Commit aae9323a by Mr.xu


parent 9dba0634
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'fxtatt', component: () => import("./Fxtatt/views"), name: 'Fxtatt', meta: { title: 'Fxtatt' }, module: 'Funds' },
{ path: 'fxteop', component: () => import("./Fxteop/views"), name: 'Fxteop', meta: { title: '代客外汇买卖录入' }, module: 'Funds' },
{ path: 'fxteqo', component: () => import("./Fxteqo/views"), name: 'Fxteqo', meta: { title: '代客外汇买卖报价' }, module: 'Funds' },
{ path: 'fxtfcm', component: () => import("./Fxtfcm/views"), name: 'Fxtfcm', meta: { title: '外币兑换平盘登记' }, module: 'Funds' },
{ path: 'fxtfcm', component: () => import("./Fxtfcm/views"), name: 'Fxtfcm', meta: { title: '外币兑换平盘确认' }, module: 'Funds' },
{ path: 'fxtfcn', component: () => import("./Fxtfcn/views"), name: 'Fxtfcn', meta: { title: '外币兑换平盘销账' }, module: 'Funds' },
{ path: 'infcrd', component: () => import("./Infcrd/views"), name: 'Infcrd', meta: { title: '清算入口交易' }, module: 'Funds' },
import Utils from "~/utils";
export default {
methods: {
buildPtspta(ptsptaObj) {
let pts = ptsptaObj.pts;
return {
rol: pts.rol,
name: pts.nam,
ptyinr: pts.ptyinr,
ptainr: pts.ptainr,
extkey: pts.extkey,
dftdsp: pts.dftdsp,
dftcur: pts.dftcur,
dftact: pts.dftact,
dftfeecur: pts.dftfeecur,
dftactptainr: pts.dftactptainr,
glggrpflg: pts.glggrpflg,
adrblk: pts.adrblk,
buildCommonData(model, trnName) {
let ptsptaList = Utils.formatPtspta(model.fxtp.fxdgrp, this.buildPtspta);
return {
rec: {
objtyp: "FXT",
objinr: model.fxtp.fxdgrp.rec.inr,
ownref: model.fxtp.fxdgrp.rec.ownref,
cbsMap: {
ptsList: ptsptaList,
transName: trnName,
userId: window.sessionStorage.userId ? window.sessionStorage.userId : "ZL",
import commonFunctions from '~/mixin/commonFunctions.js';
import Api from '~/service/Api';
export default {
mixins: [commonFunctions],
methods: {
async getOwnref() {
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="eContainer">
<el-form :model="model" :rules="rules" ref="modelForm" label-width="150px" label-position="right" size="small" :validate-on-rule-change="false">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card" @tab-click="myTabClick">
<!--fxtfcm PD000001 Confirmation -->
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('fxtfcm.PD000001')" name="cnfp">
<el-tab-pane label="概要" name="cnfp">
<m-cnfp :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<!--fxtfcm PD000023 MT300 -->
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('fxtfcm.PD000023')" name="mt300">
<el-tab-pane label="MT300" name="mt300">
<m-mt300 :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
<!--fxtfcm PD000065 MT300 -->
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('fxtfcm.PD000065')" name="fxt300l1">
<el-tab-pane label="fxt300l1" name="fxt300l1">
<m-fxt300l1 :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
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