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import Pub from "~/components/business/commonModel/index.js";
import Ltdgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/ltdgrp";
import Ledgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/ledgrp";
import Rmbclm from '~/components/business/commonModel/rmbclm';
import Lttp from '~/components/business/commonModel/lttp';

export default class Lttame {
  constructor() { = {
      ltdgrp: new Ltdgrp().data,
      lttamep: {
        lcrgodamep: {
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          lcrgod: "",//原本应该是usrblk,但是组件写的是lcrgod,该字段只是在前端使用
        spcrcbamep: {
          usrblk: "",
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          spcrcb: ""
        spcbenamep: {
          usrblk: "",
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          spcben: "",
        lcrdocamep: {
          usrblk: "",
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          lcrdoc: "",
        adlcndamep: {
          usrblk: "",
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          adlcnd: "",
        amenbr: "", //  Current Amendm. No.		.lttamep.amenbr
        engamt: "", //  Total Amendment		.lttamep.engamt
        maxamt: "", //  New Maximum Amount		.lttamep.maxamt
        ramrol: "", //  Send Request to		.lttamep.ramrol
        benconflg: "", //  Beneficiary's Confirmation Required		.lttamep.benconflg
      swiadd: {
        amedat: '', //  Amendment Date		.trnmod.swiadd.amedat
        amenbr: '0', //  Amend. No Received		.trnmod.swiadd.amenbr
        amestatxt: "",
        amecur: '', //  Amended		.trnmod.swiadd.amecur
        ameamt: 0, //  Amended		.trnmod.swiadd.ameamt
        newcur: '', //  New Data		.trnmod.swiadd.newcur
        newamt: 0, //  New Data		.trnmod.swiadd.newamt
        newnomtop: '', //  New positive tolerance		.trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop
        newnomton: '', //  New negative tolerance		.trnmod.swiadd.newnomton
        nomspc: '', //  Amount Specification		.trnmod.swiadd.nomspc
        newexpdat: '', //  New Expiry Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat
        newshpdat: '', //  New Shipment Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat
        shpper: '', //  Shipment Period		.trnmod.swiadd.shpper
        shpfro: '', //  Dispatch from		.trnmod.swiadd.shpfro
        porloa: '', //  Air-/Port of Loading		.trnmod.swiadd.porloa
        pordis: '', //  Air-/Port of Discharge		.trnmod.swiadd.pordis
        purpos: '', //   Purpose of message           trnmod.swiadd.purpos
        shpto: '', //  Final Destination		.trnmod.swiadd.shpto
        addamtcov: '', //  Amounts Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcov
        addamt: '', //  Amounts Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamt
        addamecur: '',
        addameamt: '',
        addnewcur: '',
        addnewamt: '',
        insbnk: '', //  Instruction to P/A/N Bank amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.insbnk
        nartxt: '',
        newnomtopame: '',
        newnomtoname: '',
        prepers18: '', //New Presentation Period
        prepertxts18: '', //交单期限描述 .trnmod.swiadd.prepertxts18
        strinf: '', //  Narrative of Maturity		.trnmod.swiadd.strinf
        trnchato: '', //费用承担人修改Amendm.charge by   .trnmod.swiadd.trnchato
        newmatpercnt: '', //  New Tenor Data		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatpercnt
        newmatpertyp: '', //  Days/Month or Year for Maturity Period		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatpertyp
        newmatperbeg: '', //  Start of Maturity Period		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatperbeg
        newmatdat: '', //  New Maturity Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatdat
        ametxt: '', //  Further Amendments		.trnmod.swiadd.ametxt
        shptoelc: '', //  货物目的地/交货地(港)		.trnmod.swiadd.shptoelc
        shpfroelc: '', //  Shipment from		.trnmod.swiadd.shpfroelc
        //nartxtflg: "",			//  Narrative modified		.trnmod.swiadd.nartxtflg
        lcrgod: '', //  Description of Goods amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.lcrgod
        lcrdoc: '', //  Documents Required amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.lcrdoc
        //adlcnd: "",			//  Additional Conditions amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.adlcnd
        purposamein: '', //  Inc. Purpose of amend.		.trnmod.swiadd.purposamein
        purposame: '', //  Purpose of amend.		.trnmod.swiadd.purposame
        orddat: '', //  Order from		.trnmod.swiadd.orddat
        ameblk: '', //  Text for Amendments		.trnmod.swiadd.ameblk
        reqcan: '', //  Cancellation Request		.trnmod.swiadd.reqcan
        amemsgdonflg: '', //  Create Amendment Message		.trnmod.swiadd.amemsgdonflg
        addamtflg: '', //  Add. Amount Flag		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtflg
        addcur: '', //  Additional Currency		.trnmod.swiadd.addcur
        addamtcovs20: '', //  Additional Amount Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcovs20
        redrea: '', //  Reason for Reduce / Discharge		.trnmod.swiadd.redrea
        exptyp: '', //  New Expiry Type 		.trnmod.swiadd.exptyp
        exptxt: '', //  New Expiry Condition		.trnmod.swiadd.exptxt
        liatypc: '', //  New Liability Type 		.trnmod.swiadd.liatypc
        newliadat: '', //  New Liability Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newliadat
        liatxtc: '', //  New Liability Condition		.trnmod.swiadd.liatxtc
        newdtaappexpdat: '', //  New appr. Expiry Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newdtaappexpdat
        ameblkc: '', //  Text for Amendments		.trnmod.swiadd.ameblkc
        amecurc: '', //  Amended Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.amecurc
        ameamtc: '', //  Increase of Local Guarantee Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.ameamtc
        newcurc: '', //  Local Undertaking		.trnmod.swiadd.newcurc
        newamtc: '', //  New Amount Local Guarantee		.trnmod.swiadd.newamtc
        addamtflgc: '', //  Additional Amount Flag Seq. C		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtflgc
        addcurc: '', //  Additional Currency Seq. C		.trnmod.swiadd.addcurc
        addamtc: '', //  Additional Amount Seq. C		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtc
        addamtcovc: '', //  Add. Amount Covered 		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcovc
        newexpflg: '', //  Unlimited Validity		.trnmod.swiadd.newexpflg
        newliaflg: '', //  Unlimited Liability		.trnmod.swiadd.newliaflg
        chaamt: '', //  charges amount          .trnmod.swiadd.chaamt
        chacur: '', //Amount of Charges         .trnmod.swiadd.chacur
        tracur: '',
        traamt: '',
        strinfs20: '',
        expplc: '',//ltdgrp.rec.expplc(New Expiry Place)
        shppars18: '',//ltdgrp.rec.shppars18(New Partial Shipment)
        shptrss18: '',//ltdgrp.rec.shptrss18(New Transhipment)
        apprul: '',//ltdgrp.rec.apprul(New Applicable Rules)
        apprultxt: '',//ltdgrp.rec.apprultxt(New Other Applicable Rules)
        cnfins: '',//ltdgrp.rec.cnfins(New Confirm. Instructions)
        stacty: '',//ltdgrp.rec.stacty(New Country Code)
        lcrtyp: '',//ltdgrp.rec.lcrtyp
        trnfeetxt: '',
      oldltdgrp: new Ltdgrp().data,
      lttp: new Lttp().data,
      ledgrp: new Ledgrp().data,
      rmbclm: new Rmbclm().data,

      godAddDelRep: "",
      docAddDelRep: "",
      adcAddDelRep: "",
      benAddDelRep: "",
      bnkAddDelRep: "",

      setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
      mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
      trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
      liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
      liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
      docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
      doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre,
      umdmod: new Pub().data.Umdmod,
      trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,
      rmbbop: new Pub().data.Rmbbop,
      cfagit: new Pub().data.Cfagit,
      ypnmod: new Pub().data.Ypnmod,
      entmod: new Pub().data.Entmod,
      pageId: "", // ctx的key