = [
name: "review-fxtssb",
path: "review-fxtssb",
component: () => import("./Funds/ReviewFxtssb.vue"),
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "复核-即期结汇"}
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "复核-即期结汇", module: 'funds'}
name: "review-fxtsss",
path: "review-fxtsss",
component: () => import("./Funds/ReviewFxtsss.vue"),
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "复核-即期结汇"}
meta: {keepAlive: true, title: "复核-即期结汇", module: 'funds'}
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