import os, copy from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredFileLoader, TextLoader, CSVLoader, UnstructuredPDFLoader, \ UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader, PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader from .config import SENTENCE_SIZE, ZH_TITLE_ENHANCE from .chinese_text_splitter import ChineseTextSplitter from .zh_title_enhance import zh_title_enhance from langchain.schema import Document from typing import List from src.loader.callback import BaseCallback import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def load(filepath, mode: str = None, sentence_size: int = 0, metadata=None, callbacks=None, **kwargs): r""" 加载文档,参数说明 mode:文档切割方式,"single", "elements", "paged" sentence_size:对于较大的document再次切割成多个 kwargs """ if filepath.lower().endswith(".md"): loader = UnstructuredFileLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".txt"): loader = TextLoader(filepath, autodetect_encoding=True, **kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".csv"): loader = CSVLoader(filepath, **kwargs) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".pdf"): # loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements",**kwargs) # 使用自定义pdf loader return __pdf_loader(filepath, sentence_size=sentence_size, metadata=metadata, callbacks=callbacks) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".docx") or filepath.lower().endswith(".doc"): loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) else: loader = UnstructuredFileLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) if sentence_size > 0: return split(loader.load(), sentence_size) return loader.load() def loads_path(path: str, **kwargs): return loads(get_files_in_directory(path), **kwargs) def loads(filepaths, **kwargs): default_kwargs = {"mode": "paged"} default_kwargs.update(**kwargs) documents = [load(filepath=file, **default_kwargs) for file in filepaths] return [item for sublist in documents for item in sublist] def append(documents=None, sentence_size: int = SENTENCE_SIZE): # 保留文档结构信息,注意处理hash if documents is None: documents = [] effect_documents = [] last_doc = documents[0] for doc in documents[1:]: last_hash = "" if "next_hash" not in last_doc.metadata else last_doc.metadata["next_hash"] doc_hash = "" if "next_hash" not in doc.metadata else doc.metadata["next_hash"] if len(last_doc.page_content) + len(doc.page_content) <= sentence_size and last_hash == doc_hash: last_doc.page_content = last_doc.page_content + doc.page_content continue else: effect_documents.append(last_doc) last_doc = doc effect_documents.append(last_doc) return effect_documents def split(documents=None, sentence_size: int = SENTENCE_SIZE): # 保留文档结构信息,注意处理hash if documents is None: documents = [] effect_documents = [] for doc in documents: if len(doc.page_content) > sentence_size: words_list = re.split(r'·-·', doc.page_content.replace("。", "。·-·").replace("\n", "\n·-·")) # 插入分隔符,分割 document = Document(page_content="", metadata=copy.deepcopy(doc.metadata)) first = True for word in words_list: if len(document.page_content) + len(word) < sentence_size: document.page_content += word else: if len(document.page_content.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")) > 0: if first: first = False else: effect_documents[-1].metadata["next_doc"] = document.page_content effect_documents.append(document) document = Document(page_content=word, metadata=copy.deepcopy(doc.metadata)) if len(document.page_content.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")) > 0: if first: pass else: effect_documents[-1].metadata["next_doc"] = document.page_content effect_documents.append(document) else: effect_documents.append(doc) return effect_documents def load_file(filepath, sentence_size=SENTENCE_SIZE, using_zh_title_enhance=ZH_TITLE_ENHANCE, mode: str = None, **kwargs): print("load_file", filepath) if filepath.lower().endswith(".md"): loader = UnstructuredFileLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) docs = loader.load() elif filepath.lower().endswith(".txt"): loader = TextLoader(filepath, autodetect_encoding=True, **kwargs) textsplitter = ChineseTextSplitter(pdf=False, sentence_size=sentence_size) docs = loader.load_and_split(textsplitter) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".csv"): loader = CSVLoader(filepath, **kwargs) docs = loader.load() elif filepath.lower().endswith(".pdf"): loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) textsplitter = ChineseTextSplitter(pdf=True, sentence_size=sentence_size) docs = loader.load_and_split(textsplitter) elif filepath.lower().endswith(".docx"): loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) textsplitter = ChineseTextSplitter(pdf=False, sentence_size=sentence_size) docs = loader.load_and_split(textsplitter) else: loader = UnstructuredFileLoader(filepath, mode=mode or "elements", **kwargs) textsplitter = ChineseTextSplitter(pdf=False, sentence_size=sentence_size) docs = loader.load_and_split(text_splitter=textsplitter) if using_zh_title_enhance: docs = zh_title_enhance(docs) write_check_file(filepath, docs) return docs def write_check_file(filepath, docs): folder_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), "tmp_files") if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.makedirs(folder_path) fp = os.path.join(folder_path, 'load_file.txt') with open(fp, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fout: fout.write("filepath=%s,len=%s" % (filepath, len(docs))) fout.write('\n') for i in docs: fout.write(str(i)) fout.write('\n') fout.close() def get_files_in_directory(directory): file_paths = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) file_paths.append(file_path) return file_paths # 自定义pdf load部分 def __checkV(strings: str): lines = len(strings.splitlines()) if lines > 3 and len(strings.replace(" ", "")) / lines < 15: return False return True def __isTitle(strings: str): return len(strings.splitlines()) == 1 and len(strings) > 0 and strings.endswith("\n") def __appendPara(strings: str): return strings.replace(".\n", "^_^").replace("。\n", "^-^").replace("?\n", "?^-^").replace("?\n", "?^-^").replace( "\n", "").replace("^_^", ".\n").replace("^-^", "。\n").replace("?^-^", "?\n").replace("?^-^", "?\n") def __check_fs_ff(line_ff_fs_s, fs, ff): # 若当前行有上一行一样的字体、字号文字,则返回相同的。默认返回最长文本的字体和字号 re_fs = line_ff_fs_s[-1][0][-1] re_ff = line_ff_fs_s[-1][1][-1] if line_ff_fs_s[-1][1] else None max_len = 0 for ff_fs in line_ff_fs_s: # 寻找最长文本字体和字号 c_max = max(list(map(int, ff_fs[0]))) if max_len < ff_fs[2] or (max_len == ff_fs[2] and c_max > int(re_fs)): max_len = ff_fs[2] re_fs = c_max re_ff = ff_fs[1][-1] if ff_fs[1] else None if fs: for ff_fs in line_ff_fs_s: if str(fs) in ff_fs[0] and ff in ff_fs[1]: re_fs = fs re_ff = ff break return int(re_fs), re_ff def append_document(snippets1: List[Document], title: str, content: str, callbacks, font_size, page_num, metadate, need_append: bool = False): if callbacks: for cb in callbacks: if isinstance(cb, BaseCallback): if cb.filter(title, content): return if need_append and len(snippets1) > 0: ps = snippets1.pop() snippets1.append(Document(page_content=ps.page_content + title, metadata=ps.metadata)) else: doc_metadata = {"font-size": font_size, "page_number": page_num} doc_metadata.update(metadate) snippets1.append(Document(page_content=title + content, metadata=doc_metadata)) ''' 提取pdf文档,按标题和内容进行分割,文档的页码按标题所在页码为准 分割后的文本按sentence_size值再次分割,分割的文本的页码均属于父文本的页码 ''' def __pdf_loader(filepath: str, sentence_size: int = 0, metadata=None, callbacks=None): if not filepath.lower().endswith(".pdf"): raise ValueError("file is not pdf document") loader = PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader(filepath) documents = loader.load() soup = BeautifulSoup(documents[0].page_content, 'html.parser') content = soup.find_all('div') cur_fs = None # 当前文本font-size last_fs = None # 上一段文本font-size cur_ff = None # 当前文本风格 cur_text = '' fs_increasing = False # 下一行字体变大,判断为标题,从此处分割 last_text = '' last_page_num = 1 # 上一页页码 根据page_split判断当前文本页码 page_num = 1 # 初始页码 page_change = False # 页面切换 page_split = False # 页面是否出现文本分割 last_is_title = False # 上一个文本是否是标题 snippets: List[Document] = [] filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if metadata: metadata.update({'source': filepath, 'filename': filename, 'filetype': 'application/pdf'}) else: metadata = {'source': filepath, 'filename': filename, 'filetype': 'application/pdf'} for c in content: divs = c.get('style') if re.match(r"^(Page|page)", c.text): # 检测当前页的页码 match = re.match(r"^(page|Page)\s+(\d+)", c.text) if match: if page_split: # 如果有文本分割,则换页,没有则保持当前文本起始页码 last_page_num = page_num page_num = if len(last_text) + len(cur_text) == 0: # 如果翻页且文本为空,上一页页码为当前页码 last_page_num = page_num page_change = True page_split = False continue if re.findall('writing-mode:(.*?);', divs) == ['False'] or re.match(r'^[0-9\s\n]+$', c.text) or re.match( r"^第\s+\d+\s+页$", c.text): # 如果不显示或者纯数字 continue if len(c.text.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "")) <= 1: # 去掉有效字符小于1的行 continue sps = c.find_all('span') if not sps: continue line_ff_fs_s = [] # 有效字符大于1的集合 line_ff_fs_s2 = [] # 有效字符为1的集合 for sp in sps: # 如果一行中有多个不同样式的 sp_len = len(sp.text.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "")) if sp_len > 0: st = sp.get('style') if st: ff_fs = (re.findall('font-size:(\d+)px', st), re.findall('font-family:(.*?);', st), len(sp.text.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", ""))) if sp_len == 1: # 过滤一个有效字符的span line_ff_fs_s2.append(ff_fs) else: line_ff_fs_s.append(ff_fs) if len(line_ff_fs_s) == 0: # 如果为空,则以一个有效字符span为准 if len(line_ff_fs_s2) > 0: line_ff_fs_s = line_ff_fs_s2 else: if len(c.text) > 0: page_change = False continue fs, ff = __check_fs_ff(line_ff_fs_s, cur_fs, cur_ff) if not cur_ff: cur_ff = ff if not cur_fs: cur_fs = fs if abs(fs - cur_fs) <= 1 and ff == cur_ff: # 风格和字体都没改变 cur_text += c.text cur_fs = fs page_change = False if len(cur_text.splitlines()) > 3: # 连续多行则fs_increasing不再生效 fs_increasing = False else: if page_change and cur_fs > fs + 1: # 翻页,(字体变小) 大概率是页眉,跳过c.text。-----有可能切掉一行文本 page_change = False continue if last_is_title: # 如果上一个为title if __isTitle(cur_text) or fs_increasing: # 连续多个title 或者 有变大标识的 last_text = last_text + cur_text last_is_title = True fs_increasing = False else: append_document(snippets, last_text, __appendPara(cur_text), callbacks, cur_fs, page_num if page_split else last_page_num, metadata) page_split = True last_text = '' last_is_title = False fs_increasing = int(fs) > int(cur_fs) # 字体变大 else: if len(last_text) > 0 and __checkV(last_text): # 过滤部分文本 # 将跨页的两段或者行数较少的文本合并 append_document(snippets, __appendPara(last_text), "", callbacks, last_fs, page_num if page_split else last_page_num, metadata, need_append=len(last_text.splitlines()) <= 2 or page_change) page_split = True last_text = cur_text last_is_title = __isTitle(last_text) or fs_increasing fs_increasing = int(fs) > int(cur_fs) if page_split: last_page_num = page_num last_fs = cur_fs cur_fs = fs cur_ff = ff cur_text = c.text page_change = False append_document(snippets, last_text, __appendPara(cur_text), callbacks, cur_fs, page_num if page_split else last_page_num, metadata) if sentence_size > 0: return split(snippets, sentence_size) return snippets